Being the Genie Princess is no small feat! I've been busy making my rounds all over the world, welcoming new passengers to the Magical Flying Carpet, helping them get their post right and simply making new friends. I bet the Genie King must be exhausted too from all the flying around he's been doing with me!
Anyway, one of my new friends that I recently made acquaintance through the Magic Carpet Ride is Lady Java. She too happens to have some adorable cats of her own and we became friends when we discovered that we share the common love for these fun & fluffy creatures. Lady Java has tagged me on a very easy and interesting tag and it's called "What's On Your Desktop".
Here's a screenshot of my desktop background. I have a lot of icons at the moment since I just started playing several new PC Games so they're all over the place. And I have several documents on the desktop as sometimes I'm in a hurry and just want to save the files immediately instead of going through the different folders they belong to! I do try to maintain a neat desktop but this screenshot seems to say otherwise huh? ;)

As you can see, this is a fairly simple meme to do right? So, all those that I'm about to tag should have no problems putting it up immediately like yours truly. But before I disclose my picks for this meme, here are the rules:
My Desktop Free View Instruction:
Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop.It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by:
- Going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key).
- Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.
- Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of icons. Things like that.
- Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.
- Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants
- People who have already pimped their desktop: Francine of La Place de Cherie Chez Francine Bloggishi Unchained Melody LadyJava's Lounge Mariuca Revellian Dot ComDesktop Emila’s Illustrated Blog Spiff, The Spaceman Rolando Brown Baron Ordinary Folk The Kat House Trinity West Virginia Blogger Promthep MeAndMyDrum Elena's Photos MAX Amel's Realm Choc Mint Girl Madhur Kapoor Mother's Home! Consuela Aaron Cook Dot Com Vincent Chow I Was Born2Cree8 Janice Ng TwistedSister Samir Bharadwaj Diamondssaphire WaterLearner Jean Chia Zubli Zainordin Rita Mumblings Adrian add yours here after doing this tag.
Now, let me take a peek at your desktop background! When you're done with this meme, don't forget to leave a comment on this post so I'd know to add you to my list here.
1. Rolando
2. Spiff
3. Christy
4. Tish
5. Emila
6. Janice
7. Bobby
1. Rolando
2. Spiff
3. Christy
4. Tish
5. Emila
6. Janice
7. Bobby

Do I really have to show all the highly illegal content of my desktop?
HA ha ha ha...Ok, this is the third time I've been tagged on this one (yay!)so I will reveal what Revell has on his top secret desktop:)
Thanks Marzie:):):)
Hola Bobby! Again you are my first commenter! :)
Well you know what they say, third time's the charm, so YES, out with it now! Let's see what Revellian stores on his desktop! :):):)
Yes, we love cats. Can't enough of them..hehe..
I've added your name to your list already ok.. :-)
He he he,LOL! Can I clean up a little first, or should I show how it really is? BTW, I think I see firefox tabs open on your navigation bar! Very cool! In Tools, addons, add new extensions you can find the stumble toolbar, and sparky the alexa toolbar. Sparky took my Alexa rating from 350,000 or so down to 139,000 in no time! If you have any problems with firefox, please ask me or the BrownBaron for some help!
Meow Lady Java! Love cats but hate to vacuum their fur! :):):)
Thanks for adding me and this was such an easy meme to do!
Bobby, of course you can't clean up ur desktop first, that's a no no LOL!
Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, that is indeed Firefox u see! :) Oh what a cute name for the Alexa toolbar, Sparky!! I'm sure I'lll be running into some probs with my Firefox, and it's good to know that I can count on 2 great bloggers to help me out, thanks Bobby!
GP! Thanks for the mention and more importantly thanks for not taggin' me LOL Yeah it's tough work being a genie and flying all over the place picking up riders...btw..I've added a couple too so you can come by and pick em up if you haven't already done so!
Ha ha ha GK, this meme is actually very easy mah! But I guess the GK has other more important things to do like flying around than to stay in front of the PC and work on memes huh? LOL! I've added the latest ones from ur list, but I'll come by again to check it out! :):):)
Genie Princess
Marzie, I happened to read this meme over at someones yesterday & thought it was just too easy can someone please tag me??? So glad to have my good buddy here to give me a chance now. Thanks, dear :):)
Janice Ng
Yay! Good thing I tagged u then Jan! He he he... faster do urs so I can add u to my list! :):):)
Do you believe in coincidences? No? Well, I do! Last night I was just going over this desktop meme thingy with my wife and said, 'I'm sure I'm going to get tagged' and what do you know, I got tagged ... LOL! Maybe I should just keep my motormouth quiet from now on ... hehehe ...
Looks simple enough, so I'll get it up soon with no modifications whatsoever to my desktop image. You'll get the image as it is ... Don't laugh too much at it, k? LOL!
Spiff thanks you for the tag.
Hola Spiff! Of course I believe in coincidences! He he, I know Spiff will do this one asap since he isn't as lazy as his other friend "the laziest blogger" LOL!
And yeah, it's too darn easy for words, so you'll be able to get it out in 10 minutes perhaps? Have fun Spiff!
Maybe you know this, maybe you dont so I'll tell you just in case. In firefox, when you open for example 2-3 blogs, right click on the url and open in tabs. You don't have to open multiple windows:)
There's your Bobby tip of the day! Marzie puts the "fox" in firefox:)LOL!
I did this one, too! Fun.
Hi Bobby, but in IE you can also open the windows in tabs right? Anyway, the same shutting down problem occured again today so it looks like I do have to do a complete reformat regardless of whether I've installed Firefox or not :(
Just waiting for the right time.
Hola Lone Beader! yeah, I checked out ur desktop, pretty cool! Thanks for dropping by. :):):)
hi mariuca.,you got a cool desktop!nice meeting you again:-)
link you up already
catch ya!
aloha marzie!! are those pc games at the center pile? hehe..
yeah, lady java tagged me on this, and im on my way to get it out! haha.. u know me lar.. so many pending tags.. :P
How interesting! My desktop at home: A princess and a unicorn :)
Have a great day,
Hi Melody! Welcome to my blog, I had a nice time visiting yours earlier! :):):)
Jean! Missed you and your lovely comments, welcome back! :)
And yeah!! Ha ha ha, those are 4 new PC games u see, the ones I told ya about. They're so addictive SOS! :):):)
Delirante, it's always nice to see u here! :)
Princess and unicorn? I must hop over to ur blog and see it! Sounds so magical! :):):)
hello mariuca, i added you in my list,
Marzie, I got the same meme 3 thrice on the same day. What a coincidence :):)
Janice Ng
Jan, u one popular Supermom what! So when gonna do it? :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Lotis, thanks for dropping by, I'll be checking out ur desktop now! :):):)
Cool! Will do it real soon! Thanks for the tag!
Done! Please add me to the list!
Use the anchor text:
Revellian Dot Com| Desktop
Thanks Genie Princess!!!!!
HI marzie,u r dell supporter ya?
hehe..u really have bunch of icon in ur desktop..i think it is a bit messy for me..
Hey Marzie, Spiff has done his tag already, quick isn't he ... LOL!
My Desktop ...
hi Marzie,are you dell supporter?
btw,ur desktop looks a bit messy for me..hehe
Hi Emila! Yay, better get ur post up soon so I can add u in here k! Have a great day :):):)
Hola Bobby! Ok, I'll be by to check out ur post shortly, GP just about to start her day! ;)
Genie Princess
Kim fei! Oh yeah, a dell fan I am! Dell is pretty good actually and the price is so reasonable! Ha ha ha, yeah lor, quite messy ah my desktop? It's even messier now cause I just added several new icons last night LOL! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hola Spiff! I knew I could count on you for a speedy response yeeha! Will check out Spiff's desktop now! :):):)
Genie Princess
I'll add Spiff to my post too! Thanks for adding me in just like I asked!!! You are the BEST:):):)
Sure Bobby, no worries. I'll add others that have done this meme too! Let me know if u know of any new ones yeah? :):):)
Genie Princess
Thanks for the tag Mariuca! Got you added to my list. For the late response :)
Marzie, you have so many icons(50+++) on your deskstop. Cool. Mine only 19icons only.
Still using window XP? No plan to upgrade to Vista?. :)
Great Rolando! Yeah, next time must make sure I get to u first before others tag u huh? I hope ur having a great day! :):):)
Uncle Sam! Yeah lor, and now got more cause I just added several new icons last nite! U only 19 mah? He he, must be neat unlike mine.
What's the difference between Vista and XP????
Marzie... Your desktop is also neat with lots of icon of course.. haha..
hm.. Now you have to show me your computer desk! come one.. take the picture of your work place... I add you on my tag one! Here's the link
Then, you tag Jan as well for this ya! hehehe...
Cruel Trinity
Marzie...Check this
Already show my desktop :>
Please, please take the Dell wallpaper down and replace it with something else.... lol
Oh! That looks like FUN!
Hola money online! Thanks for lettin me know, will be by ur blog too! :):):)
Bucky! I never really gave much thought to the dell wallpaper, am just so used to it! ;)
Hi Trinity, always nice to see u here! Oh u tagged me? Okay I'll come check it out but I just had a post with my comp table dear! ;)
Hola Chanson! Thanks for visiting me, hope u had a pleasant stay! :):):)
I have a picture of hubby and myself on his birthday
Right now I have something for you hugs,Jackie
Hi Marzie, Vista the graphics is better only(like Apple) but booting up is slow and need 2gb RAM to support it. There are still some bugs.
Better stick to XP. I and still with XP. :)
Amber, someone should tag u then so we can all see ur lovely pic! Thanks for the comment love! :):):)
Another something for me Jackie? WOW,must go and check it out now.... Have a good one dear!
Uncle Sam! As it is, I'm oredi having some probs with my PC, so yeah lor, looks like I'll be sticking to XP for a while! :):):)
Hi, Mariuca! You're from M'sia, too?! Sweet!! I'm adding you in my choc's blogrolls...;)
Hi CMG! Yes I am, it's nice to meet u and thanks for adding me! Have a great weekend! :):):)
Hi Mariuca!
Thanks for visiting my blog :). I hope you keep visiting :).
Nice music: good taste!!!
Yay, thanks Max! I love my songs too LOL! :):):)
3bWOxw Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
cant believe you did this 9 months ago Marzie! Jeas these memes get around a bit dont they!?
Hey i noticed you have a cake mania and icecream tycoon icon. I love those games! Any games like that im addicted to.
Ciao for now my little genie princess :)
Hola Tina!! Wow, now that u mention it, I too can't believe it's been 9 months since I did this meme ha ha!!
Ooooh I love all the mania games LOL!!! I love the time management games, think I've played them all. Sally's Salon is back with a spa now! Have yet to start on that one since I'm currently hooked on my Virtual Villagers 3 he he!! GP just loves her games! :):):)
nowadays, i got macro pictures of flowers that i took from the garden.
This was a fun tag GP!!
my desktop masih gambar flower...
My desktop ada gambar Jay Chou. Nak tukar la kejap lagi! Lol!!
Let's see, I have 8 games icons for me, 14 for C, 10 random folders, 4 torrent files, 8 apps shortcut and recycle bin on my desktop. Lol!!!
Alamak, lupa nak tukar desktop wallpaper lah! Hehe..
wahaha siap describe lagi tuh!
Ye la, it's too ugly to show. :P
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!