What happens when two cat-loving night owls put their heads together and combine their passion for blogging? They form an exclusive club of course!
LJ & I have decided to form our very own Red Hot Drops Entrecard Club and our membership drive starts NOW! Got an Entrecard? Then join us as we drop our hot EC all over the blogosphere.
All you have to do is include you Blog name and URL into this list. Copy the blogroll code and badge into your blog's sidebar, leave us a comment here and voila! You're now all set to start dropping your hot EC into all the wonderful sites in our Blogroll!
Add your blog NOW and you'll be listed here once we've confirmed your link and EC widget. Pls ensure you have the Red Hot Drops badge and Blogroll installed at your sidebar as well. This is required before we can approve your to the list. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any X-rated sites and we do request that your EC widget be placed high enough at your sidebar for everyone's convenience. To maintain our exclusivity, we're looking for only 99 Red Hot Drops so HURRY! It's easy, FUN and is a great way to drive more EC traffic your way! Join us NOW!
All you have to do is include you Blog name and URL into this list. Copy the blogroll code and badge into your blog's sidebar, leave us a comment here and voila! You're now all set to start dropping your hot EC into all the wonderful sites in our Blogroll!
Add your blog NOW and you'll be listed here once we've confirmed your link and EC widget. Pls ensure you have the Red Hot Drops badge and Blogroll installed at your sidebar as well. This is required before we can approve your to the list. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any X-rated sites and we do request that your EC widget be placed high enough at your sidebar for everyone's convenience. To maintain our exclusivity, we're looking for only 99 Red Hot Drops so HURRY! It's easy, FUN and is a great way to drive more EC traffic your way! Join us NOW!
And here's the badge to display at your sidebar.

UPDATE ON the RED HOT DROPS - Please Read!
The membership drive for the Red Hot Drops is now officially over! LJ & I have been really busy these past few days, going through your blogs and deciding on which blogs to successfully make our exclusive list. Due to overwhelming response, we've decided to extend the membership to an additional 2 blogs, bringing the total count of RED HOT DROPS members to a cool 101!
We thank you for your support and we apologize for not being able to accommodate each and every one who entered their names here. We have a very good variety of blogs listed so we'd like to encourage everyone to visit and get to know one another. Have FUN and we'll be seeing you soon! WELCOME to the RED HOT DROPS!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»hahah... let me be the first to comment here too...lolzz...
dah lepas tension GP!! lol.. it looks good woman.. yeay.. pat oun our back eh.... lets rock the world pple..lolzz
and welcome Roxy!!
Yay sama-sama first commenter! I'm so happy we decided to do this, even though we haven't slept a wink since...what time? ;)
Woo hoo! Welcome Roxy, we had a feeling you'd join us lolz.. :)
wohoo... am here to vote GP...yelah GP so worth the sleepless night kan...;)
Yay, thanks woman! Only insomniacs like us can understand the satisfaction he he...! :)
zroommm... me here by rocket!!!! heheheh....hah approve jgn tak approve GP!! lolzz
LJ! I've edited the para as well and am happily approving away! Next have to hop to ur place in a rocket. GP is going nuts from lack of sleep and too much coffee he he! :)
Dei, tidurlah wahai permaisuris. LOL!!! You berdua neh, now my drops is Red Hot. Err, can I join?
Ha ha ha ha Zubli!! Mcm mana u tau kita org tak tidur lagi? He he he.... selagi u tak join, selagi tu we can't sleep! ;)
hahaha.. GP!!stop the coffee already woman.. time to sleep..eh i forgot to tell you.. the blogroll will take a while to refresh so dont worry..
GP!! You forgot to change your blogroll name lahh...heheh...
Oh yeah, I haven't even put up the picture at my side bar...so many things to do ni!
Zubli, ur blog asyik lagu Beatles je keluar, widgetnye tak nampak lagi! ;)
hah kan Zublik ... cikgu dah marah...lolz... widget tu taruk kat atas2 skit cik abg oiiii...lolzz!!
Sebabnya, I pergilah mengendap kat blogs di MyBlogLog si Boldie fan ini, I pun comments ler di sana, sebab nak selow daun kat sini. Syekali, dia jawab semua komen ituh kecuali satu. Tak ker boleh demam dibuatnya. Sangka I dia nite owl, mesti tidur punya, pukul 6 petang baru bangun, rupanya alive and kicking sejak pagi taddi, doing the Red Hot drops one. Okay, two. I nearly dropped!!! Lepas itu dia nengok macam I tak shy pulak. Aleh, kalau I tak shy, macam mana I boleh jadi Boldie fan? You tolong ayats sama dia si Java ni. Lagi pun, JavaScript you ALL, wordpress.com punya blogger mana laku? Blogspot, punya orang!!!
Am in! Hurrah!
GP Fenings... lolzz... sabau sabau!!..
Zubli.. tak yah ayat2 si java ni.. I tau you tak shy lahh...lolzz!!
Yeahhh.. kami org blogspot..lolzz!!
Good morning teacher. Memanglah, the Beatles tuh tahun berapa? Bila dia dah muncul barulah keluar Red Hot Drops, yang panas lagi merah, memang selow syikit. LOL!!! Sesiapa yang involved buat Red Hot drops ini dari malam sampai pagi, minum kopi punyalah manyak, pastikan gosok gigi baru tidor okay. Hahahahahaha! Ambik toothpastes I antau kat Facebook. Kalau tak jumpa, usahlah pakai jaris pulak yer...Hehehehehehe!
Welcome Emila to our exclusive blogroll :)...jgn lupa malam esok ya :)
Zubli, how come I can't see ur widget yg I selalu blue or pink kan?? This is the same blog right?
LJ, I did the picture oredi woo hoo! Everything is a-okay...don't worry! :)
Yay, Emila is here too. Waiting for Jean now! :)
Alamak, BFF neh tak membantus lah. Dah tak ada ayats yang red and hot kah? I pun Fenings daa. Alapak. Bobby Revellian, where are you? *I am shy*, please agree Man, you are my man.
LOL! Sorry Zubli, I kan blm tidur lagi lolz...anyway, I see ur EC! And I dah approve you dah, yeeha!! Are we back to being BFF now? ;)
Gurau jer. Wahai BFF, I kan shy, kalau dia nengok I macam tak shy jer, malu ler I. Bukannya kechik, besar malunya. Okay lah kan, card dah hot red and keluar diiringi Beatles, kan? Yeeehaaa!
I'm in ....take care
Zubli my BFF, don't forget to put up the RHD badge and the blogroll at ur blog ye? I dah nak zzzz ni, kasi la pressie baru kat FB! Surprise me he he!! ;)
Hi Bono, thanks for joining. Pls have the badge and blogroll up soon yeah so we can approve u asap. Thanks so much! :)
Please, get a well deserved restful to the full sleep. Surprizes can some so many ways for you Phoebe and our frens. Come May 2008, we all can drop to a level of Red Hot. Wow! Congratulations on a project well intentioned, well planned, and well executed. I hope you ladies are in the well. Yes, then I can pour perfumes from the top where I am. hehehehehehe!
hi marzie! what a greta idea! good job, woman! im in and i've dropped my EC on every of these. Keep it coming! Let's go for 99RedHotDrops!! Yay!! :D
Not sure what I'm supposed to do but I've joined already. You know how blur I am with stuff like these ya ... hehehe ...
hi, just passed by.Happy Labour Day!
Yay, thanks Zubli! We spent the whole night working on this he he...ni baru bangun ni! ;) Happy Labor Day to you! :)
Yay! I knew you'd be interested to join us Jean! Woo hoo! :)
Don't forget to install the Blogroll and the badge at ur sidebar yeah sweetie? I just did for MPG yay!
Spiff! Yay, you're here too! :) By being listed here, you can make things so much easier for u when u do ur EC rounds, by clicking on everyone in the list. Basically we're compling 99 names/blogs under one RHD group so u can easily drop on all of them daily, or whenever you do ur EC hop n drop! :)
Hi Hazel, thanks for stopping by. Have a good holiday tomorrow! :)
Thanks lady, whatever you say I'll follow!
Yay! Thanks Bokjae! So happy you're here too he he... I'll come by to check on ur blogroll and badge later, woo hoo!! :):):)
Hola! Guden Morgan. Please check your Facebook inbox message, to find the Surprize. This first, more May soon...Total Cheers!!! Arigato!
Zubli Dah-ling!! Thank you!!! Wah wah wah, happynye dapat promosi kat blog u! Terus tinggalkan 3 comments he he!! ;)
Hi Marzie! I've joined Red Hot Drops! :) Dah letak blogroll and button on my blog dah. Hehehe Happy Labour Day!!
Yay, thanks Debbie and welcome! I'll come see u now, hugs!! :):):)
I signed up already, but now I'm wondering if I should hv put the name of my blog site instead...Hmm. Hehehe Oh, well! It's still a good idea! :)
Hi Rozella, yay and welcome! Oh no worries, I can change that for you, coming over to ur site now dear! :):):)
hey there GP...commenting from my iPhone on my way in to NYC on the train. Red Hot Drops looks like it is filling up quickly...great idea!
Can? That will be great! Thanks so much! Sorry to trouble you. Hehe
thinking about this Genie Princess thing...can I get three wishes if I rescue you from your bottle?
Hi Rozella, no worries. Amhaving fun doing the approvals he he! Let me know abut ur EC widget ok?
Hi Roxy, oh cool NY! Send me a postcard ha ha!!
The Genie Princess will be happy to grant u 3 wishes for 3 of your blogs. You can join in the fun and perhaps revive this meme by tagging some of Roxy's circle of friends! ;)
I just joined the list from LJ's blog. Wow- you two kitty lady surely hand lots of fresh interesting ideas huh!
EC widget? Uhhh...what's that? Hehehe Sorry, I'm really bad with all these kinda stuff!
Oh oh oh okay I get it! Entrecard! Hahahaha
Ha ha ha...we peak at night, all the ideas come gushing out then! Thanks again for joining Farah and you're already listed! :)
Rozella, no worries. I'm coming over right now to help you! :):):)
I got it I think. Right?
I wish I were interested in stuff like this Marzie. I just drop my card on your site because you're my friend and I care about you:)
Have a wonderful day:)
Hi Marzie, i joined your list! I voted for you in the battle of the blogs too! have a good weekend.Cheers!
HI GP!! Okay I'm in at last! Thanks for the invite...now what does this do again LOL
Hi Bobby, thanks for caring YAY! So long as I see u at my blog, I'm HAPPY! :):):)
Hi MT, thanks so much! I won my battle too yay! I'll check on ur blog shortly! :)
GK!! You'll be in the exclusive club where most of our good buddies will be hanging out when dropping their EC! It'll make it easier for u to find everyone. And yay, welcome to RHD!! :):):)
Hi Mariuca!
I dropped both codes to my sidebar, but there is no "blogroll" showing ... the badge is there just fine. Is there another step to take??
... ohh, my site looks like yours does. There is a hot drop badge, and then empty space underneath. Maybe my server is not pulling up the blogrolling URL?? Can anyone else see a blogroll at my site?
OK! see you soon :-)
Eric! Your scrollbar is working fine, and I can see everything, so you're good to go! :):):)
(wink) thanks!
Hi. I've signed up. Sounds like a good idea.
Hey Haley, thanks for joining yay! I'll hop on over to your site now! :)
Just signed up!
Thanks Sandy, welcome aboard! :)
Hi Marzie! Thanks for the invite. I already joined :-) I will put it in my three blogs :-)
Hi Bless, happy to have you and ur 3 blogs with us! I'll approve them asap, yay! :)
Thanks Marzie! Already have it in my side bars :-) This is cool thanks again :-) Tc.
Thanks Marzie and LJ for an excellent idea. I've added my craft blog here too! :)
Oh ya, guess who's the winner for my April blog giveaway?? ;)
No worries Bless. Am happy I discovered u on EC, didn't know you had one so YAY! I'll approve the other 2 blogs in a bit, welcome Bless! ;)
Woo hoo! Craft & Swap is on board, thanks Debbie!
Alamak, I bet Rizal la won, I'm coming over to see now! :):):)
GP!! Our brain child is going full force.. Yihaa.. looks like we'll reach 99 in no time....lolzz..
Thank you to all for your interest and support!!
And Yes.. Am number 1 here as top commenter...lolz..
Eh I also love to see our badge everywhere lah..lolz!!..Nasib baik cantik kan..lolzz!!!
LJ!! I know, isn't it awesome? I just approved another blog woo hoo! I can do this the whole day, and to think I had problems at first LOL! Oh I love seeing the badge too, it's so pretty! B also said nice...ceh wah! ;)
PS. Yes, LJ is still da queen of commenters here, berani Zubli nak mencabar? He he...Zubli keluar waktu siang je, mlm takde! :)
alamak.. blush blush... shy lah kat B..lolzz..!!! heheheh...
Yihaa!!! Queen of Commenting here.. I want to get my Top Commmenter Post up but sayang lah nanti the RHD post turun bawah pulak.. so I shall wait esok siang kot.. even one of my paid post pun i predate..lolz!! heheh....
Eh my LJL PR naik tu PR3..and LLP baru dapat PR2...yahoo... my money blog went up to PR4!!and cat blog went from 0 to PR3...bestnyer.. what a way to start May!!!
MAY get RICH!!! hehehe...yahooo!!..
Zubli malam kena ikat eh?? lolzz!!!
Oh LJ!! Me too, dah siap since yesterday but I'm putting it on hold too cause of RHD ha ha ha!! :):)
Wow, happening gila ur money blog!! Congrats dearie, esp for u cat blog woo hoo! :)
Zubli needs his beauty sleep he he...
hahah...aku kaya..lolzz...
Yelah.. i think we also need our beauty sleep kan.. but still fresh as a daisy ni..how abt you??
Thank you very much for your gracious comments on the beauty of the photos.
Lotus Flower, I am touched by your words.
Rox, Redbud is breathtaking, especially on the Merced River in California outside Yosemite in the photo, and in the early morning here in NC backlit by the sun.
Mariuca, glad to be a part of the group. Fall is my favorite photo in the series...I love the blue hues of the rushing water with the fading solitary maple leaf.
Cheers all!
Ha ha that's cute! Sure or not fresh as a daisy... B is watching football and I actually have a guest, so me too fresh as a daisy! :)
I'm also waiting for Boldie, tak keluar-keluar lagi!
Wah kaya then can belanja Emila and Natrah la tomo night he he! ;)
hahaha.. can can..
yelah what's happening eh...how come tak kluar2?
Hi Matt, thank YOU for the really beautiful pictures. They were so clear and the colors so vivid!
I like how u include ur response to everyone's comments here, thanks Matt! :)
Yeah, I just checked and nada! All the other soaps are oredi out except for Boldie!
LJ, don't tell me you've not seen last week's episodes?!
hahha.. belum.. i keep getting distracted..lolzz!!!
No wonder la still no response from LJ! But I envy you cause ul get to have a marathon, hours of Boldie, best! :)
I'm having a mini chicken pie from Ayamas now, have some? ;)
i posted the badge and the blogroll already. thanks!!
mommy here...
yeah woman.. marathon. i have like 7 episodes or so...lolz...
Mini chicken pie.. eh nak!!! lolz!
Yay, welcome and thanks Ruby! You're listed on RHD now! :)
LJ! Boldie marathon with curry puffs and coffee...enjoyzzz! :)
I'm still confuse over what this is. I bet it must be something interesting coming from the 2 night owls... haha... I'm in, Marzie :)
thanx for the approval ...not bad haaa the respond ...take care
Hi American Genius, thanks for joining! I'll wait for ur blogroll to be up before we can approve u yeah? :):):)
Janice! I sent u an email, worry not dearie! ;)
Hi Bono, of coz! Happy to have you with us YAY! :)
you do some thing or the other regularly....
wonderful effort..
all the very best...
take care...
i'm always with you..
& support you..
Thanks Raghav! We stayed up the whole night working out the mechanics and stuff he he! I just got back from ur site, hurry join us! :)
Please no kisses from the Top Commenter da Queen, itu pun I bagi chance, sebab I control the numba of my comments. Come May 2008, the Princess needs a King, betoi dak Phoebe? LOL!!!
If ever you both think this Red Hot Drops EntreCard Club is a blast, yes it is true. Enjoyz!!! Look who is at 14! Okay, please one of you check this out...Shinade...is one of the 99, yet she is having a bit of China cakap, difikilities. Please iron this out...thanks ladyz. More info here: http://atotalblog.wordpress.com/2008/04/30/mesra-marzie-marvelous-mariuca-14/#comment-578
Details, soon...
Wah, marah Genie King kalau dia dengar GP needs a new King he he he!!!
Jackie confuse ke, as usual I'll be ur translator lolz... ;)
its okay now and was in my sidebar already thanks
I just signed up too, but I did want to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules...my site is seen to be of 'adult' content (yeah right) but you can check for yourself and let me know if it's appropriate or not.
Nice to be on your blog. And thanks for yet another win-win game. ^^; I lurv these. ^^;
yeah, if you find my blog entries at Everything Kimchi worthy of a technorati fav, or a linkex, please don't hesitate to do so. I shall return the e-love. Cheers!
Rai, got ya covered, thanks dearie! :)
Hi Buffy, thanks for stopping by. I'll be over ur site shortly, no worries! :)
Hi Elliot, welcome and I'll come visit u as well.
Thanks for joining everyone! :):):)
Corrrectonizationness. There is only one Genie King. This we know. Hehehehe, what I meant was, Top AchehChineseMan Commentator King. Siapa nak marah, if there is a King there, lagi pun siapa marah, kang my Queen The Top April 2008 Commentator and I, jual dia, baru dia tahu...LOL!!!
Girl, Akak kita tu tak confuse, lagi pun dia bukan China, ikuti Confucius agaknya, macam I, cuma dia punya hati tuh, lebih nak memberi dirinya jadi sebahagian Club ini, daripada yang penting juga menyertainya. A giver, macam gitulah. Dah settle, okay ler 2! Orait...
Ohhhh ha ha ha, tu la pasal. I pun confuse lolz...sape berani marah you Zubli? You kan King of Sweet Talkingnizationness! :):):)
Yes, Jackie is already on board. Yay, we can advertise on her blog too now! :)
the logo and the blogroll is up in my sidebar! :) have a nice day!
Hi Marzie, i have put up the blogroll and badge. Cheers!
Yes, this is the order my dear The Genie Princess Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca The Best Cook Phoebe Master Facebook Perfume Giver and My Best Friend Forever. I kalau perempuan marah, yang I tak boleh cium sebagai memohon maaf, I bagi perfume jer ler. Lelaki senang, kat Facebook manyak drinks. Starbuck boleh, yang Fenings punya pun a lot. LOL!!!
Done Mariuca. ^^; Logo and Blogroll posted on my sidebar.
c0ol Marzie!!
I wanna get back into the EntreCard Droppin' Groove!!
Cheers Sweetie!! Billy ;)) Peace*
Hi Pastel, you're covered, welcome!:)
MT! Great, I'll be right over, hang on....
Thanks Elliot, will drop by ur place shortly as well.
Billy! Yay, it would be great to have someone as cool as YOU on the list, welcome! :)
Zubli, I wish they'd add more perfumes to FB, even my koleksi is of a wider range lolz... ;)
Girl, capa kasik I Charlie, it is worth 100 bottles of the rest. But, I prefer the new perfume, Red Hot Drops. WaaaaaaaaaNGI!!! Jumpa, kasi aaargh...
He he you and ur Charlie Zubli! Eh, u tak suka Dunhill or Obsession for men? My fave la for guys that is! Cuba le... mana tau you suka.. ;)
Suka jugak macam-macam perfumery. Lama kelamaan ambik yang kat Body Shop jer dah. Perasa bau buah pun menarik jugak, wanita tengok kita macam nak makan jer. Kata kita, nak makan jom join Facebook. Dapat fatso lagi sorang! Yeah! LOL!!!
GP...i got you nominated:
please visit. thanks!!
Zubli, I'm checking out BS website now. Apparently there's a new Japanese Cherry Blossom EDT out, sounds so tempting! :)
Ruby!! Thanks so much for nominating me woo hoo, love ya! I'll come check out ur post! :):):)
Wow to your project and LJ's!! Congrats and Having fun!!! Really great enthusiastic!
When you have time, do come over to say hi to CATWOMAN and Marzie with her cats! The chup result is up already.. *grin*
Yes, Perfume Expert, I shall blossom Cherry myself soon, okaylah a splice of dunhill and obsession too. Ladyz please do not bite okay. I am an AchehChineseMan huwman. LOL!!!
Okay, King beristirehat dahulu, penat Zebra dah, so beri laluan kat Queen, yer lah owl cat lover wong Java tuh. Ladyz, I much prefer not to see my kolam kat Facebook dry up from the wanginess. Pleaz fill up with perfumery. Thanks a million.
you are always in my heart GP!!
and you know you are always in my thoughts!! love yah!!
Waiting for links to take effect. Jack at Comics Legends and Lore
I'm in too.
hi guys! i'm joining too :) thanks.
Wah so many ppl join liao! Hehehe So fast!!
Btw, Shemah just ajared me how to drop! Hehehe Totally cool!
Hi Jack, Jesie and Liza! Welcome and all your sites have been approved, thanks a lot! :)
Hi Trin, thanks dear, it was an after-midnite decision he he... and pls join us Trin! Wah, results oredi out? For sure nothing for me lolz, but of course I'll be right over! :)
Zubli, sebab tu la kita BFFs..minat perfume he he! I'll fill up your FB kolam with parfums, don worry! :)
Ruby, thanks again yeah? I do appreciate you thinking of me, that was very sweet of you to nominate me! :):):)
Rozella! Baru belajar? He he... better late than never and I knew ud like it too. I'm still waiting for ur widget to be functioning, wan to advertise it seems! ;)
i joined!!!
Thanks for the approval! Do we need to update the blogroll from time to time?? Sorry if this sounds dumb. :D
Peanut, welcome aboard! :)
Hi Syari, he he..no it doesn't sound dumb, trust me! Anyway, your blogroll will be automatically updated, easy yeah? :)
OMG!! So many comments.. penat I scroll down..
So to summarise.. Welcome to the Exclusive Red Hot Drops Club!!!
Zubli... i tak larat nak menaip hari ni.. penat baru balik dari jumpa Natrah... another blogger friend from Baling...Nanti I hantar your banyak2 perfume gak eh....
Thanks! Anyway, how can I include my other sites. I sent twice with same URL address? Can you fix it for me...
Hi LJ, wah balik pukul 1! Hope u had a blast dearie, I'll drop by ur place later. I bet there's lots of updates over at LJL! :)
Hi Vincent, your first site has been approved. Thanks and welcome! :)
My other site is at http://smellofaman.blogspot.com
hi there, really great job!!!thnx for the invite mariuca. im in now ;-)
hi there, really great job!!!thnx for the invite mariuca. im in now ;-)
hi there, really great job!!!thnx for the invite mariuca. im in now ;-)
No lah GP!! I got back at midnight sebab hantar Natrah balik kat hotel dia.. got home and clean the house a bit.. ini baru nak mandi..lolzz..
Updates in a short while..
great idea. Thought i wouldnt make it. Lookin pretty close to the 99 now lol.
Hope i did the Mr Linky right with my name in the list as i know some others used their blog name!? :)
Ill add the widget right now.
I'm in and I already added the widget to my sidebar.
LJ! Sounds like u had a fun time with Natrah. Glad u guys got to meet up this time. :)
Hi Tina, your site is already listed, thanks for playing along! :)
Hi Tammy, will check out ur site too, thanks!
Hi Vincent, don't forget to get the widget up yeah, thanks!
Ruby, so glad u made it on time dear, WELCOME! :)
Sorry I forgot about the badge. I just added it.
Thanks Mariuca! Great Idea!
PlotDog Press
Hi, got the banner, sorry I missed that. Thanks again!!
GP!!! I'm loving your EC at my BW blog.. so matching.. everything is so blue!!! so pretty!!!
Hi Tammy and Avid Reader! You guys are listed and welcome to the Red Hot Drops! :)
LJ! I can't keep track of my EC anymore ha ha, they're all over da place. Am still hot droppin right now, so glad to see you're still up. Morning! ;)
Me either...lolzz!!!
ahaha.. Good Morning dearie.. ni nak tunggu nasi lemak sotong... nak beli... makan and tidor!! lolz!!!
Thank you Ladyz, I am number 14. Well, 5 is my fav number. 1 plus 4 lah kan. Question, what happens after 99th membership?
The other side of Emila has just joined! Yeehaw!
LJ, yesterday I had NL sotong too, in daun pisang lagi, YUM! ;)
Morning Zubli, we stop at 99. Right LJ?
Emila, I couldn't find ur EC widget dear! Let me know when it's up ok? ;)
Yeap.. we stop at 99.. after the 99 name on the MisterLinky, we'll reassess all the links.. make sure all on the links that qualify are in the blogroll.. and those that don't meet the requirement get removed..
After we have 99 links on the blogroll, kita tutup kedap...!!
Ha dengar tu Zubli? After we have 99 links, kita tutup kedaP! Ha ha ha ha..he heheh...uh oh sorry LJ! GP as usual tak cukup tidur ha ha ha!! ;)
Hey Marzie, just dropping a note to say the codes and badged are up in my side bar already ...
woot! I'm in the club!
Burpp!!! heheh.. kenyang akak!! Nasi Lemak Delight.. makes my tummy nice and my sleep nyenyak...lolzz
Yelah GP and Zubli..kita tutup KEDAP!! hehe.. GP.. dah ngantuk ke ;)
wooow mantap ...1st when bonoriau join only few join red hot drops ...congrate.
Another owl yang wangi tuh macam dah lentok jer. You tengah cari nasik lemak, dia dah pekena dah. LOL! Bayangkan mata pejam, jari jer click approve comment. Hehehehehehe.
Spiff & Brittany, thanks guys and both your blogs are listed! :)
LJ, u le mengantuk tulis kedai sampai jadi kedaP he he he...
Hi Bono! Thanks for your support. Looking forward to having my EC featured at ur blog again! :)
Zubli, I'm trying to reach 300 drops today (first time ni), tinggal 50 lagi lolz.. Sekarang dapat Yeehah! :)
Patutlers.... senyop jer GP.. dropping eh..lol... eh I tak ngantuk.. my azwaj always say KEDAP.. as in close shut!! nice and clean..lolzz!! hehehe
Zubli.. masih segar.. nasi lemak sudah membuat kerja nya...lolzz
Okie, I am no.81.. want to be number 88 though hahaha..
Betoi!!! Perakians, we say Kedap, as in air-tight closed, tutupan tak masuk angin (kecuali Onion Scent kat Ketia...dot dot dot lah kan). China pulak cakap, Itu tin you kasi tutup ketap ye.
Itu ler untungnya ada flying carpet, senyap sunyi sepi hilang tau-tau 300 drops. Kita nak dapat 14 drops pun fayah. Fenings...
I'm in! This is a great idea...thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it!
Tu dia hah GP!! KEDAP!! Perakian Go GO Go..Azwaj kan ada ala la sana..lolzz!!!
Thanks Zubli.. eh macam ni boleh jadi BFF I gak lah...lolz...hhehe
LJ & Zubli, ye ke? I did not know that....my bad! *shrugging smile followed by blushing smiley* ;)
Trin, we're so happy you joined and I can't wait to see my EC at ur blog YAY! :)
Hi Susan, will drop by ur site shortly, thanks! :)
hehe.. takper GP! I'm sure my vocab worse than yours for these local dialect.. azwaj always say.. kalau i cakap dialect2 semua fail.. I would start with kedah.. continue with kelatan and end with negri...lolzz!!!
Capa minat Boldie maka nak jadi BFF tu senang jer. Girl, you belajar kat Boston, sana mana ada orang cakap Kedap. Tempoyak lagi ler tak der. Itu sebab, mana ada Katie bagi sambal tempoyak kat Nick ker, kan?
Orang yang mula dialek Kedah, sambung Kelate, then ended up Nogori, pasti jadi elok telor as in loghat nya kalau dia kecap Onion Flower bersama samble cuttlefish dalam nasik lemaknya. LOL!!! Kalau setakat calit Onion Flower scent kat you know where, hampeh! (lari ker wink ;))
I work the late shift and never go to bed right away when I get home. Was slacking off on card dropping but would like to try a short-ish group list.
;)) Peace*
hi! i just added the blogroll and the badge on my sidebar. thanks for adding me in.
Mariuca! Hi!
Italy is here!!!
Pace, Amore!
I'm in under Best Travel Guide
marzie & LJ!!! double Yay!! 10 more & we'll have 99RHD!!! Great job, woman!!
Marzie, YAY!! My entrecard is finally UP on my blog now. Thanks to Trinity for her help. Love you ladies :)
Hi Jean, LJ, Zubli & Billy, thanks for ur comments here. Happy weekend guys! :)
Hola Laura, Crystal & Hanna I will hop by ur site, thanks for taking part! :)
Janet and Janice, you guys are all set and good to go, welcome! :)
Hi Susan and Ruby! You guys have been approved as well, thanks and welcome to the RHD! :)
hi! i just joined the link... and i have installed the badge and the blogroll in my blog. thanks!!!
Interesting concept. Good luck!
Haven't seen your blog before. Stop by and see us sometime. I will watch your interesting progress. :)
May I be showered with perfume at least 14 altogether, and have a strong begin, InsyaAllah, Monday.
hi, bloghopping here, and joining.
just joining on the fun..ribbit,,
Hi Janet & Bing! Your sites have been approved, thanks and welcome! :)
Thanks Max and welcome to Mariuca's blog! ;)
Zubli, of course...as soon as I'm done with this project then I'll be active on FB again. :)
Kimmy! Thanks for joining! Waiting for the widget and badge to be up at ur site sweetie before we can approve ur site yeah? :)
Hi...left my link and have installed my badge and blogroll...thanks!
Looks like the exclusive Red Hot Drops club list will be closed with 99 members in time for you to rest on the weekend, Genie Princess!...
Have fun!
I'm adding my travel blog too if you don't mind. Let me know what you think. Terima kasih.
I had the badge up successfully now. Harap maklum. Have a great day.
Hi Kim, you've been added, thanks and welcome! :)
Hey Roxy, we're almost there. Thanks again for all ur support and love! :):):)
He he Jesie, thanks dear! Your blog is also listed here, happy weekend! :)
Hi Maruica I just plac the code and the widget on my blog sorry for the delay I've been out the whole day today..Thanks by the way..
hello Maruica,
i ve hust joined.. trying to put all the widgets right now.. thanks for inviting me..and thanks for keep advertising at my EC. :)
halo mariuca!! let me join ur club!! learn abt this from rizal's blog!
Thanks for adding me dear. I haven't got down to starting my engine... will do asap!
hi mariuca! done with the widget n badge!
Aloha, Done mine too.. :)
Hi Liza, your blog has been added to RHD, thanks! :)
Rizal & Mangosteenskin, it's a pleasure to have some of Emila's creative buddies here, thanks and WELCOME! :)
ECL, glad to have u with us! EC is so much fun yeah? ;)
Thanks for this opportunity.
I hope to see most if not all of you regularly.
can't express how happy i am that i joined this program of urs. in fact i think it is the thing that made my site into PR3 overnight! Errr.. even thou i'm not sure whether it is true or not but i'm still happy that i joined and now i can surf other blogger's site..
by the way.. i'm afraid i read something like 99 membership? i don't know whether there is a limit for this but can i secure a place for my new site? i'm making a domain but too bad it is still underconstruction and need few days so that the page is directed correctly... pleaseeeee =p
Hi Mariuca! Just wanna say congratz to our red hot droppers. ^^; And yeah, I faved you already in technorati. Cheers. Have a good day.
Hi Lotus & Peanut, thanks for your comments here.
Peanut! I'm glad to hear that RHD is working out great for you! Keep on hopping and dropping to achieve the best results okay? We can't reserve any slots for any particular blogger, but you can of course include ur other blog once it's ready and if we still have available slots. The membership drive will end once we get our 99th blog so Hurry! ;)
Hola Elliot! Thanks, LJ and I are very pleased with the response we've been receiving so far. And hey, thanks for faving me at Techno woo hoo! Happy weekend to u! :)
oh.. that's bad.. i'm running out of time!!! hahahahhaa...
Lotus, ur site has just been approved, thanks so much and welcome! ;)
Peanut! Ha ha ha..sorry dear.. I hope ul be able to make it on time okay... still a few more slots here! ;)
Hi mariuca, nice blog and thanks for the red hot drops programme, i love it!!
okies, ive joined =) i changed the image to suit my blog.. i hope you dont mind =p
brilliant idea girls!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!