It's been raining since morning and when it's cold outside and the weather is gloomy, I feel like eating something hot and yummy. Yoshinoya perhaps?
When I was in Tokyo, we dined at Yoshinoya countless times. Firstly the price for a set meal is very affordable; starting at 550 yen, which is extremely cheap for Tokyo standards.

Secondly, Yoshinoya in Tokyo serves Unagi-don or grilled eel and let me tell you that it's totally delicious! The Unagi bowl comes with miso soup and vegetable on the side. I'm so glad I was feeling adventurous in Tokyo and I enjoyed this dish more than once for each time I had it, the Unagi-don did not disappoint me. The taste was consistently yummy and made for a delicious filling meal, be it lunch or dinner. 
And right now, I'm totally craving for Unagi and I hope Yoshinoya Malaysia will start serving this tasty set meal soon!

And right now, I'm totally craving for Unagi and I hope Yoshinoya Malaysia will start serving this tasty set meal soon!


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
GP! >:o >:o >:o >:o
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
yayks! feelin lah hungry now GP!
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Abang! you're here! =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
raining there GP? oh lala! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
here? damn hot..but just suddenly rain this PM! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Sumimasen Marzie san?
Yoshinoya no Unagi-Don, oishi deshitake? Ahhh so desu.. :-D :-D :-D
Demo, ishoni unagi-don tabemasuka?
yum yum ala kazam... :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Never tried that unagi Marzie, the ones that i usually see are in Jusco Maluri, but i dont feel that adventurous to try em, especially sold at Jusco ones. Haha.
I am sure they dont taste exactly like the original. hehe
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
Olla, yeah, just for a while only.
Going to do my prayer in a short while.
Happy wednesday gagay :) :) :)
wakey wakey GP! =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
I am having a beef, chicken and prawn Tom Yam for evening.
:) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
haven tried eel yet! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
The rain has stopped at my place. Ooo la la la :) :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
lookin lah yummmmm yummmm GP! :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
you too abang! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Aha, you should try. Pretty much taste like a fish, but with distinctive taste. I can eat an eel as long it is served not in its original long-snake like state. LoL. :-D
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
haven had dinner yet! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
woiooooooh! you and GP has diff place? =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
getting hungry now abang! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
dat's 1 reason abang why i dun like eel..coz i cud think of eating snake! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Ahhhh this is the correct post LOL! GG FC1! :)
Morning GG!
Yay Rizal! FC2! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, have a good dinner! :)
Me too hungry hippo GG!!!
LOL @ Abang…hehehhe
Yeah GG, still drizzling here…brrrrr!
Whole week raining GG…very cold now!
Wah wah wah Rizal berbahasa Jepun! I am guessing u like the looks of this and ur feeling hungry now he he…
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Must try Rizal, I mean kalau sampai kat Yoshinoya sini… sedap sungguh…this my first time makan eel ni and mmg lazat soft n tasty! :)
Dah solat Rizal?
I was in da loo just now GG! Now waiting for B to come home with food!!!
I was pretty happy when Yoshinoya open in Malaysia but sadly, Yoshinoya Malaysia is not the same standard as the one in Japan.
Definitely cheap eating at Yoshinoya. My hubby and I used to eat there for dinner when we vacation in Japan to cut cost. :)
Try la eel GG!
It is yummy yum GG, u try one day okay?
If it’s served in snake-like condition, no way will I eat it too Rizal ahaks! ;)
Same here GG…. Hungry to da max now!
We live in different areas GG… Rizal in KL I think and I’m in PJ! ;)
How come haven’t eaten GG? Wat’s for dinner btw?
He he… but if served and cooked properly, it doesn’t look like snake GG…see dis one doesn’t look like snake right? :)
morning GP! :-D
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
why lah "this is the correct post?" *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
GP! that's what he told me.. *DONT_KNOW* should call him "abang rizal"! *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
thankie thankie GP! :)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( and still raining here! >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Rise and shine GG! Which blog eh?
what's PJ GP? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Cause just now I commented to you on the wrong post hahahahhaha, dis one u got FC1! :)
oh no! here? damn hot! >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:-D :-D :-D :-D kindly extend GP mah best regards to tito B! ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
isn't it weird to eat GP? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:-D :-D :-D :-D me tooooooooooo GP! iw! snake! :-P
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Hahahahhahah ABang is brother… so cute la u call Rizal Abang!! Abang Rizaaaaaaallllll! ;)
Welcome sweetie woo hoo!
I like the rain GG but so cold now Brrrrrr!
but need lah served not snake-like GP! might vomit! :-P
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Ha ha PJ=Petaling Jaya… KL= Kuala Lumpur!
Damn hot oso I don like GG, I wan it to snow here in M’sia heheheh!
LOL at commenting in diff post! :-D :-D :-D :-D
LOL sure GG! Tito B caught in traffic jam I think!
At first I was scared to eat it GG but I figured why not since I’m on vacation and I should try new food he he… then after one taste…fuyooooo so yummy la GG! :)
Me no likey snake!
cud hav TLB here GP? thankie! ;)
Of coz they won serve it snake-like GG, worry not!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Aha, tak la.. Incik RnR cakap,
"Eh mintak maaf@tumpang tanya Puan Marzie...
Unagi Don di Yoshinaya tu sedap sungguh yer? Ahhh begitu rupanya.
jadi, jom sama-sama makan unagi" hehe
:-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Testing a post
maybe won't eat dinner nimor GP! :'(
wah soft n tasty memang tetap rasanya.
Makan belut goreng dulu pun sebab eksiden konon-konon nak bagi cepat sembuh? ehhh kot yang tu ikan haruan, konfius pulak :)
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on Parfum
i only know KL as shortened for Kuala Lumpur...but not PJ! =-O =-O =-O =-O
Yeah la, confused it seems GG heheheh! After commenting then only I realized wrong post! ;)
weeeeeeeeeeeh! me too! but i wan snow only during christmas.. :* :* :* :* making lah snowman! ho-ho-ho-ho!
TLB coming up, lemme add it now… :)
:-P :-P :-P in davao traffic is damn irritating! bumper to bumper! but in dumaguete (where i am now) no lah traffic nimor! :-D
=-O =-O =-O =-O thinking of trying GP but not now..iw to snakes! :-P
yeah! it just look liked roasted tuna! :*
eeew snakes! >:o
Abang u mean? Yeah older…
:* :* :* :* :* coz maybe if they would do, no one would eat it! :-P
waaaaaaah! u got me LOL here GP! :-D :-D :-D :-D
Hahahhahaha ok…jawapan I…
Memang sedap la unagi kat yoshinoya Rizal, rugi kalau tak rasa.. lembut, tender, pas tu tasty… then the rice pun japanese rice kan, so soft and sticky, betul2 kena dengan unagi! I think I prefer this one to the beef bowl. :)
thankie GP! yayks! leading!!! :-D
Why GG? BD is it??? BD=Blockbuster Diet.
yeah! older it iz! :*
He he now u know GG… me in PJ!
I wan build snowman too!!!!! :)
Ah see…. Tito B just called me, he’s still at the shopping mall buying cookies he he! :)
I won eat if it’s snake GG, no way! :(
Tastes better than roasted tuna!
nope GP! feelin sleepy if i eat! :'(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
I doubt anyone will serve ell in its snake-like condition right? How to eat? Yowzaaaaa!
He he he LOL GG LOL! ;)
Yup still leading here GG! 10 points edi! ;)
yayks! thankie GP! ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Ohhhh u staying up to study GG? Me too sleepy cause weather so cosy and cold!
haven experience white christmas yet! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
Welcome GG, come chop again after midnight ho ho ho! ;)
waaaaaaaaaaaah! cant imagine how people would react seeing lah snake served!LOL! :-P
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
I’ve experienced white Christmas few times edi GG, yay! So pretty and snowy..and so cooold! :)
If I see snake being served, I’ll run out of the restaurant in a jiffy! No turning back, scared la GG!!!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
yayks! wohooooooooooo! dance dance dance! ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
yeah GP! study later after posting no internet yesterday so need lah post now! :(
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
sure! ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:'( :'( :'( :'( not yet me GP! mum won't allow us not to be at home during holidays! >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
oh really? yayks! mouth watering indeed GP! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. lah hungry! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
maybe i would be blogging whole day then GP bout lah snake! LOL! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
and off coz won't be visiting back lah resti nimor! >:o
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
:'( :'( :'( :'(
I can never eat unagi dearie.. tak tertelan rasanya!! hehe
:-D :-D :-D me tooooooooooo GP!
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
hola LJ! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Atlantis Space Shuttle Launch Successful
LJ! Missed the chop sweetie!
My first time ni LJ…and I gotta say it’s delish! :)
Ha ha u not scared GG wan to blog whole day on snake LOL!
My dinner is here edi GG, you? Still no wan eat?
Oh I see.. ok GG, listen to ur mom! ;)
How come no internet yest?
Ballet dance GG?
ah.. A loves it too!! but me. no lah.
yelah.. i fell asleep just now..
hi GG!!
I just had dinner, now sleepy weepy….
Oh yeah? A loves it… ni tak la makan on a regular basis know what I mean…saja nak cuba, alih2 best pulak! :)
hehhehe.. yeah.. A makan belut gak.. heheh
U try la LJ! Maybe ul like… but try the nice one.. I mean yg nicely cooked..
hah.. itu yg takut tu.. kalau makan yg best nanti terus serik kan?
U mean kalau makan yg tak best? This one very nice, I first time try pun terus suka, but B didn’t eat it , it seems he he!
hahha.. so B dont eat unagi too eh?.. yelah.. kalau i makan but then yg tak
sedaps.. mesti i serik.. lol
Ok u wait for yoshinoya punya then when it arrives here he he.. I rekomen so sure sedap! Yums! Yeah B couldn’t eat the eel lol, so he had his usual…
i think you are more adventurous then me lah dearie.. heheh
LJ, yest punya post 968 comments, gils ke tak gils? ;)
Ha ha I am I am adventurous when it comes to food, and then tak sedap komplen hahha!
hahah.. i know.. i saw it this morning... lol!!! a little bit more can reach
1k!! loL!
hahah biasalah.. lol!
Unagi? Yucks... :p I have tried once with my wife and both of us didn't like it.
Recent blog:=- Before The Cats & Dogs...
looks delicious. I received this beautiful award and i am passing it to you. If you love to grab it, please do so. Thanks so much.
Recent blog:=- My very first tag and award.
Hi Mariuca! How are you keeping? Hope everything is fine there.
i've not tried unagi before but it certainly looks yummy. unfortunately, i'm observing a vege diet for 49 days following my late FIL's death. we are not suppose to eat meat during this grieving period. in a way, hopefully his spirit will become clearer, calmer and filled with loving kindness.
btw, thanks for the beautiful awards, much apppreciated.
good night and keep well dearie. hugsy.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
Mariuca!! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
wuahh i feel so hungry now :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
i love Unagi and miso soup...yum! yum!! :)
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
aiyoo i havent started anything yet :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Pasta Zanmai @ 1 Utama
U dropped edi Mon?
Morning Monica!
U were asleep dis time eh? ;)
not yet dropped Mariuca! :-D
Morning Mariuca! :-D
asleep dis time? errr u mean wat time?? :-D
I fell asleep at 10 pm just now!
Morning everybody, wakey wakey!
Yest I didn drop kan, but I woke up early so I managed to drop but 270 only for WOAFS, the other 2 complete!
wakey wakey?hahha.. i want to go to bed edi!
Yest I didn drop oso :-[
So early wan to sleep LJ? Hahahha mentang2 la Ibaru bangun hahaha!
haha.. tulah.. been awake morning lah.. lol!!
LOL I dropped cause woke up early so might as well he he…
Heheheheh bestnye program u LJ, alih2 je dapat many followers yeeeehaw!
haha... best kan.. lucky you woke up in time..hehe
Yeah lucky I woke up!!!!!! Tenkiu LJ!
no probs dearie..
ok am heading on to bed now.. see you guys later..
Nite nite LJ, sleep tight!
ok good nite LJ!
looks very yummy Mariuca 8-)
I really enjoyed reading your story about the vanishing ring =-O
have you ever thought of writing a novel ???
Recent blog:=- "Small is the number ..
Morning Kim! Oh this is so yummy, seriously! He he!
Oh my, thanks so much for the huge compliment sweetie, love that u loved my story! Made all the writing worthwhile and yup…. I would love to write a novel one day…a sad love story! :)
Hugsy LR, thanks so much for coming over today. I do hope ur okay with recent events in ur life. Pls take care! :)
You’re welcome sweetie, hope the awards cheered u up a little bit yeah? :)
You haven’t tried LR? I think u will love it!!! It is very yummy and oh so soft…yum yum! Maybe u can try some after ur grieving period is over yeah, more hugs! :)
Hi LR< I am doing fine, thanks for asking. I hope u are coping well too. :)
Hey Melandria! Thanks for stopping by, hope u enjoyed ur unagi here? Heheh… and thanks so much for the award, woo hoo! I’ll come over! :)
Hola Marzie!! :-D
Unagi! Oh my... I don dare eat Unagi... eels look like snake *sowee*
Recent blog:=- Man vs Beast
Morning Nessa! U oso scared eh? I oso scared actually but since on vakasi must be adventurous mah so I tried it and it was yummy la!! :)
Wow! Looks yummy to me. I love Japanese food, I was in Japan in Chino-Nagano, a beautiful country-side resort way back in 1990. In fact, in 1998 if I am not mistaken, the Winter Olympic was held there. I was there in winter and return to Malaysia in early spring. It was a such a good experience living in Japan for a few month. I learned to speak a little of Japanese and know how to sing some Japanese songs too. But till today I really miss their food so much (I mean only the Halal one!) At least in KL, there are many Japanese Restaurant where you can go to, here in Terengganu, don't ever dream lah!
Hey kawan, ada good news and a little improvement, I've updated the "Top Monthly Commenter" column followed by the current month, i.e. November '09 Top Commenter column.
So come and visit me, there two latest posts not visited yet! Good luck! bye ... :) ;) ;) ;) ;) 8-) :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Kelly Clarkson with Already Gone
Hi! I believe there are a few typing mistakes as follows:
returned, months, etc, hope you can figure out, next time I must checked before I press submit. It really not so nice with mistakes, right?
Hugzzz as always :) ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Kelly Clarkson with Already Gone
1k edi LJ!
Hahahah takde Jap rest kat Trengganu ala ciannya Lil’! Wah so nice u stayed in Japan for a few months some more, sure happy cause everything is efficient and available, even though a expensive kan? I got the chop woo hoo, thanks for buzzing me sweetie, hugs! :)
Ok to make typo here Lil since our resident typo cop Bem tengah cuti tu lol!
eh cannot add anymore is it?
Add followers u mean? I don think so LJ…cause they said up to 1000 only…
yelah.. oh well.. oklah :(
But we can try to win followers from the draw…kalau lucky la!
yeap.. we can try lah..
i love yoshinoya too!!
Recent blog:=- The Long Distance Affair
i like eating their gyudon beef and tempura! so juicy!
too bad no yoshi here :( :(
No yoshi there Ayie???
I like the beef bowl too Ayie! And the chic… ;)
B’s fave la this yoshinoya Ayie, he loves the chicken! :)
I love unagi!! Yummy!!
I normally like to go for Japanese buffet and eat unlimited amounts of unagi! So yummy!!!
I don't quite like Yoshinoya Malaysia, wonder if the Japan outlet is better?
i don't remember tryng the chicken in yoshinoya because I always fancy teriyaki boy's chicken
Recent blog:=- Upgrading
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!