It is 5.24 am right now and I have just finished a translation job for one of my clients. After yet another busy day of work, house cleaning, EC dropping and commenting, I am finally free to indulge in one of my favourite hobbies - PC games! :)
I recently bought the latest Reel Deal Blackbeard's Revenge and I can't wait to get back to my slots! Yes, Mariuca indulges in a little "gambling" every now and then. It makes for a great stress-reliever and there's no harm if it's just a PC game, which is also My Addiction, My Vice! ;)
Comfortably located on a ship with a beautiful view on the side, Reel Deal Blackbeard's Revenge offers 3 different casinos for me to wander through the night! With a wide range of bonus games, festive graphics and sounds, I can easily spend hours browsing through the many different fun slots calling out to me on this cool ship!
This latest Reel Deal release offers many new slot machines for me to try my luck on. I have a few favourites like the Cheddar Chase Slots in the picture below. Noticed I just won 1,660 credits? Now, if only I have the power to turn that into real cash! ;)
Despite it being just a game with no real payout, I do love the adrenaline rush I get every time I hear the cling clang of coins flooding out of a slot machine whenever I WIN the jackpot on one of my slots! The graphics of this PC game are simply superb as well, making me feel as though I'm in a real casino LOL! Plus, I'm already making almost 5 million bucks in virtual dollars, so what's not to like?
For the real gambler who's interested in the real deal, feel free to check out the best casinos online, at your own expense of course! Have fun and don't forget me if you win big! :)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 370 of 370 Newer› Newest»Kak Emila, dah bangun ke? Cepat on computer, ni Rizal masih lagi #1 ni hehehehe...
debbie.. tak pernah dapat top kat sini..
so sekali sekalaa.. kena laa keluarkan sifat poyo tuuu.. :)
Wah Rizal, berani dia ye masa Emila takde, siap panggil seru keluar lagi ha ha!!
Debbs, me and Mr. L mmg tak jive, scared mah! :(
debbie... kak emi... yeahhhh.. bring it on... ahak ahak ahak
marzie.. i nampak kak emi tuuu tgh kayuh laju2 naik tricycle dia.. ngan pen kaler pencil semua tercicir nak kejar kat sini.. :)
Marzie, how come you're not asleep yet? Semalam kan busy with guest lagi. :)
marzie.. you punyer stress reliever kan slot-machine..
i ve found mine.. baru jumpa... my stress reliever - mengomen dan being 1st - ahak ahak.. sori yerr mariucans.. ayat poyo.. sekali sekala aja.. :)
wow... i am commenting this and at the same time, hearing a funky tamil sound being played by my neighbour
(start shaking my booty.. hehehe.. :D)
Tu la, going to sleep shortly ni but this Rizal is making me LOL! :)
Somemore hungers this early morn he he! ;)
olla nick..
happy thursday.. :)
I mmg tgu Rizal mengomen, so that I bleh buat serangan balas secara bertubi-tubi serentak..hehe
olla kak emi... happy thursday..
Rizal, lagu Tams ke Hindi? Hindi yg selalu shake booty! ;)
marzie.. this is tamil...
and it is a fast-pace beat..
:D (yeahhh i am shaking...)
debbie... ooo nak buat serangan balas serentak.. kerrr.. uhuk uhuk...
rnr.. boleh ngomen pagi2 jerr..
dah decide leh ngomen satu session jerr sehari.. kalau pagi - pagi..mlm - mlm... sebab kena seimbaaaangggggg
kak emi, main game memang syiok gitu..:)
macam main game mengomen ini juga.. syiok ghitu lagi mengkhayalkannn...
Ahaks! Mmg betul tu Rizal, Librans kan dacing seimbang gitu! True to form Rizal, clap clap!
Whew...barely hanging on to my spot on the top Mariucans!
Marzie - pertandingan komentar bulan 10 ini begitu angker lagi berPUAKA laa.. ahak ahak
sungguh mengkhayalkan bila mengomen..
It's Wednesday night and we just finished dinner...will try to stay up for Dirty Sexy Money, do you watch that show? Rex and I got hooked last season.
Hehe..che' ingat tu hang tak suka lipas..ingat selamanya..hehe :P
Morning Roxy! You are barely hanging on dear, but don give up just yet okay? I'd hate to see Roxy drop off the list at the eleventh hour! Go Roxy Go! :):):)
goooooooddd mooorrnnning Roxy...
happy thursday :)
Ye ke kerja weekend ni Rizal? Tapi Rizal punya job fun kot, takla stress sangat kan?
just few more comments and i am sure you will bounce back... :)
I'm no good at Da Slot Machines....not much lucky in gambling, as you saw Saturday's $15 win on the horse race was one of my first ever.
Dirty Sexy Money? Oh no, I don't watch that show, but now that u've mentioned it, I shall definitely check it out Roxy! I'm gonna watch DH ep 4 tonight though yeeha! :)
Tahniah Rizal sbb menduduki tangga teratas carta top 10 Mariucans. :):)
debbie.. kerja tuu tak laa fun..
tapi mana-mana kerja pun semua stress.. tapi yang penting camner nak rasakan kerja kita tuu fun kan..
never take the fun part out from a job..
Mariuca! What are you doing up so early...or is it late, and time for naptime?
Oh I'm no good at slots either Roxy, but that doesn't seem to stop me he he! :)
lagi some more..
sabtu ahad ni lepas kerja terus dibayar cash...
kachinggg!! kaching!!!! ahak ahak
Eeee yalah Marzie, if small ones takpe but they can grow into huge size, itu yg geli bijaksana tu! :(
Debbs, A tu cakap only u and Jean qualify, tak faham betul la...but we'll wait and see later today if she emails me on the rest that I rekomen! ;)
Rizal, bila pulak Kak Emila ada tricycle? Lol!!
Roxy! I've not slept the whole night, am abt to zzzzzz but I've been saying that since half an hour ago ha ha! Entertaining my Mariucans here this Thurs morning! :)
kak emi, rizal pun tak leh start mengomen.. kang semua tak jadi lepas tuuu tak mo berhenti.. :)
I actually found Sunday night's Desperate Housewives a bit depressing...too close to real life/the economy and thank goodness I put my kids to bed before the very end. London and Maddie like to watch DH (bad mommy, bad mommy) and Carlos said something just before the end about "we're going to go on pretending there's a Santa Claus for as long as we can." Wow was I glad they missed that and I better take it as a hint that my little ones shouldn't be watching!
debbie.. kak emi baru jer beli...
semalam.. siap pakai jet booster Mach 5 kat tepi.. so cuteeeee
Rizal, yg paling best is to work from home, correct or not Debbs?? ;)
marzie.. go to sleep.. kesian penat.. satu hari tuu tak tidur... kang mamai pulak... :)
I guess we'll be sleeping at the same time pretty soon...I don't think I'll last from 10 to 11 for Dirty Sexy Money so I'm taping it.
marzie... memang best tu..
i wish someday... but since i love to teach.. terpaksa laa jugak keluar kan?
Oh Roxy, def the cuties should not be watching DH! I can't wait to watch it later tonight though! Am also gonna catch up on my Heroes and Grey's, do u watch that as well?
I also lapars ni..hehe..sleepy actually tp tu la semangat nak mengomen..C cakap kitorg crackpot mengomen tanpa henti..hehehe
OK, am off to spend some time with London and Maddie before bedtime. Night night, Genie Princess!
Rizal, mmg nak tidur sat lagi, Phoebe dah tunggu tu nak tidur dalam bilik with her Master MEOW! :)
Wah, Rizal shake booty ye? Lol!!
marzie... nama you kat crafty marzie yeer.. lain kali kalau i order.. buleh you dapat komisen :)
Nite nite Roxy! Hey, we're gonna go to bed at the same time, although it's almost 8am here ha ha! :)
Oh and one more thing...EntreCard deleted my "Makin' the Bacon" blog today...a reminder that the new rules require much more frequent posting, though I don't think I've updated that site since July...
marzie.. blakie pun kadang2 camtu.. hehe
Tadi I main game tak nak berenti tau..bukannya best sangat pun, kasi makan ayam jer..dan kutip telur ayam..
it think mariucans yang lain musti kata kite ni bijaksana sebab mengomen tak henti2
I used to be really into Grey's, but I couldn't keep up...I still haven't watched the last two or three episodes from last season, and nothing so far this year. I may have to wish for the boxed set for Christmas...
marzie.. for the love of this tanah jajahan.. i tinggalkan rumah sampai restnrileks tuu dah bersawang berhabuk2.. sampah pun tak buang tau...
Rizal!! Nama I kat Crafty ... Mariuca, kan dah tulis kat post promosi Crafty itu, u ni kan.. aduh sedihnya lupa cepat gitu! ;)
Roxy, sorry to hear about ur deletion from EC, they're getting really strict eh? :(
Oh I love Grey's!!!
Debbs, game apa tu kasi ayam makan kutip telur jual telur ha ha! Farm Frenzy ke? ;)
ehh debs.. you sarawakian ka sabahan.. i confused laa..
Sampah pun tak buang? Ha ha ha!!! Tenkiu Rizal, u mmg bersemangat this month! Same like Emila, it's gonna be a tough fight between u two! :):):)
ahak ahak.. yer yerr.. i ni kan pelupa...
sekarang ni i ada satu jerr clear thinking - nak menang dan jadi top komentor.. so buat masa sekrang.. spaces otak.. i tolak just penuhkan ngan strategi jer.. hehehe
Kak Emi beli tricycle semalam? Wahhh patutla basikal tua ala scrambler I dia tak pinjam walaupun tak kena lock..hehe..Mach 5 tu, mesti power bijaksana..
rnr memang bersemangat..
sendiri pun terkejut... takkan nak give-up... kan.. lagi 8 hari jerr.. kan bazie semua energy..
alang2 menyeluk pekasam biar sampai ke pangkal lengan.. hehe
Ahaks! C cakap kita orang crackpots ha ha ha!!! C tak faham konsep mengomen tanpa henti ni he he! ;)
Oh yes, Marzie..working from home is the best but we have to work extra hard than everyone else.. :):)
tuu laa debs, sekarang kak emi tak fully utilized her Mach 5
we better watch out...
ohhh grandy is now probably watching us from somewhere... spying us maybe? hehehe
Hi Roxy! Have fun watching that show. I'm gonna check it out too. I heard about it but not sure what's it really about. :):)
marzie.. i am a crackpot that want this month JACKPOT.. hehe
Phoebe actually waits for you, marzie? Cute nya...
Rizal, I rasa diorang kata kita gils bijaksana kot sbb penuhkan inbox diorang! Lol!!
i am sure lots of people wonder if we have nothing else to do selain mengomen mengomen mengomen dalam je...
hehehehe.. paling tidak kata.. ohh dia banyak masa dan free tak banyak kerja.. :)
LOL! True Debbs, we have to work extra hard than the rest but look at us...mengomen pagi-pagi buta ni, some more me lagi la, tak tidur lagi! ;)
Rizal, bukan you jer..I pun baru semalam bersihkan sawang2 kat Ramblings dan Swap. Siap bersin2 lagi, skrg dah flu dah!
i am sure they will..
takut depa give-up nak subscribe komen jerr..
tuu i cadangkan kat Marzie.. bulan ni aja.. kasi rehat 2-3 bulan macam olimpik.. hehehe
Marzie, you're my game buddy lah..I'm playing Farm Frenzy 2 now hehehe..syiok!
I org Sarawak lah, Rizal..from Kuching..hehehe..
Ah cute kan Phoebe itu? Waiting for me to bring her inside the room, and then she'll sleep in her basket sampai I bangun, pas tu when she wake sup, muka sleepy mcm Japanese cat ha ha ha!!! :):):)
i pagi tadi dah mop lantai rnr ngan Fabulosa wanggian apple segar.. datangla..
tapi belum hias-hias lagi.. kemaskan rumah dan sampah jer...
Tapi I reti cakap slang jgn konfucius lagi tau..:):)
Oh dah agak dah farm Frenzy ha ha!! Me waiting for Monster Mash 2 ni!
nanti.. restnrileks nak maklum kat twitter bila ada post baru macam ni
"restnrileks ada buat rumah terbuka.. datanglah.."
dapat tangkap tak maksudnya.. :)
Rizal, pagi2 dah khayal. I tak khayal, belum sarapan lagi kot..hehe
LOL! Rizal, don worry...Mariuca mesti ada pelan B! ;)
Why la, kan LJ also qualify?
Eh u ada rumah terbuka now ke Rizal???
debs, marzie.. i think first commentator siap ngan pautan tuuu kira ide bijaksana (brilliant idea)
gallakkan orang komen kan...
C dah nak gi kerja tu, he says hi hi bye bye! :):)
Rizal ni, otak kreatif terlebih tu...bijaksana sungguh!
hari ni tak da...
belum lagi.. you punyer sebab sebab ada program kat tanaha jajahan ni banyak sgt.. sampai tak sempat rnr nak buat open house..
Tu la, Rizal..I rasa takut jugak mengomen tanpa henti ni sbb mana tau ada org tak suka..tapi Marzie bilang green light ya green light aja sih!
Okay la, I am really sleepy now! Off to bed okay? Nice having this morning chat with u guys, see ya later yeah? :):):)
marzie.. i kata kalau i buat post - i inform tuu macam tuu laa..
atau ingat nak maklum cam nak bagitau...
restnrileks akan buat rumah terbuka esok hari dari jam 8pg hingga 9pg -- contohnya.. so masukkan nyer besok time tuuu ada laa post baru.. hehehe
Hehehe...dah explain kat C dah...dia mmg camtu jgn ambik hati tau! C is a very funny man..hehe
Manja bijaksana si Phoebe..kalau other cats, mesti dah lentok tido dah..
selamat beristirehat yaa marzie..
Rizal, I tak mop lantai pun..spray air freshener jer..lemon lagi, ingat nak spray lavender tp kang tertido org kat rumah I..
debs.. jom cukupkan 300, bagik yang lain pengsan.. sebab kita bertiga jer penuhkan.. ahak ahak
ahak ahak...
suka suka... spray air freshner.. hehe
Monster Mash best ke Marzie? I've tried all sorts of games..hehe..I ingat wanna keep and burn in cds for future use..
debs, tu la ada jugak risau.. macam dok komen2 kang deter pengunjung lain.. tapi tak perr laaa..
kalau yang tak langgan komentar post okay laa.. kalau yang langgan... musti inbox full dalam sehari penuh nama kita semua..
Best tu ada rumah terbuka kat RnR..jgn lupa sediakan minuman ye..kuih raya jamuan besday haritu ke..boleh jugak dihidangkan..ahaks!
rizal loves all kind of games - from simple ones like dinner dash to complicated ones..
now i am just anticipating Diablo 3
Memang idea bijaksana tu, Rizal..I jer tak buat..TC I takde, pautan utk pengomen pertama pun takda..hehe
Kak Emi tu guna strategi serang hendap..dia suka tu senyum sorang2..hehe
debs. not yer the open house.. will announce later..
right now i am still caught up with Marzie's house program - mingle2, social2, talk2, eat2, laugh2..
addicted here..
I also tak tido lagi, Marzie..I think lepas siapkan one more article baru I can sleep..
up .. at.. in.. debs betulkan, you can scorer english.. mana satu ye?
Nitey nite, Marzie! :)
debs, when you say"lagi satu article.."
maksudnya apa.. kerja? copywriting ka apa?
curious.. yer laa nak tahu juga serba sedikit kawan2 blogger ni kan?
311 dah, masuk yg ni..hehe
tuu 312.. ni 313
I think bnyk yg langgan..risau jugak tau, balik2 nama kita hehe..
wow.. i like this 313 number..
I tak main 3D games sbb malas nak install..I mean nak DL pun maleh sbb takes a long time..skrg berpuas hati dgn game ala2 kanak2 yg addictive! :)
up at in untuk apa tu Rizal? I tak faham soalan u la..
i am calling it a day here... from 150 something plus and minus with you and marzie ngan sedikit sumbangan roxy.. dah 300+
panggilan alam.. lepas tuu nak buat design sket.. hehe
baru beli paper water colour.. leh main2 nak buat conteng illos.. uhuuu
right now i am still caught up with Marzie's house program -- susunan ayat ni maksud rizal..
ohh last, you havent answered my question about that article thingy..
nanti tak senang hati pulak nak log off (heheh alasan ...)
Actually I tulis article untuk satu website, di mana website tu memberi service menulis article to anyone who needs it. So people can request for articles according to topics that they want, and the writers will choose artikel mana dia nak tulis. So that's what I do every day, tulis articles for the clients. Kalau rajin tulis, bnyk la dapat pay. :):)
Okay, I had fun! Have a nice day, Rizal..hehe :):) jgn lupa tweets!
debs, i havent refresh GP's page..
saja biarkan dulu.. sebab kalau refresh sekarang pun belum tentu tunjuk nilai sebenar.. :)
Betul la ayat tu..tapi janggal sikit..
I pun belum refresh lagi..
i see i see..
great ideas.. keep on...
i like that... suk apenulis-penulis ni.. mana tahu.. untung2 dengan your kebijaksanaan menulis macam debs ngan marzie..
restnrileks nanti perlukan khidmat copywriting in english..
yer untuk khidmat kasi sassy produk rotan kan?
now i have two copywriters..
selalu kerja-kerja copywriters nii rizal hantar luar...
Kalau copywriting, Marzie lah terer. I cuma tulis articles biasa2 jer hehe..
in fact, Rizal sajer2 tgk dulu.. dua copywiters - BM dan english...
now siapa kata blogging tuu buang masa kan debs?
orait debs.. i am out..
happy mengomen. working and have a great day ya.. :)
Bye Rizal..hati2 di jalan raya.. :):)
Siapa yg cakap blogging itu buang masa, Rizal? Banyak faedahnya kan? :):) Depa tu jeles sebenarnya..
morning marzie! looks who's at TGB today!! :)
Wah! You don't need to sleep? Some more have time for PC games! I can't catch up with you lah : )
I like to play slots too. I have yet to try one on the net.
I prefer the one-arm bandits. hehe...
I guess you must be Zzzz now..hehe.. cya!
Looks like a lot of fun, Mariuca! I will sure would love to try this out, because I really wouldn't dare do the real thing. :-)
Just so you know, I love EC dropping here, at least 5x a day. :-) God bless!
hello everybody!
wahaha rizal!!! dengan moleskine sekali tercicir, terpaksa pusing balik!
best oo naik beca ni!
lol, rizal!! dengar lagu tamil ya!!! hari tu kat supermarket ada pasang lagu tamil, anak kak emi dok mengikut lirik lagu tu....hehe semua orang gelak besar!
rizal crackpot, saya kerepot!
wah debbie...amboi amboi...cheering untuk rizal nampak?
rizal, kak emi pun tak pernah dapat top kat sini...
last month 2nd nak try this month tapi persaingan hebat gila!
ya rizal dan debbie, bring it on.
kalau ada nasi goreng kampung, bring it sekali.
Eh Kak Emi, did I cheer for Rizal?
Panggil Kak Emi soh cepat2 on pc, ada lah! :)
hello mazie! wah, i scroll yr comments list but i can only see rizal and emila's avatar. lol! they hv been trailing very closely huh. great competition! :)
hi emila!
hi rizal! :)
wah marzie, you've got 42 followers on yr twitter!! congrates!! :)
slots on a ship. how cool is that!
this is prob the highest number i saw comments 353!.... as moment!
I love slots! But I never play with real money, takut bankrap la... hehe
Hola Rizal, Emila and Debbs! Thanks for the konversasi here, love it and love u guys too! :):):)
Foong - My sleeping time is all over da place, but yes...of coz must find some time to play games and RnR a bit! ;)
ECL - Me love my slots, real or not he he! ;)
Tina - It's totally cool and this is just a PC game, imagine if it's a real casino woot! ;)
Monica - I see ur pretty avatar here too, thanks sweetie! :)
Nessa - Once in a while must play for real he he! ;)
Hi Jennie! Thanks sweetie, and I love visiting and dropping my ECs at your blog too, your son is adorable! :):):)
Hi Jean! Oh yeah, almost ending oredi my TC race this month, just make sure u're on da list okay? Jean, my Twitter still sikit, Emila's one is out of control he he! 300+ oredi in such a short span of time, Go Emila Go! :):):)
Yeah, this is the miracle of PC games, made for us to indulge!
Yeah we got to use our five senses: Visual-see, audio-hear, fragant-smell, kinetic-touch n feel, mouth watery-taste. That's all in....
Rizal...If IS spying on your comments here...she's a little slow and behind.
You see...Grandy forgot to subscribe to these comments.
So there are like 150 comments here, not from Grandy
Wait...More like 350 comments here NOT from Grandy.
Grandy apparently can't add either.
I fear it is those 350 comments that are seriously impacting my ability to work up in the rankings.
So while I won't be able to make 350 comments to this myself...
I must certainly forge ahead and try to make a dent wherever I can.
But lets face it...even Grandy can only carry on a conversation by herself for so long.
Or can she?...
Hi Grandy, I see all ur comment love here too, thanks so much sweetie! Hope u're enjoying ur weekend. :):):)
Yoon See, me and my PC games, am such a PC game addict he he! Happy Sunday! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!