Hey, do you remember my friend G who got his car stolen a few months back? Well, he recently got a used car to replace his stolen wheels. It's not an expensive brand new car but it does meet the purpose of getting him around.
So G had to take it to the workshop for some major repair work and opted for a used transmission instead of waiting around for a new one. After all, the used transmission works just as well; it's cheaper and it gets him back on the road faster. When times are tough as in the current recession we're going through, it's best to be a little penny-wise so why not start with used transmissions?
If you'd like to find out more information on used transmissions, please visit SW Used Transmission. A leading supplier of quality, replacement and used transmissions, they make it their priority to help you get back on the road as fast as possible. Say goodbye to the unnecessary stress of waiting and wondering just how much your final bill comes up to. Once your wanted part is verified, the shipping process will start immediately so your vehicle can get back in the lane faster!
Providing transmissions for Chevy, Honda, Toyota, Buick and Mitsubishi, the friendly people at SW Used Transmissions provides thousands of transmissions, ready to ship worldwide. And with no definite signs of a full recovery in our current economy, it's the ideal time to tighten the purse string so why not opt for used parts? They work just as well - only cheaper!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :*
Here's hoping everything goes smoothly dearie.. good luck!! :* :* :* :*
=-O =-O
choppity chop!! :-D :-D
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Waaahhh!! I want opps too!! :'( :'(
I need some of your magic dust Marzie! :-D
LJ! FC1! Thanks for chopping sweetie, love ya!
Likewise LJ, thanks for the good luck wish. If bad news, sure u will receive another meluahkan perasaan email from me tonight! :)
Hi Ane, FC2! :)
Yay Ane, one chop for u today, thanks dear!
$$ it seems….
Ane! Have u tried LW opps? I recently bid on two and got both! :)
Sure sweetie, I will sprinkle some magic your way tonight! SHAZAM!!
Yay FC2!! WooHoo!! :-D
6 points edi Ane! 6 days to go! Chop some more! :)
I am glad I managed to chop Marzie! :-D
Ane, posting at MPG soon!
oh you need to chop LW posts? wait lemme check!!
U need to accept the jobs (available to u), then wait for the advertiser to approve it. If approved, then u can write the post! :)
hehhe.. email away.. but I'm sure it's gonna be ok today now dearie!
ooh! I hope I can chop more!! LOL :-D
Oh okay, I got one, for ANE, but must wait for advertiser if they want me to
write bout it..
No need meluahkan perasaan email dearie, thanks for all “ur help”, hugsy wugsy! Feel a little better now. :)
Chop at MPG now Ane! :)
Yay! I hope ul get that one for ANE, I only have offers for WOAFS so far, nothing for the other two… ;)
Thanks Marzie!! Now I really believe in your genie magic! I managed to chop
one on LW and approved right away!! so must write about it now! :-D how long
do I have to write a LW post?
I got the security alarm for ANE.. funny, I only have penis enlargement
offer available for LATM and me no likey to write about that!! LOL :-D
Hahahahah yay!!! ZAM ZAM ALAKAZAM!!! :) You have 10 days to write it and they will send u a reminder if u haven posted within 5 days or so. :)
LOL! Mon and I used to get the “Asian girls” PBs, which we of coz didn’t take as well LOL!!
okay then, thanks so much Marzie!! :-D You are my lucky choppy charm when it
comes to chopping for opps! :) :) :)
Hahaha Asian Girls PB's and Penis enlargement PB's!! LOL the opp I got came
right on time cause it's about security and all, my sister told me about a
burglar she had eye to eye contact with a couple nights ago, and then they
noticed a few things were missing, good thing no one was hurt and the
burglar decided to run when spotted and didn't hurt my sis!
Hahahah come see me for more magical dust later sweetie, hugs! :)
Oh my!!! Great timing for ur PB then Ane and I’m glad ur sis is okay! It’s really not safe anywhere, any more! :(
=-O =-O =-O
Mariuca :* :*
how come u write a new one? i tot u wanna edit just now? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Mon finally! FC3!
Thanks for chopping everybody… :)
Heartpain la thinking abt this Mon, I decided to write a new one Mon, to puaskan hati u know who, make me sad only just now! :(
I turned the other post into a *** post Mon, so u got linky there for chopping earlier yay!
oh what happened did u submit after u edit the previous one?
Yeah and then rejected again and they said last chance, so I was really upset and decided to do a new post to make sure u know who are happy… pity me right? :(
In the midst of my depresi I somehow managed to chop 1 RM PB, Mon! But now got 4 and all cannot chop….
omg sorry to hear that dearie! *HUGS* i'm sure they'll approve yr new post!!
I got one opp at LW but abt penis enlargement! i dont want to chop :-D
yay u managed to chop 1!! ;) huh? got 4 cannot chop?
buzz2!! :)
Used transmission? Is it reliable? Ha >:o Sometimes I just feel like going with the new stuff! I mean I feel safer to purchase brand new items rather than using used ones.
Anyway have a great weekend Mau! ;)
They approved edi Mon, thanks… really merajuk with RM tonight myself.. :(
Yup got 4 just now but same prob cannot chop, now all gone edi, back to 0!
Almost missed this one!
have a pleasant weekend sweetie!
Thanks Tekkaus, u too have a good weekend with wifey! :)
B prefers to use new stuff oso, cause scared tak tahan lama but this one seems pretty professional, so give it a shot peeps!
I see u Ayie, thanks and you too have a great one with hubby okay? :)
wow nice blog, very cute...!!!!
Hey Obbie, thanks so much and welcome to Mariuca’s blog! :)
Thanks Obbie, TGIF! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!