Dear Jean,
Thank you for this wonderful surprise! Not only is it pink, but it's totally adorable too, I LOVE IT! You've been a wonderful friend to me, one that is extremely supportive, fun and helpful in every way possible. Thanks for making my blogging journey so much sweeter and this one's for you...
"If all my friends were flowers, I would look around and pick you" - Karae Daley
Marzie, thank you so much for dedicating this post to me. You've left me speechless. I am touched by your words. I can feel your sweet sincerity and I will always treasure our friendship! Love you lots lots! *muaks* ;)
Hi Jean! Your kind gesture definitely deserves a special post all on its own, just for you! Thanks again! HUGS :):):)
I have been so late on your latest posts I am trying to get my groove back and feel like Bobby again. Marzie it is totally sweet of you to dedicate this post to Jean, she has been a great friend to me and everyone she has met here. So here's to Jean and you Marzie, two of my best friends ever:)
Hey Bobby, it was my pleasure to thank Jean this way. She has been awesome! ;)
I rem the first time I stumpled across Jean's blog. I left her a note saying that I just love her creation. It is incredibly sweet. She has remained so sweet still.
Marzie : The verse you pick seemed to be written just for Jean :D
Jean, this is for you "MUACKSSSSSSSS".
jean jie jie... *hug hug* from Amos & Zac.
Hi Janice, thanks for leaving Jean a nice msg here! We LOVE u Jean!
I love this quote and I thought it would be most fitting for Jean :):):)
I think I'm going to display the pink on in my side bar too! Pink lips, yes
pink lips:):):):):) I think pink is really every guys favourite colour. I must admit it, it's mine too (I like red also as my other favourite)
You truly are a great friend indeed. Your friendship with Jean is truly wonderful.
" Of what shall a man be proud, if he is not proud of his friends? -
Robert Louis Stevenson "
Hi Joe! I love to see u coming here, u bring more love to my blog with ur poetic words and ways :)
Thanks for leaving that wonderful quote here, I happen to love quotes too :):):)
Bobby, u like pink too? Ok then, you should display Jean's lovely award on your site, add more colour to it!
i've just been to Jan's place. You guys are really awesome. With all these love, it;s hard for me to fall out of love with you guys. *mmuaaks*
Jean! We miss you, come join us when u can! Thanks for stopping by HUGS :):):)
Wow, what a really great friend!
Hey Mike! Jean is da best! You should get to know her too :):)
Hello, Miss M, I am sad that I havent been kissed as that pink badge matches my blog...lolz, no mugs, no kisses, whats a girl to do !! :)
You didn't get kissed by Jean yet?!! I'm sure you will soon, so at least you can enjoy the kiss IF and I say IF.. u don't win the mug! LOL, you're so funny Jesse MEOW! :):)
So I still stand a chance at winning that Mug, hey, lol, some new hope on the horizon, umm, I left a message for you on Janices blog,where I said you are to bring crab to the party or else you cannot come! :) I shall bring the other stuff, but I do want to lend your mug just to drink out of,I promise to return it, pweeeezzz???????? and pretty pweeeezzzz a million times.
Jesse, of course u still have a chance to win it! But I hear ur calling off the hunk/s? U sure u wanna do that before I announce the winner? Ha ha ha ha ha.... :):)
muakks jean!
muaksss lj!
Awww... that is so sweet.. looks like a wet kiss too GP!!
i'm a flower too, so pick me oso, k marzie?
The mole kat pipi tu cute! Hehe..
mole tu mmg cute..heheh
ye la, pouty lips lagi tu..:)
Ladies, I see u here, thanks for the comment love here too! :)
muakksss jean!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!