Hola! I've had such a busy week working on my latest translation job, visiting all my new friends who joined the Magic Lamp of Luck meme and giving MPG a makeover with LJ's help, all the while trying to maintain my 300 a day EC drop routine! So I really didn't have much time left to update my blog but I'm back now, so forgive me? ;)
If you remember, in one of my previous posts, I wrote about how excited I was to finally find a Top Commentators Widget for my blog. I used it for several months and it worked great. The one thing missing however, was that it did not link back to my Top Commentators' blogs. Instead, it linked back to the last post commented on by the commentator. Recently I found an improved version of the Top Commentators widget over at Mxyzplk Money Maker. Actually, Mxyzplk approached me with this newly improved widget, which goes a step further and allows you to give backlinks to your Top Commentators! I decided to give it a try and so far, I am totally loving this new widget because finally, my Top 10 Mariucans will receive the much-deserved linky love they work so hard for so YAY! :)
I'm really happy with this widget and if you like to get one for yourself, just click here and you too will be on your way to showing some linky love appreciation for your readers! Speaking of readers, I know I'm way behind in posting this but I sincerely hope it's not too late for me to say THANK YOU to my Top 10 Mariucans for the month of June!
THANK YOU so much for all your visits and comments here. I feel much love when you show your appreciation for my posts and my blog by taking the time to leave a comment or two at my site. I had a blast answering your comments and chatting with you here, so let's make July a totally rocking month shall we? :)
1. LadyJava of LadyJava's Lounge
2. Roxy
3. ECL
4. Debbie
5. Sushi
6. Jean
7. Tina
8. Emila
9. Adrian
10. NAFASg
WOoooohootttt!!! Your Top Mariucan is here GP!! Yihaaatt!
Thanks for finding the new and improved TC widget GP.. It rocks!!
Here's to another month of fun commenting and late nights.. eh this blog is next for a new look right??
Yeeha!! My Top Commenter is also my first commenter he he!! I am loving this widget LJ, finally ada jugak!
Looking forward to another great month of commenting and chatting and bitchin' abt B&B! HUGS for being my Top Mariucan...4 months running right? ;)
Yeah babeh.. same as you also lahh...heheh.. and oh yeah.. I see my link already... eh one problem only lahh.. when you sign off like this eh.. you don't get email on the replies lahh... how ah!!
Yeah, your link showed up after ur second "test" comment! Oh is it? As in u won't get notified when someone responds to a comment on the post?? Then how? But I like the widget! ;)
Yeah I was not notified before when I sign off as name and url.. but the second time.. i signed off as blogger.. I got notified... can still use this widget.. I guess comment twice lah..lolzz..once using the blogger profile and notify yourself and the other using name and url... try commenting over at my LLP using your name and url and see if you get notified..
LOL! Ah that sounds like a possible solution, clever LJ! Okay, just now I signed off as blogger lupa to change to name and url, I'll come by now! ;)
Yeay.. I guess before we comment next time must see if the blog have this kind of TC widget then only we do commenting twice lah..lolzz!!
He he..also, what happens if I comment using MPG??? Where will the link go cause I'd be using the same name. Unless I use GP and Mariuca?!!
When you want pple to come to MPG, you can sign off as Mariuca as well but put your MPG link instead.... eh I think you'll get notified at LLP coz you've commented before using blogger.. try at a new post ok.. something that you have not commented before and see if you get notified when you use the name and url..
But that means if both MPG and Mariuca are in ur TC list, the links will appear as Mariuca for both la, cause using the same name right?
Okay, I'll leave a new comment on a new post! :)
Yeap.. that's right.. you have to use another name lah to differentiate....heheh..
Okay I shall use GP for MPG then! Sent u a comment oredi. :)
Ok.. I go see..
you're the best Mariuca !!
thanks for this ..I will check this out today..
have an "event" free day :) :)
I've been thinking about putting one of those on too.
yay!! im one of your top 10!! thanks for the linkies love, woman!
oh, you had PG makeover? i'll head there after this. Connection over here is abit slow, kinda annoys me. I hv to wait 1min for the comment box to appeared. ><
Hope you had a lovely weekend wt B! :)
congratulations to them all..
feels like a party here.. hurrah.. may be bcoz i am commenting this on saturday..hehe
to the commentators.. speech please..
speech! speech! speech!
Kak Mariuca, have a heppi saturday yaa
Great Marzie! I'm so glad that I could recover my top 10 Mariucan title. Thanks for always recognizing your Mariucans with "linkies". I should start doing the same too.Have a good weekend!
Wheee!! hoho... I'm third! Thanks for the linky love, Mariuca!
That's a handy widget. I'm considering to put it on my blog.
YAY, thanks Kim! Glad u like the widget too, have a great weekend dear! :):):)
Hi Tammy, I see u have the widget up at ur Girl Talk blog already, way to go! :)
YES Jean, you made my June list too woo hoo!! And now the new widget allows me to link back to ur blog, awesome! :)
My connection is okay today, responding to my comments seems to be a breeze. Thanks for checking out MPG's makeover, see u there! :):):)
Ha ha Rizal, cute la you! Your comment here made things even more cheerful! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great weekend to u too. :):):)
Hola Sushi, you're on my list for June and looking good for July! Keep those comments coming, love how u make my day when u come by MEOW! :):):)
Yeeha ECL is third last month! Think you'll move up the rank this month? The widget is cool, glad u're considering having one at ECL. When is ur makeover la? ;)
wohoo Im here :D I love :D I have a link got some review from a blogger with big traffic... you make me really really blushing... btw, I think I have a widget for automatic monthly update. if you interested I will try to make demo for it. and I will work on it to make it more perfect.. thank you mrs mariuca/marzie... make a good reaction to my blog... thank you very much.
Dagnabbit...I missed the top ten again!!!! I will not miss next month...hehe:)
Oooh, I'm #2, I'm #2! Now if I could only make it into your top EntreCard droppers...
Mariuca, thanks for all the commenting fun in the month of June, I love to see it when each post's comments reach the triple digits!
Darn, I didn't make the list again. I demand a recount ... LOL! Must try harder next month :D
Happy weekend.
GP!! Woo hoo...number 9...my lucky number too!! cool! It's been fun trying to get on the list... now to stay there...that's a whole other ball game LOL
Cheers GP!
Back for an evening visit from the beach in Bay Head...we're going over to the neighbors' house for margaritas, so I may be movin' kinda slow on Sunday!
Congrats congrats to Marzie and all Top 10 Mariucans.. :)
Hello!! Stopping in for Genie code.
Happy weekend Mariuca :-)
Yay we're top 10!!! Although we're like no. 10...hehehehe! ;p
But still we're very honored. We must keep our comments coming in here as much as we can! Anyway isn't it great to give comments to our very beautiful lovely lady here?! =)=)=)
LOL! No worries Mxy, it's a great widget, which I'd like to share with my friends and readers, so thank YOU! :):):)
He he, that's right Bobby! Don't give up just yet, I'd love to see u back in my Top 10 next month! :):):)
YAY my number 2 is here, thanks so much for all your comments and visits here Roxy! A day without Roxy feels totally weird now! ;)
And thanks for dropping by today too Roxy! I've dropped my cards at ur blogs today, just didn't have time to leave a comment! Margarita night, have fun!! ;)
LOL!! Nick, you were in my Top 10 at the beginning of the month, but somehow got knocked out towards middle of the month but hey, GK made it to the list for the first time this month so YAY! ;)
GK!! Your lucky number is 9? Then YAY!! And this is your first time making it into my Top 10 too so double YAY! :):):)
Thanks Faizal, I hope u're having a good weekend! :)
Nice to see u here today Eric! My weekend is almost over, enjoy what's left of yours too. Thanks for joining the genie meme, you're da best! :):):)
YAY!! This is your first time too peeps, let's see if NAFASg can retain their spot here, or perhaps even move up a notch or two! Happy weekend! :):):)
Yihaaaa!! I'm number 4 on your top EC!!! Yahoo!!!... eh macam mana nak jadi number 1 ni??!! hhehe
Ah tu la, I pun happy smlm when I saw ur link finally appeared at Mariuca woo hoo! I'm sure if u continue to drop every day, ul reach that number 1 spot sooner or later. As it is, you're oredi my TC for both Mariuca and MPG he he! :):):)
hehehe.. yelah.. i kan your number one fan!!! meoww!!!
You are my number 1 Fan LJ, YAY!! And thanks so much, must give pressie to LJ ni for being my number 1 Fan he he!!
PS. Got ur email, I bid oredi, wish me luck! Also bid on the designer dresses one, you? :)
which one eh? will check.. bid so many cannot remember lahh..lolzz!!
LJ, it's the very first one on the list, dunno la how much u're planning to bid though he he! It's new!
Movin' a little slowly due to margarita night last night, but not sooo bad. Perfect beach day to lie out and recover. Enjoy the last of your weekend and your midnight rounds of the blogosphere...
cool..i'll check out dearie. thanks..muahss!
Congrats to the top 10! :)
Roxy, a wonderful margarita session followed by lazing around on the beach...you are living fabulously Foxy Roxy! Thanks so much for dropping on me tonight! :):):)
OK LJ, good luck, I bid max..blh? Ha ha ha! ;)
Hi Rozella! Thanks for stopping by on a Sunday, have a good night! :)
hee hee i like nick phillips' comment.
Yeah i did notice on mine it links to posts instead of their sites, ill have to check this widget out.
oh heres me talking i forgot im number 7 yay yay yay! i got back on. i thought i dropped off! my return to Marzies place paid off in end lol x
OMG sorry LJ, I terclick Reject to ur comment, but good luck on the bid! Hope u get it for all three blogs. I only have one blog with SR. ;)
WHAT!!! Ter-Reject!!! Uwahhh!! Nak Nangis ni!!! Uwah...lolzz!!!
It's ok...heheh.. yelah.. hopefully i get on all three..ehehhe
Yay, Tina is here! Hola Tina and yes, you made it here AGAIN and looking really good for July too he he!
Get the widget Tina! Tammy already has it up at her girl talk blog. ;)
Ha ha ha that's why la LJ!! My mouse made me click too fast he he, blame it on the mouse! Hope to hear from SR soon, u think I shld add MPG to SR? :)
heheh.... of course you should MPG to SR into your list..eh MPG PR berapa eh?
Okies, will do! MPG PR2 only he he! I thought I added MPG oredi but every time I bid, it never appears as one of my blogs, always get SR confused with BBR somehow! ;)
SR was cleaning up their blog list before.. so inactive blogs all they de-activate.. cud that be what happened to MPG??
Congrates to the TOP 10 commenters. I'm so late in commenting nowdays. Been busy with the boys. Zac is having running nose now & Amos has slight cough... sigh....:(
Don think so LJ, cause MPG belum join lagi. Anyway, I'll sign her up for SR and BV now, come on magic lamp, gimme some luck!! :):):)
Morning Janice! Let's hope u get back on the list for July dear, and hope the cuties will feel better soon. You must be exhausted from taking care of them cause you also not well right? Poor Janice, take care! :):):)
Why don't you dare to eat bullfrogs? They are nutritious and yummy! Come to Singapore, I'll bring you for some frog meals. Ask Trinity... glodok is good! :)
Hola Mariuca...
You just left me a "night-night" comment, so I hope I'll still find you out and about in the blogosphere to vote on my most recent Battle of the Blogs...come by if you can!
Hello, I'm a newbee, so I don't expect to be on any of your top tens. Hehe. I came to congratulate you here for being the recipient of the MTMD award.
I'm also going to get the widget that you're sharing with anyone. Thank you. You may come to visit me also if you're interested.
hello Mariuca..
my top commenters widget is great ..
thank you..
have a lovely day :) :)
Ha ha ha, early in da morning want to make me laugh is it ECL?? Even chicken wings oso I don't take cause they look "funny", what more bullfrog?!!! Don't think so la dear he he, you enjoy ur meal though okay? The only "funny" thing I've ever tasted was caramel coated crickets he he, and that one I ate with my eyes shut LOL! :):):)
Hola Roxy, I was going nite nite already until I got ur message! I visited BE to vote for u and the sleepiness suddenly disappeared, so I ended up staying up for a while after that! Of course I voted for u, will vote for u tonight again if you're on a battle. Just gimme a buzz and I'll surely vote for u if I'm up and about! :):):)
Hi Tasha, thank you for stopping by and welcome to Mariuca's blog! Glad u dropped by from Matt's place, he's such a sweetheart to give me that award! I'll come visit you too, but in the meantime, have a great day and enjoy the widget. :):):)
YAY, that's great to know Kim! I shall make sure I leave my comments at ur place using name and url so my link (that's IF I'm on ur Top 10 hehe!) will point directly to my home pg. Glad to hear you're loving the widget sweetie! ;)
Hmm...now it feels like you've been up around the clock, Genie Princess...don't forget about your beauty rest!
P.S. -- I see you have the added responsibility of watching over my Roxiticus Best Blogs tonight.
*gives Marzie a dramatic snub*
If only there is no technical problem with your blog that I told you about earlier, I would be way above Lady Java :)
For now, I read your blog content from my bloglines Feed, and then visit your blog and click on the comment quickly. As soon as the comment page pops up, I close your blog before the page loads. Because if the page loads, like I told you before, this sadddd computer that I come online from hangs!!!
Hello marzie, received your magnets already? I've something for you at my place, come get it! Thanks! You need not do this but just to show our appreciation to you!
Hi Roxy, unfortunately I can't have much beauty rest until I get this particular job I'm working on, out of the way. Planning to get some R&R as soon as it's over he he, till then more late nights and early mornings for GP! ;)
Yay! I'm on RBB today? RDH is here too so you'll be fending for Mariuca today! :):):)
Oh Sandman!!! I am upset for u too, so sorry you can't enter my blog without being chased out like that he he! But thanks so much for reading my blog via bloglines, pretty cool tool to have huh? I'll be waiting patiently till the day I see Illusionaire on my Top 10 list! Till then, lotsa love and hugs for u from Malaysia! :):):)
Hola Pietro! Thank you for visiting Mariuca and for ur interest in my blog. I will get in touch with you via email, have a great day! :)
Bokjae!! I just got the magnets this afternoon woo hoo!!! My fave is the froggie he hehe, so cute! Thanks so much Bokjae, you rock!
I'm hopping over to ur blog now. :):):)
kakaka... you don't eat weird things. You will puke if I tell you I ate snails, snakes, worms, beetles, centipede....etc.
OMG! Mariuca, you voted for the wrong Jaymes. He's the one in red jacket (3. Jaymes), he was never in Number 1 spot. :)
ECL, you should join Fear Factor woman! For sure you'll pass the weird food round with flying colours! :):):)
You made me panic la, I went back to the voting site to check and I got the right Jaymes la he he PHEW!! ;)
Hi Marzie, how good is this "blogger's choice awards"? I think I'm doing well with a few votes(Best Animal Blogger)but, I don't really know if it's a big deal or not. I voted for yours of course, because I do think it is the best blog of all time! WOOF!
Hi again Marzie! Just came from Techno and I can see the Lamp of Luck working its magic! Now I believe! Thanks so much for the ride on the flying carpet. C ya!
All day I have been stopping by to comment, and every time my screen freezes up and...no comment!
I am having the best time here in your sidebar, only sad my time will soon be up!
Whew! Finally able to leave my comment. I see Bay Head Blog is moving up in the Top Mariucans too!
Droppin' in after midnight to leave my calling card before bedtime. Hope you're having a great Wednesday!
P.S. -- Have you checked out that new EntreCard/SezWho promotion offering credits for comments? I haven't figured it out yet, but it looks like LJ can make a fortune in EC just commenting here!
Hallos Marzie!
How are you doing? Hope all is fine. Yeah .. It's already midweek!
I came to compete in the Internet's biggest comment contest LOL!!!
I was finally able to afford an entrecard ad on your site! How did I do that? I did a ton of surfing and won an entrecard credit contest:)
What is this widget called? I want to add it to my blog.
Marzie, not bad lah sezWho ...install lah then u will know
Back for a quick hello on Wednesday morning...hard at work here on a cranky potential client, wish me the Luck of the Lamp.
MEOW Sushi!!! Actually, I'm not well-versed in the blogger's choice awards and it's only recently that I had my badge up here he he! Thanks for voting for me, you're da best! And I'll come vote for u too. :)
Glad to hear the Magic Lamp is working wonders for ur Techno, keep on flying with me Sushi and we'll go places! ;)
Hola Roxy! I noticed BHB started appearing in my Top 10 since yesterday night YAY! You're like the first Mariucan to have 2 different blogs in my Top 10 so woo hoo! I have yet to read up on SezWho, have u registered ur blogs?
PS. I can't stand cranky clients too, they suck! He he.. it's 2.10am here and I'm only now responding to my comments after a busy day. :)
Karen, so nice to see u here today. You have been busy yeah? Thanks so much for stopping by, I'm having a great week now that my current project is almost over YAY! :):):)
Hi Bobby! Ha ha ha I love ur comment, it made me LOL too! :)
Hey, thanks so much for advertising on my blog. It means a lot esp since it's your policy not to advertise on pricey blogs, and u used up ur winnings too...you're da best! Love and hugs for you today Bobby! :):):)
Hola Neil, thank you for stopping by. Well, you can call it whatever you want really, it comes as Top Commentator but you can change it to suit your blog. Have fun naming your widget! :)
Hi Bono, I am gonna read up on SezWho secepat mungkin, I also wan to enjoy the benefits of this new feature lol! ;)
Hi Mariuca!
Just visit to say Hello. How are you???
Excellent posting, Mariuca, excellent!!!
Have a nice day.
WoooTT!! .. Like WOW ... your blog is smoking hot hehe.. with visitors i.e. was changing my theme for the past few inert days .. doing nufin..! thanks for dropping by . I Got 175 reviews to write luckily they are short or i wud be :S ...
After SeZwho you wud be getting a comment on every drop hehe... thas gr8 yo. Hey check out my new blog theme temme how it luks ..! It has everything but the kitchen sink lol
Hola Fida, Thank you for visiting me today sweetie, I love it when u hop over here all the way from Philly he he! :):):)
Hi David, thanks so much for ur comment and welcome to Mariuca's blog, have a great day! :):):)
Ha ha Roshill, it's really cool of u to be writing those mini reviews for everybody! And thanks to ur many comments over the past few weeks, you have made ur way to my Top 10 Mariucans list woo hoo!! I'll come by ur blog later, have a good one! :):):)
Happy thursday ...semuga terus sukses
Hi Bono, it's already Friday so Happy weekend to u! :)
Okay I know I lambat, but yay I'm number 4!! That's such an achievement, especially here at Mariuca, it's so difficult to even get number 10! :):) Thanks so much for the link love! Hugs!! :D
Debbie! YAY, thanks for coming by sweetie! And I noticed u moved up to number 4, how cool is that? Enjoy ur linky love and thanks for being one of my Top 10 Mariucans, love and hugs! :):):)
Hi Marzie :)
I don't think I'll ever make it to your Top 10 Mariucans anymore :( Terbeliak my eyes see LJ with 73 comments... terror la she. How to top that? Sob, sob...
LOL! I can just imagine ur eyes terbeliak Nessa ha ha! Still can enter my Top 10 Mariucans, just have to work extra hard at commenting. But at least you pernah on the list yeah? Thanks dear! :):):)
Yay! I hope I'm gonna be in your top 10 list every month!
Emila, I hope so too! Now can give linky love some more with this new widget so double YAY! :):):)
I'm number 8 here! Will be number 1 soon!
Eh, number one oredi! Muahaha!
eh number berapa skg hah??
am still #1...baru jek topple you balik semula!
see lah the list, ada 6 je komen i, ciput benar!
Yihaa Emila.. I'm catching up.. just you wait.. pelan pelan kayuh hah!!
ya lj, pelan2 kayuh...lenguh dah tangan mengayuh ni hehe
Lenguh lah Emila.. that's why pelan pelan..lolz!
Emila, u were number 1 kan? But LJ caught up with u last minute to topple you ha ha, but thanks for such a great month ladies, love ya! :)
GP!! I managed to topple Emila coz she fell asleep that malam raya.. i thought she was playing bunga api or something with Yassin.
hehe tertidur sebab penat.
it was a good game, congrats lj!
you main chess ke, dam ke, or backgammon tak lj?
me #8 here...
now me #2...
a lot of improvement kan?
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!