If you missed my Wedding Cake post, here's a Blogthings quiz you can take to determine your wedding type! This is especially cool for those of you planning to tie the knot in the near future. Let's see what your cake choice says about you as the bride .. or the groom!
And if you've already found your other half like yours truly, you can still have fun with this one. Don't forget to share your thoughts on love with me once you're done with the test!

You Are a Storybook Wedding |
![]() Love make you feel special and important. You want to be needed and adored by others, and you return those feelings with all your might. - Love me and I'll love you back! To be unloved would be a crushing blow for you. You would find it hard to love yourself if no one loved you. - Everybody needs love, I just need it a little bit more sometimes! When you find someone who sees things in you that no one else sees, then that's when you really know it's true love. - B's belief in me continues to spur my dreams to greater heights, thanks love! |

:* :* :* :*
connection is back to speedy it seem! LOL
:* :* :* :* Elai FC1!
Woo hooooo chop before zzzzzz! :-D :-D :-D
=-O :* :* :* Ha ha connection back to speedy so u can get the chop, yay Elai! 8-) 8-) 8-)
made it! made it!
im alive alert awake and enthusiastic now. LOL
:-D :-D :-D Hi-five Elai, lucky u haven zzzzz yet ha ha!
LOL!! And u also caught up with David here on my FCSB woot! 8-) 8-) 8-)
perhaps, i'll do my quiz tomo. >:o >:o >:o
i cant see the images! >:o >:o >:o
Woo hoooo Roxy u got the chop, FC2!! :* :* :*
Thanks for the super duper chop ladies and have fun with the quiz! :* :* :*
>:o >:o >:o Grrrrrr at slow connection Elai!
Ok sweetie, I'll wait till tomo for ur result, have fun! And sweet dreams.... :* :* :*
Hi GP! I did the quiz and here's my result:
You Are a Romantic Wedding
For you, love is sweet and precious. You don't love easily, but those you do love are showered with affection.
To be unloved would probably make it hard for you to love again. It's hard enough for you to love as is.
Romantic love is very intense for you... and very private. You aren't one to talk about your relationship with others.
You may even keep your love a secret at first. You don't like opening up our relationship to scrutiny and gossip.
Yay! I'm the FIRST to do the quiz, although I didnt get to CHOP! 8-) 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* :*
mine :
You Are a Romantic Wedding
For you, love is sweet and precious. You don't love easily, but those you do love are showered with affection.
To be unloved would probably make it hard for you to love again. It's hard enough for you to love as is.
Romantic love is very intense for you... and very private. You aren't one to talk about your relationship with others.
You may even keep your love a secret at first. You don't like opening up our relationship to scrutiny and gossip.
Story book wedding hmmmm sounds like you Marzie. I am a die hard romantic myself ;) ;)
Hello Marzie,
Your answer to the quiz sounds truly you. I would like to try this quiz even though I am single, just curious lah!
8-) 8-) 8-) You tau pukul beraka ni, em it's 5.25 am still trying to drop EC and my MM pun tak post lagi, the whole day today spring cleaning the house, and attending to Teddy and other chores. :) ;) 8-) :*
Yohooooo Lil! I pun belum tidur lagi ni! Buat kerja sikit!
You Are a Big, Bold Wedding. This is mine. :D Because I chose the chocolate cake!
>:o >:o >:o
Here's mine dearie! Just woke up lah.. and getting ready to leave now..
You Are a Romantic Wedding
For you, love is sweet and precious. You don't love easily, but those you do love are showered with affection.
To be unloved would probably make it hard for you to love again. It's hard enough for you to love as is.
Romantic love is very intense for you... and very private. You aren't one to talk about your relationship with others.
You may even keep your love a secret at first. You don't like opening up our relationship to scrutiny and gossip.
let me see mine
You Are a Big, Bold Wedding
Love makes you feel spoiled and decadent. When you're loved, it brings out the bolder, brighter side of you.
To be unloved would make you feel invisible. You count on love to give you the validation that all humans crave.
For you, romantic love is rich, deep, and meaningful. You don't fall in love lightly.
When you love someone, you really put your heart in it. You don't go halfway, and you don't hold back.
i think blog things failed to reflect my personality this time hehe
i dont like big wedding... i want it to be as simple as possible
i find it hard to choose! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
they are all pretty. :-D :-D :-D
i was about to. LOL. my eyes were already half closed
finally made my pick! ;) ;) ;)
You Are a Thrilling Wedding
Love makes you feel excited and alive. You see love as the beginning of a new chapter.
To be unloved would not be fun, but you would be able to move on from it. You know there are plenty of friends and love interests out there for you.
For you, romantic love is an adventure. For as long as you're with someone, you look forward to growing, changing, and learning together.
You love deeply, but you don't get too attached in relationships. What be will be, and you roll with the punches.
i'm here too mriuca!!!
miss you dear...haven't been here for a while
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!