Before I start my post for today, I'd like to announce a new feature I'm introducing here at Wishing On A Falling Star. From now on, the first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being the first commentator! I've come to appreciate my commentators so much and this is my way of expressing my gratitude for your eagerness to leave me some comment love at my blog. So the first person to comment here (notice the * at the end of my title?) will get a link back to his or her blog at the end of this post, hurry! :)
My friend Ruby always gives me the coolest awards and this next one is no exception. Thanks so much Ruby, I love this award and am honoured to receive it. I'd like to pass this award to my Top 10 Mariucans for September, thank you very much for being a wonderful friend and supporter to Mariuca.
LadyJava, Emila, Rozella, Debbie, Roxy, Bono, Monica, Jean, ECL and Jackie.
I'd also like to hand out this award to my other loyal commentators, who though did not make it to my Top 10 Mariucans list, consistently visit and leave me their words of wisdom here! :)
Nick, Kim, Farah, Sushi, Nessa, Rizal, Metz, Bobby, Bokjae, Erisha, Adrian, Tammy, Tina, NAFASg, Janice, Shiela, Haaziq, Liza, Manggis, Fida, Shemah & Trinity! :)
Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ inspires you
~ makes you smile and laugh
~ or maybe gives amazing information
~ a great read
~ has an amazing design
~ and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are:* Put the logo on your blog or post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
I was also tagged by three persons with the following Friendship poem, so obviously this is a meaningful one, which deserves immediate attention from Mariuca! Thanks to Jean, Bono and Rizal who dedicated this great Friendship poem to me and it's now my turn to pass it on. I'm dedicating this Friendship poem to everyone listed on my award recipient list above. Love ya peeps and keep the friendship alive okay? :)

Spread the poem of friendship.We need friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort us when we are sad,and to have fun with us when we are glad.
We need friends to give us good advice.
We need someone we can count on,and treat us nice.
We need friends to remember us
one we have passed sharing memories that will always last.
1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. Pinay Mom Blogs 5. REALITIES 6. Glossa~licious 7. A Great Pleasure 8.The Spirit of Blogging 9. RestnRileks 10. Wishing On A Falling Star 11. You
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»wow this is so cool!
Yay! I'm the first commenter :-D
Monica!! You're my first commenter yay! I'll include ur link at the end of my post, now I gotta zzzzz, later then! And thanks for being so speedy woo hoo! :):):)
thank you Mariuca...
I love the uber award!!!!
it's really pretty
drat !! just missed out on being your first commenter ;)
Yahoo!!!! Uber coolios!!! Hehehe Thanks dearie!!! *hugs hugs*
Btw, did ya notice? I got my top commentators widget up already and guess who's on top? Hahahaha
But of course competition not hebat like here lah. Hehehe
Syabas lagi sekali Monica..
Kena ucap 2 kali as macam minyak masak seri murni, 2 kali pemeringkatan.. :)
hehe :)
Uber Uber Uber Uber!!! I Uber Love It ... must work harder to be first commenter lah..lolz!!
oopss Good Morning GP from a uber normal person..heheh.. Just had breakfast and getting ready to leave the house ni.. tengah tunggu office jam subside..
Talk to you later :)
Thanks for the Uber award dearie :)
And congrats on all the other as well :)
Wow! An award! Yippee!
Thanks Princess!
Congrats to all recipients!
It's not easy to be your first commentator, but I'll try although I have to sacrifice some beauty sleep. hehe....
Congrats Monica
Marzie thank you thank you thank you for the FANTASTIC deh
Rizal you already touch figure hundred deh...woowww
Congrats also to others award receiver
olah GP! i am so UBER-joyed that you loved the award. you deserve it very much!!
enjoy your sleep. ^_^
*hugs and kisses*
GP, thanks so much for the uber-cool award! :):) I'm having an uber-awesome Monday. Yay!!
Check out my "posts-vomits" at Ramblings. Penat I! :)
Thanks for the award and poem, hun!! It really made my day and put a smile on my face. :) *hugs*
Uber Amazing Blog?!! Wahhh, tenkiu for the award my dear :D
Congrats to Monica for being your 1st commentator... dapat star oredi!
ohhh sweetttt!!! Now, this is what I love for my blog- the UBER AWARD. Thanks so much dearie.
another question, how are you always coming up with new ideas to make your blog more interesting than it's already is? :) BTW, I am copying one of your know, for my next vacation, me gonna have a contest to guess where and giving our some prizes too (permission granted tak???) LOL I know you did that for your Bandung trip. green light pleaseeee!!! :):):)
Have a nice week GP!
ohh.. congrats mariuca for that Uber award..
Oh! tgh hari ni panas sekali.. nak taip reply pun macam tak mampu aja..
great new feature, Marzie!
And wow!!!! thank you for the uber amazing blog award! I love it!!!
Will put it up in my blog soon!!
I think it's a good idea to link to your first there a widget for it or you add it manually?
Fuhlamak I'm number 1!! Gotta print screen ni Marzie!
aloha marzie!! great idea, woman! :)
thanks for the linkies love. I am so glad i managed to be the top mariucan for september!! thanks, marzie!! :)
oh, i love the award! somemore in pink color!! lagi shiok lar!! :)
... consistently visit and leave me their words of wisdom here ...
I'll bet you weren't talking about me there! LOL! Thanks for the award :D
thank you very much marzie :)
i will come back and post it later.
btw, about your coach bag (pink one). i fell in love with it. but i can't find it online :(
i have your award up you gave me for super blogger, and i have one for you too ;)
YEah~ Thank you! (full stop!) <- for more dramatic effect. *Hand clapping around the hall with some give standing ovation*
Gosh, I love drama. But I am such a wuss actor. No body will hire me for sure. I rather sit and direct, which means, I will only watch at the spectator seat just like everyone else. hehe
Thanks for thinking of me Marzie, you are so sweet!!!!!
Ahh.. I shouldn't use the word "wuss" yeah? It is will definitely blow up my chance of acting. LOL..
I don't know why I am such a blabber today. Perhaps cause I am kinda excited to receive your Uber award :D
Thanks again Maurica!
Oh, and your idea for linking the first commenter sound cool. I will do it in my next post :D
Oh no. First day of work, dah kena bomb ngan kerja..
Alahai, mcm susah jer nak secure post ni... nampak mcm nak kecundang dari tempat ke 3 :(
Mariuca, thanks for that linky love..
and Marzie, thanks for the Uber award too.. congrats to others too..
definitely will post it in my blog. :)
and Marzie, i also would like to say "Selamat Awal Malam" since i now drop my comments early, tak leh lambat2 lah kan? dah start kerja balik.
Thanks Rizal!
Thanks Bonoriau!
Pak bOno (this is going to be a trademark of how i m going to type your name..small b followed by Capital O hehe), even i am quite surprised that i ve managed to go this far.
Even more surprised to look at Debbie's hehe. :)
Thanks Nessa!
omg! so shy la...LOL *run*
Marzie and Pak bOno, thanks to you both,
my last post cecah 90+ komen. Tgk pun takut terkejut. Haha.
Kalau setiap kali buat "post" ada "celebration" musti boleh dapat komen sebanyak tuu..
ahak ahak ahak
Debbie, what else can i say but .. " Oh! you are fieeeerrceee woman.. hehe
Hola Kim! Oh me too, I love this award and it will go so well with ur new pink theme eh? Congrats Kim and big hugs for u! :):):)
Congrats Rozella, me love ur blog and now me love it even more since me TC there ha ha! Oh now must maintain, don topple me okay peeps! :):):)
Kak emi, memang "feature" yang cool..
Selamat malam isnin kak emi.
Oh blue, jovial nampak.. hehe
Rizal! Thanks for congratulating Monica and me too ha ha! I hope u like this Uber award, I know it's a bit girly cause of the color, but RnR takkan tak dapat award ni, so enjoyz!! :):):)
Tenkiu LadyJava and congrats to u too yeah? Don't forget, post yang ada star je will get linky love, cause some posts are assignment posts, so cannot give linky love there la! ;)
Hope it's good news from the hospital today sweetie, take care! :):):)
Marzie, previously, i had designed using pink as an ambiance theme.. ahak ahak.. but restnrileks is macho and cool enough, tak risau atau takut tentang warna. :)
Pink? My favourite pink is a combo of shocking pink and baby pink.
Congrats ECL! Enjoy this uberlicious award! :)
Oh how sweet of u to sacrifice ur beauty sleep for Mariuca lol! Oh I saw ur TC widget oredi yay! So pleased to see Mariuca on the list, watch me move up ur list la he he! :):):)
Oh hye Monica,
Happy Monday ya.. I am sure being the first commentator lifts you spirit today - especially today is monday. :)
What a great day to start this week ya?
Yay, thanks Bono! Monica was first for this post, she was up when I just finished publishing it at almost 6am today! ;)
Congrats on ur award too yeah? Ah tu la Rizal dalam diam-diam telah berjaya cecah ratusan gitu, syabas Rizal! :):):)
Marzie, i wish i can sacrifice my sleep la,
but latelty, coffee and late night sleep, have made me having panda-eyes.. ha ha ha
Ha ha, thanks a million Ruby! I love this award and it's the first one I received, so I quickly handed it out cause it's one of the coolest ones I received lately, love and hugs! :):):)
tu laaa, kerja bertimbun datang tak pasti boleh ke idak ni nak secure spot..
Oh! risau gundah gelana.
Tu LJ tak masuk gear, kalau masuk, gear dah bukan terpotong restnrileks, tapi sekali dia potong, mau tercampak terpelanting keluar ke tepi jalan..
Monica, why so shy? errrr.. ehhh dia lari pulak... napa yer?
Congrats Debbie, enjoy this uber amazing award okay, sorry la pink kaler he he! :)
Ohhhhh post-vomits, now I get it lol! :):):)
cecah ratusan tu sebab sumber inspirasinya dari orang yang baik-baik lagi hebat-hebat yang ada di sini..
Hi Shemah, no worries dear! Congrats and I'm glad I made u smile today YAY! *HUGS*
eh eh.. selang seli pulak restnrileks mengomen ngan marzie kat sini.
Aww yeahhh.. the power of Librans to the power of two.. Kaching.. Kaching
Nessa, congrats dear and thanks for congratulating my star commenter here yeeha! :):):)
alright! restnrileks call it a day now.. see you later. :)
Happy Commenting ya GP visitors. :)
Yay, Farah is here, congrats sweetie and thanks for always visiting me and leaving ur comments here, love ya! :):):)
Oh ha ha ha, apa salahnya Farah? By all means, have a great contest and I'll be sure to join ur contest! Another vakasi so soon Farah? Hmmmmm wonder where u off to this time, have fun okay and don't forget to take lotsa pics! :)
LOL! kesian Rizal, dah la first day masuk balik kerja, panas pulak tu! Jadila mcm I and Emila, work from home, best and comfy gitu he he! ;)
oh last, debbie, thanks for taking a rest.. you deserve it after all that penat lelah mengomen sampai 200+
rehat rehat laa dulu, energize kan diri dulu yer. :)
Yay, tenkiu Emila and congrats on this lovely pink award, suitable dgn ur new look eh?
Oh there's no widget for it Emila, but a First Commenter widget sounds supercool, hopefully someone will develop one soon! :):):)
Debbie! You are my Top Mariucan for the month so far, very impressive sweetie! Go Debbie Go! :)
Oh marzie, ha ah, panas sejuk panas sejuk macam nak demam rasa, cuaca lua panas, aircond ofis sejuk..
wah ni yang jealous work from home ni..
Tadi petang my students buat simple birthday parti. Pandai depa kelentong kata kelas petang masuk lambat, yang sorang ni kata ada hal, yang group ni kata nak settle itu ini. Rupanya depa pergi lari kejap pergi beli kek. Though simple, act tu yang buat terharu.
Akhirnya, kelas petang tak da, we ended up makan2 kek, and kueh raya sambil ngomen2 just having great time.
sekali-sekala tak pa skip kelas.. selalu sgt tak leh.. Lagi pun, teacher dia punyer birthday kan. ahak ahak... :)
Thanks Jean, I love this award too and the color especially! We just can't seem to get enough of pink eh? ;)
Jean, I'm so happy u made it to my Top 10 Mariucans list for September too, it wouldn't be the same without Miss Y here! Maybe ul get to be first commenter for my next star post! :):):)
Ala Nick, modest it seems! Of coz I was referring to u too, thanks so much for always visiting and leaving me ur wise words here he he! Enjoy the award! :):):)
Congrats Shiela, happy to have u on my recipient list and thanks for all ur drops and visits here, love ya!
Oh really? U can't find it online eh? Maybe u can find another one that u like?? Would love to see the new Coach u decide on, so post about it if u do decide to get one yeah? :):):)
Tina, thanks so much for the new award! I have to come back and leave u a comment there, was having slow connection earlier, but I'll be back, thanks sweetie! :):):)
There's a Fatty Crab restaurant in KL?
I tried to filter my name from my TC widget but it didn't work. :(
Oh I got an Uber too. I am going to post it on Wednesday.
And I will add your name to my post for tomorrow with the friendship poem.
Oh and how in the world will I ever be first?
I am asleep while you guys are hoo!!
Oh wow marzie I didn't see my name on the list for the Uber.
Thank you.
Big Hugs!!
LOL! Congrats Haaziq and thanks for that dramatic show of effect here, I was much entertained! :):):)
Oh glad to hear u like my new feature, I think it's a great way to show some love for my first commenter! ;)
You're always on my list Bobby, congrats for being an uber amazing blogger, love and hugs! :):):)
Rizal, u dah number 2 sekarang badabing bada bom! He he! Syabas Rizal, bekerja keras dan sudah nampak hasilnya! :)
Wah bagus la Rizal tak takut dengan pink, and yup... RnR memang sudah macho, esp since ownernya jugak macho gitu! :)
Better get a good night's rest since u kan kena bangun awal esok unlike me the night owl! Rizal, u panda eyes mesti semakin comel he he! :)
Oh Monica is back thanking peeps here lol! Oh no need to be shy sweetie, we love having u here! :)
Ha ha terpelanting kena pukulan LJ? Oh LJ busy la this week, cause she has a special visitor from Singapore, her mommy! :)
Wah Rizal, so cool of ur students to plan that surprise party for u! Kek flavour apa, mesti choc! You tak ambik gambar ke? Kalau tak boleh share at RnR, I'd be terharu too if anybody surprised me that way. I'm glad to hear u had a great birthday afternoon with ur students. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again yeah? :):):)
Hi ECL! There is a Fatty Crab in KL somewhere, I forget where exactly cause I just go to the PJ branch. You've tried Fatty before is it? Isn't it the best?? :)
Oh, did u type Eastcoastlife in the box provided to remove ur own name from the list? It should work just fine. Make sure u type it exactly as it appears on ur widget. Try again! :)
Congrats Jackie, of course ur name is're one of my Top 10 Mariucans remember? ;)
Jackie, I'm a night owl so I'm usually up and blogging night time here. You still have a chance to be my first commenter, I am sure of that, hugs and love! :):):)
Wow! Friendship & award-
All in one!
Cool choice for getting a new pinky laptop!
omg! debbie's in the lead!
Hey Yoon See! Nice to see u here tonight! Oh I HEART my pink laptop too yay! :):):)
Emila, don worry, Debbs said she's going to stop mengomen oredi so u can be tops! ;)
Dear MAriuca,
Thank you so much for more awards I get from you.
I really appreciate for every compliment you give to me.
I'll post soon next week. This week I am posting about 'GIVEAWAY OF THE YEAR: Being An Expatriate'
Your Friend from PA,
Rizal & Mariuca, coz this is the first being the first commentator here. so I'm not sure if the first commentator must write sthing like, "I'm the first commentator!" or not...LOL
Anyway Mariuca, thanks for the uber award! I love it!!! I wanted to say it earlier on but the moment I saw ur mail, I was "panicked" aldy and I just didn't know what to was so fun!!! :-D
Hi Fida, always a pleasure to see u here sweetie and I hope u love this award just as much as the rest I've given you. Don't stop visiting Mariuca now and good luck on ur new post! :):):)
Ohhhhh ha ha ha, so cute la u Monica! You can say whatever u want to secure ur spot as first commenter for my * posts ha ha!
Rizal, now we know why Monica was shy lol! ;)
Monica, congrats sweetie, am happy you are now one of my loyal Mariucans. Love u for ur support and glad to hear u had fun last night! ;)
Congrats Shinade,
Marzie, musti bertambah comfy work at home dengan pink lappie. :)
Try that thing Marzie suggested, otherwise, oh my..i am sure it would be such a great challenge to topple you. 800+ comments tu..
happy tuesday.. :)
ye haaa....
ba da bing da BOMB!! whoaho.. no.2 -- ni tambah semangat la ni.. hehe..
LJ sibuk ngan Kak Emi pun sibuk yer.. ni kena cepat2 ambil peluang... ni :)
Marzie, might change strategy mengomen kat sini.. malam tak boleh, ngantuk, lepas tu, malam internet kurang laju..
pagi2 ngomen syok, feels fresh plus kopi, plus internet laju.. feels like a breeze.. ngomen pagi2 rasa mcam restnrileksing aje..
ngomen mlm rasa cam dub dab dub dab tertekan nak maintain spot. ahak ahak ahak..
Thank you do much! I love it!
I am totally floored this month with so many s and mentions! What a lovely Award and thanks marzie! It is difficult for me to make to your top 10 commentors but thanks for remembering the under-dogs!
Rizal, I'm not fierce lah! :):)
Marzie, no worries about the colour, I can handle it. My craft blog is pink oso wat? :):)
Wah bestnya Rizal dapat surprise bday party! :) Dah lama tak makan bday cake ni, tak sabar tgu ujung tahun! :) Your students are so sweet, pastinya Rizal instructor yg best sekali!
Thanks for the award !! That's a cool idea to put a link back to the first commenter. :)
Congrates to Monica for arriving here for this post !!
Congratulations on the well deserved awards lovely lady. :)
You have truly been a bloggy savior to me lately, and I very much appreciate it.
Done and I hope you like the way I did it.
Thanks J@n!ce...;-)
Aww...GP is so sweet to send us a Friendship poem and a special award...
So thoughtful! Thank u so very much. We sure got a friend in you. =)=)=)
Wow, Mariuca...thanks so much! I am 114 comments away from being your first commenter, but maybe now that I am back from a little vacation I can get back into my place among the top Mariucans.
Thanks again!
Genie Princess!
I don't know what came over me...I just joined a small Battle of the Blogs, even though it is a hectic first day back from vacation. Please stop by with some Genie magic if you can.
haha, that's right, marzie! how can we say no to pinkies!! :)
oh, i hope i get to be the first in yr next star post! the follow me widget is def a useful widget! :)
im here to drop off TGB! Happy Wednesday! :)
thanks marzie! i love it! i have it up now ;) take care
I totally missed the extra linky lovin you give to the first commenter.
That is a prize I fear I will never see. I'm always a day late and a dollar short. ;)
Rizal! Kata nak tukar strategy mengomen pagi-pagi?? Ni mesti baru lepas minum coffee, tu yg. mengomen terus-terusan kat sini tonight! :)
Rizal, am using my pink lappy now and woo hoo...smooth gila gitu! ;)
Congrats Tammy, glad u love this pinky award! :):):)
Bokjae, that's a very nice way of putting it .. underdogs, I like! Congrats to u Bokjae and of course I can't forget you when it comes to awards. Thanks for all ur love and support for Mariuca yay! :):):)
Debbie! Rizal ni instructor apa ye? Gym ke? He he! Enjoy ur pinky award sweetie! :)
You're welcome Janice and congrats to u too! I love my commenters so this would be an awesome way for me to say thank you to them! :):):)
Thank you Grandy! I'm glad I could help you out, it's so nice to see ur dolly up and about at ur blog now! Have a great night dear! :):):)
YAY, thanks Jackie! Enjoy ur award and happy to see that it's already up at ur lovely blog! :)
YAY! Nafa is here, congrats guys! I hope u like the award and thanks for mentioning the Friendship poem too. Love ya peeps! :):):)
Congrats Roxy, happy to present this uber amazing award to one cool blogger and friend like yourself! Enjoy the award and yeeha to us for winning our BOTB last night eh? BIG HUGS! :):):)
Hi Jean, thanks for dropping off TGB here. We sure love pink kan? And it's so great to have Emila join us with her new pinky look this month! :)
YAY! Congrats Liza, I love this award too, it's so pretty yeah? :):):)
Never say never Grandy! I'm usually up and blogging when the rest of Malaysia is fast asleep, so u might just win this linky love soon, with our time difference and all! ;)
Dropping by
how nice of you mate- thanks x you are uber amazing too ;)
dropping by too
Marzie, Rizal kan craft instructor. :) Ke lecturer hehehe..
keke.. instructor gym ker?
ayoyoyo.. i wish.. kalau instructor gym, musti dah jadi restnfit.. kekeke.. ni banyak restnrileks.. so bukan laaa hehehe
Kak Emi, i am dropping by too..
hehehe :)
Debbie, i just like to call myself more as a fasilitator laahh.. hehehe..
dropping by again
oh hi rizal!
haha rizal restnfit!!
comelah u ol, debbie dan rizal
Thank you so much for remembering me, I love being your friend.. from the bottom of my heart... :-)
eee?..the first commentator got picture some more? so nice!!! ;-)
wow! sO COOL!! Thx my dear. so sweet of u to remember. keep blogging. love your blog =)
Rizal, Bono and Emila! Thanks for dropping by ha ha! ;)
You're welcome Tina, enjoy ur award sweetie! :)
Debbie, ohhhhh craft instructor ye?? Interesting it seems!
Rizal, buat la post pasal kerja u as a craft instructor! ;)
RestnFit...cute! :)
YAY, Trin is here today, miss you la woman! Congrats on receiving this lovely pink award, it will look awesome at ur blog Trin! *HUGS*
Erisha! Thanks for all your love and support for Mariuca! Love ya too sweetie! :):):)
Thank you so much for my Uber award! YAY! Mariuca is the best! And the poem is also precious, thanks a million GP!
congrats sushi!
congrats to all too
Are you feelin' all the love in this room, Marzie?
You should!!
Now I'm just watching to see if I can covet that first commenter award.
But look at all your comments!!!
love is in the air!
grandy, i'm impressed too!
yay! we love mariuca and therefore fill her blog with our lovely comments! lol!
uber amazing awards!
I so need to do an award post..
Thanks GP!!
I have regrettably lost track of some awards I've been blessed with, LJ.
I am real bad about that.
I suppose I could blame the pain meds, huh?
Ah...who am I kidding? I just bite at these things.
heheh..I suck at memes too Grandy.. I think I would start with awards given out by one person at a time too... heheh.. now that's strategy for you..lolz!
Yeah.. blame it on the meds Grandy.. it's always the doctors fault...hehe
I like the way you think, LJ.
The meds do funny things to me.
Sometimes I sleep...sometimes I can't.
Lj, i need to do an award post to one my next post :)
grandy, you can keep track the awards by becoming technorati member.
grandy, me too,
may be it is time for me to create new award to give to some readers or power commentators :)
but Kak Emi, technorati is weird la nowadays,
My number has not increased la although i ve got new links :(
i am not very good at memeas and tags too, especially long ones..
And i am missing some awards given to me too
or else grandy, you can try this: first go to
then type in:
you should have all related blogs that linked to you in there.
rizal, that is because most of the links have expired already.
apart from taking meds, tons of works do that to me too grandy..
except if i am taking flu meds.
I ll be sleeping like a baby then,
i c.. i c..
macam tu Kak Emi..
wah, komen banyak2 ni bleh jugak dapat ilmu..
Kak emi, nanti rizal apa yang Kak emi cadangkan kat grandy tu :)
oh marzie, terlepas balas balik komen -
restnfit tak boleh tuu, tak sinonim
restnfat - sebab bila terlebih rest, bukan jadi fat ka? hehe
Buat post sebagai Craft Instructor? hehe..
tak pa, mungkin satu hari nanti.. tak pernah terfikir pulak..
mekasih bagi idea Marzie :)
RestnFat? HA HA HA HA HA!! Thanks for the Sunday laughs Rizal! :):):)
flu med memang mengantuk kan
Wah Rizal, u dah back to number 3, sikit lagi number 2! Rajin la u ni, GP is so impressed! Dah la reply pakai HP ye? He he! :)
wahaha restnfat!
hi marzie!
Eh Emila pun ada kat sini, hola Emila! :)
rizal! ya, cubalah apa yang dicadangkan tu, cuma tukar pada rizal punya url
Emila, kelakar kan RestnFat ha ha!!
hola marzie! tulah, rizal ni kelakar giler!
speaking of expired links,
betul, i ve seen mine yang dah berapa bulan tak kemas kini.
Rasanya dah tiba masa untuk buang pautan2 yang tak berkenaan tu
Marzie,, hehe..
sama-sama untuk Sunday laugh tu..
thanks to you for commenting back to.. so i ve got a reason to keep on replying back.. ahak ahak ahak..
marzie, now komen pakai lappie,
kalau pakai hp mau tersengguk-sengguk.. penat nak taip, nanti ayat semua tersilap jadi macam style sms pulak :)
Kak emi, flu med memang mengantuk.. bahaya kalau bawak kenderaan..
alamak blakie balik bising nak makan laa tuu..
Kak emi,
rizal tgh buka lagi satu tab ni nak cuba apa yang kak emi letak..
mekasih-mekasih :)
Marzie, Kak Emi,
agak-agak buleh tak jumpa blog yang ada "restnfat"
worknplay ada jumpa
restnrileks tu rizal aaa..
restnplay pun pernah terserempak..
kalau restnfat tuu memang catchy
ok, cuba jangan tak cuba
oppss Kak emi..
kelakar giler tapi kelakar bijaksana.. ahak ahak ahak..
janji Marzie ngan Kak emi terhibur.. huhu
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!