Good morning world! Yeah, I know it's already afternoon, which is my version of morning, so once again...Good morning!

I had the best time ever with the Guess the Price of my Hair contest yesterday and though I said I'd give it until the end of the week, there's no harm in announcing my winner early, especially since I already have one!

Let me give appreciation to the 15 bloggers who happily participated in my contest. It was hilarious seeing you guys guess the weirdest numbers in hopes that one of your entries strikes it rich with 500 EC credits and 3 FCSB points as your prize.

So let's not delay this any longer and let me reveal the price I paid to get my hair done and looking good! Are you ready?
After a gruelling 6-hour session at my salon, I spent RM670 for my new look; which included rebonding, haircut, hair treatment and colouring! As you can see, the person with the closest guess is...Debbs from Ramblings of the Phat who guessed RM675 as one of her entries. Congrats Debbs, you will receive your prize today!

Thank you to everyone who took part. I had a blast and I hope you did too!

Monica - RM530, RM680, RM750
Sandman - RM550.43, RM680.20, RM735.75
Debbs - RM550, RM675, RM770
TH - RM300
Denaihati - RM150
Rizal - RM600, RM500, RM550
Emila - RM680, RM599, RM435
Tekkaus - RM588
Rolly - RM752
Adrian - RM650
Kenwooi - RM550
Ayie - RM700
LR - RM650, RM588, RM750
Nessa - RM390, RM450, RM 590
Vhincent - RM650, RM720, RM775
Sandman - RM550.43, RM680.20, RM735.75
Debbs - RM550, RM675, RM770
TH - RM300
Denaihati - RM150
Rizal - RM600, RM500, RM550
Emila - RM680, RM599, RM435
Tekkaus - RM588
Rolly - RM752
Adrian - RM650
Kenwooi - RM550
Ayie - RM700
LR - RM650, RM588, RM750
Nessa - RM390, RM450, RM 590
Vhincent - RM650, RM720, RM775


=-O =-O
i don't think i saw this contest post!!!!!! >:o >:o >:o
=-O =-O =-O
congrats Debbs!!!! :) :)
Alamak, lambat la
it's okay debbs!! you've already won 3 FCSB points ya!!!! hebat!!!! :) :) :)
But it's ok! Yay me!!
Thanks Shem!
:-D :-D :* :* yay!! At least managed to chop!! :) :)
Congrats Debbs!!!!! :) ;)
Thanks for the linky love, Marzie! :):)
sorry marzie!! i didn't see this post it seems!! So i didn't get to put in my guess! LOL! but it was such a great contest!! and your hair looks great! :)
Mariuca! hahaha :* :* :*
Thanks Mon! :):)
Recent blog post: Working From Home
ohh RM670!! :)
Shemah FC1! :)
Yay you Shem! Did you get a new tumbler or what? Hehe...
Recent blog post: Working From Home
Which blog today Shemah? :)
U missed my contest post Shemah lol! It was so fun! :)
Monica FC2! :)
Congrats ladies, thanks for chopping! :)
Yay Mon, another point for u and linky too!
Ahaks! Debbs terlambat chop! ;)
But 3 FCSB points today for winning my contest, awesome! :)
Hebat gila, congrats Debbs!
Thanks for playing Debbs, so dekat la ur answer, I had to hold back my excitement when I saw ur 675 ha haha! Hugs! :)
Yay! Also one more point and linky for u today Shemah! :)
Thanks for guessing Mon, u oso quite close with ur 680! ;)
You’re welcome cutie! Will send the credits nanti eh, EC ni mcm down semacam je since yest!
Ha ha no worries Shemah, can catch my next guessing game if I have one later! Oh yay, thanks sweetie…happy I finally got my hair done! ;)
Monica!!! :)
LOL RM670 Mon! I asked another salon, the day before I went to this one…and they quoted me RM570! ;)
=-O =-O =-O banyak yang nak hampir2 kena tuu
New tumbler TG? :)
Congrats to all the people who guessed right.. :)
I was too depressed to join your contest Marzie.. :) but I read it.. just didn't leave a comment cause I was too sad.. :-D
Ha ha Rizal!!! Tenkiu for playing along too, best gila tgk ur guesses ha ha ha! :)
Takpe Marzie, EC tu mmg gils! Lol! They don't sene notifications anymore la.
Hey Ane! LOL, congrats to Debbs for guessing the closest! :)
Actually I could sense you excitement lol!!
Yeehah! 3 more points for me yay! Thanks for the contest, GP! :)
Congrats to debbie for winning..
wahh she is now kaya 500ec and 3 more point lebih banyak. whoahoa!
Why Ane, why were u sad?????? I hope it’s not abt JS cause u got that fixed, sorta right? And LATM got a PR too, what’s bugging u sweetie? HUGS!
I mean youR excitement..luckily typo police takde hehe...
Mekasih Rizal! :)
Recent blog post: Working From Home
Rizal!!!!! i couldn't leave comments @ R&R!!! :(
They don send notifikasi for ads bought from you kan, but I think they still send notifikasi when u receive ec credits from someone. :)
Hahhahaha u could Debbs? Wooooooo hoooooo! So happy u won Debbs, clever la u to guess! :)
Welcome Debbs, thot I’d shake up the FCSB sikit, kasi gegar bak kata Aizat AF he ehehhehe! :)
Yay, congrats again Debbs! Pandai meneka it seems!
Typo police lama tak mengomen, busy kut! ;)
u don wan the RM570?
Recent blog post: Weekend getaway in Fraser's Hill
Thanks sweetie! :* :*
Recent blog post: Weekend getaway in Fraser's Hill
I didn wan the RM570 cause the RM670 was where my old hairdresser is working now…just that he was on leave dat week so couldn ask HIM to do my hair! If he did my hair, sure menjadi one Mon!! ;)
Welcome Mon! :)
ohhhic! nvm next time ask him to do yr hair ;)
Yeahhhh cause when he did my hair last time, it was PERFECTION! U know just like pink + lime green = perfection! ROTFLMAO!! :)
yee laaa. tgh crippled tuu.. tension betul.. even i couldnt leave comments on my blog
sigh... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Rizal! Dah tukar ur URL kat JS tak????
ROTFLMAO!! LOL @ pink + lime green = perfection! Thanks for making me laugh
dearie :* :*
Rizal oso tension today! I refreshed yr page soooooo many times until i fed
up edi! :-D
wow... I guess wrong
Hahahahhaha! Yay I made Monica LOL! U can log in to ur blogger acct edi or not? Hugs! :)
hehe.. try next time :) I mean guess other
Rizal’s comment box something wrong la Mon…cause he just moved to own domain, congrats btw Rizal!!! Nanti I update ur links here in my blogroll and what not! :)
Hahahha TH! Thanks for playing along cutie! :)
Sure TH! I’m definitely gonna have another guessing game, maybe at MD or MPG this time woo hoo!
yeah i can log in to my blogger acct edi! HUGS! :* :*
675 Malaysian ringgits = 9239.85445 Indian rupees
You've just spent 9K on your haircut!!! wow wow wow! :)
I spend 30 bucks on my haircut... so that would make it:
30 Indian rupees = 2.19159296 Malaysian ringgits
lolz lolz lolz!!!!!! What do you get for RM 2 over there? Next time you buy something for RM 2, remember that I am having a haircut over here :D
Recent blog post: Chp 250. Music Monday: Boomarang - Stellar
Ok good! Now u can happily update TUO….i wan to chop! :)
no wonder lah i cannot even type at his comment box :-D i wanted to say
congrats Rizal oso cannot!!
dah tukar awal tadi... unfortunately.. tak boleh
now tgh export balik semua old commenting tuu sekarang ni tak boleh.. worst come to worse.. ntahla
sure! sure1 will buzz2 later ;)
Rizal, u kena IMPORT balik ur comments kan? So why not u download the JS kit again.
I oso wan to congratulate Rizal but kenot!
LOL Sandman! RM670 was what I paid but my hair is really long and thick u see, so I was expecting it to be around that figure. Plus I had 4 major things done, all in one sitting he he! Thanks so much for taking part, look out for my next guessing game okay? Hugs! :)
Ok! I think I will start on my new post then Mon! :)
MD is it? :)
My new post u mean? No here Mon, here! ;)
Congrats to Debbs!
I missed this contest! :(
I wouldn't have guessed over RM500. It's pricey. :P
Recent blog post: Mad About Scones (Pan Pacific Hotel) - RT/ WW
And to sit there for 6 hours.... ouch ouch... buttocks pain. :D
nampak sangat aku jahil sangat bab-bab ni...punya lah jauh beza harga yang aku teka... :-[
Recent blog post: Contest Weblog Popular 1Malaysia
oho.. itu memang awesome tuu, menang 3 points memang banyak. MAcam reality show - kira dapat imuniti. hehehe =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
Mariuca, i replied u just now abt SS the 3 links but it didnt appear at my
comment box! :(
my pleasure. Macam main roda impian.. wang besar wang besar... tapi tak kena.
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
Mariuca u buzz2 me is it? :-D
Ohhhh I didn’t get the reply for the 3 links? So must include three links ke?
Ha ha I love reality shows Rizal! :)
Pusing lagi Rizal, pusing!!!
i didnt see how many links there i just reserved oni! :-D yeah when i reply
via mail it doesnt appear at my comment box :(
He he coming soon Mon, putting smileys now!!!
i havnt prepared my post yet went down ate durian just now :-D
MCS la dat means Mon! :(
but my blog only like dat! :(
Durian!!! Hmmmm I have nothing for dessert today la…..
U mean the MCS Mon? My blog oso!!!
no i mean when i replied comments for TUO via mail :-D
Yeah la same here Mon! In fact, all my comments that I replied for this post are not appearing in my inbox! Don tell me have to copy paste comments again from sent box? :(
Yeah la same here Mon! In fact, all my comments that I replied for this post are not appearing in my inbox! Don tell me have to copy paste comments again from sent box? :(
Yeah la same here Mon! In fact, all my comments that I replied for this post are not appearing in my inbox! Don tell me have to copy paste comments again from sent box? :(
aha.. harap by now.. semuanya dah okay.. whoaho! :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
oho.. sama-sama for that congrats.. ehhh macam menjawab kat blog sendiri pulak.. lol :-P
Recent blog post: Opppss.. RestnRileks is Crippled!!
not fair, only had 1 guess!
ahaha, just kidding... i agree with ECL...6hrs is ouch! >:o
Recent blog post: Air Show,Vintage Display & Air Museum - 1
Ha ha you forgot to include 2 more guesses LOL, thanks for playing along Ayie! :)
LOL Rizal! :)
Dah okay, CL oso working woot!
Roda Impian I like, Rizal! Come to me wang besar! Ahaks!
U teka below price Denaihati, apa citer? Hahahhahahaha!
Of coz buttocks pain ECL muahahahhahahahahaha! But what to do…..wan to look nice mah so hafta suffer! ;)
Biasa la to have it done for over RM500 here ECL, pricey but necessary! :(
U missed this one dearie, look out for the next one kay? :)
Wah.. seriously.. I must have been in SG right? how come i miss this post also... impossible if i was around or perhaps i was moving is it??? whichever lah...
Recent blog:=- Going Bananas
Congrats Debbs!!!!
Recent blog:=- OMG! I'm Doodling
Ha ha not sure la LJ maybe moving kut dat time. No worries sweetie, thanks for checking my old posts, love ya! :)
Hehehe.. rugi tu.. 500ec lots of ec!! tapi mmg July.. I was moving
kan.. I think lah.. lol!! Lupa lupa!
500 ec and 3 fcsb points hahahaha!! Hugsy dearie! :)
Hah tulah.. ish ish ish.
Need that hug now.. ish ish ish.. lol!
More hugs for LJ!
Hehe.. thanks dearie.. muahs!!
Now only doing my Adgi round dearie!
Ok.. enjoy.. am trying to see what I can write for BC
Ok LJ buzz2 me later ;)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!