Our first visit to Tropicana City saw us driving around aimlessly inside the huge parking lot; figuring an exit out of the building. There were several Self Luminous Exit Signs to guide us but since it was our first visit there, it was nonetheless a little confusing. Plus, we weren't familiar with the all the corners and turns of this shopping mall and the lack of clear Exit Signs within the parking lot made us momentarily lost.

It was bad enough that both B and I forgot which floor we parked the car. So we followed the Photoluminescent Exit Signs hoping they would lead us to our parking floor but the first two times were disastrous. We walked out all the way to the parking lot but couldn't find our car so we went back inside the mall and decided to retrace our steps and finally, we located our car!

Tonight, we plan to visit Tropicana City again and I hope we won't have a hard time exiting the mall this time. Before we got into the whole lost-in-the-parking-lot incident, we had dinner at a cosy little Japanese restaurant called Kushi. The food was terrific and prices even better and we loved it so much that we plan to have dinner there later. Anyone else in the mood for Japanese food?

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:) :) :)
8-) 8-) 8-)
Yepee...I was able to make it!
I have similar experience when I visited a mall in Manila for the first time.
Hi Ruby, long time no see sweetie and yay FC1! :)
Morning Bill, FC2! :)
You did it Ruby woo hoo! Oh yeah? I had a similar experience with a hotel once too Ruby, driving around and around trapped inside lol!
Morning Marzie :*
Recent blog:=- The Wild Wild West
:* :* :* :*
Yeap.. that looks delish GP. what is that?
I'm a disaster when remembering parking lots lott..lol!
Morning Bill, don forget ur coffee + 2 sugar here! :)
And LJ FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, happy Sunday! :)
This is beef & seafood set LJ, yummy I tell u and the rice oso yummy! B had chicken set.. :)
Same here dearie…always forget where we park or where we came from, I blame it on my bad sense of direction hehehehe….
Happy Sunday dearie!
Ooh.. yelah.. even the pics look so delish!
Hahah.. me too!!! Lucky A can always remember.. lol!
your so sweet you never forget thanks :*
Recent blog:=- The Wild Wild West
Thanks for chopping LJ!
Same to u LJ, lazy Sunday for me… :)
Not to mensi cheap LJ..I think this is B’s fave Jap place now ha ha!
But sometimes have to help B remember oso so I always try to remember the floor number, but if it’s a new place sure forget! ;)
E he welcome Bill, enjoy ur coffee and feel free to come back for more. Thanks for the RT too yay! :)
Got lost in the shopping mall? Haha! I always get lost when I go Sunway Pyramid! Don't know why I still find the place confusing till this day. Maybe because I seldom go there!
Recent blog:=- My Yulong River Rafting Adventure (Part 1)
The place I won't ever get lost is 1Utama! I know place like the back of my hand!
Recent blog:=- My Yulong River Rafting Adventure (Part 1)
Cheap? Now that I like..hehe
Wow! japanese food! I love Japanese food, but never been to this restaurant!
Recent blog:=- My Yulong River Rafting Adventure (Part 1)
Yelah.. next time take picture.. hahah.. sometimes if I remember I do that..
So did you get lost again this time? ;)
Recent blog:=- My Yulong River Rafting Adventure (Part 1)
Morning Foong! SP is a little confusing for me too even though I used to go there almost every weekend last time when staying in Subang… :)
Ah same here Foong, One U no problem for us too he he… our area mah… ;)
Yeah very reasonable pricing here dearie.. :)
Hi Mariuca,
was Kushi on the LG in Tropicana City Mall behind Carrefour?
I think i ate opposite of it at the "Eat'n Run". I would say to this restaurant ... just run, don't eat.
Hmm.... so when do you think you would go dining there again :-P
Recent blog:=- Save Money, Energy and green your Computer!
Hi Marzie! Seeing that yummy photo, I suddenly got hungry and yes, I'm in the mood for Japanese food right now. :) :) :)
Btw, I got you tagged. You can find it at Life's sweets and spices. Hope you'd find time to do it. :)
Have a great week ahead.
U should try this one then Foong, I think u will like it, so tasty! :)
Haha I tak pernah take picture, tak terfikir pun LOL!
Going later tonight only Foong, hopefully won get lost again lol.. :)
Hi Martin oh I saw the eat n run place too, how’s the food over there? Not too good eh? Try this Japanese place next time, it’s yummy! :)
Hi Maria! Oh yay I have not been tagged in ages, I’ll come see ur tag, thanks for thinking of me! And I’m glad u enjoyed a little Japanese food here tonight.. :)
Good morning to you Marzie :) hmmm... I think it's already noon there ?
The food is so yummy looking
I love Japanese food, kat Terengganu ni susah nak cari Restaurant with Japanese food tau, I really miss ithem. :) ;) 8-) :*
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
The foods look nice! :) But it doesn't look very japanese.
Recent blog:=- 14 Simple Tips To Be Frugalicious
Perhaps it is time to invest in a GPS! But I doubt they can guide you out from a maze! :P
Recent blog:=- 14 Simple Tips To Be Frugalicious
Yeah Tekkaus? So how does Japanese food look like then? This is yummy btw, try it when u visit KL again! :)
Ha ha will suggest GPS to B though I have no idea how it actually works.. ;)
Good morning Beth, glad u stopped by for some food here, enjoy! :)
Lil I can imagine sure susah nak cari Japanese food in Terengganu, when u moving back to KL? Then can enjoy all the yummy food u want. :)
Yup, Tropicana City Mall has a drama exit, I can't stand the winding uphill exit just to get back out to TTDI.
I haven't been to Kushi yet..
Recent blog:=- Shop and Save
but I'd love to try it out! coz i love Jap food!! oh what's that Mariuca??
Recent blog:=- Shop and Save
i think there 're quite a few Jap restaurants there *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Shop and Save
Kushi is a cute name! ;)
This is beef n seafood set Mon, so got my fave Japanese squid yum!
Kushi means comb in Jap! ;)
ohh beef n seafood set! I sure love this lah ;)
This one on ground floor I think Mon….
Is it???? COMB? Ohhhh not so cute then hahahhahahah!
He he got chic set oso and u can order on the side too, like the squid, or just beef etc… :)
hahahah yeah my jap friend told me lah :-D
Kushi sounds like something fluffy he he…….
sounds like something fluffy? :-D
btw, i dropped 300 edi...
Yeah kushi kushi koo…. Wah so fast, good job! I dropped 600 now dropping last 300 for WOAFS, u can zzz edi sweetie!
oh oh i ;pve japanese foods! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- test failed...now under special care
what's happening? double post then typo error? funny.... "love" supposed to be
i hate it when i feel ost in malls most especially when they have such a mess of a parking! >:o >:o
My sense of direction is terrible Ayie, I am forever lost! ;)
Oh no I guess it was just JS acting up again, sorry bout that! :(
I am craving for some Japanese food now Ayie… :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!