I got the surreal news early yesterday morning, barely an hour after my friend Rita sent out a tweet with the news that Michael Jackson had suffered a cardiac arrest and was in critical condition. Almost immediately, the whole world was abuzz with the news that the ultimate King of Pop had suffered an untimely death in the midst of preparing for his comeback tour next month. I can't recall the time of the tweets. But that's how it is when something so shocking occurs and you lose all feeling and thoughts in that one particular moment in time; wishing that time stood still so you won't have to go on with tomorrow.

Born on August 29 just like me, Michael Jackson kicked off his musical career as the lead singer of the Jackson 5. A phenomenon like none other, Michael Jackson continued a successful solo career to emerge as an iconic superstar worldwide. I have no doubts when I say that the whole world is in tears at the nation of never seeing our one and only King of Pop ever again. I initially wanted to pay a tribute to MJ in my upcoming Music Monday post. But throughout the day, there was a feeling of emptiness within me and I know I'd feel incomplete and won't rest easy without paying respect to the fallen one today.

I'll always remember him for his music and his antics as well as the controversies. Even when MJ was accused of child sexual abuse, I was secretly rooting for him. The media made him out to be a sad miserable man but I'd like to think of him as a talented artist who changed the way everybody looked at music when he won a record of 8 awards in the 1984 Grammy Awards. I don't perceive MJ as mean or wacko or eccentric as the media claims. Like I always tell B ... MJ is just a poor misunderstood soul.

I am leaving you with my favourite tune I Want You Back from the Jackson 5. The first and second video features this hit song with the second one a remix version of MJ singing the same song, as a kid. I couldn't resist including a third video, one of N Sync and MJ dancing it off on stage! No matter how freaky his appearance seems to get, MJ remains oh so sexy when he performs!

We want you back Michael so come on people, let's give it up for our King of Pop! Rest in peace MJ and we'll always love you!

;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Friday Fillins
oooo nooooo MCS again :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Friday Fillins
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
>:o >:o >:o 7 comments and none of them here. OUch
Recent blog post: Friday Fillins
Wahhh. MCS!!!
Clearly, he is an inspiration to many, and despite all the (bad) stories about him, I have always thought that no one else knew him better than he himself. Rest in peace, Michael!
I just saw Bill's tweet about MCS here oh no! I'm scared to refresh! :(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Alamak, only 2 of my 7 comments sangkut, GP!
Even though I didn't grow up listening to MJ's music much, I wish he is still alive. Poor MJ! :'( Now they're speculating that MJ's death is similar to Anna Nicole Smith's case.
Based on my email…
Bill FC1! :)
I know stupid stupid MCS Bill! :(
LJ FC2! :)
Oh no so sorry Bill, JS def deserves a tantrum from Mariuca! :(:(:(
MCS oh MCS! :( Why la why????
Debbs, thanks so much for this lovely comment. I was feeling nostalgic whole day (I mean ever since I got up!) thinking abt our great loss in the music world. We love u MJ! :)
Yeah la, JS hates WOAFS it seems, forever MCS! :( But yay FC3! :)
Hugsy LJ, BOO to MCS! :(
More hugs for LJ, kelam kabut chop cian!
Thanks for chopping peeps, what will it be here today? :)
Aiyooooooo missing 5 comments Debbs? Of coz angers and GALM for u ni! :(
You're most welcome, Marzie. I'll try to retweet new about him for you to read. :) I follow eonline so I get news pretty fast! :)
Takpe, I copied and pasted my important comment edi. :) Me FC3 yay!! Uhmm Crafty Heart (formerly known as CnS) needs some love for her new domain, http://www.crafty-heart.com. :)
I grew up listening to MJ’s music lol! Had a crush on his oso la masa zaman Billie Jean! Poor MJ indeed, have been watching MJ news all evening, just finished watching THS MJ! :(
We lost a huge music icon of our times. :( I feel like a part of my childhood era is gone.
Oh cool Debbs! I’ve been getting MJ tweets all day oh so sad! :(
Ok, Crafty Heart it is! :)
Wahhhh u mean CnS bought new domain is it? No wonder la that day I clicked on CnS link it said crafty heart!
Marzie, kalau troublesome to find Crafty Heart's image, Rotp or PW also can. :) I'm not fussy, really. hehe
its all good my friend i know it happens to everybody.
Recent blog post: Friday Fillins
He was a great artist and his music will live on forever.
Recent blog post: Michael Jackson May He Rest In Peace
Yeah Marzie, haven't written anything about my new domain hehe...
LOL kamon Debbs, u know me…tak kan la wan to put diff pic for CnS! Lemme see nanti! :)
Oh cool, congrats on the new domain, I changed the pic edi! :)
Yay, thanks Bill and am adding Paradise here! :)
Hey Jelvyb, thanks so much and welcome to Mariuca’s blog. I feel the same way, a part of my childhood era gone with MJ. :(
No la hehe seriously, I haven't designed a new image for the new domain hehehe...
Hehe thanks so much, Marzie! :)
Oh baru lagi la ye? Ok congrats and all the best to CH! :)
But the badge different kan? It looks better Debbs! :)
Welcome Debbs, will change ur links at my blogrolls pun nanti! :)
Yup, baru lagi...GP, got PB for you to chop at Rotp. :)
La, you tak perasan the badge? Been using it since I advertised with Adgi la...
Thanks again, Marzie! Need to write a post to announce the new domain name and perhaps host another contest. Prizes yg dulu pun blm post lagi oh no!
Oh no… I wan to chop but my screamyx so slow, kaming Debbs!
Oh ye ke….. blur la me, cause it looks kinda the same but not exactly! Anyway it’s still nice!
LOL u finally did the SR PB? I still haven done my BV PB, Debbs!
Oh hehehehhe takpe, understandable late posting of prizes…yeah good idea to announce ur domain change, terus tukar nama CnS! ;)
Hehe ok ok...poor thing you, buck up, screamyx!
congrats BM! ;)
whew! missin' mah spot here! how are u now GP?!?! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Lol! Thanks, but soon gonna say bye2 to that image soon hehehe...
Yup yup, I kinda forgot how to write PB for SR. Haha dah lama tak dpt ops from SR.
Yup, taknak CnS dah..it's now CH hehehe...
GG!!! Waaaaaaah loooooong time no see u la sweetie, miss ya lots! How’s ur studies coming along? :)
Oh cool, new badge for new domain, some more u clever to design ur own badge, sure nice! :)
Im finally at ROTP, now waiting for comment box to load!! Lama gils tu kan? :(
morning Mariuca! :* :* :*
LOL! Sometimes that happens to me too, not sure how to write PB for programs yg seldom get! :)
Cian CnS, but hellllloooo CH! :)
Wow! Morning Monica! :)
We love MJ! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hehe not clever la wahaha...but now lazy mazy to do..
Oh no, it has to be Screamyx's fault sbb my connection laju maju, GP.
Hi Mon! Good morning!!
Hopefully tak kena rejeksi nanti...lol!
i just woke up sweetie....going out for b'fast now ;) :) cya :* :*
Hehehe...hello CH indeed. :)
Hugsy Mon, still sad abt MJ yeah? Poor poor MJ! :(
Better than me la Debbs, looking forward to ur new badge!
Of coz won be rejected, ur post u mean?
Ye la, rejeksi my post la, mana tau...
How come u decided to change nama CnS terus yeah?
Bestnye connection laju maju!
LOL no la, SR usually once dah buat, approve kan?
Wah Mon is an early bird today, okay Mon enjoy ur brekkie! :)
Approve la usually kalau SR. Like hari tu, before I went and see Yenny, I buat 2 RM ops pastu kena rejeksi, pastu I went off and tak check email, terus kena warning from RM. Sampai skrg no ops from them. :'(
Why RM rejeksi ur post Debbs??? :(
i'm back! :-D :-D :-D
Hi Debbs! Good morning! ;) :)
Because I wanted to use the same domain for my store, GP. So my blog is crafty-heart.com, while my store is shop.crafty-heart.com. Right now, it's just redirected to my current store url, but in the future nanti, kalau ada website sendiri, I don't need to find other domain. :)
Oh, my fault la sbb didn't write much about the advertisers. Hehe..
LOL so fast Mon, makan nasi lemak ke?
Hari tu I kena rejeksi RM cause tersalah link, lol!
hahahahh how do u know Mariuca? yeah nasi lemak, nearby my hse :-D
Ha ha I had nasi lemak for dinner Mon, yest that is. :)
ohhh u had nasi lemak last night! btw, u zzzzz edi? ;)
Oh good thinking Debbs, hope ur store is doing well too. :)
I haven zzzzz la Mon but need to zzzz soon cause going to melaka later …day trip only! ;)
The store is doing well, Marzie. :) I get new customers every month. :)
Going to Melaka, GP? I haven't been there. :)
u're going to melaka later? wow have fun yeah! ;)
I didn't know you were a fan too Marzie!
He will be absolutely missed! :( :(
I feel bad for his children! :(
Oh yay for new customers Debbs, bekerja keras nampaknya, syabas! $$$
U haven been to Melaka Debbs? LOL! I often gak pi cause MIL’s hometown kan? :)
Yeah Mon have to do something for MIL! ;)
i like the satay celup in melaka :)
I like the chic rice ball Mon! ;)
I eat the chic rice ball until i feel boring wz it edi...lol!
Yay for new and paying customers! :)
Oh ye ke MIL's hometown? I blm berpeluang pi Melaka, nak jugak pegi someday. :)
Ha ha yay for PAYING customers Debbs! :)
Yeah, MIL always balik kampong, lucky it’s near and not like in Kelantan or something, so can make it a day trip. :)
Good Morning Debbs! :) :)
I know Ane, poor kids yeah? :(
Missing him ever since the news came out Ane! :(
Of coz I’m a fan Ane, who doesn’t love MJ eh? :)
It's a sad day for everyone! :D
Good morning, Ane! :)
Yes it is Tekkaus, still feeling the loss of beloved MJ, more tears around the globe for our King of Pop! :(
I don't really like MJ, Marzie.. LOL but I do love some of his music.. :)
It's so sad what ahppened to him Marzie, I worry about his children.. was he
able to make his will before he died? For sure people/vultures are waiting
to get ahold of his fortune!
it's unbelievable and so sad indeed. his memories shall linger on and be remembered. :'( :(
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Flags
may his soul rest in peace.
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Flags
he'll be deeply missed by everyone.
Recent blog post: PhotoHunt - Flags
It's a big news, read it firsthand when they released in yahoo news. Sad... :(
Recent blog post: Blackberry Cheesecake
Devastating indeed, we love MJ forever! :)
Sadly and deeply missed, love u MJ! :)
Hugs LR!
Same here sweetie, unforgettable is what he was! :)
I am worried abt his children too Ane, I hope his mom gets custody! Not the ex surrogate mom what’s her name! :(
We love MJ!
I loved him so much!!!
Recent blog post: LAST GOODBYE FOR MJ!
Hey Deborah, we all loved MJ and will miss him so much! Hugs! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!