My darling B is in the hospital boo hoo! Since I like to keep certain parts of our life private, I shall not divulge more details than necessary on the reason he's being admitted. Suffice to say that it is for observation purposes and this visit is way overdue. Ever since he found out that he will be admitted for a couple of days, B has been nothing but depressed! Well you would be too if this is your first time staying in a hospital and you don't have a say in it because the Doctor said so! ;)

I took the day off today, and got up early to accompany B to the hospital. The night before, I emailed my clients, informing them that I'll be on leave this week. So it was really annoying when I kept receiving calls from some of my less thoughtful clients, who refused to take no for an answer and insisted I check my email right there and then, which was impossible since we were already on our way out. My cell phone kept ringing off the hook and I even got one of those much-hated telemarketing calls, asking me if I'm keen to purchase a new timeshare program! Seriously, today was not a good time to be soliciting anything from me as my top priority was making sure B gets settled into his hospital room with as little fuss and as much comfort as possible. It was then that I wished I had access to one of those services where you can Report Annoying Callers so they will never bother me again! ;)
Anyway, we got to the hospital on time and after his check-up, he was ready to be warded. I did my best to console him, assuring him that a couple of days won't be that bad. He was not easy to convince however and even when we entered the admission area to his ward floor, he was still skeptical!

Upon stepping inside his room however, his mood did change for the better and we both exclaimed in delight at the spaciousness of his comfy "home" for the next couple of days! I gave myself a quick tour, camera in hand of course, crying out excitedly whenever I saw something cool in his room. ;)

I have to admit that this is definitely one of the best hospital rooms I've ever visited! Aside from the luxurious space for him to enjoy, it is also brand new and has not been occupied by any other patients before. Everything is so clean and fresh, which bodes well with me of course!

When we saw the flat screen TV on the wall, we looked at each other and smiled. B's smile got even wider when he discovered that his favorite sports channel was also available! At least he will not miss out on his important football updates. The room also comes with a DVD player and Wi-Fi access, which is awesome since we packed some DVDs and his laptop in his suitcase as well. Otherwise, he'd definitely be bored, completely cut off from the outside world!

I quickly inspected the bathroom, which was spotless and everything from toiletries to fresh towels were provided for. It almost felt like being in a fancy hotel room! After seeing all the wonderful facilities surrounding him, and finally convinced that his hospital stay might be okay after all, B was smiley once again, which made Mariuca smile too of course! :)

As you know, I'm a stickler for excellent service so I was quite impressed at the efficiency and politeness of the nurses in the hospital. They were all very friendly and helpful and any questions we had were immediately answered.

After getting his second shot for the day, dinner was served. I know it's only hospital food, which is supposed to be bland and yucky, but this one sure looks yummy! Perhaps it's the fact that I've been on my feet the whole day. Or maybe it's because I hardly touched my lunch today or I'm simply worried about the many emails from my clients waiting for me at home. Whatever the reason, I am simply ravenous looking at his dinner and will have to end this post here to start thinking of dinner for me too!
With B being in the hospital, it looks like another busy week for Mariuca. I do hope B will feel much better after his hospital stay and will get a clean bill of health from the Doctor. But until then, I know he'd LOVE to hear from you, so send him some love will ya cause I do so wanna see that smile on him a little bit longer! :)
Posted at 10.17 PM

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»Chop!
Yihaa!!!! First first!! lol.. ok am making my mug cake now.. so will come back in a while to read the post ok...
Hugs dearie!!
Oh dearie..I know I'm not supposed to laugh but you made the post so comical lah...hehe.. and B so sporting posting with the sobbing and smiling.. Awesomely CUTE!!!
Wah such a fantastic room.. I wished mine was like that when I was admitted early this year.. and check out that plasma tv.. even me jealous lah...hehe.. and are you sure that's hospital food??
And B dearie.. LJ pray that you would feel better after your much needed hospital stay ya.. Come back soon as I'm sure GP misses you!!
We love you B!!!
Salams from A and the kiddies as well!!!
Hugs and kisses
Eh ada wifi eh?? means the both of you can ber-tenet lah... awesome!!!
Ok off I go now to make my mug cake.. hehe.. tadi postpone coz impatient to read the post...lolz!!
oh yes.. sempat gak kaching eh.. hehehe.. rezeki B tu..hehe
hekeleh tak sempat nak chop chop!
Wow! Nice room! B must be very happy!
I want to stay in the hospital too la like this, so cozy wozy!
lj, as always, you're super duper fast!
Are you sure this place is a hospital ah??? Cos it sure looks like some posh hotel room to me!
I'd be instantly cheered up too.. heck, I'd probably extend my stay... hehe
To B, hope the doc will give you a clean bill of health... which I'm sure he will :D
Eat well, get plenty of rest and most of all listen to your lovely Marzie :D
Waah! your tweet gave me a scare!!! So its for observation!!! Hope everything works out!!! Beautiful place! If not mistaken it looks like the Damansara Specialist Centre in Dam. Kim!!!
wow! that is indeed a luxurious room! i wouldn't mind being hospitalized if that is the matter, haha!
and darling B is so game enough to pose for your precious camera and blog huh? wishing him well...
this is the 1st time i see such a beautiful hosp. room (tks for the tour).. and a very happy patient pulak.. hahhahaa.. wifi pon ada.. biar betui..hhahaa.. this must be the new hospital PCMC ;) Hope u get a clean bill of health B.. and Marzie...take care :)
oh well, I know it's not a hip hip hooray post but your husband looks so cool and is even ready for the camera! yes, I admit the hospital looks super cool and I am a sucker at hospitals with great ambiance too, which is why in Penang, I only go to ONE PARTICULAR private hospital because of their service, ambiance and facilities. GP, KPJ ye? but this one looks like the best of all KPJ's.
But hey- flat screen in the ward? wow- awesome!
I hope there's nothing serious with Mr GP and hopefully by the time he get discharged, he'll be all fresh and good again. :)
Which hospital is this? Looks like a hotel! Hope all is well with B and he gets out of the hotel, err, hospital soon! : )
Oh my Marzie,
It scared me too. Whewww I am breathing again! I know it's just for observation but still you and B will be in my prayers that all goes well.
and I agree the hospital looks fantastic and the food even looks good. Our hospitals over here only look that if you are very very rich.
If you're just an average Joe you have to share a room and they don't look anything like this.
Give B a hug from across the sea and tell him to do what the DR.'s say okay?
marzie, I'm here!
wow.. so fantastic. sure ke that one hospital? hehe.. it was so modern and very comfortable too... klu mcm tu sume org nak duduk ward. hehe..
For B, hopefully there nothing serius n hope u can going home very2 soon~
Take care to both of u..
Lots of loves from me, DHIYA.. :)
:( boohoo i missed the FC linky love..
marzie, i was shocked when i read yr title but when u said it was for observation, then baru lega. i think i remember u saying abt this observation last time in our emails rite! and B is so co-operative in taking those crying & smiling faces. So cute lar him! :)
the more i look at B, the more handsome he is! no wonder you're deeply in love wt him! :)
wow, marzie, this looks more like a hotel than a hospital! :) sumore got a nice bathroom! :) shiok~nya!! it's even better than my old bedroom.. lucky now i got a nice bedroom if not i also want to stay in hospital. :P hehe *touch wood*
marzie, B, the food sure looks yummy~licious! you're making me hungry with the ffod picture lar. yum!! :)
oh marzie, i know where is this coz i recognized the logo. i better keep quiet, takut nanti ppls go disturb B!
thanks for sharing these photos with us. Now i know how their ward looks like. :)
*HUGZ* for B! Wishing u all the best in yr test, B! :)
marzie, i've had the same type of client too. Like wanting something at that very moment when we told them we can't. It's so annoying, rite! ><
Olla marzie. Rnr datang melawat. Marzie, kirim salam sama B dan moga B cepat sihat dan sembuh. Rizal doakan yg terbaik. Wah, cun nye hospital. Boleh blog live lg melaporkan keadaan di sana. Flat lg tu.
Itu satu hospital yang cun. Eh kak emila, lama tak nampak kan? Marzie, selamat menjaga B
Hi Mariuca,
Hope you'll get through the busy week fine and that B will get well soon.
Now, with that kind of luxury things, and delicious food, is he planning to extend his stay or what? :)
Hola Marzie! At first I was like, kesiannya B! Then I was like, astaga syioknya B! :)
Anyway, Let's pray for the best for B and you take care of yourself too dearie! :) Hugs from C and I! :)
Hugs to you and B and wishes for B to get well and out of the hospital soon...maybe you should let BEAR-iuca stay with B in the hospital to cheer him up.
With Rex traveling, you and I will be the lonely girls at home this week.
it sure looks like a hotel room to me. i wish i could stay there. hehehe...
best of health to B and much hugs for GP!!
LJ! Thank you for being FC on my non* post, you rock woman! Mariuca loves you, with or without linky love YAY! :):):)
LJ, how did ur mug cake turn out? Kita ni kan, sikit-sikit buat mug cake ha ha, it's all Sushi's fault for introducing it to us LOL! :)
LJ ha ha, I refuse to turn this into a downer post, as it is B is oredi depressed abt having to stay in the hospital, so I wrote this in a feel good way, thank you for reading LJ, you're da best! :)
I will show ur get well message to B tomorrow, I am certain he will be happy to see it. And that will make him smile even more, love ya LJ! :):):)
LJ, ada WI-FI but tak compatible dgn B's laptop or something is wrong somewhere. So tomo I'll bring my lappy pulak to test this Wi-Fi, hopefully I can see u and the rest from the hospital then YAY! :)
You're right LJ, mmg rezeki B cause this ka-ching post selalu je grey...until tonight! So apalagas! ;)
Hi Marzie, I hope and pray your B will be just fine! I'm sorry to hear he is depressed - as you know, I'm no stranger to depression.
Anyway, I wish health and happiness for both of you and hope everything will be alright:):):)
Emila, thank you dear! :)
Mmg best this room, but it's a small price to pay for B's comfort, being away from me and the MEOWS! He is comfy there but still not the same as sleeping in ur own bed kan? Hugs for u too Emila, thanks for dropping by today! :):):)
Emila, LJ kan LaJu, sentiasa mengechop everywhere, star or non* post he he! :)
Hi Nessa, thank you so much for visiting B here, mesti dia suka see all my Mariucans coming over to say hello! :)
Oh he definitely wants to go home asap, kalau blh today itself nak balik ha ha! But of coz must listen to what the doctor says, so he's pretty much stuck there, like it or not. Thanks again sweetie, I'll be sure to send ur msg to B tomo! :):):)
Hi Bokjae, thanks for stopping by too! It's for observation for a particular condition he's been suffering from for quite some time oredi, but I choose not to disclose it here. Hugs for u too Bokjae! :):):)
Naomi!! I made B pose for me just for my blog ha ha! And he was such a good sport too eh? Thank you for coming by today to send him ur well wishes. :):):)
Anny, you're here too, thanks so much sweetie! :)
I was impressed with the hospital too, hence the tour. Glad u enjoyed it and thanks for ur well wishes. :):):)
Hi Farah, so happy to see u here too YAY! And B will be happy too when I tell him that u came all the way from Penang lol! :)
Oh this is def not a happy-happy post, but I didn't want to make it even more depressing than it really is, so minimized all the bad parts to the visit. But yes, mmg best this hospital, very professional and awesome ambience, I oso like!
Thank you very much for ur well wishes for B too sweetie, HUGS! :):):)
Hi Foong, this is def one cool hospital eh? I'll have to keep u guessing on the location though so MUMS the word he he! Oh thank you for visiting my B here too YAY! :):):)
Jackie!! Thank you very much for that long distance HUG, I'll be sure to pass it his way tomorrow. And thanks for having us in ur prayers. Though I didn't want to stress too much on B's condition, it's actually pretty bad so I'm also worried right now. But let's hope for the best and I hope he will come out of the hospital feeling much better than today. HUGSY! :):):)
Diya! Wah bestnye u datang melawat B kat sini, thanks a million sweetie!
Tu la yg tak boleh mengomen byk-byk kat Emila's cause busy taking care of B ni. I will send him ur well wishes of course and again, thanks so much for coming by today, love and hugs! :):):)
Jean!!! This post takde * la he he, so no linky love, but thank you very much for coming by! :):):)
OMG! This surely look like a hotel room! Hehe
Well, I hope that your B will gets better there.. How much did you pay per night? Rm10k? You know how the hospital price right now.. tsk tsk..
wow the ambience of the hospital looks awesome!
Anyhow, I already finish 2 papers. Another 3 to go! Darn.. Can't wait to back into blogging sphere :)
Take care of yourself Marzie.. And give a extra attention to your B too *wink wink* LOL
anyway, I hope your darling B's feeling much better now..sorry to hear that Mariuca..*HUGS*
Jean, he was being cooperative ha ha, no choice mah! Cause I just snapped away after telling him to make a sad face for me ha ha, must cheer him up oso by not reminding him of the real reason he's there, thanks sweetie! :):):)
Awwwwww thanks Jean, siap puji B lagi, for sure he will be smiling even more when I show him ur comment here later he he! :)
gtg & drop..take care hun!
Jean, the hospital is really nice, I think if ever I need to go oso (touch wood) this one will be my first choice! And yes, I remember u oso quite fussy abt bathroom kan? So this one is superb la Jean, very clean and spacious too! :)
LOL! Me too hungry looking at the pic Jean! Looks so yum eh? His breakfast tomo oso sounds yummy he he! ;)
Jean!! Thank you very much for the "pic", you are so kind and thoughtful, love ya lots! :):):)
And yes, I'm keeping his hospital hush hush oso, at B's request! ;)
Thank you for the HUGZ Jean, I will keep u guys updated from the hospital tomorrow. :)
Ha ha that's right Jean, very annoying! Some more today was really bad timing for me, seriously tak kan la I want to go home and check my email and do work when my darling is at the hospital kan? :):):)
Rizal! Terima kasih la kerana datang melawat B kat hospital yg cun ni he he! I pun happy tengok u datang visit, and I will surely send B ur regards tomo. Another busy day for me Rizal, sorry tak sempat visit u lagi but I will drop by and drop my EC shortly. :):):)
Rizal, Emila baru je balik vakasi tu, she must be busy as well! ;)
Zunnur!! Thank you for coming by too, I appreciate it so much and I'll be sure to send ur well wishes to B yay! :):):)
Zunnur, kalau blh, B wants to go home tonight itself but that's a no-no for now, hopefully he will be discharged soon. :)
Hi Debbs! If u knew the underlying reason for his stay there, mesti u lagi kesian kat my baby B! The room looks great and all, but he just wanna go home atually, poor thing!
Thank you very much for ur hugs sweetie and pls thank C for us too, love ya! HUGSY! :):):)
Roxy! What a bear-y great way to cheer up my B, thanks so much sweetie! I'll be sure to let B know that Bree came all the way from the US to send him some cheer!
Hugs to u too for being without Rex tonight. Love ya! :):):)
Hi Ruby, thank you for coming by to visit my B at the hospital he he! And for the hugs too, I sure need loads of hugs today! :):):)
Bobby! Thank you for ur well wishes for B and me too, we are hoping for the best as well. :):):)
B is usually very cheerful, just that this visit is making him all sad cause he's never been admitted before. :(
HaaziQ! Thanks for visiting B here, another visitor from Penang yay! Price blh tahan mahal jugak, but I especially want to make sure B is as comfy as possible. He's miserable at the thought of being admitted, so must cheer him up kan? :):):)
Good luck for the rest of ur papers ye HaaziQ! I am def not doing my daily 300 drops today, but I did manage to drop my EC at ur place oredi. MPG blm lagi. Hopefully sempat buat select dropping nanti. :)
Monica!! Thank you for dropping by today sweetie, I do feel better seeing my lovely Mariucans here. I'll be sure to send B ur well wishes as well. :):):)
Mon, I dropped Mariuca off at ur place oredi, but still haven done for MPG yet, hopefully soon. Thanks dear! :)
Marzie..wah kasian nya your hubby. Hope everthing will back to normal..sihat walafiat.
I'm bit confuse Is this Rumah Sakit or hotel heeeee.
Bono, thank u so much for visiting B! He will be so happy to see so many visitors here, from so many diff countries YAY!
I pun kesian tgk dia Bono, hope he gets better soon. :):):)
LOL! Bono, ni hospital istimewa gitu he he! ;)
it looks like more of a vacation, but i do hope B will be alright ;)
Hi Liza! Getting 2 big jabs twice a day is def no vacation, but the awesome hospital room does help lessen the pain! Thank u sweetie! :):):)
ohhh Mariuca...
I hope all of the tests for B go well... love and hugs to you both :)
doesn't B look the cutest sitting up in his lovely hospital bed ...doesn't he have the most gorgeous smile!!
you have done a superb job of documenting every detail too...
the room looks positively luxurious :)
I hope you and the Meows will be ok while B is in hospital ..take care...I'll be praying that B's results are fine :)((hugs))
e mails!!!!
some people are unbelievably rude :(
be back later to drop ;) xxx
Hi Marzie, I'm just dropping in to say HI, and I'm sorry B is in the hospital.
I am glad to know that it is for observation only, and not something more serious.
Although I am not very happy with your clients who were not being very understanding of your need to take some time off. grrrr...
Rude people irritate me. And not being understanding of your personal quite rude.
I think the hospital looks beautiful. I've stayed in hotels far less fancy.
I'm glad having all the amenities made B more comfortable. And I'm glad the nurses are nice.
Best wishes to you both ... my heart goes out to you.
OMG Marzie! I was so shocked when you left a comment saying B masuk hosp. :(
I hope everything goes well and he gets to leave soon... but uhh actually the place kinda cool oh. Like hotel only. Hehehe
Btw, so weird ya the song only can play 30 secs cos I uploaded the full track and on my comp it plays the whole song.
I'm trying to figure it out cos maybe setting issue, but can't seem to find anything wrong this. :( So sad. Me no likey Imeem no more. Hehehe :P
But yeah, if you go to the page in Imeem I think can listen to everything. So sayang oh... it's a really fun and cute track.
I guess it's back to Youtube next week! :P
oh marzie, nanti jangan post makanan dinner tu kat rnr yerr.. nampak sedap.. hihi
GP! Sorry to hear that B's in hospital. I hope all will be well! He looks like he's having fun and being treated like a Prince! Cheers to B! and you too! :)
The hospital is so well equipped !! Looks like a premium hospital suite.
B is all smiling with the service there & I hope he gets well soon :)
You have to take care too in the midst of taking care of B. *hugggssss* :):)
How long will he need to be admitted?
Boy, get well soon
Marzie, seriously, boy's sobbing pic tu memang comel ya amat.
u gotto frame that pic la
Hello everybody!!!! Am at Mariuca's place for real!!!!! Hahaha!
I met Pheebs and Benji!!!
Am sitting here now at Marzie's workplace hahaha!
Why so secret secret? OK lah, tell me after B checks out, yes? : )
Bedtime for Roxy without Rex. I do have two cuddly girls to snuggle with, though. It's afternoon on your side of the world, so you're probably visiting B in the hospital. More well wishes!
I got a shock when I saw B in hospital!
Glad that's it's only a routine check.
B can be so drama too ah. hehe... crying for Mummy!! Whoa!
I dun like hospital food... sort of like airplane food, no matter how well it is presented. :(
This hospital is so high-class! Like a hotel. better dun be too comfortable, nanti dia tidak mau balik rumah. haha...
I wish him a speedy recovery.
I haven't gone through your whole post yet, pretty busy but I hope B is okay. I'll come back and read this later tonight, ya?
hehe.. I want to be first here all the time lah dearie.. FC or no FC.. ;)
Mug cake turned out awesome.. sedaps.... finish already.. and thank you Sushi..lolzz
Good for you dearie.. that's why lah i say.. i wanted to laugh instead of cry..good job!! but then again you always do one...
eh lupa nak tanya.. how's B today? and how are you?? I guess wifi didn't work??
Rezeki your baby Boy eh...hehhe..keep it up B!!
Emila jgn marah... dah termaktup di nama I. LaJu!! LOL!
heheh Emila.. really you're there . temaning GP is it?? aww how sweet :)
eh kalau ye pun.. tukar lah ID tu...lolz!!
ECL! B very sporting eh....I like!! hehehe
1st: the hospital room is so awesome.
2nd: The big flat screen tv is sooooooooo OMG!!!!
3rd: the bathroom...superb
summary: I definitely will choose this hospital....
p/s: Marzie, i am so sorry to hear about ur B..hopeefully he will be just fine...
marzie hope your b get well soon. Oh yeah which hospital is that? look so cool!
Just dropping my EC here.. I have another paper coming up tomorrow.. wish me luck! ;D
Wahaha LJ!! Tak sempat nak tukar ID!! I was so excited!! Chubbs tak nak jumpa I la, dia menyorok kt belakang TV!
And guess what LJ!! Benji cium kaki I hehe! And then cium my tangan! Later cium my pipi!!!! Pheebs malu-malu kucing but she is so cute!
Boo Hoo EMila.. I jeles.. lah.. nak itut!!!!
Hi Emila,'s all in malay and I haven't practiced enough to read all of it yet.
but, it's good to see you!!:-)))
Hello Marzie,
How is B this morning?
Oh my I know one thing...EC is slow slow slow today!!
See you in a second at MPG:-)
Jackie, I was at Marzie's place today for real! And I told LJ that I met with BEnji and Pheebs! Benji practically kissed my toes, my fingers and my cheek! he is so adorable!!! But Chubbs ran away when he saw me!!
LJ! next time ok! I'll pick you up at your place and we can go and see Marzie together!
hehhe.. wah that would be awesome Emila.. but kena mintak izin from GP first lah..heheh
It is 10:45am here in the Roxiticus Valley, so I'm guessing you are set for your second night without B...last night without Rex was lonely, but London and Maddie cheered me up.
Have you found out yet when B will be allowed to come home from the hospital? Sure hope it's soon!
Add me to that long list of well-wishers. B, please get well soon!!!! You're the foundation of Marzie, the solid rock where she must build her house upon :)
And Marzie, in sickness or in health, always be by his side :) Get well soon again all the way from Mumbai!
Oooh, almost forgot...I'm here to keep you company, at least on your sidebar! Thanks for letting me "advertise" on your EntreCard widget.
wow, emila, i want to ikut sama! would be great to meet the adorable three! :)
hi marzie! am dropping by today to send you my love & kisses!! :) Hope you'll hv a good sleep at the sofa! :)
Aww I hope B feels much better after this. :) though am sure glad to see him being so cooperative and such good sports posing for yah here :) anyways prayers from me over here. xoxo
Hi Marzie, are you at the hospital now? Hope you rest well? Send my regards to B. How's he today? :):)
Hi Marzie..
So sorry to hear about your B being in the hospital. Hope all is well and nothing too serious.
Waaahh.. the room looks incredible lah. As you said, like a fancy hotel room and not one of those antiseptic smelling, white drab walls, creaking bed and yucky toilets type of room! Really makes staying there a whole lot more comfortable.
The last time I got stuck in the hospital for 4 days, WiFi pun dun have. :( Pretty miserable!! LOL!
Anyways, glad to be back! Will catch up on your other posts soon! Daaa!!
how's B today Mariuca? Hope everything goes well!
now I feel hungry looking at his dinner :-D
You are certainly right about that being a clean, orderly, comfortable and attractive hospital room. I've never seen one as nicely done as that.
I hope B. will be comfortable and out there lickety-split, with no major problems or complications!
You are certainly right about that being a clean, orderly, comfortable and attractive hospital room. I've never seen one as nicely done as that.
I hope B. will be comfortable and out there lickety-split, with no major problems or complications!
Night night time at Roxy's place, Rex gets home tomorrow night, hope you and B will be out of the hospital soon.
Sunyi la kat sini... come back soon Marzie....
wa, is that a first class hospital room?? must be real expensive.
Hope he recovers soon!!
Ok, now that I've got a chance to read the post properly, I'd once again like to wish B a speedy recovery.
And I'd also like to tell B that with a cool looking hospital like that, I also don't mind joining him and lepak there ... hehehe ...
Urmmm, well minus the injections la that is ... LOL! I'd faint at the sight of them!
just drop by say hello :)
Hi Sweetie.. how's everything on the home front?
Hope everything is better today for B. Is he gonna be discharge soon?
Are you sleeping now? I hope you are.. another sleepover at the hospital today?
I just noticed.. the food is served on a China lah!!! and silver platter lagi.. wowee!!! spoil!!! LOL!
Oh woman.. i'm so hungry right now and that food looked so good!!!
It's raining now so cannot go out now...
am having Gerber with bread.. but soooo looking forward to dinner now...heheh
i hope your hubby is a bit better now. the hospital looks like a five star hotel :)
hi, I am here again :)
Genie Princess,
We miss you! Sure hope B will be out of that hospital, as nice as it looks in your pictures, soon soon soon!
I had a good visit on your EntreCard widget, but it just wasn't the same without you here. Your kitties had me sneezing and things were soooo quiet.
Hi Mariuca, I know you're busy but thanks for dropping by and the comments! ;-)
Hi. Thanks for returning drops in this busy days you´re having.
Hope all goes well. xx
Thanks for stopping by Roxiticus Desperate Housewives with your comment love... are you back from the hospital by yourself or is B home with you?
Hope he's doing okay...
What a great post. I loved the pictoral tour of his hospital room and especially the looks on his face at different points. I do hope he's okay, but I dare say, I think he'll be enjoying his little visit. As long as my husband had a flat screen TV that picked up his favorite channel, he'd be happy.
It's too bad your clients aren't more considerate of you. Maybe you should just turn off your cell phone while you visit with him.
I hope all is and will be ok
Marzie, how is your hubby? Muga sihat walafiat hendaknya. Anyway thank you for dropping by. I'll always pray for your hubby...cepat sembuh deh...
Hi Marzie!!!! Missed being here!
I'm sorry to hear B being admitted in the hospital. I'm wishing him the best of health and will be praying for his speedy recovery.
I would love to get confined in a cozy roo like that, hahahaha!
BTW, Got an award for you Marzie. Just grab it when B is well or you got a time to spare. It's here:
Hi sweetie!! I am finally here!!
4 hours of making the rounds in town...whew...I am exhausted and very,very late!!
But, I had to stop over here very first thing and check on B.
I am praying all is okay!! You are always on my mind and I worry!!
Now I am off to visit tons of other people. But, this was my first stop as soon as I got home.
See you in a second at MPG:-)
Big big hugs:-)
hello Mariuca
hope everything is going smoothly with you and B ..
I'm new with the blogging thing and I'm very glad to have found your page...very interesting and informative...especially to someone like me who's new in this arena...thanks for inspiring us to write and blog....
Hey there cutie! Just checking in and sending you and B hugz!!
I hope everything is going alright and that he'll be home soon.
We're all pulling for ya!!
Marzie, how are you? We know that you hubby is not well..but you yourself also have take care your health...send my regard to your from Riau..
Oh hun,
I do so hope all is okay with you and B.
You are in my prayers!!
Just came back from Masjid and saw your comment..thank you.
Take your hurry for the tagging.
Hi Kim! I love ur comment Kim, thanks so much, it really did cheer us up. I think B has a lovely smile too, and it always comes out perfect in pictures. In fact, I think that is his best feature, his smile!
Thank you for your well wishes for B and me here Kim, you're the best! :):):)
Hi Grandy! Thanks so much for visiting B in the hospital, all the way from California YAY! The hospital was lovely and I had no complaints, but still we would not want to return there anytime soon! :):):)
Grandy, I switched off my cel phone on the 2nd day of B's hospital visit he many messages waiting to be replied now lol! ;)
Hi Eric! Thank you very much for visiting us here at the hospital, HUGS! :):):)
Hi Rozella! Thanks for visiting B at the hospital, dah discharge dah so hopefully all will return to normal soon. He just needs more TLC I think he he! :):):)
Rozie! Actually mmg boleh upload the whole song to Imeem, dunno why urs appeared as the 30-sec version kan? But it's good that you'll be back on YT cause then we get to see the video yeeha! :)
Tu la Rizal! Makanan mmg nampak sedap, I tgk pun I rasa nak makan he he! Thanks for coming by Rizal! :):):)
GK! Thanks for visiting B at the hospital, he's happy to have another Liverpool friend stopping by here YAY! :):):)
YAY! Janice is here too, thanks so much sweetie! :):):)
The hospital was well-equipped indeed and it's easy to feel comfy there. We're back home oredi, thank goodness. Now just have to follow-up on his condition in a few weeks time. :):):)
DD, thanks so much dear! I showed B ur comment here, dia pun tergelak nak frame picture ha ha! :):):)
Ha ha Emila is here everybody, say hello to her! :)
Roxy, thanks for dropping by during my absence! :)
Hi ECL! Thanks so much for visiting B as well! Oh I made him do that sobbing face, which I think is super cute he he! :):):)
Hmmm, actually I don mind aeroplane food u know, which is why this meal here looks so yummy LOL! ;)
Hi Hicham, thanks so much for stopping by! :)
LJ, thanks for being first seperti biasa! Susah nak beat LJ to her FC chopping here eh? :)
Thanks for taking care of my blog during my absence sweetie, you're the best! :):):)
Oh this post pun dah approve LJ, yeeha! ;)
Hi Marvic! Thanks sweetie and mmg best kan this hotel, ooops I mean hospital he he!
B is out of the hospital oredi, thank you again for visiting him here, love and hugs! :):):)
TH, thank you too for dropping by, HUGS! :):):)
HaaziQ, good luck for ur final paper today! :)
He he best kan Emila? Benji kiss-kiss u at my opis pun best kan? He's the only one yg will kiss everybody. Chubbs will only kiss me and Pheebs...jgn harap la! ;)
Jackie! Thank you very much for ur many visits here during my absence. I was so happy to receive all ur well wishes and comment love for both of us here, you rock Jackie! HUGS! :):):)
Roxy, thanks to u too for coming over here again and again while I was away! I couldn't do my drops while at the hospital, but I tried to do select dropping (u included of coz) while I had a chance to when I was at home, before heading back to the hospital. Love and hugs for u Roxy! :):):)
Sandman, thanks so much for ur well wishes for my B here, love ya! :):):)
And to have a visitor all the way from India just makes it even more wonderful, thank you again. :)
Oh I love that Jean.. the adorable three he he! MEOW!!
Thanks for dropping by again Jean, love ya! :):):)
Hi Metz, thanks so much for ur prayers for us here. We are both so touched to have so many friends dropping off their well wishes for us, love ya! :):):)
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!