I am kicking off my Vacation Fund this month! I am determined to work extra hard to rake in money as I am saving up for another vacation and more moolah is uppermost on my priority list! So besides my usual copywriting Work at Home and online assignments, I've been scouting around for other ways to make money. If there's a will, there's a way and true enough I found a really great opportunity for me to earn a little side income and this time it comes in the form of Short Task Review.
Short Task is a cool new service that allows companies and individuals to post various tasks online. These short tasks come in many forms and they're easy to complete on your computer and from home. This is why I say it's perfect for freelancers who Work from Home like me. Should I be in need of a little extra work to finance my freelance life, I can turn to Short Task and browse through the many tasks waiting for me.

As a Solver, you are required to perform simple tasks, which you can select from the long list available to you. The tasks are easy to do and you can do them any time you want. Be it in the morning after breakfast or late at night for night owls like me, start making more moolah this month by performing simple short tasks; which could range from something as simple as arranging information and filling out forms to researching an article or writing a blog post!

With Short Task, you are also in control of how much you earn a day. The more tasks you perform, the more money goes into your pocket. With more money in hand, you can enjoy greater purchasing power for your shopaholic addiction! The extra money also comes in handy to cover your daily expenses or even bills at home and for me, the faster that dream vacation will come true!

Before I forget, the withdrawal limit for your account is US$10, so you don't have to wait for months to meet a higher minimum amount before you can start enjoying your earnings. Payments are made by PayPal, which of course spells convenience.
I've already registered as a Solver and am checking out my Dashboard right this minute. There seems to be plenty of moolah-making tasks to help kick-start my vacation fund! So if you fancy earning more money by working from home like yours truly, join me at Short Task today!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Reds
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog:=- The Reds
Hahahaha aiyooo not sleeping yet Monica FC1!!
Morning Mon! U still dropping or just lazing around? :)
i need more moolah Mariuca! :(
Recent blog:=- The Reds
SR PB this one…then only one more PB then it’s all over, nothing!! LOL!
Morning Mariuca! yeah still dropping and chatting wz R, he's disturbing me! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Reds
I oso need more moolah sweetie if I wan to go for vakasi! Try and see this site Mon, maybe ul like it! :)
thanks for sharing this sweetie!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Reds
i got no PB!!
u registered edi?
LOL @ R disturbing you, how la? Hahahaha! Wah still dropping lol…
You’re welcome! I registered wrongly at first, then had to open new acct lol…
PB so slow la nowadays…RM oso nothing, LW same..
I registered edi…as Solver! $$$
yalor he keeps on talking to me!!! :-D
LOL @ registered wrongly! aiyoooo :-D
my LW oso nothing sigh
ohh ok i'll register 2moro! $$$
LOL kacau u it seems, no wonder still haven finished dropping h aha!
Yeah I registered as Seeker, but should be Solver!!
Sigh indeed! Dat day LW got 17 PBs, all on same car topic but I didn chop…
Okay Mon, good luck in ur moolah-making adventure this month! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
hope i made it! :'(
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
Morning GG FC2! :)
U just woke up GG? So early!
GG woke up edi!! :-D
good luck to u too sweetie!
what?!! LW got 17 PBs? why u didn't chop?
so funny one Seeker and Solver!! :-D
Cause all same topic from same advertiser…takkan wan to chop 3 at a time lol! I didn chop cause not too into the topic..cars he he…
Thanks Mon! :)
LOL Solver is for us la who wan to do the tasks and Seekers are the companies/ppl offering the tasks.. :)
was here too GP!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Plans for a Backup Connection
Yay Ruby, u got this one sweetie, FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping ladies, and let’s make more moolah! :)
ohhh all same topic!
i just missed it :'( :'( :'( :'(
Wow! I wish have that much time Mau! :D
Recent blog:=- USB Finger Dance Mat!
Anyway thanks fro sharing. Have a great weekend with your B Mau. :D
Recent blog:=- USB Finger Dance Mat!
I've gotta get London and Maddie to work as Solvers after school...then we'll triple our Moolah...LOL :-P
Hope you're having a nice weekend...we're going to see Miley Cyrus tomorrow night.
Recent blog:=- Big Weekend: Miley Cyrus at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ
happy weekend marzie!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- My Girlfriends
this sounds good, have you earned from this site already? I want to have extra too for baby =)
Recent blog:=- My Girlfriends
that sounds like a wonderful program. hope you'll earn more income thru this site dear.
enjoy your weekend dearie.
Interesting article, like always
Hi 4notherBlogg3r, thanks so much for reading my post, have a great day! :)
Weekend is almost over LR, hope urs was good. :)
Thanks so much sweetie, need to make more money for my vacay! :)
Oh no Ayie, I just only discovered it so am still exploring. Feel free to join too, who knows u might be able to make some money of it too? :)
Thanks Ayie, I was hoping for a work-free weekend but that was not the case, hope yours was good!
Yay Foxy Roxy in da house! I bet you guys enjoyed the show, say hello the the girls for me! :)
You’re welcome Tekkaus and enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
Gotta make time if you wanna earn a little more I guess Tekkaus! $$$
Hugs Ayie, u have no chops yet here this month, come on Ayie! :)
Yeah lor same car topic….and then the oral chelation one but this time at less than 7 bucks, last time 20 bucks lol…
Cool! Nanti I join... thanks for sharing Marzie :-D :-D
Btw, Blogitive paid me oredi so no prob with their payment :-$ :-$ But a bit slow la the offers... i get like 1 PB a month only :'( :'(
Am not getting any from RM oredi >:o >:o I think they don laik me la...
Hapi Sunday Marzie!!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Triple Medical Celebration: BlogThing Game
Where are you planning to go for your vacation? London? New York? Paris? Or Japan again?
Wish you all the best in getting your moolah! Haha
Yalah, if plan to go expensive cities for holidays, must work harder for the moolah. But if go SEA countries only, then no need to work so hard lah. Haha!
Hahahaha yeah lor….but for me both oso must work hard cause both oso I wan to shop like no tomorrow hohoho!! :)
Thanks Foong, need all the luck I can get if I wan my vakasi to materialize yeeha!
OOoooooh all also I want to go Foong, still considering options here…but if I had the money and time right now, I’d surely wanna go to Gold Coast woo hoo! :)
GG! :)
Good morning GG!
You’re welcome Nessa, every lil’ bit counts now that I am hoping beyond hopes to go for vakasi soon hohoho!
Nessa! I joined edi Blogitive but they haven accepted my blog oso huhuhuhuhu…. How do they pay? Monthly? Thanks for the info sweetie, I hope they accept WOAFS! Ohhhhh RM oso been quiet for me lately Nessa! I was just complaining abt it to Monica dat day lol! :)
Morning Marzie! :-D :-D
My first payment fm Blogitive took almost 3 months! But the 2nd one was faster, within 1 month only.
Dat day i saw 17 opps available fm LinkWorth but mostly yellow color, not green. If i take them, will i get paid or must do the green ones only?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Danke Schön!
mine was work-full too. some project designs to finish
i checked it out with hubs but never signed up yet, looks quite task full. Maybe when I am off my project desings ;) ;)
:* :*
Whenever u feel like u need something extra, u can visit this site eh? :)
When do u start ur maternity leave Ayie? Still a long way to go right?
elo rily like ur moolah making blog, does this short task really work??? pls reply..
ei, how do i do hyperlink here? heheh
Hi Guest!
Ha ha thanks Jethro! Well, I’ve not been active here lately so perhaps you would like to check it out for yourself. It’s a good option to kickstart ur freelance lifestyle, if that is what ur seeking. :)
Hi Mariuca,
Hope alls good over there.
After reading about your post about Short Task, I went to register myself as well and up till now i had completed a few jobs. I tried to transfer my money to paypall, it wasn't successful, but my account on shortTask shows that the transactions had been cleared. Have you ever transfer your payments to Paypall yet? Can you assist me how?
and yeah, I found this on net today : http://americanmaestro.blogspot.com/2009/07/shorttaskcom-is-newest-scam-website-by.html
This is scary!
Help! :'(
Errrr what do u mean Guest?
Thanks for the info, my dear. This sounds like an interesting opportunity. I think I will look into it, since I'm feeling way better now. Hope you are doing great. All the best. xoxoxo
Hi Rosidah, do give it a try and thanks for stopping by! :)
thanks for sharing :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!