Talking to my friends Shemah and Bem online today made me realize that I have not been very health-conscious lately. While discussing the latest influenza A (H1N1) virus scare infecting over 70 countries worldwide, I decided to follow suit with some research and here are some handy facts on this deadly disease and what we, the public can do to remain healthy.

Symptoms of the swine flu include fever, cough or sore throat, mild respiratory illness (nasal congestion), without fever with some reports of vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, chills and fatigue.
What YOU can do
* Stay informed and up-to-date with additional information as it becomes available.
* Take steps to protect your health and lessen the spread of this new virus:
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing.
- Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based cleansers, especially after coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth; germs spread this way.
- Avoid close contact with sick people.
- If you are sick with flu-like symptoms, stay home for 7 days after symptoms appear or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer.
I also found a cool website where you can learn about disease symptoms and find the best treatment for various types of symptoms and ailments. Protect yourself and learn about disease symptoms from Dr Daniel Amen, the founder of the Amen Clinics. You can also find Dr. Amen's page here. With very useful and informative articles and tips available, you will be able to learn more and prepare for treatment as well as prevent falling sick so you'll continue enjoying life in the pink of health. Keep safe everybody and here's to a brand new week!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

=-O =-O
Yay to BTP!!! :) :)
Shemah again! FC1! :)
It's great that you posted this up! most people are unaware about it while it poses a great threat to us all. The news today stated that over 44 000 cases worldwide has been reported and now has been spread to 95 countries. Scary!!!
Recent blog post: The Makings of a Zombie Kid
i think right now.. the best place to have a vacation is home!! LOL!
Recent blog post: The Makings of a Zombie Kid
:* :* :*
4 schools have been closed apparently..
Recent blog post: The Makings of a Zombie Kid
LOL! Still got another BTP to do Shemah, but dunno sempat or not, posting frenzy! ;)
As much as I dislike pink, I like to be in the pink of health! :):) Thanks so much for the info.
yayy me!! TG is back!! :)
Recent blog post: The Makings of a Zombie Kid
hahaha they come in threes right?? but no need interim right??
Recent blog post: MM: That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
debbs!! there you are!! sleeping is it?
Recent blog post: MM: That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
I know Shemah! I was just thinking of that when u and Bem started talking abt it at my previous post. I also need a reminder for myself so this was a good topic for me to research and blog about! Keep safe sweetie. :)
Debbs FC2! Awesome! :)
i would love to be in the pink of health.. but i'm rather blue today.. scary jugak kan that those symptoms are pretty much our "everyday" cold and what we normally get when we're sick..
Recent blog post: MM: That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
Shemah! BTP can have our own post links (older posts) or not, in our post??
Where Shemah? The schools I mean..where are we affected the most in M’sia, do u know?
LOL @ Debbs still disliking pink ha ha! Welcome Debbs, I needed this info for me as well. :)
TG is back, SSG is back, how abt NG? ;)
I'm not sure about that.. I also didn't try.. but maybe boleh..
Is it no need interim? I read faq, but no mensi of interim oso he he he! I hope they pay well Shemah, baru nak test out BTP! :)
Wakey wakey Debbs!
I know that SRK assunta somewhere in PJ.. sekolah something davidson or
other.. in damansara got one school J said.. and I don't know about Bem's
niece's school in shah alam. Apparently 100 kids have been quarantined.
Yeah, it’s good I read up on the topic today. Thankfully, so far B and I, and family are all okay, no flu-like symptoms so far. Must take more fruit and vits to keep me healthy! :)
Ok, thanks Shemah, maybe I’ll try inserting my link for the next one. ;)
I have King Bem’s post coming up after this one (for real Bem!), try and chop then too Shemah! ;)
Hey my school la, I’m an Assuntarian! Oh no it’s spreading like wildfire! :(
So far all I know is that they PAY! And that's whats important! :-) :-) I
wish BTP gave me more jobs though! LOL!
I got flu like symptoms starting yesterday got slight fever and all but went
to doctor.. doctor cam biasa je.
BTP gives u jobs for which blog? They rejected MPG as expected! :(
Good that u quickly went to see doc anyway Shemah, so how u feeling today then? Get well soon. :)
I read they pay weekly kan? Cant wait for my first payment!
I'm doing better.. no fever.. just slight cough. But headache still got.
Maybe sebab lack of sleep hari tu asyik pandang computer memanjang main ice
cream craze! LOL! but of course have to go doctor ASAP. Not taking any
chances. LOL!
They rejected MSE as expected!! LOL! so only for NES.. :-(
Hhmmm.. you know it seems that they pay the week after you complete your
assignment. But macam they pay bi-weekly lah. Tak ke. I know like mine lebih
one week kalau tak salah they paid..
=-O =-O
RM Opp Marzie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* I have no opps from RM yet! :'( :'(
bird swine flu?? *DONT_KNOW*
He he have u tried Jessica’s cupcake café or something like dat? Also nice like ice cream craze! Good to hear ur feeling better. :)
Hey Shem! :)
Recent blog post: Fun Summer Activities
Hiya Debbs! :)
Recent blog post: Fun Summer Activities
Marzie!! :-D
Recent blog post: Fun Summer Activities
I just got back from dinner Marzie! :)
Recent blog post: Fun Summer Activities
At least got one in BTP, I just submitted MD, let’s see what happens. ;)
Bi-weekly oso still better than 3p and all that, a month after posting kan? Still excited to receive first payment yay!
And Ane, finally my FC3! :)
This is BTP Ane, blog to profit! :)
=-O =-O =-O
Ane! U’ve been chopping here ever since I got back, 6 points edi!
I just got back from dinner Mariuca! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Swine flu, ane.. I watched the news today and P'pines had it's first
fatality from the swine flu. :-( So far 400 plus cases over there.
Hahaahha oh no!! don�t tell me about jessica�s cupcake caf�! I have vowed to
not play any more games for at least 2 months! Tak tido I tell you!!
Yay!! Yalah! Payu pun biweekly also!! :-) :-)
oh this is so scary huh!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Hehehe bird swine flu.. just swine flu marzie.. this flu yang found in pigs,
tahukah kita pada 1918-1920 berlaku wabak spanish flu yg membunuh 80-100 juta manusia...maybe H1N1 next world disaster.
Recent blog post: Berapa GAJI Anda SEKARANG?
Oh yay, u went out for dinner Ane? Hope it was yummy! :)
Monica!!! :)
Huhuhu missed the chop Mon but I got new post coming out soon he he! ;)
I tot R made curry tonight Mon? Tak jadi? ;)
Sigh, haven been watching news la… thanks for the update Shemah. :)
Don la start with Payu again Shemah hahahha, every time u mensi Payu for sure I get enticed by u know what LOL!!!!
Yeah, so dug up some facts and info for me and everybody to read. Get informed! :)
Yeah, so dug up some facts and info for me and everybody to read. Get informed! :)
Yeah, so dug up some facts and info for me and everybody to read. Get informed! :)
Aiya... MCS again is it? All my replies are not here! :'( >:o >:o >:o >:o
Tired la to reply again.... >:o >:o >:o
lol... thanks shemah, edited edi! :-[ :-[
That sounds scary Denaihati, keep safe everybody! :* :*
i was playing diner tycoon just now shemah, best oso!! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Trippin by Mark Morrison **
The H1N1 scare is actually no longer a media frenzy here. They don't even mention it anymore in the news even in mexico. It's good to share and inform people about this too, better be safe than sorry.
Recent blog post: Happy Dad's Day!
That’s right AYie, hope u are keeping well and safe on ur end. Take care! :)
yelah Mariuca...tak jadi make the curry coz friends call to go out!!! always
like that one >.<
Oh ha ha so what did u have for dinner Mon?
Testing JS!!!!
I had tandoori Mariuca :-D how was yr nasi lemak?
My nasi lemak was delish Mon lol!!!! So fluffy la my rice today and my sambal oso nice it seems, acc to B!! :)
U just missed my chop Mon! ;)
wahhhh u can make nice sambal edi! ;)
huh? got new post ah?
My sambal always nice Mon he he, maybe a bit spicy la but today it wasn spicy, so B loved it! I wanted to take pics but so hungry after cooking so didn take pics lol!
Yeah!!! I buzz buzz u mah!!!
B cannot eat too spicy but u love spicy so how la? :-D
u mean for the health alert?
Dats why la I have to cook with less chilli, he he… or not poor thing cant eat.. ;)
lol same like us lah! one cannot eat too spicy another one love super spicy!
No! My King post is out ha ha, and I buzz buzz u just now at TUO!
R is the one who loves super spicy????
oh no! yr King post is out edi!!! opps I missed it :-D
Yeah out edi, and then got MCS so ppl couldn chop until LJ’s bf fixed MCS for me! :)
Yay to LJ�s bf!! :-D
LOL!!!! Yeah la, LJ’s bf really helped me tonight, I was GALMing here until LJ came to my rescue by bugging her bf for me LOL! Hugsy LJ! :)
u know sometimes my comments replied via email oso missing from my comment
u know sometimes my comments replied via email oso missing from my comment
Dats why la I angry just now Mon, I replied so many comments from my email and all disappeared! Had to reply in the box itself, and of coz I forgot what I wrote the first time! :(
u can copy paste mah Mariuca...I mean from 'Sent Mail' right?
Yeah I could’ve but that time forgot abt it mon lol!!! Some more copy n paste oso takes time, don like la to repeat stuff!
Yupe! It's really alarming in Malaysia right now. Several schools have been closed down. We'd better watch out o. =/
yelah if me I oso fed up lah to repeat stuff!
Cause wasting time to repeat stuff! :(
LJ, u gained two kilos, but still SW right? ;)
I missed the King post too Mon!
Keep safe Tekkaus, this one is fast-spreading! :(
Thanks Mariuca, you too take care! :)
Recent blog post: The best opposites
Welcome sweetie, enjoy ur day today. :)
I just submitted ANE to BTP Marzie! I hope she gets accepted! :)
What is bird swine flu? is it the same as swine flu A h1n1 or totally
Yay for my 6 points! I don't think I'll be able to get higher than 6 though
I know right Shem! But I think Swine flu is treatable now, right?
hehe Shem.. yah I was wondering why there was a "bird" before the swine
flu.. LOL typo
Kamon Ane! Ur number 4 now, a little bit more to beat Shemah and LJ he he! :)
I think swine flu is treatable too Ane, there’s a vaccine too if I’m not mistaken.
I was in a hurry Ane, hence the bird lol! Just like Shia hahahahhahahhaha oooops and Kris Lambert!!!!! ;)
Oh! good luck if I can beat LJ, SSG or Shemah, TG!! :-P
hahaha Marzie! I'm glad Bem the typo police didn't cuff you right then and
there! LOL
LOL! Not forgetting Mon who’s almost unbeatable with 13 points so far! Oh I haven updated my FCSB yet, hang on!
Yeah I think a vaccine is already available, so no need to be alarmed about
it anymore..
I just made a typo at typo cop’s blog Ane!!!! Paying for it now ha ha!
Oh how can I forget about Mon!! She practically lives on WOAFS and MPG not
to mention MD as well.. LOL :-D
LOL Marzie!
LATM is at WOAFS today Ane!
Yup! Mon is first with 13 points, shemah second with 10 points and LJ third with 9 points! Ane fourth place with 6 points! :)
fourth place not so bad! hope I can chop here more!!
Yay! thanks for accepting my EC ad Marzie! :)
You’re welcome sweetie and ANE is at MD today!
Chop away Ane!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!