I need to do something to my hair urgently and I blame it all on my last hairdresser visit!

Remember I wrote about spending a bomb on my hair right before my Tokyo trip? Actually, I did my hair on the very day of my flight, which was the reason we were late arriving at the airport. I also had a Guess the Price of my Hair contest, which was RM670 to get it straightened, coloured, treated and cut!

The thing is I don't mind paying as high as RM1000 if you can guarantee me outcome that is smooth, straight and sleek. But right now, after merely five months of getting my hair makeover, my hair really doesn't look like I did anything to it. My rebonding and colouring, which were supposed to last me at least 6 months is almost completely and washed out. In fact, I noticed the colour was almost immediately gone after my first few washes and the thing I'm most upset about is that my hair is no longer super straight, which is how I like it to be.

So now, after washing my own hair at home, I would have to use my own straightening iron to get it looking decent. As it is, my straightening iron is ancient and takes ages to heat up. And every time I wait for my iron to be ready for use, I end up angry thinking about the amount I spent on my hair for work that is shabby to say the least! So yes, I'm a little upset today and I'm thinking one of the new Cheap GHD Straighteners Online will hopefully cheer me up!

I've already checked them out and I was thrilled to see so many types with all the cool features going for very cheap. I mean if I spent so much on my hair and it still didn't turn out the way I expected, I might as well get a cheap straightener as alternative! I kinda like this hot pink one and it's going for only £59 from the normal price of £115.59! What do you think?
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:* :* :* :*
Morning Mariuca! :) ;)
:* :* :* :*
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owmost half the price GP! it's good edi! ;)
I love the smileys dearie.. esp the first one.. lol!
but talking bout the color? >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
hate P-I-N-K!!! >:o
eh so worthit.. it's going at quite a discount and it's PINK!! =-O =-O =-O =-O
morniiiiiiiiin te mon! :*
mornin GP! ;)
Yay GG FC1! :)
I used to rebond my hair too and it last a long while.. but i did mine in Kimarie in Singapore lah.. it cost me about SGD300 for a a little bit over the shoulder length..
i wan a straightening iron! 8-) 8-)
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Monica is here! FC2! Tot u went shopping sweetie… :)
Morning Monica! :)
And LJ FC3! Woo hoo! :)
Thanks for the rainy Sunday CHOP ladies, keep warm! :)
morniiiiiiiiin Gagay! :* :*
Morning GG!
wohoooooooooooooo! mah first FC for NOV! ;)
That’s why GG, good discount right??? :)
i just woke up Mariuca! opps! gotto get ready now R is waiting :-P :-P
welcome GP! i wanna zzzzz after looking at LJ's view post! =-O
Hahahahah thank u LJ, must find smiley that depict my angers tu hahahaha! :)
Wohooo FC3!!!
just had mah hair-make-over GP in Davao when I went home! ;) ;) ;)
no lah need straightener edi! especially P-I-N-K! LOL! :-P
Why GG? I don like my hair colour oso… I mean from the last visit..
Ohhhhh straightener colour hahhahahaha! Oh no u no likey pinky, like Debbs she doesn like pink too LOL!!!
u hate P-I-N-K? =-O =-O =-O >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- What's your dream car?
yay thanks sweetie :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- What's your dream car?
It is going for a great discount LJ plus my one is very old edi I tell u, berzaman!!! Hahhahahaha, my fren gave it to me actually from Aussie and it’s really good but now old edi so not so effective.. :(
Thanks for chopping GG, u zzzz edi or not?
Ha ha ha lama tak dengar Kimarie LJ! I know mine will be expense LJ cause of the length not to mensi the thickness blab la bla…but I just want it to work, my life story la this one trying to get straight hair huhuhuhuhu! :(
how's yah shoppin' te mon? ;)
Hahahhaha u oso wan Mon? Do u have one now? I seriously need a new one I tell u! :(
how's yah sleep? feelin' better? ;)
i love yr haircut and color Mariuca! :* :*
Recent blog:=- What's your dream car?
not your hair color, but the color of your straightener! >:o
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o i really dun like pink! but ironic! my medical blog looks pinky! LOL! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
im going now Gagay!!!!
Yeah GG!!! U oso my TCM last month congrats but I haven updated badge…hang on hehehe!
i hate P-I-N-K te mon! >:o
yeah! check that straightener now GP! ;)
can't imagine if GP will really do that to her hairdresser!LOL! :-P
i don have one Mariuca :(
not me edi te mon! just had hair make over in davao when i got home! ;)
Ok sweetie, have fun! I am waiting for B to come home first before getting mah mouse, hopefully la…so late edi now! :(
Hahaha so cozy the view from the top GG!!! Some more raining here, extra cozy over at LJ’s! ;)
yayks! un worries GP! whew! ;) ;) ;)
shop for me too te mon! but no P-I-N-K!!! k? :-P
And 2 chops edi LJ this month but I haven replied comments on the last post so haven put up ur badge there yet.. he he…
Wah wah wah GG, sure can get BF with ur new look, show me pic!
Hahahaha why u no like pinky GG? Too girly for u is it? LOL!
GG hates pink!!
Welcome Monica, happy shopping! :)
Yeah…. Ironic la GG! I love pink…he he yay for pinky MPG and TUO and Medical blog lol!
LOL yeah la I read ur later comment then I know ha ha!
Awwwwww thanks Mon but now look like shit edi if ya know what I mean, baru buat looks good but it didn last long huhuhuhuuh… ;)
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O here is damn hot! >:o >:o >:o >:o
indeed GP! it's like being SHEMALE edi! the GAY things! >:o
Feeling better today GG, thanks so much…also slept like a log yest… :)
ill post later GP! ;)
See u Mon! :)
no time for BF yet GP! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P they still need to catch with mah medical scheds plus BLOG-LIFE!lol! :-P
waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! must be doing lah PINKY blog later for MPG, TUO and PMD! LOL! :-P
I've heard of GHD straighteners, Marzie! I heard it's supposedly really really good. Last time we had a pretty good Vidal Sassoon hair straightener but my old friend borrowed it and never returned it. Thing is, my friend was a GUY!! LOL!
isn't it a GAY thing GP!?!?! O:-)
I got 2 actually Monica, one is cordless I bought from harvey norman, but leceh la to use that one..so only using the ancient one, seriously-meriously need a new one now… :)
Ha ha ha ha I feel like doing dat to mah hairdresser GG lol!
So cute la u no time for BF it seems, yeah still young might as well party and tagay with ur GFs! :)
buzz buzz GP! 2 new chops at WNP! ;)
Who is shemale GG? LOL! ;)
Oh here so cold right now cause raining GG, so nice…brrrrr
I'm gonna get my hair done either before xmas or new year.... :) The last time was before my bday right?? That was in May.. I'm due for another style!! :)
Wats a gay thing GG???
Wahhhh is it Shemah? That’s awesome to know, now even more enticed to buy this straightener yay! LOL last time I used my straightener on a guy friend too, his hair was curly wurly and I made it super straight hahaha, long hair.. :)
Oh no coming GG!
Hahahahahha definitely Shemah!!! U need a hair makeover before ur Christmas vakasi obersea if ya know what I mean he he! ;)
only the northern part in phils where there is heavy rain..here is so hot - dusty outside! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
SHEMALE meaning GAYS GP! MALE acting as FEMALE! :-P
i just did GP last night before blogging/chopping! LOL! was still slightly drunk and dizzy last night! :-P
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
GAY (must read as gey)..those males acting as if females. >:o
ill help you GP! spanker i am, ayt!?!? LOL! :-P
I meant who is shemale here don understand? ;)
hahahah yeaaahhh.. :) :) Or i'm thinking I get a new style over "there"! I'll ask my cuzzie to bring me!
Recent blog:=- Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Allie..
Yang ni, my guy friend punya hair takde lah curly mana.. just frizzy... pastu nak simpang panjang2.. LOL!
Recent blog:=- Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Allie..
not yet! am hungry wanna chirp before zzz! :-D
good! :* :* :* :* :*
nothin..no shemale here, i just dont like pink coz i feel like am a shemale then! :-P
Ohhhhh hahahahahhahahah ok ok hahahh funny la u GG, where got like shemale if u like pink hahahhahahahahha
What happened to your hair? Rosak already? :p
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But I think if you really want natural looking long silky hair...you have to go bald first Mau! :D
Recent blog:=- The Best Women's Army Uniform Goes To...
Aiyooooo get new style over there sounds divine Shemah, terrific idea!! Can’t wait to see ur new look nanti! :)
LOL!!! My fren’s hair was damn curly wurly la like Gollibuds, then after my sessi, wah wah silky straight even he was impressed hahahha…
I've always wanted straight hair for as long as I can remember :D
Recent blog:=- Oh, The Shame!
I guess you will look nice even not having a very straight hair. But RM670 for a hairdo is really expensive.
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Haha, Tekkaus, what kind of advice is this! Go bald first? gasp!
Why? Why is everyone so preoccupied with straight hair?
Does the iron for straightening the hair works? Does it damage the hair?
Yalah, spent so much but did not get good results? That's really spoil your day right?
Spoil my day of coz Foong when I think abt it!! :(
Yeah it works Foong and not to say it damages ur hair la but you have to use oil and conditioner to keep it from being dry from the ironing, so it’s really okay. :)
I dunno abt everyone else Foong but I’ve been preoccupied with straight hair since forever LOL! Easier to manage mah…. ;)
Hahahaha Tekkaus and his advice, lol! :)
Hey CK, thanks for your comment here. Yeah RM670 is pretty pricey but I expected it to last and not make me angrier than when I started LOL! ;)
ROTFLMAO serious Nick? But how to be the judge of that since we’ve never seen ur pic? ;)
Go bald first? Aiyo!!!! Then must buy new wig oso Tekkaus lol! ;)
Malas la wan to talk abt my hair Tekkaus, forever problem! :(
Morning GG!
LOL u are def the house spanker and doctor too GG! :)
Ha ha GG went out partying last night, bet u had FUN! :)
It’s raining again here GG so cold…..
Will do GG, thanks!
used to pay so much attention with my hair before but now mostly wash and wear only ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Another Blood Test and Skin Test Reading
my hair also is somehow sensitive so no coloring for me and any other stuffs except regular trims, when the hairdresser is not that good my even turns out to be a mess. I am still on search for my perfect hairdresser here since I have my one and only trusted hairdresser back home. :-P :-P
Same here Ayie, still searching for the perfect hairdresser sigh….so tough right? :(
I like to wash my hair at the salon Ayie cause they always do a better job than me.. ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!