The city of Tokyo is filled with many interesting stores and huge buildings with glaring billboards and signs everywhere. Whether it's a huge colourful signboard or cheap yard signs, they're all equally interesting and hard to ignore.
When I first spotted this huge Becker's sign outside this restaurant in Tokyo, I was immediately captivated! Bright and cheery, the sign lured B and me to venture in for a quick bite after walking around the city all day. Inside, it was just as inviting with warm lights to keep the mood cosy and simple clean decor for dining comfort.

The menu was extensive and everything sounded delicious. After much thinking, we finally settled for a Grilled Chicken Teriyaki burger, which came with a generous portion of fries. I had my usual iced coffee on the side. Sweet and juicy, this is by far the most delicious Teriyaki I ever had and to have it come in a form of a burger was a delicious bonus!

We dined at Becker's twice during our Tokyo stay and both visits saw us ordering the same item. Looking at this picture now, all I want to have for lunch today is something Japanese! Does anybody know where I can get a yummy Teriyaki Burger around here? 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
:-$ :-$ :-$
LOL! Monica!!! :)
the burger looks yummy! yum!
Recent blog post: The Power of VenalTech.Com!
Mariuca! hahahahhahaha!
hop.. ehhh CHOP!!
Congrats Monica!! Super Duper Thursday heh? hehe :-D
$$$ 3p! ;)
Aiyooooo it is yummy la Mon and I so feel like one now! But where la to get a nice teriyaki burger here kan?
Super Duper Tuesday Rizal! hahahahha!
Recent blog post: The Power of VenalTech.Com!
Yeah la!!! Not sleeping it seems Monica hahhahahah! Some more I’m hungry to da max now after writing this post LOL!!
Morning Rizal!!! FC2! :)
Tak sabar tunggu TGIF!
Aha.. Bekeru ooo oishi deshitaka? Bun dia nampak gebu dan nampak mengenyangkan la. Whoaho!!
Woosh! Wossh! Ehhh i see new announcement style on twitter. Wosh! Wosshhh!
Untuk beberapa hari ni, restnrileks terasa bagaikan di Jepun walaupun tak berada di Jepun.
"Billboards" dan "signs" memang buatkan bandar tu nampak menarik. =-O
Ohh yeahhh!! Power to the .com Ahak ahak. Yeah hullahup Chicken Dance. (hullahup..hullahup.. hulalala hullaa huuppp)
Ni kat blog WOAFS jer buleh buat camni, kalau komen kat blog lain, nanti kena chop "Gila" ahak ahak
me too Mariuca! I'm hungry! :-D
Recent blog post: The Power of VenalTech.Com!
LOL!!! Rizal woosh woosh tu untuk chop kat MPG! I still need 2 more FCs for my latest post Rizal, chop la!
Hahahhah gebu is the correct word, fluffy gitu Rizal! Oh yay, happy to bring Japan your way he he! We enjoyed seeing the billboards too, semua pun Nampak menarik and cantik! :)
Hahhahahahhahah sila berhula hip chicken dance Rizal! Buat mcm rumah sendiri lol! The crazier the chop, the better! ;)
aha.. ni dah macam tag team.. lol! dah amik. hehe
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
How to sleep if hungry Mon? Scrambled eggs oso sounds yummy right now! With black coffee…. :)
yeah.. rizal pernah juga ke Japan ni.. Tapi sampai Narita jerr.. masa transit Flight. Ahahahaha.
Okayla.. kalau orang tanyer, pernah ke Jepun.. boleh la jawab.. pernah (1/4 of the truth. Aint lying but aint telling the whole thruth. Lol!) :-D
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
Haha of coz can say dat Rizal, betul apa u pernah land kat Narita, blh pakai LOL! U transit Narita nak gi mana Rizal?
oh long time i didnt log in 3p edi! :-P
i def cannot sleep if hungry! :-D gonna grab sthing and eat later :-D :-D
Recent blog post: The Power of VenalTech.Com!
LOL, good chop Rizal! Lama tu tunggu org mengechop kat MPG! ;)
Wahhhhh making me more hungry…. I got nothing to eat it seems….nothing nice dat is! Have to sleep hungry I guess… :(
I log in once in a while Mon, not many PB at 3P but sometimes got some good ones. All small PB though. ;)
make mug cake lah Mariuca! ;)
Make mug cake now? LOL!!! So cute la u Monica! Tempting me with mug cake it seems ha ha! I got no milk at home, mug cake calls for milk he he… :)
aiyo no milk! otherwise u can eat mug cake edi!!! :-D
Ha ha lazy to cook la Mon! I told B we’re having Japanese for dinner tonight lol! :)
=-O =-O =-O
Good morning marzie.. i'm hungry.. tak breakfast lagi ni!!! mintak skiiiit!!! LOL!
Recent blog post: Thank You!!**
Yay! Shemah FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps! :)
Morning Shemah, same here! I made myself hungry by writing this post and posting the pic Shemah ha ha! :)
Yum! I haven't eaten and that burger looks oh so yummy! :-P :-P
It feels like it has been ages since I last chopped here Marzie! I can't help but feel sad! :'( :'(
I can't wait for the weekend so I can stay up late and hopefully get to chop! 8-)
I have no opps whatsoever.. :'( :'( :'(
And I am so way behind how can I protect my throne?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
emmm..nampak sedap tu!!!
the burger looks tantalizing and you're making me hungry at this hour.
I think you can't go wrong with Japan's teriyaki! Hmmm, 1 more hour and it's lunchtime here but seeing your burger made me hungry already. :'(
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Hi girls!! :)
reading about the teyiyaki burger made me glad the I had teriyake wings today for supper. :) ;) 8-)
Ha ha, teriyaki wings sounds equally delish, thanks for stopping by Mike! :)
Hi Ayie! :)
He he, the teriyaki burger got me hungry too Ayie, and it was early morning then! ;)
Ha ha, enjoy the teriyaki burger LR, it was super delish, no kidding! :)
It’s only the first week of July Ane, sure u can still protect ur throne lol! :)
Not even for ANE? I got a few from RM sweetie, keep on checking there often. :)
Hugs Ane! I’m sure some will come your way!
I can’t wait for u to chop away here too Ane! :)
Don feel sad Ane cause I have tons of posts coming up for u to chop! :)
It is yummy Ane and I’m sure u’d love it too! Very tasty! :)
Morning Denaihati, mmg sedap pun! :)
Morning Denaihati, mmg sedap pun! :) :* :*
that was a nice way to start your day's meals ;) yumyum!
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Morning Ayie! :)
good morning!! :*
It’s 6.21am here Ayie ha ha! And no I haven’t slept! Still working here… :)
how about your beauty rest? mmmm, I already retired with that overnight work hour since I moved here ;) Don't overwork and better get some good rest too :) right now it's 3:32pm here
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
I will get my beauty sleep soon Ayie! Probably get up late again later today he he!
still up this late then better just get up later too ;)
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
I am posting at MPG soon Ayie, come chop if u like! :)
yey, i'll wait! i'll be off soon, i hope I still can make it =)
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Just posted, go for it Ayie!
haha i doubt I could beat Mon :-P she's extremely fast chopping!
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Go for it Ayie, still one chop left! http://www.mariucasperfume.com/2009/07/busy-but-lazy.html
I'm coming! :-P
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Yay u got it sweetie! :)
thanks mariuca!! :*
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
You’re welcome Ayie, thanks for chopping! :)
Yeah! The billboard here in Tokyo is really huge. perhaps the people in tokyo have problems with their eyesight? That's why they have to construct large billboard. LOL :P
LOL Tekkaus! The bigger the better mah! Must be eye-catching la, love it! ;)
just ate breakfast... after seing the picture i feel hungry again ;) yumyum
Recent blog post: PEP wins over Zorro: Richard Gutierrez
LOL! Morning Vhincent, hope u had a good breakfast today, happy weekend. :)
wow! delicious!
Recent blog post: Batik Production
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!