...I'd surely want to be a student again!
Whenever I think back to my student days, I'd make a silent wish for time to reverse; allowing me to go back as an eager, innocent learner again. Some of my best moments in life occurred when I was still a young student. My sole mission was to learn and excel at my course. Nothing else occupied my mind aside from maintaining my good grades and getting that degree, which at that time seemed so distant; almost unreachable!
There was no worrying about bills, work presentations, meeting targets, meetings and so on. My focus was solely reserved for studying, hanging out and partying with friends in college! Don't get me wrong though for despite my playful ways, I still made sure my grades were good. During my university days, I made the Dean's list every semester! As much as I loved partying back then, I had to maintain my good grades especially since I was on a scholarship. I did not want to have to pay back my sponsor so liked it or not, I had to excel during my two years in uni, which I did so YAY!
When I hear some of my student friends talking and sometimes complaining about their classes, I actually feel a tad envious! I am no longer a student and working is seriously such a big difference from my carefree student days. Working translates into huge responsibilities, even when you are working from home like me. You have to pay your own bills, manage your bank accounts and you still have to make sure you earn enough every month to cover your necessities. You no longer have your parents to support you; for you are now working and earning your own way through life and whatever lies ahead.
To my student friends, I hope you guys will take this time in your life to truly comprehend and grasp the meaning of being a student. Your main responsibility for now is to attain excellence in whatever it is you're currently studying. Put aside everything else and focus on earning those good grades, which trust me; will definitely help you realize your dreams in life as you get older.
Enjoy your student days while it's still yours for the taking, especially today when you are presented with so many new outlets and opportunities to help enhance your student status. Course Hero for instance, is an open coursework website for college students. It is a new Facebook Application, which means you can actually sign up for this site using your Facebook account. Once registered, you will be able to enjoy the many advantages of this social learning network, which allows students, educators and self-learners to publish, share and view academic resources online.
If you need additional lecture notes for a missed class for example or you're looking for a clearer explanation on certain theories and concepts you've learned in class, Course Hero is the right source for you. Among others, you will be able to find all your Computer Engineering Homework Solution or UCSD Homework Solution here. With millions of study materials and over 200,000 textbook solutions, you will definitely enjoy meeting and interacting with over 300,000 fellow students and classmates, simply by registering today!
Okay guys, it's time for Mariuca to turn in now. I have a big day ahead with so many things to complete but first, I need my beauty sleep! Until my next post, I hope you are enjoying your week so far. :)

:* :* :* :* :*
Yeehah! This is what you get for sleeping and getting up early! Yay!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Watch me dance, GP! *doing the hustle*
Good night, Marzie! Sweet dreams!
Oh I must agree on this, GP! I miss being a student too. I'd redo everything if I can, and do it better! ;)
I heartpain seeing kids nowadays who don't appreciate education. Luckily my brother Jojo is doing well in school. I'm a proud elder sister! 8-) 8-) 8-)
:'( :'( :'(
hahahahaha i memang no luck lah at WOAFS! LOL! wah debbs! 2 points already!
okay.. that was customary tears for not being able to get FC but heyyy!! I'm soooooooo happy today.. :* :* :* :* can't stop smiling laaa.. hehehehehe debbie!!! good morning.. i can't stop giggling too! LOL!
Oh no, Shem is crying here but smiling at CnS! :):):)
Hehehe!! I am so happy you're happy! Oh ya how's little Allie doing? She kena fever or what?
yaa... she's pretty cranky now.. that's why i skejap got.. skejap no got! LOL!
Owh...poor thing! I hope she can sleep and get enough rest. Get well soon Allie!
this morning she's better.. way better than last night.. i think just demam membesar tu.. :)
Oh okay..how old is Allie again? 2 years old?
Allie is 17 months come end of March! but it's so weird .. her full set of teeth tak tumbuh lagi.. tu yang i think dia demam tu. With buddy, he grew had his full set of teeth by 1 yr. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Good Morning, Marzie :)
Nice to see your comment over at my lastest post. Sorry that you missed FC by a little :'(
When I'm still a student, I wanted so much to go out n work. I hated school n exam. After working....*sigh*, I realized that schooling is still the better !! :(
I wanna go back to school too! :) not high school. but further my education! :) :-D 8-)
Recent blog post: Last Week At A Glance*
Oh that's why la she demam tu kot! :) Ala some kids lambat sikit compared to their siblings kan? Mcm expert pulak me hehehe...
congrtaes, debbs for being FC! but lucky i dod not miss any * post! :-P
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
hehe.. yeah, i love getting up early too, debbs!! :)
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
shemah, my younger niece, baby is turning 1 yr this coming april but she only got two frnt teeth and two bottom teeth. I think it depends on individual lar.
yeah, the fewwer could be because she's teething. How's allie now? still fewer?
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
morning, jan! :)
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
Aloha marzie! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
Thanks Jean! This one counts too lah on Marzie's scoreboard. Hehehe yeehah!!
i agreed wt u, woman! how i wished we could turn back the time to our student days, kan! where we only worried about not getting good grades. :)
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
now that we are all grown up, we hv to take care of everything - bills, foods, entertainments, etc... mine include taking care of my mom! well, actually not me alone lar, my sis & brothers also taking care of her. :)
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
kudos to you for excelling well during yr uni! :)
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
see ya later, woman! hv a sweet dreams!! :* :*
Recent blog post: AGP : FEB 2009 Top 5 Droppers
hahahahaha but it's so weird.. she's got some 6 teeth atas and 2 only bawah. LOL! so funny and weird!
good morning jeanie!! :)
jeanie is an early bird!! how are you today jean? i'm a happy happy bird! :)
no fewwer today jeanie!! Yay!! she's ALMOST back to her normal self.. :)
i bet being a fashion student was alot of fun huh? and hardwork i'm sure! ;)
hahahaha.. my mom still taking care of us.. hahahaha she likes it that way... hahahaha
Really Shemah, 17 months and all her teeth are out already? Lucas is 1 year old and still toothless! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Circus by Britney Spears*
UGH! College was a killer for me and I'm glad it's so over, but I wouldn't mind going back and taking up some masterals... :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Circus by Britney Spears*
Congrats Debbie! :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Circus by Britney Spears*
I wonder what kind of super power you have or what kind of super thing you have that helps you chop Debbs... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* For Marzie, she's got her magic carpet, LJ has hypnotic & psychic powers which is why she's always fast in chopping, Shemah has her handy tumbler... :-D me? I'm still trying to figure it out... :-P *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Circus by Britney Spears*
Thanks Ane! :):)
Wakey wakey Genie Princess! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Circus by Britney Spears*
I'm the underdog, Ane...no super powers lol! :):):)
I thought you have your portable loo, Ane? :*:*:*
debbs has the power of stealth.. she's so invisible.. then suddenly comes out of nowhere to chop!! haiyaaa!! Like ninja!! LOL!
wakey wakey GP.. i've got a * post coming up!! :)
Hahaha Ninja sounds cool, Shem! Lol!!!
Really Shemah? Which blog?
Oh Yeah! Ok then! Ninja Powers for Debbs it is! :)
Oh, that's not a super power Debbs, that's just an accessory! lol! :)
Lol!! So it's official? I have Ninja power now lol!!!
Lol!!! Hmm then we must find your inner power, Ane! :)
Good day Marzie... well for me if I can go back in time, I wanted to be in my high school days, it's really full of happy moments, yes!
Recent blog post: FIRST COMMENTER CLUB (FCC)
hahahaha NGD!! Ninja Girl Debbs! LOL!
it's official debbs!! LOL!
Lol Shem!! Hehehehehe mesti GP and LJ bangun trus tkezut cuz suddenly I have power lol!!
no Ane.. 17 month and she has only 6 on top and two at the bottom. my eldest had his teeth all out by the time he was 1 yr. it all came out at once.. and he didn't even have much of a fever..
i wouldn't mind going back to college too ane! ;)
Wow! Lucas still toothless, wondering why and should I worry?
You are now known as NGD debbs! :) lol! :)
hahahahaha tu lah debbs!! suddenly got a ninja emerge!! LOL! hahaha nasib baik ninja, kalau chun li? hahahah..
don't worry.. allie was toothless at 1 yr old too! really toothless
Astaga I dowan to be chun li lol!!! :):)
hahahahahaah no chun li for debbs! LOL!
hahaahah yeah.. the portable loo is just an accessory.. unless ane can somehow garner some strength and power from it.. like how i gain power from my tumbler.. hahaa.. hmm.. ane, you chop somewhere first.. then we can see where your power lies.. ;) ;)
on MSE.. but sometime really mid afternoon.. gotta get the kids sorted out first.. :)
Dear Marzie,
Rewindednizationnessness ke?
You should know...
Training companies tempat I berpayung tutup dah since mid last year.
Since January, blank!
Zero activity.
I informed Shinade a moment ago, and now you. Selainnya tak sempat. Especially Wong Jowo dan Emila, dan lain-lain lah. Kalau depa bertanya, itulah ceritanya.
This is the second time in my total life.
The first since we know each other and being best friends forever.
I am?
Still Totally Happy.
The Sky And Earth...closer now.
Me and Allah, just like before...
I'll be stalking! :)
Lol! Shemah! :) haven't been able to chop anywhere lately, the last time was
in LJ's money blog, I think...
Ahahah, why not Chun Li Debbs?
So I guess it's but normal to be toothless at 1? I guess he might as well be
toothless, it makes breastfeeding a lot tolerable! :)
indeed we must Debbs! :)
stalk away!! ;)
oh yeahh Ane!! savour his toothlessness.. when my eldest had all his teeth.. i was almost dreading breastfeeding. it wasn't painful but there are moments! LOL!
chun li was sooo horrible it seems. better not watch it ane! :)
I know Shemah, sometimes he nibbles and it hurts, I can just imagine if he
has teeth! Yikes! :)
So disappointing how they make a cartoon or a game into a movie and it
doesn't fare well.. it ruins the whole thing!
if i could turn back time, i'd love to go back to my college days. :) :)
i missed my course mates dearly and those gorgeous hunks in my college. ;)
you're right ane.. the adaptations usually don't fare so well.. but i really am excited about harry potter!! can't wait!!
Oooh, I am too Shemah, even though it came out somewhat different than that
in the book, I still love Harry Potter's movie series... :)
yeahhh... agreed! but i don't really connect with the casting of that girl as Luna Lovegood or Ginny Weasley.. what do you think?
Ginny Weasley, I guess not really, but Luna Lovegood is okay I think... :)
Ginny Weasley could've been better on film! :)
:* :* :* :* :* :* Debbs!
Oh yeah the hustle baby!!! Now we have ciken dance by Nessa, genie dance by me and the hustle by Debbs woo hoo! Festive gils! :* :* :*
Shemah, don give up sweetie, tak kan la TG got no point here kan? Today is the day!! :* :* ;) ;) =-X
:* :* :* :* :* :* GP! I think I terreply empty message lol!!
Ah Jean, but now Debbs got 2 points, second in line over here! Congrats Debbs, I add ur point now! :* :*
Lol!! *doing the hustle non-stop for 5 minutes*
Yeeehah 2 points for Debbie aka Debbs aka Phatelara aka NG!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks Marzie yay!!!
Hey Ane! :* :*
Camwhoring power Ane he he he!! =-O =-O :-[ :-[ ;) ;)
Empty msg from me???
Ha ha ha ha ha comelnye!!! Nonstop for 5 minutes? ROTFLMAO!!!!
Hehehe my status on FB is it's complicated, C's status is in a r/ship. Boleh? Lol!!!
Yeah, good job Debbs! Lepas I reply ur msg at LJL, terus zzzzzzz la tak sempat to chop at CnS! Takpe, nanti I come see ur winner! ;) *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
AND just THE DANCE for Me Marzie! :) lol! :)
Morning Debbs! I bangun je dah hujan kat luar, so cold! Kalau snow lagi best! For sure I dah buat snow angel or snowman! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Shemah baby! Today your turn lak kay? Jgn MIA je la nanti! :* :* :*
I TERsend la empty message when replying hehehe but dunno appear or not lol!!
Morning Janice! :* :*
Dancing as alternative to BD, GP! Lol!!!
I did miss FC Jan!!! I need to stalk TIAM more la!!! >:o :'( :-D 8-) 8-)
Ah yes Janice, school is still da best so better tell ur boys to enjoy school now okay? Later have to suffer at work like Aunty Marzie muahahahhahhaha!!! =-O =-O =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-$ :-$ 8-) 8-) 8-)
Okay!!! Come by CnS later and congratulate the lucky winner ya! ;);)
I wanted to further my ed too last time Shemah, but now mmg takde time la. So I'll still stick to my college days wish! ;) ;) :* :*
Aloha Jean! :* :* :*
Aahhh buat snow angel like The Sims! Sampai pengsan sbb sejuk lol!
Really Ane? I loved my college and uni days, still do! FUN FUN FUN!!! :* :* :* :*
Ane u can do the macarena!! :-D :-D :-D
Ninja power is super cool la Debbs! Good thinking TG!!! :* :* :*
YAY! Best kan jadi student Debbs? Tak yah worry amende pun!! Pure fun I tell you!! Ahhhh those were the crazy good old days! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :'( :'( :* :*
Jean is an early bird la, me sometimes only early lol! =-X =-X :-[ :-[
I come now Debbs, buttons in a jar!!!! He he! :* :*
hahahahahahaha i just love sims!! i thought sims was the best.. but when sims 2 came out, i just about died! LOL!
LOL! Camwhoring power!!!
LOL! the macarena! :)
hahahahaah!! Thanks GP!! everyone nicknamed someone already.. so you need to leave a nickame for Ane.
Yay! SIMS fans!!! I am sooo addicted to SIMS, SIMS 2! I looove it!!! :)
how about I'll be the queen bee! I can use my stinger to sting you all and
thus making the CHOP! Wahahaha! A sexy, fabulous camwhoring queen bee! LOL!
Eh eh complicated status it seems he eh!!!! Takpe next year can change to ahem ahem!!!
Shem! This year Sims 3 coming out, no?
My fave is sim CITY la not SIMS, I don get SIMS, dunno how to play he he!
Queen Bee it is Ane!!! QB QB QB!!!!! Buzz buzz!!!
Really? SIMS 3? Oooh, I bet the graphics will be better! :)
Oh it's easy Marzie, you basically just control the SIM, you make it eat,
sleep, walk, run, pee, bathe... etc! it's super addicting! :)
LOL GP! :) buzz buzz! :)
I tried playing it several times Ane, but still cant seem to get the hang of it!!!
I love the idea of controlling someone's free will, so I loved the SIMS!
LOL! :)
He he he he! Controlling ppl it seems I love it too Ane!!
Congrats TG for winning at CnS!!! O:-) O:-) :* :*
Get well soon Allie! Here's a lollipop from aunty marzie! :* :* :*
I agree with you.student life is much easier than working life. back then I only worry about grades..
Thanks for reading Jean, I did enjoy my uni days. :)
Working comes with big responsibilities yeah Jean? I’m glad I’m doing this with B and not just me. That really helps! :)
Getting good grades and having fun, mmg best Jean! :)
Thanks for reading Rocks and yeah…how I wish to go back to the good old student days! Sigh… :)
Good for Jojo, study hard kay? ;)
Eh Zubli mah fren! Lamanye tak nampak u ni, sibuk berpolitik sakan betul la!
Zubli, takpe don worry. Things are difficult everywhere now kan? I pun client kureng sikit this year, but Alhamdulillah, still can maintain. U hang in there BFF!!! :):):)
My high school days were fun too Feron! :)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!