What to do when bogged down with a bad case of writer's block?
- Listen to "your songs", reminisce and hope to be inspired enough to start the ball rolling.
- Procrastinate - do the dishes, do the laundry, unpack that box you've been meaning to since forever, watch football on TV with your other half - as long as you don't have to start writing yet.
- Play with your kittens, wishing they can magically make the words appear.
- Stare at your computer screen. Type, delete, retype and delete again.
- Have a Kit Kat break.
- Make a nice hot mug of coffee to kick start your thoughts.
- Surf the Net.
- Watch some tv, all the while "thinking" of what to write.
- Give yourself a pep talk by writing in your blog.
- Get a comforting hug from your other half.
- Switch off the PC and pray that tomorrow by some sort of miracle, your words and thoughts will come into form and you'll meet your deadline!

There's one night when i'm on a roll...then i ran out of ciggie...u know what nicotine can do to u...knowing there's no ciggie the brain goes dead...just like that. How to quit?
Ciggie drives you!
Helmy, am having one as we speak! You know the deal...You quit, I'll follow you! He he he he
Emila, sadly I do agree with you...he he
Wow..last comment here in 2006!! let me refresh it a bit...lolzz
When words fail me..means I need to sleep.. lolzz
lol lj! you took that right out of my mouth la! i will be sleeping too!
tulah Emila.. if I'm very quiet.. means I'm very sleepy... which does not happens very often though..lol!
haha LJ, you're really a 24/7 person!
nolah.. i need sleep gak..mati lah i kalau 24/7 lolz!!
hehe ye tak ye ek
hello lj? awak dimana?
Hi Emila! Eh, merokok tak baik untuk kesihatan. :)
Pesanan tak ditaja ni. :):)
wahhhh debbie!! terimakasih diatas pesanan tak bertaja itu!
oohhh Debbie buat PSA eh... hehe
wahaha PSA gitu!
when I have a creative block, I will sleep hehe!
will also procrastinate!
will go driving with no particular destination!
will watch movies on tv from one channel to another!
will clean my house too!
I've been procrastinating these few days. Tapi dah siap article yg dah due. :)
Pastu go wash dishes or do laundry.
Or chat with my BFF..
I suka Kit Kat Cappuccino Limited Edition. Sayang dah takde dah.. :)
I takde pets to play with kalau bosan. :(
debbs, can play with dolly kalau boring...
ada teddies tak?
Ada satu teddy kaler putih C bagi, tapi tak best ah, takleh cakap ngan dia, dia buat dek jer salu! :(
hehe buy lah dolly yang boleh cakap...
I love talking dolls!
Ala yg boleh cakap kalau tekan butang tu tak best la. Asyik cakap benda yg sama. I so need a pet. :(
I suka kucing, atau hamster. Guinea pig pun cam best jer!
Lepas ni nak kena beli supplies la, dah lama tak buat kad. Kad besday, kad Christmas, new year..huhu
debbie ada dolly yang rekod suara
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!