It has been ages since I did my last award post! I really have to thank everyone who presented me with so many great awards last year. Unfortunately, I didn't get around to putting up the last batch of awards I received in 2007 so my sincere apologies go out to Bobo, Lady Java, MT, Mark, Christy, Shinade, Parisukat, Colin, Uncle Sam, Mel, Trinity, Jesse, Zubli, Ev, Adrian & Lily Ruth. Thanks again and I already have all the awards proudly displayed at Mariuca's Award Gallery.
For my first award post this year, I'd like to start off with several new awards that I've received so far. Thank you for remembering Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery when presenting your awards. I love each and every one of them. Your creativity in coming up with all these beautiful awards is much appreciated!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jean, who's been MIA for a while now. We miss you Jean and hope this birthday is the best one ever! :)
Thank you to:
Mel for the Bloggers of the World Award
For my first award post this year, I'd like to start off with several new awards that I've received so far. Thank you for remembering Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery when presenting your awards. I love each and every one of them. Your creativity in coming up with all these beautiful awards is much appreciated!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jean, who's been MIA for a while now. We miss you Jean and hope this birthday is the best one ever! :)
Thank you to:
Mel for the Bloggers of the World Award

Melody for the Forever Friends Award

LJ for the You Cheer Me Up Award

Crystal for the Biggest Heart Award

Nick for the Blogging Mentor Award

Emila for the I Love You This Much Award

Bless for the You Make My Day Award

And now, allow me to present all the above awards to all of Mariuca's Friends! Feel free to pick and choose the ones you like or have all of them up on your blog. Thanks for all your support and wonderful friendship; it is friends like you who make this blogosphere a better place to blog in! Congratulations to everyone on the list and I hope I didn't forget anyone!
- A Cheerful Day Ahead
- A Circle Of Women
- A Great Pleasure
- A Total Blog
- Anything Goes!
- Blessed Sanctuary
- Brainy Bimbo
- Cat Tales
- Cats Are Crazy
- Catsy Carpe Diem
- Choc Mint Girl
- Christy's Coffee Break
- Comedy Plus
- Confessions of a Breathing Tote Bag
- Dancing In Midlife Tune
- Nonsense, Fun, Tears, Happiness and Anger All Rolled Into One
- Emila's Illustrated Blog
- First Time Dad
- Fragrance Bouquet
- iScrapbook
- Illusionnaire
- What I Feel, I Just Blog It
- Jen Jen's Place
- Jesse Blogs It All
- Journey with Water Learner
- Kim Fei's Blog
- Lady Java's Lounge
- Life
- Life Is Not A Game To Lose
- Lily Ruth's This and That Friendly Cottage
- Listening, Learning, Living
- Lot 52, Jalan Kuari
- Me and My Drum
- Monday Morning Power
- My Hush Space
- My Life, My Hope, My Future
- My Life is Murphy's Law
- Nessa's Mumblings
- Nocturnal Blogger's Introspect
- 1 Million Love Messages
- Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen
- Project Heavy Traffic
- Random Magus
- Revellian
- Rooms Of My Heart
- Simple Life
- Speedcat Hollydale's Page
- The Kat House
- The Process Of a Miracle
- The Painted Veil
- Things By Mike
- This Is A Miracle
- Unchained Melody

Aww thank you sweetie... much appreciated and thanks for including Cat Tales as well :)
Congrats on the awards too.. you absolutely deserve them!
Marzie, you are the sweetest!!!!!!! You're making it really difficult for me to stay depressed.
Without you, blogging would be a lonely place. Thank you:):):):):):)
Thank you so much for the award Marzie! Been a long time away from the blogosphere again. Its that time of the year when I have lots of exams :-) Now its all me back to blogging again. Thank you so much for the awards again. Lemme take a moment while selecting them :)
Yay, LJ is my first usual! Hugzzz ;)
Of course must include Cat Tales or else my kids will marah he he he...
Thank you Bobby! And what's with the depression? Cheer up, it's a great day! :):):)
Yay, Sandman is here! No worries Sandman, take ur time and pick as many as u want. You deserve them after all the studying! ;)
Wow Marzie,
Congrats on your awards :)
Such kindness and generosity...thank you so very much for including me with so many illustrious bloggers :)
Care to join a new community that I am helping to co-author? details Here
Have an awesome weekend my dear friend,
Love & Hugs to you
Thanks Marzie! I really appreciate it! Hopefully you won't mind if I don't post it for a while. You're a sweetie!
You are indeed generous. Thank you very much. And, congrats on getting over the 1,000 Technorati Authority.
GP!! Thanks for the awards!! I've been late in posting my awards too and doubt if I'll ever get around to doing it the way things are going!
Congrats to you and your awardees!!
Cheers to everyone! :)
Congrats Colin, you deserve to be among these wonderful bloggers, of course you're on the list!
I will check out ur community, thanks for the update. :):):)
No worries Ev, I know u're busy with ur book project, enjoy the awards! :):):)
Mel! I finally got back my 1000th mark, so happy, thanks for all ur support! :):):)
GK, so nice to see u here, u taking a break from HW? ;)
I had to give out all the awards, piling up already! Take your time, when u're a bit free then can think of giving out yours. Have fun! :):):)
Aww an I floored by so many Awards in one go! Marzie you are the most generous and ever so willing to share! Thanks will put all of them on my blog asap! Is a CNY ang-pow!
Yay, happy u like the awards Bokjae! Gong Xi Fa Cai!! :):):)
thank you so much for d awards happy weekends!
Thanx for remembering me this time. do well. regards & best wishes....
Wow,thats so amazing ! Only in the Blogosphere can one be lucky enough to win so many awards on one day ! They are all so cool,I just cannot choose,lol .Thanks for including me,Marzie..I love them all :)
Thank you Mariuca..You are really sweet....I will do my best to pass some of these along!!
Oh goodness, this is overwhelming and so very,very dear to me.
My goodness, now I will have to design my other blog just to hold all of these fantastic and wonderful presents.
I have tears welling in my eyes I am so happy. And, I am happy about so many,many things!!!
Today is actually Walter's please if you don't mind I will drop back by and get these and get a post up tomorrow.
You truly are such a sweetheart,
Congrats Hazel, happy weekend to u too! :):):)
Hey Raghav, I hope u like the awards, thanks so much for supporting Mariuca! :):):)
That's right Jesse...only in the blogworld lol! Enjoy ur awards dearie, am about to take my turn at our Scramble match! :):):)
Hola Morgan! You have a terrific blog and deserve all the awards! :):):)
Jackie, it's wonderful to hear your appreciation for the awards! You've been a great friend, so enjoy the awards!
PS. Say Happy Birthday to Walter for me! :):):)
Hi Marzie,
Thanks so much for thinking of me and including me in your list of fine bloggers.
Congrats to everyone!
Marzie, really sweet of you.
I'm so far behind in the award thingy. I kinda lost track. Pple are going to scold me for that now.... LOL :)
Thanks GP for remembering me too. You have a great blog and deserve all the accolades and awards. I appreciate very much that you award some or all to me.
Have a great weekend. :)
Hey Marzie, congrats on all those awards you got and thanks for awarding them to me. I don't know which one to chose so I'll be greedy and just take all of it ... LOL!
Happy weekend to you ...
Now that is one big awards show! Thanks so much for remembering me ... the old cat has a big smile now!!!
Hope you are well, see you soon :)
Eric "SpeedyCat"
WoW! Thanks, Marzie. Oh, we can pick the ones we like, eh?! Hi hi hi hi... ;D
wow...thats really bunch of awards..haha..thnx it..
Hi Andrea, thanks for coming by and enjoy your awards! :):):)
Jan,that's why I quickly gave out the awards, scared ppl will scold me too ha ha ha... ;)
Uncle Sam! Thanks for supporting Mariuca, you've been truly wonderful. Pls help yourself to all the awards k! :):):)
Nick! I want you to be greedy, take'm all of course! Congrats! :):):)
Yay, I made Eric smile! Congrats on all the awards friend! :):):)
Hi Crystal, congrats and yes...pick as many as you want, have fun! :):):)
Congrats Kim Fei, you deserve all of them for working hard on ur blog and for those really awesome pics! :):):)
Thank u so much. U are so sweet to us!! It takes more than just thanks. We really appreciate it! And u deserve those awards for sure coz u are the best!! =)=)=)
Marz -- congratulations for receiving these awards. you deserve them all -- one by one.
now thanks a lot for sharing them with your friends. am so proud to be part of your friend;s circle. so id like to thank u personally. most of these have not yet been awarded to my blogger blog so i will pick 1 or two if not three. :)
hugssssssss thank u so much. take care. great week-end to u and ur family!
Wah! Banyaknya awards! Thanks for putting me in the list :D
Thanks for keeping me in mind! I will put this in my blog when I update later. Thanks soooo much... :)
Thanks NAFA, of course I didn't forget my fave community, congrats to all of you! :):):)
Arlene! I'm so glad to hear that u have yet to receive most of the awards, please take them all, don't be shy k lolz... :):):)
Help yourself to some awards Nessa, free for all he he! ;)
You're very welcome Elaine. Now u can decorate ur blog with lots more awards, have fun! :):):)
Marzie thank you so much for including me in your circle of friends and fine bloggers. I shall choose one of these awards and place it on my blog to show off smile. I love getting awards altho this is my third one. I feel Im getting spoiled now. Hugs.
Dearest Marzie Marvelous Mariuca, the last time I got an award was in 1945, well I did get lots of blogging awards by bloggers in 2007. To fill up two solid pages. Since 2008, if you sing *Are you lonesome tonight* (Elvis Presley's), I have to say yes! A moment ago, I am writing a post on this one award you give me, then as I am choosing one special top of the peak award, I realize I love them all. Padan muka I. Now, who will help me carry all these awards, from your page to mine. Phoebe, where are you, come to Uncle! Girl, thanks a million, okay, 8 million! Wow!
Dear Phoebe, please nyiouw to Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca, a post, my appreciation of all these awards. The linkonizationness here:
Hi Lily, it's nice to see u here today! Please help yourself to more than one ok? Have all of them if u like, congrats! :):):)
Zubli! I'm sure there'll be tons more awards heading your way... from Phoebe and your other fans here! Thanks for the link, I will check out your award post for sure! :):):)
Congratulations on all the fabulous awards, Marzie! You deserve them all. And thank you so much for thinking of me. I am truly honored! :)
Hi Marzie, Thanks for the award! It has been a while since my last award. You bring cheer to my weekend. Thanks for remembering me! Will put up my awards asap. Cheers!
Thanks Tish and likewise, I am honoured to have you on my list, congrats! :):):)
Happy to bring some cheer your way MT, congrats on all the awards! :):):)
Thanks soo much Marzie! Sorry it took so long for me to get over here and accept them!
No worries DS, thanks for coming by and congrats to you dear! :):):)
Mariuca, thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate that you are sharing this to us. :)
Elaine, thanks for your support, congrats on all the awards! :):):)
Thank you Marzie! You are the best of the best of the best. The sweetest girl in the universe!!!
How is 'thank you, my friend' in your language?
Dziękuję, przyjaciółko :)
Kind regards, Wika.
LOL, no worries Wika, happy to be handing these out to my friends! Thank you is Terima kasih in my language. See you in FB! :):):)
Awwww... thanks for including me Marz!!! You're the bestest of the best!! Thanks so much!!
Yay, glad u love them Syura, congrats to u again dearie! :):):)
That's a whole lotta awards, Marzie.
Hey Sue, long time no see, must go and visit u soon! :):):)
hi marzie! thanks for the awards. I've missed this one. Hope you dont mind that I am late. extremely late! lolz.
I will proudly showcase the I love you this much award at my blog, together wt the rest of awards you've just given out to me. Thanks, woman! HUGZ!!
Ha ha ha Jean!!! Imagine the amount of awards you have to keep at ur awards room!! Of course sweetie, take them all and have a blast! Love and HUGS! :):):)
thank you again for all these great awards! the filled my cupboard nicely!
You're most welcome Emila! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!