Not one, but TWO Top Commenter Awards from my awesome friend LJ! Thanks a million LJ! I'm ecstatic to win this adorable award for the month of March and April. How cool is that? I'm still reigning Queen over at LJL (Zubli, please don't try to dethrone me this month ok? LOL!).
It's fun to leave comments on other blogs, but it's GREAT when you actually receive a response from the blog you comment on. That's why I love commenting and chatting with LJ. She always has a lot to say and I learn new things from her everyday! So show some love for LJ today, she's a wonderful friend and a great blogger to get to know! :)
On that note, I'd also like to show some love for Mariuca's Top 10. I apologize for the delay, seeing that I was caught up in the Red Hot Drops project and am only able to post this now.

THANK YOU to my Top 10 Mariucans for April. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Mariuca's blog. I enjoyed my moments here with you and I hope you had a wonderful month here with me too. Here's to another great month with you and have a great weekend! :)
1. LadyJava, author of Lady Java's Lounge
2. Zubli
3. Roxy
4. Raghav
5. Farah
6. Bobby
7. Jean
8. Janice
9. Emila
10. MT
It's fun to leave comments on other blogs, but it's GREAT when you actually receive a response from the blog you comment on. That's why I love commenting and chatting with LJ. She always has a lot to say and I learn new things from her everyday! So show some love for LJ today, she's a wonderful friend and a great blogger to get to know! :)
On that note, I'd also like to show some love for Mariuca's Top 10. I apologize for the delay, seeing that I was caught up in the Red Hot Drops project and am only able to post this now.

THANK YOU to my Top 10 Mariucans for April. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Mariuca's blog. I enjoyed my moments here with you and I hope you had a wonderful month here with me too. Here's to another great month with you and have a great weekend! :)
1. LadyJava, author of Lady Java's Lounge
2. Zubli
3. Roxy
4. Raghav
5. Farah
6. Bobby
7. Jean
8. Janice
9. Emila
10. MT

Wohooo... so itu yg you cari...lolzz
heheh.. Yipee.. am QUEEN at MARIUCA!!! And you right GP!! It feel good to comment on blogs but even greater to receive a response... and you know me.. always got something to say.. I scare myself sometimes.. hehehe...
Anyway.. close call with Zubli this year.. hehhe.. this month got to work harder..lolz.heheh
Thanks again for the recognition dearie.. pat pat on the back :)
Yahoo! My Top Commenter is here, congrats LJ on an excellent job! You're right, Zubli almost gave u a run for ur money but you came back in time, to secure ur spot here ha ha ha!! The last few days of April was funny kan, to see us making sure we retain our spots as TC lolz... :):):)
hahah.. that's true...got to bribe him not to leave so many comments..lol..this month for sure he'll be in full force.. gotta be on my toes...lolzz!!
But you're right..commenting here is like a mini chat room.. so much fun.. that's why I retun so often..lolzz!!! muahss!!
That's why..I just sent him one perfume he he.. alih-alih je Zubli pandai pasal Boldie. You're right, mesti baca kat website he he he!!
Jgn. mare Zubli! :):):)
ahahah...kantoi lah Zubli...hehhe..
eh my dl for 29 May is so slow.. I skipped it and watch 30th instead.. have you watched it? quite sad actually... i had teary eyed jugaklah...:(
Yeah, I watched until yesterday's ep. Today's one tak keluar lagi. :(
Oh I was terharu also, but what's up right? They killed his character man, that was not expected! ;)
But it was exciting right, the last few eps, when everything unraveled! I can't wait to watch the next 2 eps, when they come out that is!
yeah. this time I dont think they can bring him back kan.. not like Taylor remember?? when she came back from the dead..hehhe..
eh 1st pun you dah dl eh?? alamak.. really behind you woman...hehe
Oh NO WAY man!! Actually, I was very angry with the way they brought Taylor back to life, cause it's so ridiculous, tak masuk akal right? But I closed one eye la cause I was just happy to have Taylor back. She's the prettiest of the lot! :):):)
lolzz...yelah how to return with no heart..lol.. with Taylor I was a bit puzzled as well.. coz that time I missed out on the shooting thing.. but i caught her return so can close one eye also lahh.. eh remember Felicia's return..lol.. also pelik lahh..
can you imagine how they can bring Storm back?? hahahahahh
Vote vote vote..hehhe..
eh you mesti menang lahh.. the other one boring lahh..
LJ, today's ep is the 1st la kan? Belum keluar lagi la.. right?
How can the so called Arab Prince know what was happening with her and quickly replaced Taylor with a "life-like doll"??? And the rest of the Forrester and Logan clan, tak kan la tak perasan? It was a cheap ploy la, but it owrked for me so long as Taylor is back he he!! :)
1st dah kluar..cepat2 go dl!!
yelah..arab prince lagi..hehhe.. apa nama arab nyer taylor.. lupa i!!
Thanks woman he he he, nanti I pulak vote vote vote for u lolz!! :)
Wah out oredi? Yay! I've been waiting the whole day (padahal sleep the whole day!), gonna DL now! :):):)
lol!! funny lah you.. tulah wait whole day konon padahal membuta sampai 8pm....alamak aku pun sama gak..lolzz!!!
OMG! You're right, it's been out for ages, how come I tak perasan ni?!! Ha ha ha...okies, hopefully can finish DL in less than an hour woo hoo!! :)
wohoo.. eh my dl for 28th dah habis..i nak tengok sat... heheh.. watching backwards..lolzz
Ok dearie, enjoyzzzz.. my ep is DL quite fast as well, can watch soon too! Nite nite. :)
Ooh, look at me, number three!
I better start chatting right away if I want to keep my spot for May.
Thanks for your Battle of the Blogs votes, I am lost without you and happy when you visit. I am here to vote for you now.
Glad to see I sent a few Red Hot Drops your way, and looking forward to dropping our red hot EC all over the blogosphere.
Have a great weekend!
P.S. -- If I really wanted to take LJ's top slot, I think I would have left this note as five (5) separate comments.
lolzzz Roxy... i saw that...heheheh
Yay, congrats Roxy! I'm happy that you made it here again, woo hoo! Let's see if you can retain the number 3 spot, or perhaps move to number 2 this month?
Oh u did send several RHDs our ways! Great work, that was really thoughtful of you, we love Roxy here! Don't we LJ? :)
Of course GP!!We love Roxy here and over at LJL!!
Roxy! Consider Mariuca and LJL as your "happy place" YAY!
Wei LJ, go and watch ur Boldie already woman! Ha ha...am at ur site now tengah mengundi! :)
Yelah Mak...heheh.. tengah tengok lah ni... lolzzz!!!
Ha ha that's great then! Another new friend at BE. I only have this blog at BE. Will beef up my other one before submitting to BE again! Thanks for stopping by AG. :):):)
LJ gave me a great idea with her post about meeting Natrah in the flesh, so I just stopped by with your invitation to Blogosphere at the Beach!
See you soon!
Oooh invitation to party from Roxy? Thanks so much, be right over!
LJ, you're still watching ur soap? ;)
I think the reason LJ is top Mariuca commenter all the time is she nevah evah sleeps, just keeps pouring those cups of hot java and typing her fingers off.
Just started another Battle of the Blogs against that naughty Washington intern, Jason, so please swing by through BlogExplosion and help me out if you get the chance today.
We need to find a sponsor to fund our Blogosphere at the Beach....maybe IZEA would back us?
Now that I see only 4 spots left on Red Hot Drops, that can be the next big project for you and LJ to team up on.
yeap.. got the invite from Roxy but got to stop everything as azwaj need my help with drafting some letters...
C u later ya :)
LOL! That sounds just about right Roxy! LJ is a true night owl who never sleeps lolz... Neither do you or me for that matter he he!! It's 8.08 am now and I'm gonna have some breakfast, watch a little TV, EC hop n drop and then zzzz! ;)
Okies LJ, am gonna finish off some work myself. Don't forget TV3 11.30am today he he...consider yourself reminded and shhhh... ;)
LOL Roxy..
GP!! Am still up too.. in fact at azwaj office.. waiting for the NL stall to open b4 going home.. malas nak turun naik..
Yeah.. TV3.. eh remind me..tau..hhehe... shhhh. eh 11.30am ke 11.30pm??
Wah every morning NL ke? Some more near ur home kan? :)
11.30am, which is why I'm only gonna zzzz after that he he!! I guess I will see you late-r?
yealah so far daily.. tapi takut gak.. dah mengembang ni..lol..
ohh 11.30am... nasib baik you cakap.. oh macam tu i tak tidor lahh... nanti tak bangun pulak...heheh
That's why I cannot zzz yet woman! Anyway so sweet of u to "wait up" for you know what LOLZ! It's okay if u fall asleep ok? He he... some more after makan NL mesti sleepy. ;)
Noooolahh... must watch one...lolzz..lagipun I normally sleep after zohor.. so apa lagi... tv3..lah...lolz!!!...lepas makan mana boleh tidor.. nanti gemuk!!! heehe
Ha ha ha MUST watch one it seems lolz... Eh woman, I'm going through RHD list now. Am gonna email u shortly. I mean since we're both still up la kan! ;)
heheh..yelah MUST watch..lolz
Ok.. email me what you have and I'll do the necessary..i think we move our deadline kot. since we are now so close to 99?
Congrates to LJ for winning it 2 mths in a row. YAY :)
Hola Marzie,
My goodness by the looks of this chat I will never make it in the top ten...LOL!!!
I just dropped in to say terima kasih for helping me with the Red Hot Drops.
Also wanted to practice my new language lessons from Zubli...LOL!!
I am a slow learner but I am very excited to be learning just these few things.
I can't get back in tonight...I have got to come up with a post for tomorrow. See you tomorrow:-)
Wah! You and LJ having conversations on your blog! kakaka.....
Top commentator recognition sounds great for my readers too. :)
hahah.. saw already....heheh.. same lah with the picture...heheh
Hi Jan! Yeah 2 months in a row, LJ has been my Top Mariucan woo hoo! And hey, thanks for being on da list as well. :)
Hola Jackie, great to see u here today! :)
Oh, I see Zubli has been teaching you a couple of words yeah? He he..I'm gonna teach u a few to recite to him as well LOL! ;)
LOL...ECL, us night owls have to have these after midnight chats to keep us going till morning mah he he... And yeah, you shld give ur top commentators recognition for all their words over at ur blog. I'm sure they'll love it too! :)
LJ!!! You saw? Ha ha ha, I almost missed it! Good thing I switched channels just as he came on lolz...
haha.. yeah.. he came on exactly 11.30am.. if i had not got the tv on since 11.15am.. i would have missed it too..lolzz!!! he looks the same lahh.. i thought they say camera add 5 pounds...hehe
Tu la! Surprisingly, I wasn't that sleepy then and now, I'm just so wide awake! Dunno what time I'll go to zzz now! Even did some house cleaning earlier, wah aktifnya GP! :)
Wahh ..aktifnya.. i pun baru sudah vacumm and clean the litter bin... astaga...lolzz.. i even got THREE posts out...lolzz!!
LOL!! LJ, just when I think I'm going crazy being aktif even tho blm zzz, here u are doing the same exact thing..and then some! That's why la GP loves LJ lolz... :)
heheh... we very strong woman lah dearie.. eh Roxy did a post on my me and my blogs kat her roxy best.. come and check out my my blogs ok :)
Wah wah LJ! I'm at SS now, being featured is a big deal la. You'll be on everyone's home page and they get a chance to prop u for being featured blog! Congrats LJ! :)
Will drop by Roxy's of coz.
Thanks dearie... ehehe.. i did not even know that.. lolz.. thanks again.. yihaa.. am smiling from ear to ear..lolz!!.. what a day!!
Cool yeah? LJ, here u are my Top Mariucan, SS u are Featured blog and at Roxy's u are being featured also...no wonder u're smiling like a contented kitty! :):):)
I can never compete with LJ!! But happy to be the 9th!
Marzie, the trip to Fraser's Hill is cancelled la...
GP!! Yikes I didn't even make it to the top ten this time around...have to start commenting again...too bad you didn't have this last year before my course and Triumph LOL Cheers GP and to the worthy winner LlcoolJ!!
Thanx for the support to my simple BLOG ... U are welcome to be my 3rd guest blogger... take care and hepi wiken.
I would like to join the hot drop. Can I do it later as I have to go out for a while? Also, can I put it on more than one blog? I have four :O)
Salaam. Looks like i'm too late here huhu. Anyway hope Mariuca the genie princess always in healthy and happy condition, but becareful be a genie OK, don't incite people to do bad things ok hehe
Hi Emila! I'm glad u still made it to the list, it wouldn't be complete without you so yay! Hope u're still enjoying a good weekend even tho ur trip got cancelled. :)
He he LL Cool J indeed! ;)
No worries Adrian, thanks for all ur visits, it's always nice to see u here GK. :)
Wah, thanks Bono, for the invitation. And I'm happy that you're now part of my visits! Have a great weekend. :)
Hi Babs! Thanks for ur interest in RHD. You can of course join us here as long as your 4 blogs meet our very easy requirements and we still have available slots. So buzz me as soon as you're done, thanks! :)
Ha ha ha salam Forumer, I suka la kalau u datang sini. You always make me smile with ur cute comments! Don't worry, GP will not abuse her magical power okay? He he...Happy weekend! :)
congrats congrats
o really? I thought i was messing around huhu, so if u said so, then i will try to fulfill the genie's wish. Hmmm, usually the genie fulfill the human needs, but now i fulfill genie's wish eh :-? So u are the wishing genie eh?? :D
Congratulations on the awards & glad I found all these great blogs ~ LJ, Mariuca & Roxy! Got you all bookmarked! Heading over to find out what the Beach is all about!
Cindi - Moomettesgram
Thanks Faizal! I'm sorry for not visiting lately, been busy with a couple of projects, but I'm at ur blog now! :)
Forumer, sebab u're just messing around la you sound so cute he he! ;)
Hiya Cindi! Thanks for bookmarking us yay! And it's nice to meet you too. :)
Hi marzie,
Lol...hey you have my email and then Zubli would never know!!!
I have had computer problems all afternoon...Grrrrrrr...had to dump everything.
So now it's taking me forever to load the pages!!
But, I am here now and as always it's filled with fun!!
Hey how do I find us on Entre? I don't know how to search for our group.
Thanks if you can help me out.
Speaking of that I need to go do some drops. And go visit my new friend LJ and I also need to visit GK!! I owe him a visit too!!
Later Gators:-)XX'sToo!!
Happy Saturday Night GP (though I think it is Sunday morning for you)...how did it take me all day to come over for a visit? Rainy rainy here, so not much else to do but play with the kiddies and surf the blogosphere...still out making friends on SocialSpark and dropping those EC.
Yes, Matt joined PPP...he is in the US and I think he has PR4, so all we'll be seeing will be his big $$ paid posts soon!
Thanks for your BotB votes, couldn't do it without you.
Dropping by to drop!! has anyone told you you're simply the best yet today? Cuz you are!!
It's difficult to stay on your top commenter list Marzie...the competition is much too ferocious! I have commented on almost every post you've ever written, but now I'm not even listed...wah...haha!
I don't like the way that widget works, the wordpress one works much differently and gets reset every month. A few weeks ago Zubli had a few comments, now he has 52!!! Ya think he's trying to win? Hahahaha:):):)
Thanks for listing me, I'm doing the best I can:)
Hi Sayang!
I know the secret to be in the top now.....to send as many as 10-20 comments/topic...... & to have a live chat here instead of any chat site...
i will surely try to compete for the month of june!
sending 100 comments won't be that very easy..as it is a time consuming...but i will try to take this challenge from LJ & try to take her place of the month of june!
hope for the best..
thanx any ways for honouring me la...
first & foremost i have to improve my malay to comment here as most of the comments are in malay & it makes very tough for me to know what the other is thinking about your topic!
i was taking a course in learning malay...but now that i am busy not able to cope up with it...
any ways...
Jumpa Esok!
wow, sure you are on the running in LJ's blog, i surrender la GP, i will take charge on her life pages aje la! LOL
we all love your blog, and we love to leave comments too because we get your responds to it.
go GP! ish, my ranking dah jatuh sikit la here...got to use the 5th gear from now on.
Hi Jackie! Oh I have the perfect thing for u to say to Zubli ha ha ha! He is gonna love it! ;)
Jackie, click on my EC, and under My Faves, you'll find most of our EC buddies there! I'm glad u're loving EC as well, and it looks like you came back just in time to join us at RHD yay! :):):)
Hi Roxy! It's Sunday evening now, and it's hot hot HOT here! :) I have not been busy at SS, but have made several new friends and have been propping away he he! Plus, I'm also waiting for them to verify my perfume blog (MPG), and it's been more than a week now! :(
I'm gonna be joining BOTB tonight, so of coz ul get my usual vote if u're on it as well! See ya later! :):):)
Bobby Wobby! Yay, you're still on my April list and that counts for something. :)
Zubli has been enjoying the last few weeks chatting with me here, hence the runner-up spot! And it was a tight one between LJ and him too lolz! ;)
Hi Raghav, thanks for making it to the list last month as well! :)
Only to my local readers, do I add some Malay words here..you know...to spice things up! He he...I see u've learned some new words too, have fun learning Malay! :)
Hi Farah! Yay, he he... done deal! ;) You take care of LLP and I'll jaga LJL lol!!
I love commenting on your blog as well Farah, cause you too always treat your readers with a response to their comments. Macam tu la best kan? :)
i will surely learn more malay if my tutor co operates with my regularly irregularly timing in attending the course....
learnt minimum malay to speak when i travel there...
Meet you soon...
Darn, I'm in the same boat with GK. Not even in the top 10. Sigghhh ...
Yeah la Nick.. the comments changed drastically towards the end of the month, pushing you and GK out of da list completely! Try again tis month for some linky love recognition here ok? ;)
Hey, GP!
How do you all find the time to drop 300 EntreCards per day??!! EntreCard says I have an addiction for hitting the 99 Red Hots plus a few extra click-throughs. Whew!
Must be my Comcastic! Internet service that slows me down...
Anyway, haven't seen you around the blogosphere in a while...did that virtual vacation go real?
Have a good one, I'm off to bed.
Hiya Roxy! We don't sleep remember? That's the trick to being able to drop ur EC at 300 blogs lolz! I've only dropped 300 cards twice so far, just wanna see if my rate of return increases if I go for the max 300. ;)
Oh I'm actually down with a fever Roxy! :(:(:( GP is sick, hence the MIA! ;)
Eik, hows comes my name mentioned in this post. LOL!!! You know that I bagi chance kat Idayu LadyJava. Else, I tak number 2. Hehehehehe. Tak per lah, Lady's first. Tapi, kalau dia tidor manyak dan tak ngentam Boldie, bulan ini, I tak janji nama I naik dalam carta. Hahahahaha. Okaylah, syiok ada cabarans untuk pemenang 2 bulans berurut-turut tuh. I comment kat her Lounge sikit-sikit jer. Tapi you tahu ler Wong Jowo neh, dia jawab, I balas, dia balas I jawab, jikalau barangkali mungkin you take pekena Javan Coffee and her Cheesecake, or Nasik Lemak Cuttlefish cicah Onion Flower, alamatnya setakat dua bulan itu jer lah. Hehehehehehehe...Dethrone tu tak mungkin lah kan, but we can sit together-gether or togethim. Hahahahaha...
hahha.. kasi chance konon..lol Mr Shyman...heheh...
I ni peramah.. org tego I jawab lerr..heheh
Ha ha ha ha guys!! I'm smiling now tengah sakit-sakit ni, funny la my Top 2 Mariucans ni he he!!
Takpe, it's a brand new month and I'm just as excited to see if LJ can maintain her spot here or will Zubli (or someone else!) push her out of the ranking he he! :):):)
Yihaaa!! Game on!! hehe
Ladyz, sekarang terimalah 100 pantuns dari ShyMan okay. (145 lah kan...) Ini yang pertama:
Buah Cempedak Di Luar Pagar,
Ambil Galah Tolong Jolokkan,
Mariuca sakit-sakit bila gelak jadi sihat,
LadyJava, rai mu roto, camner nak game on.
Thanks. Harap usah dibalas yer.
Red alert! Red alert!! Red alert!!! Top Commenter at LadyJava Lounge is about to be dethrone-ed. Thanks...
Wah wah wah, I pun tak perasan Zubli!! Uh oh...LJ bangun tidur nanti, for sure terperanjat tengok dia dah nak di dethrone kan over here! ;)
Marzie, I dah tahu wajah dia cam maner rupa. Rupa Jawa. Dulu I ada kawan kat Melaka, gitu jugak bubuh paper bag tutup kepala, tapi muka dia empat segilah kan? Kalau tidak macam maner nak masukkan paper bag tutup kepala kan? Hahahahaha...kasi I nengok, cepat!!!!!!!!
Aper menda lah Lady banyak apples ni, I macyiam nak masyiuk Lounge, minum jus apple LadyJava, dia macam masih gear 2, asyik-asyik 36 jer. Tak aper, I ni baik, I kasi chance sampai minggu depan okay Farah Deen, I biasa lepak Launge mula hari Isnin. Hari lain, Mak Budak suruh jaga 7 Chempedak!!! Orait, dengan syarat you tahulah, satu apple you kasik untuk mata kiri. Habeh mata sepet belah kanan bila lagi nak dapat apple!!!!!!!!!
Zubli, I dapat tengok LJ sekejap je, tak sampai 5 minit, but at least I pernah tengok! Comel la LJ! ;)
Eh blum kena dethrone lagi.. the month is still young.. skg ni baru buffer menbuffer.... nanti nak hujung bulan baru gear 10! ...hehhe
GP! 5 minutes pun ok lah.. comel?? alamak.. mana ada comet.. comot ada lah kot...lolzz
LJ!! I think I need a refresher!! I'm slowly losing the image of u in my mind he he he, it's all a bit blurry now. Better send me a new picture of u before the image goes away completely. I promise I won't show Zubli lolz! ;)
hahah... alamak refresher..lolzz.. aiks you tak baca ke remark nyer si Farah.. tengok jer Astro.. fashion channel.. macam VS model tu..lolzz!!!
LJ, I read Farah's remark, what I meant was the "latest" hot pic of u he he!
You started ur day already too I see. Happy Saturday! :)
lolzzz GP!! Latest pic?? hmmm.. lolzz lagi...heheh
Happy Saturday to you!!!
Ok ok janji pernah dapat glimpse sekali he he, thank u LJ! ;)
heheh.. GP!!Alahai cian pulak bunyi nyer...heheh...tak sampai hati pulak...i ni lembut hati tau..lolzz!!
Marzie, okay dah. Walaupun you tengok 5 minit, ada yang beritahu macam Victoria, tapi, tak perlu buka paper bag dah, I nampak reflections kat lantai semasa dia nyedut vacuum kuching. Hehehehehe...Yes!!!
Hello LJ and Zubli!!
Zubli, guess what? I baru je dapat gambar terbaru LJ woo hoo!!! Paper bag pun dah tukar warna purple he he!
Oh kelakar kan LJ vaccum Aggie? Kalau la I blh vacuum Phoebe LOL! :)
Terima kasihlah kerana you sudi tunjukkan gambar terbaru nya kat I. Senang jer, jika kat situ, ambil vacuum dan buat-buatlah latah, opocyot ker, then angle kan penyedut tu, I rasa tercabut paper bag itu deh! LOL!!!
Okay Nite owler, look who is top commenter tonite. Hehehehehehe! Ikhlas, Suci, Murni, tanpa Buffer. That does it...(wink!)
hahaha.. Zubli.. where got reflection?? mimpi jer tu...lolzz... comel tak GP!! the lady in purple tu!! heheheh... Zubli.. jangan jeles..heheh
Kita semua mana ada buffer Zubli, semua pun suci murni, correct or nooooot LJ? ;)
Betul Zubli, I ada gambar LJ betul ni, reflection-reflection tak main la he he! :)
LadyJava, I tahu you ada satu kelemahan yang sebenarnya kebaikan. You berhati lembut. Tak sampai hati jika di minta bertalu-talu. I shall persist until I succeed. Tak per, kini tak ada reflection yang jelas kat lantai. One of these days, I just look into Marzie's eyes, and I shall see you. Then I shall say, cantik nya paper bag! LOL!!!
Ladyz, semalam you all tak buffer mem buffer ker? I all masih Top Commenter kat sini neh. Mungkin Marzie tak release lagi comments tak tahu lah. But it sure feels good to be good on top there. Hahahahahahahaha! Kan Marzie?
Ladyz, I believe you both. I sense you berdua dah tak. Dulu tuh macam banyak jer, kini I pun dah tak dengar Katie ker, atau seumpama. Orait, I agree Marzie, reflection tak main lah kan. Kasi nengok dalam 5 seconds. Hehehehehehe...
Marzie, jika you nak tahu dia trust tak I? Trust! Sebab, BFF within a week or so, dan electronic mail dia kasi. Kan?
Yelah Zubli..mana ada buffer mengbuffer.. semua suci murni macam minyak masak Harmony...heheh..licin jer...
Hah?? paperbag cantik.. ok gak!!
Good afternoon Zubli and LJ!
Wah Zubli is appealing to LJ's softer side, but doesn seem to be working. Looks like you still have to picture LJ as perfection in purple! ;)
LJ, so happy to see u here, does this mean you're feeling better? :)
Yeah.. feeling much better now GP!! Hugs.. just needed to think through the problem, have a semi solution and that seems to ease off the moodiness :)..
Thanks for being there for me ya :)
Great to hear that woman! When there's a will, there's a way yeah? It will get better, I promise! :)
GP!! Betul! Reflection² ni tak main kan?? lolzz
There are moments when winning is not seeing beyond the cover. The mystery of the cover itself is so much fun beyond measure. So letting a friend continue the fun of being mysterious, can be a winning beyond self-preference. (Do I sound like an American President?) Terlebih makan sushi kot petang tadi. But, I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. Kan LadyJava? Marzie, setuju?
Dear LadyJava and Marzie, seeing a reflection is not as exciting as seeing the subject in particular. So, I agree bab reflection tu. Well, a friend is always patience, and the one who prefer to see is always focus when the mystery owner can sometimes do forget. Vacuum is one example. LOL!!!
Ha ha ha Zubli!! Makan sushi jadi Presiden Amerika? Ha ha ha!! Zubli, asalkan u and LJ on my list, I dah bergumbira di sini orait! :)
LJ, kesian Zubli, maybe u can give him a caricature or something he he! :)
Alamak caricature!! hehehe.. takper lah GP!! biar zubli bayangkan LJ jer..heheh.. mystery is good :)...lolzz
Of coz, LJ shall always remain mysterious...except to GP ha ha ha!! Jgn sedih ok Zubli? ;)
hahehehe.. GP!!
Dear Marzie and LadyJava, sorry ler lambat masuk ruang komen di blog ini. I miss you all, sebab I all sibuk dan menyibuk bab politik Malaysia. I gi round macam-macam blog ada. Oh you berdua story I yer, thanks. I appreciate it. Jaga-jaga, I mai dah, nak Am bu Chak, Lady yang pakai paper bag, mystery tu lah! Hehehehehe...Kalau I ambuchak you, sila angkat paper bag dan buat yang sama okay. Hehehehehe...
I lah kan, kalau setakat carricature si LadyJava tuh, senang macam makan curry jer. Lukis paper bag, and the rest, tidak lupa juga, vacuum!
Hi Zubli and LJ! :)
Wah Zubli dah jadi politician ke sekarang? LOL!! Apa kata u lukis caricature LJ? Nak tengok LJ from Zubli's eyes! :)
Hi GP! Hi Zubli!!.. Hehehe.. I can't draw to save my life lahh...lolzz!!
Alamak, sorry.. I meant Zubli lukis gamabr LJ!! Anyway I also cannot draw he he! Did u see the picture I drew over at Emila's blog? So embarrassing right? Ha ha ha!! :)
heheh.. GP. yeah I saw.. very cute what...heheh..
*blush* Embarrassing la, mcm budak kecik! My cat dari dulu sampai sekarang sama je! ;)
hheh GP!! another thing we have in common.. we can't draw to save our life kan?? lolz!!!
LJ, that's why I happily dropped Art masa Form 5 dulu! ;)
And lucky for me.. I was streamed to the Science dept so no arts there! lolzz!
Dear Marzie, politik ker, eshy tidak lah. Terutama di Malaysia, ngeri! Cuma I minat dari kechik, nak tahu. Utusan Malaysia itu memang juadah bacaan harianlah. Minat punya minat, sampai kat Universiti, dapat tawaran. Tolak. Minat lagi, sampailah 2004. Bila dengar jer Ku Cari Abadi, dan Islam Hadhari, I hilang minat. Siapa dalam menteri kabinet Abdullah Ahmad Badawi pun I tak tahu. Sehinggalah 8 March 2008. Now I blog about leader and how each influence Malaysian politics, not because I am a politician, but I am on who is interested. Not because I know politics. Because I know the basics in life. Contohnya, tidak buat jahat, buat baik. Amal makruf nahi mungkar. Common sense lah kan? Since I conduct Teambuilding courses, kecuali yang di Vietnam, ya yang LadyJava attended itulah kan? Ya, yang dia pegang senapang tapi pakai paper bag tuh. I bila tengok jer gambar itu I tunduk. Sebab manalah tahu kan, dia terpetik trigger, habeh camaner I nak jadi Top Commenter kat sini, bulan ini, kan Marzie? Gitulah...
Aperlah yang susah sangat nak carricuture si LadyJava tuh, kan Marzie? Senang jer. I can do it faster than searching FAQ kat EntreCard. Tapi, 5 seconds jer, itu paper bag kasi buang dulu. LOL!!!
Marzie, allow me to share with you one point about an onlooker. Manusia ini, mereka yang dijadikan manusia yang bermata sepet, macam I, dia melihat perempuan semua lawa. You tengok orang yang matanya lawa bulat macam, bukan Katie, errr contohnya Doraemon kan? Bila dia nak tengok kelawaan, mesti dia kejip mata jadi kechik. I tak perlu itu semua, sebab mata I dah memang sepet. Natural! I bersyukur. Jadi, bila orang lain tengok Marzie, dia kata Marzie lawa or Marzie is beautiful. Huh! Jikalau barangkali gamaknya matanya sesepet I, you punyalah lawa, punyalah beautiful Marzie, hanya I yang tahu. Okay, your spouse juga, sebab matanya sepet barangkali. I agaklah. Jadi sesiapa yang belum kahwin tu, carilah suami macam bijaknya Marzie memilih si dia yang jumpa tak jumpa lepas itu jumpa dan terus berdebum-bam-bum, err kahwin! Betul ke Marzie?
Marzie, I am an artist. Tak pandai lukis semua benda, tapi konsepnya I tahu. Contohnya, masa kat sekolah hampir semua lukisan I di tampal kat board dalam kelas. MCE I lukis land of the giant. Bila Cikgu suruh murid lukis bunga, depa lukis chekepuit. I lukis bunga besar penuh art paper. Bila berkursus, we can read, because, you are what you draw. Bila I suruh peserta lukis gambar, rumah, depa lukis itulah rumah papan atap nipah, tepi sawah. Baru-baru ini I lukis petak penuh art paper. Lepas itu I sambung dots jadi rumah batu setingkat. Anak I dia simpan gambar itu. Jadi maksudnya ramai tak faham konsep, itulah sebabnya, orang macam Emila Yusof itu, I tabik spring sepuluh kali. Dia pun dah pergi Genting Hinglands, kan Marzie? I pun dah pergi Genting Highlands jugak. Hehehehehe...
Impian I pada usia yang lewat ini, ialah melukis di block sebesar yang Leonardo Da Vinci punya. Kemudian I lukis my version of a flower, King of all flowers. Cantik, Marzie, in my mind. I pernah lukis sekali atas art blog, sedikit demi sedikit I lukis pakai Artline 500. Masalahnya, belum siap lagi, I punya Chempedak 7, dengan mak Budak sekali melukis kat atasnya. Jadi kelihatanlah the King Of All Flowers, tak siap, tetapi dipenuhi campur aduknya Ultra Man, rumah atap, itek, gajah, dan segala macam yang tak ada kena mengena dengan apa yang I visualize in my mind. Habeh, cam nor?
LadyJava, Marzie, syiok melukis neh. Macam orang post passionate blogging, atau ambil gambar dengan kamera, melukis ini satu macam ekspression diri yang amat memuaskan. Ada ketikanya lebih sedap dari Nasik Lemak Cuttlefish. Map maner?
Hi LJ and Zubli!
Finally Zubli is here, sibuk berpolitik sekarang ye? Of course Zubli, I get what u mean. You don't have to be a politician to write abt politics yeah? :)
Wah I am so impressed that you can draw Zubli!!! LJ, how like this? ;)
Apa kata u draw something and put it at ur blog? I am so sure many ppl would love to see the artistic touch of Zubli, siap kena tampal kat board dalam kelas lagi! Caya lah Zubli!
hoho am number 9 here! i've improved so much over the months!
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