Regardless how old or new the awards, I always feel much joy when I receive them. They remind me that my blog is loved and appreciated by all my well-wishers. So no matter how late I am in posting out these lovely awards, I do hope my fellow Mariucans will forgive my tardiness.
Thank you very much to everyone who presented me with all these magnificent awards. Your support and love for Wishing on a Falling Star will continue to drive me to be a better blogger, friend and writer!
Lainy & Modern Mom for the Your Blog is Fab Award
Liza & Bing for the Marie Antoinette Award
Ken for the Friendship Badge
Liza & Bing for the Marie Antoinette Award
Ken for the Friendship Badge
Carnation for the Blog Love Award
Roxy, Polly & Ruby for the Noblesse Oblige Award
Monica, Life Ramblings, Jackie, Kim & Lily Ruth for the Lemonade Award
Roxy, Polly & Ruby for the Noblesse Oblige Award
Monica, Life Ramblings, Jackie, Kim & Lily Ruth for the Lemonade Award
Kriscell, Metz, Tim & Bing for the Triple Awards
Yoon See for the Best Blog Award
Kriscell & Life Ramblings for the Spread the Love Award
Yoon See for the Best Blog Award
Kriscell & Life Ramblings for the Spread the Love Award
Monica for the Spread the Blog Love Award
Courtney for the Butterfly Award
Anny for the Life is Grand Award
Courtney for the Butterfly Award
Anny for the Life is Grand Award
Mystique for the Honest Scrap Award
TH for the Propagating Friendship Award and the One Lovely Blog Award
TH for the Propagating Friendship Award and the One Lovely Blog Award
I am so pleased to present all the awards I received to everyone here who gave them to Wishing on a Falling Star. So if you see your name above highlighted in pink, please come by to accept them yeah? I would also like to honour my current Top 10 Mariucans with these awards and they are, starting from the top of the list...


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 294 Newer› Newest»:* :* :*
=-O =-O =-O
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( >:o >:o >:o >:o
:* :* :* congrats dearie...
You know I'm itching to join the night owl meeting but have to discipline myself because of my work and now got to sleep coz got to wake up early tomorrow...
Thanks for the awards Mariuca! :*
So.. ttyl night owls... and I'll see you later today or Sunday!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Makeover Number 13 *
Oh thanks for the awards dearie.. and congrats on receiving all of them.. You SOOOO deserved them!!
Recent blog post: MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
thanks LJ! omg so excited.. :-D some more my connection is very very slow now!
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Mon is fast! ;) Congrats Mon! :) :*
:* :* :*
He he Mon u are my FC here sweetie, long time oredi yeah? Congrats!! :* :* :*
LJ! Miss u woman! :'( :'( :-D :-D
no worries LJ; you can join the night owl meeting next week ;) :*
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Takpe LJ, tomo is a big day for u, must rest kay? Have fun with A and the superstars tomorrow! 8-) 8-) :* :* :-D
Recent blog post: January Top 10 Mariucans *
=-O =-O =-O
hahahahha.. mine is not too bad but like I say lots of work ni.. I got post
and post and post to!
i've missed FC here again!! :'( :'( :'(
congrates mon!
:'( :'( :* :* :-D :-D =-O =-X ;) Takpe, MM coming up for everyone to chop away ha ha!
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
hehhe.. missed you too GP!!!
I just got back ni.. trying to drop but my eyes are dropping already.. plus
early morning tomorrow!!
today is my lucky day...woo-hoo! :-P
You're welcome Mon and thanks to u too for the lovely awards u gave me here yay! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: All Smiles Again! *
yay!! thanks for the awrads, marzie!! great job on the post! sure u dig very hard for the award links! haha :)
Okay LJ, sweet dreams, wah tidur awal it seems LJ, better not become normal ppl yeah nanti ha ha!! 8-) 8-) :* :* :-D
Recent blog post: MM - We've Got Tonight *
and congrates on receiving them! :)
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
hahhahaha... wah weekly thing now is it?? lol!
haha LJ! here's a pat on the shoulder for u! greta job on disciplining yrself! All the best in yr event tomorow! :) :*
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
mon, same her lar! connection so so slow!! >:o
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
ok dearie..
Hope to see you there..heheh :)
It is ur lucky day Mon, wait ah... I put ur avatar shortly! :* :*
ok LJ! see you!! :*
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
hahahhha betul...
Eh I have not chosen a song lagi.. hehe
He he he fun what to have weekly noght owl meets, but for us it's nightly la huh? But not tonight la since u busy rehearsing he he he!!! :* :* :*
mana ada normal person.. ini tak sleepy yet but will force myself to sleep..
takut tomorrow sleepy... but see lah here I am yakking!
My connection is terrible!!! >:o >:o >:o
It's your lucky day Mon! :)
LJ, I tried to drop at GG many times but most Today blogs cannot see EC! I will try again later argh!!! >:o >:o >:o
=-O =-O =-O
heheh Jean...
thanks dearie..
I gerams only see all the comments.. but alas cannot reply coz I know if I
reply..inilah jadi!
Jean in tears always so cute! U missed it by a few mins only jean! :'( 8-) :-D *DONT_KNOW*
thanks Ane... :) I didn't realize it coz I kept refreshing the previous post! lol
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I agree, we miss you LJ! :)
Still around ni!
Jean, lucky this time I saved most of it in draft, so not much digging phew! ;) :) :-E :-P
thanks Jean! you're here tonight! :*
Thanks Jean and congrats to u too! :) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: January Top 10 Mariucans *
Mon was speedy gonzalez tonight LOL! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: January Top 10 Mariucans *
Yeah.. today blogs are always so slow to load on our sites.. sometimes to
write post also torture I tell you.. lucky they!
g'night LJ! Sweet dreams! :)
Tenkiu LJ, dah lama takde award post, interim mah he he! 8-) 8-) :-$ :-$ :-$ =-X =-O :-[
Recent blog post: Bigger Blog Bucks!
Hiya Ane
I missed you too sweetie.. here I am though for a while only eh.. :)
mine too! :(
ya I wanna talk abt that too! Today blog takes forever to load!!! >:o >:o I also cannot tahan..
Lol! that happened to me once also! Lol! ;)
Ha ha ha ha takpe LJ, slow n steady wins the race! ;)
yelah... I need to do one of this as well... :)
Ok dearie, me go hair salon tomorrow and run errands, so we'll see kay? Dah 2 minggu tak beli groceries ni! :-$ :-$ :-[ :-[ =-O =-O 8-)
It's so nice to hear from you LJ! :)
you so deserve it Mariuca!
I find it hard to discipline myself nowadays! =-X :-D =-O :-[
Me too jean, cannot drop for MPG oso! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Good night LJ! miss you too :* :* :*
hahahah Ane..
I know I missed last week roundup..
I will do two weeks roundup next Monday ok...:)
And YES.. I got words to say too about the whole clan!
GP!! Are you caught up already??!
Oooh! so many awards! :)
I noticed that abt Today blogs, but GG is usually tak teruk sgt, but tonight it's terrible!! :'( :'(
Oh u oso noticed Mon? Why ah so slow like snail??? >:o >:o >:o >:o
Thanks Marzie for giving me another round of awards! :) :* Me loves it! :-D
I'm using Streamyx (wireless) :-E
hahah Mon..
I know... I stop uploading images to their servers.. I'm using photobucket
now... sooo much faster to upload and even my pages load faster too..
I think they are over capacity lah..
LJ, have some coffee here first, the whole gang's here! Mon, Ane, Jean and ME! :* :* :* :* :*
oh I truly believe that GP..
LJ would try very hard to be the Queen
For now.. enjoy lah whoever is at the top..hehe
thanks dear! :* :*
hahah.. i dah berbulan tak beli groceries.. as in items to cook lah...
I can't wait LJ! I need to bitch about you know who about you know what,
just incase Marzie hasn't watched it yet! :) lol!
It's definitely the internet ladies, because I'm experiencing the same
thing, and I am over seas! :)
uploading pics is a painful process! >:o >:o
Berbulan? Astaga he he he, I have absolutely nothing in my fridge now! :)
Yeah LJ! have some coffee chat! :)
Me too Streamyx! :(
Uh oh, LJ is going to come back with a vengeance! :) lol! :)
You’re welcome Ane, but hey I still can’t see that bear/woof pic! Ha ha!
Enjoy all the awards Ane, they’re all yours! :)
Thanks so much Mon, love ya! :)
I haven’t watched Boldie yet Ane! :(
that's why now I don't go to Today blogs except GG la :-P
Ladies, I have to go fry curry puffs for B la now ha ha, see u guys later kay? And in case I’m late, thanks for coming by today, enjoy the coffee and have a great weekend! :)
Aww... nice to be here to Ane..
Though I really got to take my leave..
Nite2 everyone!!! Muahs!!!!
GG tak terok sebab all my graphics I upload to photobucket..not so my
pictures loads fast..hehe
I know the gang's all here.. that's why lagi itching to!.. so
yeah.. I'll take that cuppa please..hehe
I think I put it over at MPG? Wait...
hahahha Ane..
I know I need to biatch too!! lol!
hahha GP.. me tooo... nothing in my fridge too .. always eat out mah.. and
then tapau back..
You should watch it on youtube Marzie... :) You really should! You're
missing a lot!
Me Three.. Streamyx also
Go watch it Marzie, things are just getting good! :)
lol Ane.. yeah but not tonight dearie.. dun worry..hehe
yelah some more I was happily replied comments at your previous post just
Oh you too Marzie! :) Curry puffs? you have to tell me what they are when
you get back Marzie! :)
Nyt LJ! :)
alamak! why so far behind GP??
Wah a lot have happened you know.... oh you seriously got to catch up
Have a happy Weekend Marzie, LJ, Jean and Mon! :)
I'm going to do that this time! so difficult to dig lah :-D
Aww.. that is so sweet Mon.. GG GG!
Ane, I am watching Boldie NOW!!!!!!!!!!! After I fry my curry puffs that is he he! Night night all, love and hugs!!!
hehe, i can still hold it until you make that post in GG! :)
ok ladies..LJ is taking her leave too...
Thanks for the coffee chat and catch you soon ya :)
Nite nite!
Yay! the whole gang's here! 8-)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
OH, go ahead and catch up Marzie! :) love and hugs to you too... Nytynyt!
BTW, what's the time there anyway Marzie?
oh ya we were talking abt meow and woof just now... hahahhahha...
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Nite nite for real this time LJ! :)
Hey Mon, I think they left! :) Lol! Marzie had to fry curry puffs and LJ had
to go to sleep now, Jean is still here, I think... Jean? :)
yes, lol! :)
Oh my Marzie I am simply overwhelmed and so very very happy. Thank you so much for thinking of me. I love them all! I too am barely moving today. I didn't do drops yesterday at all because I have over used again on my Satellite speed. But, I am hoping now that the other satellite has had 24 hours to reset that I will be able to do drops. I will get these up and out as soon as possible. I don't have any awards yet for my new blog. Thank you so very very much!! :)Oh yes you and Jean tied at Simply Shinade as my top commentators this week. I am adding you now and updating today's post. Thank you so much!! :*
you have been tagged :)
yup, mon! but only for a while coz my connection were terrible yesterday! O:-)
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
hahha, LJ! i can totally understood what u meant. SOmetimes i pun macam gitu. Once u reply, and then the yakking continues on and on.. betul kan! :)
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
mon, i would surely hv a heart attack if i was at yr shoe. Slow connection + trying to be FC = crazy heart beats!! =-X
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
wah, marzie, u fry curry puffs at 3am? Terrer la u! lol! :-D
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
Me Four!! :-D
Recent blog post: Instant Soto Vege
wow lots of awards! I hope I have one someday from you! Anyway, I will just wait when can I have some of this. Muahhh! Have a nice day! :)
i am up late again!! so I just had to pop in and say hello to one of my BFF'S!! :) :*
Thanks again for giving these really cool awards. I will get them done as soon as are the only other one that I know that hoards their awards as much as me!!! i don't do it on purpose I just get busy doing other things...gotta' dash...drop..and try to get some sleep tonight!!Hugs all around to everyone!! :* :*too:-)))))
Heyya! Wah another "pink" truckload of awards! Thanks Marzie for sharing the awards and also for the linky luv. :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Brown & Beige Birthday Card
Happy weekend, Marzie! :)
Recent blog post: Flaming Steamboat
:-$ :-$ :-$
Wow.. You have 3 pages of comments ;)
Happy weekend too Marzie. I just want to let you know that Google unbanned my IP for today! (I hope it's permanent :) So I better off to drop some comments 8-)
Anyway, it seems that your top Mariucans are all women. Ladies power? =-O =-X :-P
Hi Debbs! Happy weekend to you! And you too Marzie :)
I so totally agree with what you said Jean! :) I haven't been FC in a loong
time! : (
What are curry puffs?
Hey blue, I think Marzie's Mariucans are all ladies because we keep yakking
away at her blog! :)
Hey Marzie, dropping by your blog for some lovin'! ;)
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
I can't sign in to EC, Marzie, but I'll try to drop again later! :)
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
there is something weird going on with EC, I can't sign in! >:o >:o *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
I am number 1 on yout TCM here too Marzie! :-D
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
Now, I'm doing my dance here at WOAFS! ;) :-D :*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
Yeehaah! ;) the view from the top is sooo awesome Marzie! I'm loving it! :-D
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
congrats Monica!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
gagay :*
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
Mariuca,...youhave been flooded with a lot of awards!
congrats dearie! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
gagay :*
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
gagay :*
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
great ann! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
gagay :*
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
Mariuca, how do you know I replied u in my comment box? you can see from your email?
Yes dearie, I entered my email add at ur comment box, so now I get to see u response at YOUR box, here in my email! ;)
I've yet to try replying from email :-[
Oh ye ke? Ha ha ha! Tot u replying from email all this while sweetie! ;)
I replied from my blog...ok now I'll try to put my email at YOUR box...haha!
He he ok come I test with u! Then u try replying from ur email kay?
I've replied...did you receive?
I am receiving this one so far, to my blog. Haven’t received anything from ur valentine’s post yet! ;)
Mon, don forget to enable email notifications at ur js settings.
WooHoo! ;) STill numbah 1 Marzie! :-D
Hey MOn! :) I see you're here! ;) :) :*
huh? I replied u from my email just now..I think you didn't receive it!
Doing my happy dance Marzie! ;)
Go Me! Yay Me! WooHoo! ;) :-D :*
I'm loving my view from up here! :) ;) :-D
how come I can see Ane's comments in my email too? haha!
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Hey Marzie, I'm still not able to log in to EC! :(
I don't know what's wrong! *DONT_KNOW* is it just me? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Yay! You can see me? I see your comments on my email too! replying via email
Mon! : )
Don forget to tick the JS settings Mon…email notifications.
Ane, u are my current Fab Queen for Feb woo hoo! For both blogs too LOL! :)
Mon, once u entered ur email add just now at my comment box, u will receive all responses to this post, hence Ane’s comments coming into ur email. ;)
Really Ane? How come eh? I can log in to ec today, although I have yet to start my round!
Feb is not over yet Marzie! Someone might still steal my thunder! :)
LJ will be back soon1 She might make a comeback! gotta protect my throne! :)
I can see both u ladies in my inbox clearly he he!
Get used to them Mon, once I haven't checked my email, when I checked it I
was flooded with responses from comments here, LJ's, MPG's and mine! :)
Ane, noticed u oso made it to my Top 10 Mariucans list??? That’s for overall TC! ;)
I've been trying since this afternoon Marzie! :( it just won't go to my
dashboard... :(
I haven't been able to drop today, at all! :(
yeah that one memang aldy tick
He he I have a feeling LJ will slowly sneak up on u! Hey btw I caught up with my Boldie last night, until end of Jan! Am gonna watch Feb’s episodes tonight woot!!! Wow so it was Rick who sent the designs eh? I am so behind but watch me catch up tonight yay!!
I can see you and Mon too! :)
wah now my mailbox aldy banjir...haha!
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I know1 I've seen it Marzie! :) I'm so happy! :)
Hmmmmmmm wonder what’s wrong then Ane, I’ve never had that problem thank god!
same here Mariuca! I have yet to start! WOAFS first! :-P
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Yes it was Rick! I knew it was him! he's going to do a lot worse Marzie,
brace yourself! :)
You'll get used to it Mon! :)
Ok also tick the following Mon.
Allow email follow-ups
All parties on page
Send all new msg notifications..
Oh my oh my!!! I can’t wait to watch shhhhh he he he he heheh ehe!!! Oso, I stopped at the part where Steph saw R and S kissing in the beach house! Suspense!!!
Oh thanks sweetie YAY! Did I drop at urs when I dropped by earlier today?? Forgot oredi!
All parties on page?? mine is Thread parties only (2 authors above)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I also can see both u ladies in my inbox but I cannot reply from there
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Ok change to all parties on page! ;0
ok done!
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Ok wait and tick all those I mentioned just now. Then see if can reply from email yeah?
I've no idea to check? haha!
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
He he ok u try replying ur comments at ur latest post, from ur email, I’ll see if I can receive it on my end here.
Ane!! Curry puffs for u sweetie! Inside got potatoes and meat, sometimes vege. Mine yesterday was sardine puffs yum! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Birthday Wish Tag *
ok! did u receive it??
Yes Mon! Abt the salmon right? LOL!!!
oh wait! do I have to put my email at my comment box too? no need right?
hahhahaha... abt the salmon, I replied from my blog...LOL!
I know, I think it's my desktop, I'm gonna try my lappie later...
Oh dear oh dear indeed! that's when things get really good Marzie, you know
how Stephanie is! :)
Hmm.. Oh so yummy Marzie! :) you mean it has different flavors? :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!