I'm thrilled to bits to have Isabella, my baby niece back with us for the Raya holiday, so if you have not checked out my cutie pie, you can see her over at MPG! She's really big now and the idea of her spending Raya with us has definitely put me in a good mood since last weekend.
And since I'm all smiles today, I am finally going to hand out this superb award, which was given to Mariuca by the lovely Emila, who received it from Cecima Comot. This award is extremely meaningful to me, as it is the first "local" one I received and for my international readers allow me to translate Anugerah BLOG PALING HEBAT 2008, which means MOST OUTSTANDING BLOG Award 2008! How cool is that? When I first found out Emila presented me with this award, I was in total awe; I just kept staring at this lovely shiny award on her page for several minutes LOL!

What was more special was the fact that Emila presented this award to only me YAY! So in keeping with the exclusivity of this award, and as hard as it is for me, who usually loves to give out my awards to all my good buddies, I am going to retain its exclusivity by picking only 3 bloggers that I feel truly deserve this award, so are you ready? :)
After much thinking, I've decided to present this very prestigious award to the following 3 bloggers based on their ability to keep my interest in their respective blogs with their content, writing style and the overall efficiency in maintaining their blogs to be a wonderful read for yours truly.
1. Nick Phillips of Anything Goes
2. LadyJava of LadyJava's Lounge
3. Farah of Apples Of The Eyes
Congratulations to these three bloggers! Ever since I've come across their blogs, they have proven their worth over and over again and I hope this award will serve to express just how much I adore their blogs and how big of a fan I am! :)
While on the topic of awards and thank yous, I'd also like to thank Fida for this personal thank you award, which I think is really sweet, thank you for remembering me with this award Fida! :)
A warm thank you also goes out to the creative Rizal from Rest n Rileks, for this very unique and special illo, I love it! :)

While on the topic of awards and thank yous, I'd also like to thank Fida for this personal thank you award, which I think is really sweet, thank you for remembering me with this award Fida! :)
A warm thank you also goes out to the creative Rizal from Rest n Rileks, for this very unique and special illo, I love it! :)
And for the rest of my wonderful Mariucans, I have a little something for you too! This Super Blogger Award was given to me by Ruby and I'd like to pass it on to my loyal readers as well as the new friends I've befriended these past few months. Thank you so much for all your comment love and for reading my posts on a regular basis. I truly appreciate your support and I hope you'll continue to visit Wishing On A Falling Star! On my end, I will do my best to bring you only the best of Mariuca! :)

And in no particular order, this Super Blogger Award goes out to Emila, Jean, Sushi, Kim, Metz, Debbie, Monica, Janice, Shemah, Roxy, Bono, Rozella, Adrian, Nessa, ECL, Mel, Eric, Sasha, Sandman, Jackie, Lainy, Bokjae, Tammy, Faizal, Liza, Tina, Bobby, NAFASg, Manggis, Matt, Grandy, Shiela, Erisha, Joezul, Uncle Sam, Rizal, Syura, Faisal, Fida & Zubli!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»Yay! I'm super blogger!! Thnk you for the award dear! Love it! Will put it up soon!
OH forgot to tell you, I'm on twitter now hehe!
Hahaha so happy that I am the first and 2nd commentator! Yehaaww!
Wohoootttt!! Thank you so much dearie for this award.. wow I'm so touched and teary eyed now.. you're right! this is the best award ever!!
Congrats to you too GP! You fantastically deserve it for sure!!!
It is really pretty lah GP!!! I can't help staring at it too...heheh... eh LFP is here today!! Yihaa!!
Ohhhh thank you thank you thank you!!!! This is so great! Wish I could trade place with B just for a second so that I could hug you a big thank you and then trade back (you know, the whole inappropriate thingie...)
But still, I am so happy for the lovely award Marzieeeee!!!!
By the way, just read Emila's comment above. I too joined twitter recently but haven't really done much. Are you all there too as well?
Thank you for the GREAT reward ...and you deserve for ANUGERAH BLOG TER KREN 2008...yes you really deserve it!!! CONGRATS.
Thank you so much! I love it!!!
Hey Marzie!
Thanks for awarding me with the Super Blogger award :D
Hebat la the anugerah blog paling hebat... macam you all nak pegi red carpet je... hehe
Emila! Thank you for being my 1st and 2nd commenter yeeehaaawww!!! And for this LOVELY award, I seriously think it's my fave one so far, love it! :):):)
I am following u on Twitter too, but I'm still trying to figure out the counter widget, doesn't seem to be updating my new followers! ;)
thank you for the fab award mate. its fun and colourful i love it!
Yay, thank you LJ, best gila la this award, I love it too! Dah la shiny whiny mcm ni he he!
And congrats to u on being one of my 3 recipients woo hoo! Love LJL so keep up the excellent job u're doing there okay? :):):)
Ha ha ha Sandman!!! Hug me hug me lolz!! Congrats to u on the lovely award, as if I could forget u with this one! :):):)
Yup, we're all on Twitter now. I recently reactivated my account after almost a year, so me too am still finding my way around Twitter. Anyway, I am following u now Sandman! ;)
Thanks so much Bono! You've been a truly wonderful friend and supporter of Mariuca and I'm happy to present u with the Super Blogger award, congrats! :):):)
Congrats Tammy! Thanks for coming by here regularly with all ur comment love for me! *Hugs*
Ha tu la Nessa!! Hebat kan this award, mcm tak percaya je I received such an award he he he!!!
Congrats to u on the Super Blogger award, I love Mumblings and will continue to be a fan! :):):)
Yay, glad u love it Tina and keep on rockin' with MD! Love and hugs for u sweetie! :):):)
Yay! I love award and thanks for giving me a beautiful award like this Maurica! Will put it on my slide show and also my special award blog :)
Thanks again!
Woo hoo, congrats Faisal! This is my first award for u but I'm sure I'll be handing out more to you soon! :):):)
Allo MAriuca,
What a very nice award I got from you. Thank you so much. I'll post it soon with other award I got from another.
My best regards from me in PA.
Hurrah!! another award!! Thanks so much for the thought Mariuca!
Ohya...I think you really deserve the Outstanding Blog award. Congrats!
Thank you very much for honoring me with the Super Blogger Award! That is awesome and much appreciated!
have an awesome day!
Yay! You're welcome Fida and congrats! Hey good luck on that book u're planning to write too! Love and hugs from me! :):):)
they said it all marzie this award is fabulous and I truly love it dear. xoxo
Congratulasi Manggis! I'm happy to present u with this award! Your creative work will continue to inspire me as well yeeha! :):):)
Oh Manggis, thanks so much sweetie, I love the anugerah Emila gave me, it's the best ever! :):):)
I'm a super blogger! Yeah! Thanks Mariuca. :)
Congrats Matt and hope to see u maintaining ur pundit blogging style over at MTMD yay! :):):)
Oh yay! I'm happy you love it Metz and I hope this Super Blogger award will continue to inspire u to keep on being a great blogger woo hoo! :):):)
Marzie, for the past hour, I already have 5 followers but the twitter counter says only 1. They don't seem to update immediately. Tried to ping from their page but cannot oso.
Of coz ECL, no question about that, congrats sweetie! :):):)
Sandman! I just joined an hour ago! I will try to look for your twitter and add you, k!
Ohhhh like that ah Emila? So mine oso the same la then, tak update since several days ago u know? Okay, at least I'm not the only one he he! :):):)
Emila, hurry up and find Sandman, I'm oredi following him lolz! ;)
Yeah! Super Blogger Award! thanks marzie! The design is great too!
You're welcome Bokjae, enjoy ur award! :):):)
oh, this is the best and sweetest award ever! I am so touched to be chosen on your list, so so honoured!
Well, talking about blogs that I love visiting daily, I sure admire your sense of writing. It feels like you are talking to me whenever I read your entries. Very expressive with words you are.
Thanks again for the lovely award. So, are you visiting Issy daily now that she's here? Take more snaps of her and post it on MPG OK? I bet she'll look super cute in a baju kurung for coming hari raya.
Thanks so much for the Super Blogger Award...and ooh, there I am at last, #10 on your top EC droppers list! Let's hope I can keep it that way!
wow, congrates, marzie! the Anugerah is really nice. Congrates to your 3 recipients! :)
and thanks for the super blogger award! it's lovely! :)
Congrats to you! Blog Paling Hebat heh? How cool is that? hehe..
Oh, and I would like to congrats Farah from Apples of The Eyes and other familiar names such as Kak Emila, Shemah, Rozella, Faisal, Manggis, Rizal and Ratu Syura!
hi marzie, watcha doing? i've just finished my BH90210 post. M's snoring is so inviting! hehe. am off to bed now. c ya! sweet dreams, lovely! :)
Thanks a lot Marzie. Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Just few days to go. :). Lately, I'm sure, everyone (Muslims) is listening to Hari Raya songs. :)
Dear GP, congrats on this special award, you so much deserve it! And thanks a million for my Super Blogger one! Yipee! I'll put it up soon! Sushi loves U!
Snoofies( Snif (tears of joy) + woofies) xx
PS : Congrats to ALL the other award winning bloggers too!
wow..congrats Mariuca; you really deserve it! and thank you so much for the award...Yay! I love it ;-)
Thank you Mariuca for that Super Blogger award.. huhu.. what else can i say except to shout with joy :
"Bada bing Da BOMB!"
oh! Blakie kirim salam kat chica yer..
sebelum raya ni blakie kena laa dimandikan supaya harum wangi kan? kekekeke
yah hoo Mariuca!!
big grats on your outstanding blog award :) :)
and thanks so much for my award .... :)
have a lovely day and lots of fun with your gorgeous niece and family :)
Thanks Marzie for the Super Blooger Award. :)
Wah if Emilia can post 3 comments in a row I also want lah! Hahaha
Thank you, thank you, thank for realizing how awesome and super I truly am! Hehehe :P
Ok, now definitely must make it on the top 10 list liao! :P
Well! ... Must be my lucky day :-)
I am scooping up my brand new shiny award and taking it back to Hollydale with me to show it off some!
Thank You,
Speedy Cat
Wow! I'm honoured to the point I'm speechless! Thanks for the award Marzie.
I'd like to thank my producer, my director, my mechanic, my sundry shop man ... this award belongs to all of you ... hehehe ...
Hi Mari,
Thanks for accepting my Friendster friendship request.
Am new to the blogging scene with a measly 20ish posting so far. Have a lot of catching up to do.
Do drop by if you can to My Blog .
I was at NST (actually MM) from 2000 to 2004 before being ceremoniously bumped to Ipoh. Should I know you?
God bless, and Selamat Hari Raya.
Thanks Marzie, the super blogger award looks like one of the bubble game I love to play. LOL :):)
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... but which of my sites is the award for?
Emila is so talented. I really love her artwork. Wonder if she would do a blog makeover for me. :)
I can't seem to win any of her contests for her items. grrr....
Wooooowww!! That is a huge award u got. And u truly deserve it, girl!! Keep up the great work here. =)
And THANKS A LOT for the Super Blogger award. It's such an honor to receive it from u! Thank u sooo much. HUGZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! =)=)=)
I think you are winning the mug :)
Yay! I think so too Farah, best kan to get an anugerah instead of the usual awards? Ha ha ha!!! Oh yeah, the moment I received this special anugerah, I started thinking oredi, who to give this one to, cause it has to be someone spectacular! And your name kept on popping in my head, and I knew I had to make u one of my recipients. Congrats dear and keep up the excellent work you're doing over at AoTE! :):):)
I can't wait to see Issy in her baju kurung too, wonder what colour her mommy has chosen for her! :):):)
Congrats Roxy and I hope to see u on my TD list for this month! See, all ur hard work is finally paying off! *Hugs*
Thank you Jean, I love this anugerah la, my fave one so far, so happy to receive it woo hoo! And congrats to u too on the Super Blogger award sweetie!
I checked out ur 90210 post oredi and I believe I was the first commenter there too YAY! Happy Thursday to u and M! :):):)
He he cool gila kan Haaziq?? I just adore this lovely green anugerah yeeha! :)
Wah I see u know a lot of my fellow Mariucans, the more reason u should hang out here and join in the fun! ;)
You're welcome Faizal, hope u like the award. And Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin to u too, cuti how many days? ;)
Awwwww thanks so much Sushi you're always so cute and sweet to GP, love ya! :):):)
Enjoy ur award too okay, you deserve it for working so hard on your blog these past few months. Hope this award will inspire u to keep up the great work and then some! ;)
Congratulations on Winning this award
Thanks so much Monica, I love my special award too! And I'm happy to be presenting u with the Super Blogger award, so happy we became friends, love ya! :):):)
Hi Rizal! Thank YOU too for this lovely illo, suka sangat! And enjoy ur award okay u Super Blogger you! :):):)
Oh semestinya kita kena hantar our kids for mandi and grooming, baru la wangi on Raya day he he! Esp si Phoebe ni, rambut very the kusut, dah lama tak grooming! ;)
ECL, blog makeover? Sure can! I'm planning to offer blog makeover service after Hari Raya for a very cheap price. Will come up with the package soon!
Marzie! Ya laa, your twitter doesn't seem to update. Mine just got updated today morning. I've 10 followers now but it says 7; but that is better than 1 yesterday.
Haha Rozella! You can post more than 3, you know!! Marzie will answers them all!!
Hahaha I gelak guling2 baca Nick punya winning speech! Lol!
YAY! Thanks Kim and congrats to u too on being a Super Blogger! Lotsa love and hugs from me and thanks for being a regular here at Mariuca's blog! :):):)
Congrats Uncle Sam! Keep on blogging! :):):)
I'm on! I'm on! I'm on! Yay!!!! Hahahaha
LOL Rozella!!! Dat's the spirit woman! Of coz can leave 3 comments in a row he he! ;)
Congrats on ur award sweetie and hey, u are def on my Top 10 Mariucans list now, just a few more days till the end of the month so better maintain ur posisi here! ;)
Oh and I see another comment coming in from u yeeha! Confirm on the list he he! ;)
Yay! Congrats Speedy, so happy u dropped by to collect ur lovely award and hey I got ur email too, will reply tonight! :):):)
Yeeha, Nick is here! Congrats Nick! When I received this anugerah, I knew u had to be on my list, am a big fan of Anything Goes and this award is perfect to express my admiration YAY! :):):)
Ha ha ha, sure or not u covered everybody on ur list?? I don see any mention of Spiffy or wifey here! ;)
Hola My Raison D'Etre (wow, got a shorter nick or not?)and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Actually, it's been ages since I checked into my Friendster's account, alih-alih je got so many pending requests lol!
Wow an NST friend, this is so cool! I was in NST from 1997-2001, also in MM in the Advertising dept, under Wan Rafilin! Did our paths cross then? I've visited ur blog and looks like u're off to a good start, hope to see u back here soon.
And Happy Hari Raya to u too! :):):)
Congrats Jan and hey, the award is purple color too, ur fave mah! :):):)
Mel! I love seeing Mr. Slog bite here! Congrats on the award, it's actually for ur main blog MMP, but feel free to have it at SB too if u like! :):):)
ECL, it's all in ur mind...if u wan to win her giveaways, all u have to do is set ur mind to dropping and commenting every day and night like me he he!!! I've slipped to number 3 on her EC list, so that one is harder to win, now I'm trying my best to maintain my Top Commenter position at her blog woo hoo!
And for the right price, I'm sure Emila would love to give ur blog a makeover! :):):)
Hola NAFA!! Oh thanks a million peeps, I just love this award, truly honoured to receive it and it is def my fave one to date, thanks again Emila! :):):)
Congrats to u too peeps, of coz u're one of my recipients for the Super Blogger award. Thanks for all ur support and love for Mariuca! *Hugs*
Yeeha!!! Really TH?? How come? U giving up oredi ka? Still got a few more days mah, Go TH Go!! :):):)
Thank you Shanker and it's awesome to see u back here. I still can't see the link to ur URL though, so don't forget to leave it here next time okay? :):):)
Emila!!!! Ha ha ha.... thanks for all ur comment love here today dear! I paling tak tahan Nick thanking his sundry shop man LOL!!
Sigh, tu la... tensi ni my Twitter is faulty! Don make me delete it la, which I'm seriously gonna do if it still doesn't update! :(:(
And yup, I'll respond to all my comments, so come mengomen away Rozella! ;)
ECL will be happy to hear abt ur new makeover services dear, syabas!
I see u on my list Rozella, this time confirm ada ha ha!!! Now don forget to keep those comments coming, u are now at number 9! ;)
GP, Emila.. mine also update today only... I'm sure yours will update soon GP!!
Wah Emila offering blog makeover.. awesome!!!
LJ! Yahooo!!!! Twitter heard my complaints and mine oso just updated...lama tu!!! But YAY!
sekali celik.. 44 comments.. celik lagi sekali 88 comments..
laju betul dan ramai sungguh orang komen.. macam tgk show artist pulak..
hihi.. betul2 nak raya nii kids kena laa kasi wangi dan mandi..
blakie pun lama tak sikat..keke..sikat kucing jerr lebih mahal dari harga sikat tuan dia..
blakie baru jadik papa yang kali err ke 3 kot.. kekeke
wife dia pendatang mana tah yang dah jadik permanent resident lahh kat rumah ni.. kekeke
ohh mariuca, baca blog tuu macam terasa kat festival ucapan academy pulak.. huhu
Yihaa GP..They probably panic when they heard you want to remove the widget..lolz!!
LJ, hehe hopefully la! I'm in the middle of opening my own shop, so I will offer creative services also for a cheap price!
LJ, do you think it's a good idea to make a premade header or template layouts on shareware basis? Of course, I won't charge lebih2. If nak exclusivity, I can sell mahal sikit. Ok tak?
Rozella, I see you on the list!! I try to topple LJ but I surely can't beat her; so my aim is to beat Jean! Hehe, Jean jangan marah ya!
Rizal! sure or not Blakie dah jadik bapak kali ke3? Entah2 senyap2 dah ramai anak dia sebelum ni!
Hiya Marzie,
I have an award to ping yah back for all the blogging love. Although I know you may have gotten lots of awards and a lot of them may have been given already to you but am still giving them anyways cause you deserve a lot ;) keep it going deary cause you've redefined blogging and made it feel like home for all that have fallen under the GP Marzie's Magic dust of love :)
Thanks for my award Marzie! I don't feel like a super blogger, but now I do!!!!!
wow, marzie, emila have been mengomen'ing like mad here. How can she do this without me? :)
->emila: emila, here i come, tunngu saya lar! i also wan to topple LJ! hehe :)
marzie, wish Happy Birthday to B for me. I've sent him an ecard. Check yr mailbox, k! thanks, lovely! May both of you have the loveliest day! :)
Aiyohh... everyone wants to topple LJ... dun like that lah..lol..
Of course, having premade would let your potential customer see what you have to offer so that would be good.. then they just buy off the shelf lah kira..and like you say..if they want customised.. you can charge a bit extra..
LOL! Kelakar la u Rizal he he! Tgk show artist it seems, mailah join kemeriahan kat sini bila free, always happy to see u here! :)
So true Rizal, I kalau hantar Phoebe grooming RM60, yg abang-abang dia RM80, mahal tu! But Raya punya pasal, mesti hantar jugak this weekend.
Wah tiga kali jadi Papa?! My cats semua (except Phoebe) dah kena sunat, melepas la nak jadi Papa lolz! ;)
I think so la LJ, cause right after I said I want to remove the widget terus update like magic he he!
Wah ada org cuba topple LJ, can it really be done? Toppling LJ yg dah 6 months my Top Mariucan...very interesting to see lol! ;)
Yelah GP.. six month dah ni.. reigning Miss Commenter...lolz.. dah pakai tiara and all...lolzz
Emila! Congratulasi on ur new shop nanti, mesti best and filled with lotsa cute stuff, looking forward to it dear! ;)
Trying to topple Jean ye? She's back to retain her number 2 spot, just left me some comment love here he he, so fun to see u ladies trying to topple each other, love ya!
Metz! What a beautiful comment from u, thanks so much! And thank you for the award, whatever it is, I know I will love it! You're the best and I'll be right over with my magical flying carpet to collect my award from you YAY! :):):)
YAY Bobby is here, congrats Bobby and don't sell yourself short, you Super Blogger you! *Hugs*
Aloha Jean!! Ha ha ha, tu la Emila trying to topple you so u must try to topple LJ pulak he he! Pretty hard to do eh? But it's so much fun to see u ladies commenting here tonight, thanks sweetie!
Oh we've seen the card Jean, THANK YOU so much to u and M! You guys really are the best, dunno what to say la. Love the card and love the b'day message too! Lotsa love and hugs from both me and B of coz! :):):)
Congrats for the nomination at http://blognetawards.com/?p=1064 ... bisa menang ni deh...
Wooww bulan kemarin I was the 2nd top commenter here but now udah kena kick down already..I have to work hard to position myself back to my place ..hi hi hi
i've posted the award here.. http://mlizcochico.com/?p=1112, thanks again
LJ! He he, very hard to topple my Top Mariucan here! Esp since we're both night owls, that's when the real mengomen-ing begins lol! ;)
Wah Bono!!! Thanks so much for letting me know abt my nominasi, terus tulis post ni he he!! And yeah, u dropped down to number 6 oredi, faster get back up on the list! ;)
Hi Liza, thanks dear and congrats to you on the award! *Hugs*
heheh GP!! Mmg susah nak topple LJ!!! eheheh... I'm very confident of my position lah...jangan marah eh Jean..lolzz!!
Fuyooooo, how Jean?? LJ very konpiden here he he! ;)
I oso quite confident with my spot at LJL but last time masa Zubli ada, wah...that one got me worried for a moment LOL! ;)
hehe.. YEAH!! VERY KONPIDEN!! heheh...
Yeah.. your spot at LJL also undefeated for sure lah..heheh
Phew, must maintain my posisi at LJL! So long as nobody try to topple me that is! :)
Dear Mariuca,
I come with another award for you.
Have great day!!!
Emilia: Hahaha I think almost impossible lah to beat LJ. But yeah, give Jena a run for her money!
Hahaha Becoming so competitive this everyone!
Marzie, die lah your comment box kena flood nanti.
Thank you so much for thinking of me, Mariuca!! You are very sweet!! I will display it with pride soon. ;)
WOW! Another award for me Fida? YAY! Can't wait to see what u have for me this time, thanks so much! :):):)
LOL! Bestnye to see the competition here Rozella! Oh no everybody's trying to topple Jean now he he! Good luck sweetie and hey, u're doing very well this month, number 8 now! ;)
YAY! You're very welcome Grandy! Thank you for constantly dropping by here and over at MPG to leave me some comment love, enjoy ur award! :):):)
LJ! Memang susah nak beat you! But I think I can beat Jean la! But I have to stay here and mengomen all the time.
He he he, Emila u def beat Jean oredi...and even got closer to LJ, my Top Mariucan for the last 6 months he he! ;)
Wah.. like this must kena buffer meng-buffer lagi lah balik..lol..!!
GP.. dah tengok boldie belum?? yesterday ada Katie kan??
OMG Marzie! I can't believe I forgot to thank you for this! Must be masa tu I was in my pc crisis when I got this.
Thanks so much for the Super Blogger award! I really appreciate it, though I think I am far from being a super blogger! Many things to learn, especially from a Superstar Blogger like YOU! Hugs!! :):)
WOW! This is such a beautiful award! I am both honored and privileged being awarded this one. Sorry for the delayed reply here, Dear. I'VE SAID GOODBYE TO BLOGGING for 4 days and now I'm back! I will let you know once this award is up and running in my blog.
May you have a fabulous weekend!
Debbie makes me wonder whether did I thank you or not? Lemme check first.
Hehe dah ucap terima kasih, lol! But I just wanted to say thank you again Marzie for being a great friend and also a great commentator!! Wohoo, you're the best!
LJ, takpelah...sekali sekala. Boleh lah ek?
I am so free now, just finished the draft for the magazine illos! So will stay here as long as possible.
Hola LJ! I DL oredi, but blm watch 25th. I watched 24th oredi though and hey DH is oso coming back kan? ;)
He he, buffer away sweetie, but don worry, nobody can topple u at MPG! You're still reigning queen over there! ;)
Hola Debbie, you are a Super Blogger to me, so I'm happy to give u this award sweetie! Congrats and enjoy ur award YAY! :):):)
Lainy! Welcome back dear, I saw ur post on how ur Prince finally managed to convince u to take a break he he! Glad u're back though and congrats on this award, you def deserve this one! :):):)
He he, kelakarnye Emila today! Please, make yourself at home here, sorry ye takde music! :(
Thanks dear, of course must remember you when it comes to any award! Kalau tak kasi Emila's Illustrated Blog, mesti tak sah lol!
Love u too and thanks for all ur comment love here and at MPG! :):):)
GP!! I want to be reigning here too..lolz.. watch out guys LJ in comment mode ni...lolzz!!
Oh don't mention GP. We'll always be your biggest fans!!
Anyway thanks a million for the ikan pari bakar u sent us. Our lips were burning!! It was SUPER!!!! Thank u very much. We got for u something too. Ayam lemak chilli padi! Ooooh...another hot one right here. Enjoy the food, and happy weekend! =)=)=)
Alamak LJ! Hehe eh you kan banyak assignment nak buat.
Bono ni kan ada je insight info kan? Baguslah Bono!
Rozella, I beat LJ oredi! But dunno lah, she will come back and topple me back!
Oh, I haven't seen Jean lah these past few days. Maybe she's busy.
Emila.. Assignment mmg banyak but boleh prioritize mah...lolz!! tak sanggup tengok my nice card being replaced...oh tidak!!
oh ya!!!
LOL! Emila, me too few days oredi never see Jean, she busy with her friend's wedding I think! :)
LJ or Emila this month, I will wait and see! Till then, keep up the awesome work ladies! :):):)
Hola NAFA!! Thanks so much guys and hey, guess what la? Tonight B had ayam lemak cili padi and I had fish lemak cili padi! Great minds do think alike he he! Oh now must think what to give Nafa for buka tomo lol! :):):)
LJ LJ LJ!! GO LJ!!!!
LJ dan penat dah ni. I shall take a short break. nak post vote for for marzie kat my blog! see ya soon!
jgn komen banyak2 k, nanti penat hehehe!
Wah Emila.. nak rest eh..hehe.. wah 185!! kudos lah woman..
Eh how come I can drop as your top dropper eh.. i never fail to drop you know.. apadah EC ni.. kelong!!! lolzz
yello, am back!!
marzie, 've put up a post for you!
lj, dunno la...maybe there's delay in updating? dunno how this ec works.
haha cepat kan my short break?
tulah.. pelik lah i emila.. how many drops I have at your place so far eh??
Cepat banget lah your break.. I tak sempat buat apa pun..lolz!!
lj, sat i check! will be right back, stay put!
ok dearie.. will stay put....POOT!!!!
hehe macam thundercat!
ok lj, yours is 31 now, marzie and the other one are both 30!
eh marzie dah tak moderate! our comments are in automatically! kesiam marzie, penat dah tu!
marzie, watcha doin? buat kerja ke?
hm.. then how come I'm number three on the list!! boo hoo!! cedih!!
lj you perasan tak dalam ec tu ada chart for organic click!
tulah, dia lambat update la! ni nak kena cari widget lain ni!
i think i should try the google widget
Uwah!! GP dah penat..lolz!! pity her lah....lol.. we are commenting non-stop..
Eh.. what widget are you using??
GP!!! Yuhuu.. buat apa tu??!!!
Yelah Emila.. you should.. Google widget is so far quite good.. on the ball!
ok, am configuring the code as we speak. it'll be up soon!
Ok dearie.. be nice to be on top again...heheh
yay lj, you're on top! am in the process of changing the color to suit my template!
Yihaa!!! Now at least I'm happy!!!
Emila, thanks so much for ur Mariuca post at Emila's Illustrated Blog! Always a pleasure to be featured there YAY! * HUGS*
Ah, like LJ, I oso happy sikit (cause sedih with Mr. Google kan?) after seeing that post! :):):)
LOL, I decided to follow LJ's suggestion in one of her many comments here, so no moderation for now he he! :):):)
Yelah MRG ni really knows how to spoil weekend kan GP.. zalim!!
GP!! I featured you as well kat LJL tau..heheh...
hehe.. Emila.. now we see the comments in real time.. yippee!!
YAY, thanks for featuring me at LJL too woman! Love ya! :):):)
I agree, Mr. G spoiled my weekend too, berapa kali nak update PR, cukup-cukup la tu! :(
yelah this one came early.. tak sempat three months pun.. kasi lah chance kan.. pple nak make money.. podah lah!!
oh no probs on the featuring dearie.. I hope you win.. i wonder how they gonna give you the trophy kan?
Yup, podahlah mr. g!
Betul tu Emila.. ehhh tak tidor lagi ke dah bangun..hehe
Ha ha ha memang PODAH Mr. G ni! Wah Emila kembali to mengomen, hehe! :)
LJ, no wonder I thought it was a bit early for another update, silly Mr. G!! :(
Podah is right!!
podah podah!
takpelah, maybe next update naik balik!
Emila.. you dah top pun.. takper slow slow I kejar..hehe
lj, i pun kejar you slow slow hehe
alamak.. here she is again...lolz!!
Emila you dah dengar radio blum??
lj, dengar sikit jek...tak leh fast forward ke? hehehe
bila next schedule suara you keluar, lj?
heheh tak leh Emila.. nama pun radio..heheh.. nanti kalau on i let you know. eh listen lah to all the segments.. lagu besh besh tau..talented lah Malaysian :)
yes aa? did you handle the website?
nope.. the site is handled by Azwaj :).. joint project with some friends in the industry
Eh why yesterday it only says I have 11 comments and now 33 pula? So weird! Hehehe But 33 I like! :D
Rozella, coz we managed to tweak the code to now show the last 1000 comments instead of 500 only!
Me still got lots to catch up with Emila!
Emila's a riot these few days!!
sob sob! I lost this month! but lj, better get ready because i'm game for october! yehaa!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!