Once in a while, I get tagged on a meme I find very useful for my blog. This one for instance, is all about blogging tips. Erisha and Morgan tagged me with this meme. Thanks ladies and I'm so sorry it took me ages to get it up!
Here are the rules
Copy the list, add your tip and pass it on. Add a star beside the tips that you like the best (I'm going to highlight my favourites instead). Sounds easy enough, so here goes:
1.Look, read, and learn. http://www.neonscent.com/
2.Be, EXCELLENT to each other. http://www.bushmackel.com/
3.Don’t let money change ya! http://www.therandomforest.info/
4.Always reply to your comments. http://chattiekat.com/
5.Blog about what you know & love. http://sugar-queens-dream.blogspot.com/
6.Don’t use filthy language-buy a dictionary.http://shinade.blogspot.com/
7.Blog about something educational http://climateofourfuture.org/
8.Be yourself; others will follow http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com/
9.Don't have too many blogs that will become a chore to maintain http://cubicledenizen.blogspot.com/
10.Keep it simple, user-friendly, interesting and organized! http://erishaling.blogspot.com/
11.Keep the blog simple and sweet!! http://www.leslieho.com/
12.Never ask for link exchange. Blog hop to increase traffic. http://www.jessieling.com/
13.Don’t clutter your blog with ads all over the place. IT’S IRRITATING. http://oliviasy.blogspot.com/
14.Don’t comment for the sake of commenting. Some looked too fake and its a big turn off! http://sashablablabla.blogspot.com
15.Share something interesting and you will gain more readers. http://judychow.blogspot.com
16.Show that we care to all bloggers, treat each other as friends. http://mummyinvain.com
17.Pictures say a million words. Keep them coming! http://familyfriendsnfood.blogspot.com/
18.Blogging should be fun or you’ll get tired of it pretty soon. http://justmyrambling.com/
19.Don’t think people will come to your blog if you’re not willing to pay a visit to them. http://joshualai.blogspot.com/
20.Everyone loves read short posting and best, illustrated with a picture http://www.demoments.net/blog/
21.Try not to publish more than 5 posts in one blog a day. Even if it’s from feed reader, it’s quite hard to digest and catch up reading everything. http://montessorimum.com
22.Blog, the other window to peek into people’s life, minus the trouble. keep a certain level of privacy to yourself. http://babyshern.blogspot.com
23.Never tell your readers that you are going on vacation. That’s basically telling them to not visit your blog for a week. Instead, write several posts, and take advantage of the timestamp feature. http://www.bloggingwv.com
24.Try and write with people in mind that are “somewhat similar to you”. Allow your audience to identify with your blog and feel “at home”. http://nodirecton.blogspot.com
25.The key to a good article is a good introduction. A joke, a question or a picture does wonders. http://behindthepage.blogspot.com
26.If you are looking to earn an income blogging read StevePavlina.com and Problogger.net, you will be amazed at what you can learn. http://www.christyscoffeebreak.blogspot.com/
27.Write for yourself first. Remember that it takes time, effort, patience…and above all, daring. The Laidback Buddhist
28.Don’t offer opinions that are not based in the realm of personal knowledge…share yourself and your experiences…they speak louder then words The MiracleProcess
29.Unless I'm a huge fan of your blog, keep your posts short & sweet. Mariuca - Wishing On A Falling Star
30.Don't be shy to make friends, open yourself to others and you'll be amazed with the tremendous responses. A Great Pleasure
31. When you look make sure you SEE, When you listen make sure you HEAR, and when you talk make sure you SPEAK! First Time Dad
32. Don't leave hurtful comments, that is below to what is appropriate, you will hurt the blog owner and might not read or visit your blog ever again. Blessed Sanctuary
32. Keep it real. Keep it fun. LadyJava's Lounge
33. When you’re trying to think of a new great post, or deep in thought on how to make it better, just remember - trying is crap. Trying to think is worthless. Thinking is the greatest single hindrance to a writer. Relax, don’t try to think. Let go of your thought and ego. Only then is real thought able to naturally flow on it’s own, without being consciously driven. Just a little something not to think about:) http://revellian.com/
34. Be SINCERE and GENUINE! Spiff, The Spaceman
35. Be GENUINE and SINCERE! Anything Goes!
For this tag, I'm going to choose...
Spiff, Nessa, Lady Java, Melody, Jesse, Bless and dear Uncle Sam to share their smart blogging tips with us!
I will not celebrate 1st commenter until I know for sure (this time)! I did this meme a long time ago:)
I like your tip! I take it to an extreme though. If your posts take longer than 30 seconds to read, I will never come back! LOL...just teasing! he he
1st commenter here. Got prize!!!
Thanks for the tag, I will do it soon. Got 2 more pending. Give me a little time.
Happy Sat and Selamat Berpuasa. :)
Hi Marzie,
This tag definitely sums-up all the best blogging tips under one roof!
A very cool idea and for sure, a big helper for any blogger out there.
Great stuff and all the best :)
yay!!! i am the first commenter!! woohoo!! *dancing*
great tips! i hope you ar ea huge fan of my blog! hehe.. :) anyway, i've added u to my list, hope you'll add mine too, ya! :)
Ok... looks like they've listed all the tips in the world! Haha
Thanks for the tag:)
Marzie, I see that you have got this UP liao.... cham cham... that means I got to do mine too huh? :):):)
Janice Ng
These are some very useful tips.
BTW, I have a very interesting conversation going on at my site. I would love to get you insights and input. http://mondaymorningpower.blogspot.com/2007/10/why-do-you-blog.html
Hi Bobby! Yes! U are my first commenter LOL! Thanks... oh u did this one before? I noticed u go tagged on this one too on Morgan's blog.
Yeah, I mean I like reading stuff, but if it's too long I'd say get to the point oredi! You gotta really impress me for me to stick around and actually read your lengthy post! ;)
Genie Princess
Uncle Sam, nice try but looks like Bobby beat u to it la LOL!! Thanks for being my 2nd commenter though. :)
Ok, take ur time, I too have some memes outstanding...looking forward to hearing ur words of wisdom Uncle Sam! You have a great day too.. :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Nihal, thanks for stopping by! Yeah, I think it's kinda neat to have all these cool tips in a single post as a reminder on how I can improve my blogs, so this is a pretty good meme actually.
Have a great night, hope all is okay on ur end! :):):)
Genie Princess
Ha ha ha so cute la u Jean!!! Dancing it seems... so even though u weren't the first commenter ur still my first pick when it comes to my best blog buddies! Hugs for Jean!
Of course, I will add u in to the list, thanks for lettin' me know! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Nessa! Wonder what cool tips you're gonna share with us! Thanks for coming by. :):):)
Genie Princess
Ha ha ha...Janice, while I was doing this post, I remembered "discussing" this one with u earlier LOL!
Yeah lor, I decided to finally have it up, so now..waiting for urs ok? ;)
Genie Princess
Hola MMPower, welcome to my blog! Am glad u find the tips helpful and u got me intrigued on this "interesting discussion". I'll check it out for sure, till then..have a good night and thanks for coming by! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hahahaha...Yay, I was 1st commenter! You cannot claim victory until you know for sure!
I'll add ur tip to my post like this one:)
Indeed u were, he he...did u see Jean's lil dance here? LOL!
Thanks for adding my tip, I'll come by and check out ur post on this too, pls give me the url Charlie! ;)
hello beautiful. thanks for the tag, will do it soon, sorry just back now., been busybee these past few days.
The url is:
Thanks Angel Numero uno:)
Hey Mariuca...Thanks for participating! I added your tip....Have a great weekend :)
Hi Marzie tag done :-) here's my link http://blessiesanctuary.blogspot.com/2007/10/cool-blogging-tips.html
very helpful tips i got from differen sharer. thank you.
Hello there GP..
Thanks for the tag. Only now manage to get it done. Sorry ah..
A bit busy lahh..
Hi Morgan, thanks for adding my tip! See u soon! :):):)
Hi Bless, glad u found the tips helpful! I'll add u to my list, thanks for doing the meme! :):):)
No worries LadyJava! I'll come by and check out ur post. Have a great Monday! :):):)
Hey Melody! Thanks for dropping by. Don't worry, take ur time.. me too have a lot of memes pending ;)
Charlie! Thanks for the URL, I'll add u to my list. I had a great weekend, hope u did too! :):):)
Hey, Marzie! I'm hoping that you could help me to pass the 'Pink Penguin' in effort to spread the Breast Cancer Awareness. Please check out this link:
Please Pass The Pink Penguin
Thanks so much!!
Thanks dearie for the addition :-) and happy Monday to you too..
hmm..countdown starts to Raya eh ;-)
Hey Crystal, thanks for coming by. I'll check out the link later today, have a great Monday! :):):)
Lady Java! Yeah... feel like closing shop early he he he... but my leave will only start on Thursday! Going anywhere for the Raya break? ;)
Hey Marzie, the great and slightly screw lose Spiff has done the tag already, fast isn't he ... LOL!
Totally! Spiff is so efficient, love Spiff! I'll come by to check out his post, thanks for being the messenger Nick! ;)
Hey Marzie, my apologies about your name not being listed in my meme, I don't know how that happened, but then, since you've known me you know how dofussy I can get at times. Have added your name to the list ... sorry!
Nick! That's totally okay, thanks for adding me in! No worries k, must be da age catching up ha ha ha...ooops.. sorry.. see... I told u my sense of humour gets all weird if I'm up too early in da morning and it's now 9.12am only! Damn early right?!! ;)
Genie Princess
Marzie, I only have 2 words. I'm Shocked!!!! LOL!
Ha ha ha ha...ME TOO!! Don't worry, it won't happen again! :):):)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!