I know, I know...it's been ages since my last Award ceremony and I'm so way behind in thanking my friends for all the lovely awards they've given to both my blogs. As always, I like to collect all my awards first before displaying them here and eventually at Mariuca's Award Gallery. That and my busy work schedule can be attributed to the delay in handing out these awards. Anyway, there are so many people I'd like to pass on my awards to so without further ado, let the Gala begin!
First of all, I'd like to thank Cindi who presented this lovely Best WAHM Site Award to both Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery. Although I have yet to hold the title of MOM, I do have three adorable cat babies of my own, which according to Cindi, fits just right with her award criteria! Oh and this one is especially for me; you have to earn this award from Cindi herself, so I won't be giving it out to anyone... sorry guys! ;)


I'd also like to say a big THANK YOU to the following bloggers for having me and my blogs in mind when passing out these awards.

For the complete rules for this particular award, please click here. I know you're supposed to hand this one out to only 5 bloggers, but I'm bending the rules a little and will be passing out this award to more than 5 people! ;)

“The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog."

I'd like to thank everyone again for all their wonderful support and love for both my blogs. I love all my new awards and am looking forward to more new ones!
And now, allow me to announce my recipients for ALL the Awards (minus the first 2). I really hope I didn't forget anybody, and if I did, feel free to grab any of the awards here. Okay, my recipients for this round of Awards are (in no particular order):
First of all, I'd like to thank Cindi who presented this lovely Best WAHM Site Award to both Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery. Although I have yet to hold the title of MOM, I do have three adorable cat babies of my own, which according to Cindi, fits just right with her award criteria! Oh and this one is especially for me; you have to earn this award from Cindi herself, so I won't be giving it out to anyone... sorry guys! ;)

Next is another special exclusive picture award given to me by the adorable Bokjae! I'm afraid this one is solely for me too he he! ;)

Okay, now over to the awards that I will actually be passing out and I'd like to start with the You Cheer Me Up Award, presented to me by Ann. I'm so sorry it took me this long to pass out this award Ann! According to Ann, this award is for Bloggers who cheer their readers up by making them laugh or feel good in their own special way! :)

I'd also like to say a big THANK YOU to the following bloggers for having me and my blogs in mind when passing out these awards.

Catsy for the Cool Cat Award

Bokjae for the Friendship Award

Nessa for the Friendly Blogger Award

For the complete rules for this particular award, please click here. I know you're supposed to hand this one out to only 5 bloggers, but I'm bending the rules a little and will be passing out this award to more than 5 people! ;)

Rozella for the XXtraordinary Blogger Award

Allen for the Best Blogger Award

“The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog."

I'd like to thank everyone again for all their wonderful support and love for both my blogs. I love all my new awards and am looking forward to more new ones!
And now, allow me to announce my recipients for ALL the Awards (minus the first 2). I really hope I didn't forget anybody, and if I did, feel free to grab any of the awards here. Okay, my recipients for this round of Awards are (in no particular order):
Emila, Roxy, LadyJava, ECL, Debbie, Farah, Jackie, Zubli, Marie, Crystal, Syura, Faizal, Jamy, Ann, Matt, Bokjae, Cherry, Ruby, Jean, Nessa, Nick, Adrian, Rozella, Kim, Tammy, Tina, NAFASg, Catsy, Bono, Erisha, Liza, Sandee, Monaco, Mel, Janice, Bobby, Sushi, Billy, Cindi, Shelly, Nihal, Allen, Trinity, Bobo, Rizal, Sandman, Fida, MT, Uncle Sam, Nancy, Jesse, Mangosteen, Spice, Karen, Molly, Rolando, Eric, Bless, Shiela, Hazel and Jesie.

WOW! Congratulations on all your award wins! I think you've got the Guinness World Record!
And thanks for sharing the awrads with me. I'm really honored. I'll post something after Almost Wordless Wednesday!
Have an awesome day!
wow there are alot of awards there girl. you truly are loved. You are by me anyway x
Thanks for giving me all the awards -2 of course lol. I have never had so many awards at same time!
You rock M!
Thanks Marzie! You are da best!!!!! That's an unbelievable amount of awards, how on Earth did you keep up with them all?
Thanks thanks Marzie, this is my 2nd awards in 7 months blogging ... doakan saya bisa bertahan dalam dunia blogging yang mencabar ni.
Hi Matt, thanks for being my first commenter! :)
Congrats on all the awards, you have such a great blog, it's impossible to exclude u from this list! Have fun giving out the awards! :):):)
wowie zowie Mariuca...
congratulations on your huge bunch of awards...
they're all so beautiful!!!
and thank you so much for passing these onto me :-X
you're very thoughtful :)
I will have to come back and have a good look at them all after I install my new template...eek...eek..
I can see this is going to be a late night :) :)
Yay, GP loves ya too Tina! Thanks for being such an awesome buddy and you truly deserve all the awards too. Have fun sweetie! :):):)
LOL Bobby!! I try to keep track of all the awards I receive by immediately saving the links in a draft he he! Hope I didn't forget any, congrats Bobby! :):):)
Oh ye ke Bono? Hah, ni you dapat byk terus sekaligus he he! All the very best in your blogging journey Bono, and may these awards inspire u to greater glory! :):):)
Yay, thanks for coming by to accept your awards Kim! I hope you like them all and it's my pleasure to share them with such a talented artist like yourself! :):):)
PS. Good luck with the new template!
Dear Mariuca,
What a surprise thing I got this morning from you. I think you are the most generous Blogger I ever know. I am confused now how I accpet them-2 awards from you.Ha,ha...so many.BTW, I would like to thank for your special awards. I accept them with my honour.
Thank you.
Warm regards from me in PA,
Hi Fida, ha ha ha!! Am happy I caught u by surprise, enjoy the awards okay? You've been a very sweet friend to me, so of course you're on my list! :)
Have fun handing out the awards dear! :):):)
i was just talking about it, and here you are conducting yr own award gala! lolz!
Congratulations, Marzie! You've got all the lovely & meaningful awards! And thank you, thank you for passing ALL (except the first two) to me. You're the best, woman! :)
And now, looks like i hv to hv my award ceremony soon. lolz!
That's why Jean! I can't wait for ur awards ceremony now he he!
Yay, enjoy your much-deserved awards sweetie, and now that you got ur Streamyx back, posting ur award ceremony would be even nicer from the comforts of ur home! Love and hugs for you Jean! :):):)
hey girl, congratulations on all your awards. You deserve them all plus more. And special thanks for passing and sharing them all to me. I really appreciate the gesture. I've never received so many awards in one night. Felt like I had a grand slam. =)
Thanks Cherry! And you definitely deserve the awards for all the cool projects you organize for your readers and for having a great blog as well! Congrats dear and have fun! :):):)
wow Gee! Thanks Marzie for giving me 2 Awards this Month! Appreciate your warm gesture!
Thanks for the awards! What a pleasant surprise and I feel honored. I will pick it up as soon as I can.
Have a great day.
Hooray! Awards for me! Awards for me!
Thank you so much Mariuca, for counting me in. *hug*:)
He he, no worries Bokjae. You're one of my faves mah! Congrats and enjoy your awards! :):):)
Hola Jesie, congrats to you too dearie and I'm happy to be handing out the awards to you. Keep up the good work! :):):)
Yahoo!!! Congrats Molly he he! Enjoy ur awards and thank you for stopping by to collect them! :):):)
You are generous beyond words. Thank you so much. I will post them soon.
Wow Marzie! Thank you so much! I am truly honored!
Awww thanks dearie :) This is so sweet of you. *HUGS* It definitely help put a smile on my face. I really needed that.
Btw, part two of the story is up already.
Got the last vote in your Battle of the Blogs, but IT DIDN'T HELP! What is this madness??!! You and I both went down in our battles today. But I am back and waiting for a worthy competitor, so keep an eye out for my next battle wink wink nudge nudge.
Yay, thanks for coming to my Awards Gala Mel, and enjoy ur awards! :):):)
Wow...VERY COOL! I'm passing by here and couldn't help noticing (^_^)
Maurica, you are trully rock!
You're welcome Emila, have fun with the awards, can put them in your awards cabinet now he he! ;)
Oh yay, I'm so glad to hear that Rozella! You do need some cheering up sweetie, I'll come check out Part 2 of ur story! I think you told ur parents oredi he he!! :):):)
Wah.. sorry I'm so late dearie.. but WOW!!! what a show!! congrats on the all the awards dearie.. and thanks for the awards too.. I'm so honoured..
COngrats to the other recipients too!!!
LOL!! Roxy, I know!! I just started another battle at 75 credits! I'll be around, so I'll be sure to vote for you! And we'd better win this time ha ha ha!! :)
Hola Gratcia, thanks for passing by this way and I hope u enjoyed ur stay! :)
Yay, finally LJ is here!! Thanks woman and congrats to u on all the awards too. Did u give me any awards recently, cause I hope I didn't miss out any awards here! Enjoyzzzz LJ! :):):)
heheh.. GP! Tell you the truth.. I forgotten lahh.. and must check lah!! lolzz
Thanks again.. and I'll be sure to get it up soon.. I need one of Emila's award shelf lahh for these awards...hehhe
So far no one has the guts to take on the Mighty Mariuca in a Battle of the Blogs, but I'll be sure to vote when I see your next battle starts. I'm in the office but "cheating a little" in my definition of lunchtime.
Awwwwwww Marzie!!
YES MY DREAMS + PRAYERS have been Answered!!
;)) xoxoooooooooooooooo Peace*
+ Keep those Sexy Super Pokes coming on Facebook!! U always make me Smile + Brighten my Day Marzie!!
Thanks so much for sharing all of your awards with me. And to think, I had never even received ONE award in the blogosphere until Friday's Arty y Pico trophy!
P.S. - Cindi has given me her coveted Moomette award, too, so I join you in the Circle of Champions! Keep your eye out for a big awards post one of these days (after I build a large enough trophy case) on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives!
Just dropped my first EC of the day here, isn't it crisp? You really get the edge with the 12 hour time difference and your speedy Internet connection.
Marzie, wowow... you've got so many awards. Thank you so much for sharing them with me. I'm so honoured :)
Vote vote vote -- good luck!
Holy Smacks! Thank you for thinking about me. I'll have them posted in a jiffy! :-)
Shelly M.
The Mom With Brownies
LOL! Everybody needs one of Emila's award cabinets he he!
I still haven't started my work LJ! Okay, after I have my coffee! ;)
Marzie, congrats to you for receiving so many awards! :):):) You truly deserve em!
Thank you very much for giving me many awards too! I've never received any. :):) You made my day! ;)
Roxy, thanks for voting sweetie, I lost 2x today boo hoo hoo! ;) Glad u won yours though!
And congrats on your awards here. I was surprised when I found out you've only received one award so far. Here's a whole bunch of lovely awards to make up for that! ;)
Oh I'm so glad my EC rounds are over for today, will start again tomo noon! Have fun dropping Roxy! :):):)
YAY! Billy is here! Congrats Billy and you always make me smile too with ur comments here!
PS. If there's ever such an award as the Sexiest Blogger Award, you'd be on my list he he! ;)
Hola Jan, of course must share with you mah! HUGS and enjoy ur awards! :):):)
Congrats Shelly! It's hard not to think of you with those delicious brownies you serve at your blog LOL! :):):)
Oh wow, really Debbie? Then I really made a fantastic choice in giving you these awards kan? I'm so happy to know I'm the first to award your blog YAY!! Congrats cutie! :):):)
Wow, congratulations and thank you so much!
GP! Am still on my rounds... hehehe..
congrats on all those awards marzie! and thanks for sharing them with me. i'll try to post them soon. ;)
Hello GP!!
First of all, congrats on all the awards u have received. U deserve all the recognition coz u are the best!!! =)=)=)
And second of all, THANK U SO MUCH for the awards!! U made our day, but actually, u always make our day. Hehe!
Thank u so so much GP! HUGZZZZZ!!! =)
Dit U Miss I? I miss U!
Gosh Marzie, you're in a generous mood :D I'll take all of 'em, well except for the first two of cos ... hehehe ... Thanks, I'm going to need to design something just to show off all my awards soon :D
Hehehe...have to construct and make a spare tiers for incoming awards!
I've hit the mother lode. How cool. I'll get a post up as soon as possible. Thank you so very, very much. Big hug. :)
Mariuca, Wow! What a major honor. I can't believe this...you mean you're awarding me all of these awards except for two?
Mariuca, you're incredible, and I don't know what to say...Thank you seems kind of lame by itself for so many awards, don't you think? (LOL)
I'm still working on a way to wrap the code for the You Cheer Me Up Blogroll into a scrollbox.
It'll make it easier for recipients to post, but I haven't figured it out yet. (Smile)
However, I do have the blogroll up and running, therefore I will add your url to it, in addition to the nominees in your list who also pass The You Cheer Me Up along.
And you've certainly cheered me up today~ I'm going to have to rent
a moving van to get all of these awards home. :))
Cheers, and thanks again~
A quick EntreCard drop around midnight...now off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin!
Hope you're having a great day!
Hey Sweetie..
Just starting my LJL rounds today.. How are you this lovely Wednesday??
Congrats Tammy and I hope u like the awards, have a great day! :)
Afternoon LJ, I'm on my MPG round now, done with Mariuca oredi woo hoo! :) Happy Wed dearie!
No worries Liza, I'm glad to pass them out to you! Thanks for being a great friend! :)
YAY, congrats NAFASg! Of course must award you guys since you guys have always been so supportive. It was a pleasure to include u in this list!
Happy Wednesday and congrats! Love and HUGS for always making GP's day too! :):):)
Zubli, sure or noooooot miss me? ;)
Nick!! You're gonna have an award shelf like Emila?? I bet your new award case will be awesome, congrats on all the awards he he! :)
Emila! Of course, I think better prepare another shelf just in case! It's only mid year, am sure you'll be receiving more awards later LOL! :)
thanks for the awards so much. Have a nice day
He he, you're welcome Sandee! Enjoy ur awards! :):):)
Hi Ann, thank you for stopping by to collect your awards..and YES! The whole list is yours he he! I'm just sorry I couldn't post ur award sooner, things have been crazy as of late. But it's better late than never yeah?
Congrats to you, I am glad that EC brought me closer to your blog, take care and have a great day! :):):)
Hey Foxy Roxy!! Thanks for the drop sweetie! And happy Wednesday to u! :)
Wahhhh!! Thanks Mariuca! So many awards for me!?
*kiss kiss*
You're welcome Hazel, have a grand Wednesday! :)
ECL! Abaden! Of course must award you mah... first time too right? He he! :):):)
congratulations on your multiple award winnings! and thanks for sharing them with me. i feel honored to find myself listed among other very good bloggers.
i enjoy reading ur blog, because your writing is very good. but i seem to have problem opening your blog as it takes longer time to load. maybe it's just my primitive computer.
all the best to u, marzie!!
Wow, that's one big awards extravaganza you have there. Thanks for making me a part of it.
oh darling, that's sooo many awards to receive in one day!!!!! I need to buy a new showcase for them all. :)
Thanks a lot for the lovely thoughts. oh by the way, you forgot to pick up some of the awards from me- add those to this list whenever you visit my award blog ok? :)
Thanks again GP.
Hi Marzie. thanks so much! I am so blessed! May you continue to receive many awards to come! Cheers!
Kak Mariuca..
thanks!! thanks for the award.. wow banyaknya.. koleksi..
ohhh my pantun 2 kerat :
gembiranya hati ini,
mendapat award sebanyak ini..
i've posted the awards ;) thanks again dear ;)
happy thursday.
You got so many Awards, Congrats!!!! Thanks for awarding me those wonderful Awards. I feel so happy to receive them after just returning from Siem Reap. Have a nice day. :)
Hello Mango, congrats to u dear! This is my first time awarding you yeah? I really love your drawings and paintings so you definitely deserve all these lovely awards.
Alamak ye ke? I think it's my widgets la Mango, but even then I dah reduce them, he he! Hopefully you'll get to load my blog faster then. Happy Thursday dearie! :):):)
Hola Monaco! Congrats and it was a pleasure to have your blog listed here, you have a terrific blog and you write well too, great work! :):):)
Farah!! Miss u la woman, and congrats! Alamak, I was just asking LJ if she gave me any awards, takut I terlupa to list them here. Apparently, I'm missing some from u ye? I'm so sorry, I have to check ur awards blog, I really thought I got all the awards covered. Thanks for the reminder sweetie! :):):)
Yay, MT is here too! Congrats MT and have fun passing out your awards yeah? YAY! :):):)
Ha ha ha alamak Rizal, jgn la panggil KAK Mariuca, terasa tua la pulak he he he!!!
Anyway congrats on your awards, you have been on my list ever since I discovered ur blog via RHD. I just love all these creative ppl who can draw and what not, so you definitely deserve to be on my list Rizal!
LOL, love ur pantun! ;)
Morning Liza, happy Thursday to u too! I'll come by to see ur post yeah? :)
Uncle Sam! You just got back from another trip??? WOW, you're always traveling nowadays, happy to see you here today though and congrats! :):):)
OMG!!!! Tak cukup tangan la angkat all these awards... macam kena jackpot je... hehehe
Thanks dear :D *Hugs*
Thanks for the award you gave me too Nessa! LOL! I like ur jackpot reference here he he! Happy Thursday! :):):)
Too many, where to put and how to give out! :)
Indigestion. hehe...
Hi GP!!
Just starting my day.. busy busy day today!! ttyl ya ! Happy Thursday!!
ECL, that's why u need to get an award cabinet for all ur awards he he! :)
LJ, looks like we're both busy today, but of course we'll make time for a Boldie chat later yeah? Hugs! :)
hai there, i like read your blog for fun.nice to know you
woman, i got a tag for ya! Do this when you are free! :)
Thanks a Million Marzie. I deserve all these awards, yet I skip the Mom one, I wish I am, but a Virgin cannot. So, yes!!! Here is a special post for you:
More please...
Hi Free Java, thank you for stopping by and I hope u had a pleasant stay here. Have a good day! :)
Morning Jean, I've seen the tag, thanks so much for tagging me. Will get to it as soon as I can yeah? Happy weekend! :)
Morning Zubli, memang the first 2 awards I tak hand out pun, that one is esp for me mah! Anyway, congrats on all the other awards, have a great weekend Zubli! :):):)
Hola Mariuca!
At last Roxy speaks...Blogger Commenting has been on and off for me all day, mostly off...how's a girl going to compete for top Mariucan without commenting all day??!!
Anyway, it is almost the weekend for you...11pm on Thursday my time, 11am Friday for you, so enjoy your weekend.
We're off to the beach in Bay Head for 10 glorious days of vacation (through our 4th of July holiday), will be busy by day but I'll try to get out and about in the blogosphere by night!
Hola Roxy! I got both ur comments, here and over at MPG, so YAY! You're now officially my Top 2 Mariucan for the month so far, I see ur had work paid off LOL! ;)
WOW!! To the beach again, and for 10 days too??? You are gonna have so much fun Roxy, don't forget me when you're collecting seashells and enjoying the lovely seafood that I love so very much! :)
Hello and woofie Marzie! Congratulations on all your awards and how generous of you to share them all with everybody, so congrats to everybody too! I'm so happy Marzie, you really made my day. I'm late showing up here but I've been having internet issues for a few days and will still have for a few more days:(
Thanks so much again! My parents are really proud of me they also give you big thanks!
I'm Elmer and I work at pacificadvance.com, a company interested in blog advertizing. I found your blog mariuca.blogspot.com engaging and I'm contacting you to ask if you are interested in blog post sponsorship.
If you are interested, kindly mail back (elmer@pacificadvance.com) and I'll send you pricing details, guidelines and processes. Looking forward to doing business with you.
Hey those are some awards congraulations to all of you you all deserve them. ENjoy
Award cabinet? Where to get?
TGIF! Happy weekend, Mariuca!
Hi Mariuca...I saw your comments coming in on my 3 blogs just as I was getting out and about this morning...you are a busy woman with a hot Internet connection on a Friday night!
Happy weekend!
Better late than never! Thanks so much, Marzie! Haven't been here for a while, but sure gonna have more time to blog hop in future. Happy Weekend! :)
Dear Mariuca,
You have thank you award special from me.
Best Regards
orang curi foto awak.
MEOW Sushi, long time no see and now I know why! I hope ur internet issues have been resolved. I'm in the midst of a big project and have been very busy this week. Looks like another working weekend for me Sushi, take care! And congrats on all ur awards, I'm so happy to hear you made your parents proud he he!! :):):)
Hi Elmer, thanks for ur interest in my blog, I'll drop u an email. Have a great day! :)
Thank you Lily! It's nice to see u here today, happy weekend! :)
Aiyo ECL, I saw the blog already!! :( :(
What can I do but leave a comment asking that the pics be removed! Heartpain la like this, thanks so much for telling me, you're a doll!
PS. Emila has an award shelf it seems, have u seen it? My award gallery is at my sidebar he he! ;)
Hi Roxy, after I restored my PC (second time!), I started using FF3 on a now lighter-load PC. Perhaps that's contributing to my speedy connection. So long as it's there, I ain't asking why LOL! :):):)
Hi Crystal! Enjoy ur awards and have a great weekend. :)
Woo hoo!! A new award for me, thank you Fida! I'll be right over! :):):)
Am still on my LJL dearie.. got sidetrack with a post..lolzz... are you sleeping??
I love that pic of the cat
All...I'm catching up on my comment replies. This is in response to the comment you left following my second Arte y Pico Award!
Hey Tricia, it's my pleasure....Yeah, we definitely must go rafting sometime. When can you get away from your blogging? I'm a trip leader now, I can take you down the river.
Sheila--Thank you very much. Trust me, you are doing all of that. Yeah, every once in a while it's necessary to mix it up a bit. Fortunately, "meanderings" are such an integral part of my blog. ;)
Mariuca, you completly rock! You're too kind and so very generous!
Jennifer, my pleasure. Any time you need help with anything, just give me a shout.
Amy--Who was it that said "and good will towards men?" I don't think it was Tiny Tim.
Suzette thanks for both the congrats and for the well wishes in the BotB...I couldn't buy a win right now.
Buddy--I just adore dogs. Read my post under "Classic MTMD": Year of the Dog: Remembering Buffy, Mookie, and Duke.
Cheers everyone!
Hola LJ, I was up yesterday, but busy doing work. Gonna be busy next few days looks like it. But I'll be taking a break soon to watch today's Boldie! ;)
MEOW Bige, thank you and it's nice to meet you! :)
Matt, enjoy the awards! Your great blog deserves it after all, congrats! :):):)
Me still on my LJL rounds.. but last 30 cards left.... aiyoo after this must start on my LLP pulak..hehhe
Howdy, Mariuca...it is already Saturday evening in Bay Head, New Jersey and I've been meaning to leave you a note from the beach all day.
Hope you're having a nice weekend!
Hey Marzie! Are you taking a blogging break? If I had to answer as many comments as you get, I'd probably move to a desert island...hahaha! I hope you're having a good weekend:)
Thank you Marzie for the awards :-)
Hepi wiken ..semuga sukses terus
you sure do have a lot of comments. btw, im also a 30something from a south east asian country and does freelance copyrighting. i think we'd get along, get married, break up, try it over again, then break up and then remain friends til we're 70. there i gave you our future--deal with it :)
check my blog if u get the chance, its nothing compared to yours with all the cute graphics though...enjoy
On my LJL round today.. it seems just a few hours ago I finished it... sigh... losing track of time lahh...Happy Sunday dearie!!
Happy Sunday LJ! I'm done with my drops and am getting ready to go all out tonight on my translasi he he! :)
Yay, greetings from the beach, thanks Roxy! Did u bring me some of those pretty seashells as well? ;)
Bobby, I'm swamped with a project right now, which is taking up most of my time! Working on a new post as we speak though, have a great weekend! :):)
You're welcome Bless, congrats! :)
Ha ha ha, believe it or not that does sound romantic ClockworkChico! ;) In another lifetime perhaps? He he he!
Thanks for dropping by my site, I'll visit yours as well. Have a great day! :):):)
Bono, terima kasih! Weekend dah habis, back to work! :)
Marzie Congraaaatss!! You have sooo many awards!! Thank you so much for remembering me and sharing these awards to me...
Sorry it took me so long to come here, I was on vacation last weekend.. *grin*
Totally Good Monday Morning from Rawang. How's the prices of food and drinks in your area?
Trin!!!! Where did u go?? Wah everybody is going on a vacation but GP boo hoo hoo! I'll come by ur blog later today. Congrats on all the awards sweetie! :):):)
GP!! Thanks for the awards!! They looks very nice indeed and will fit welll in my trophy cabinet...which I must say has been gathering dust of late!! LOL :) Cheers GP and congrats to all the recepients! :)
YAY, congrats GK! Noticed I happily gave out ur award too, your egg is so colourful and festive looking, I love it!
Now that you're "free" maybe u can have ur awards session too, have fun! :):):)
Good morning Zubli, u kat Rawang ke? Food prices here suck, everything seems to be more expensive nowadays, nak makan best pun dah mahal! ;)
An award shelf!? How to do it? use html, can? Or download the image?
Hola ECL! You're asking the wrong person la abt the award shelf LOL!! Of course Emila can happily create one for herself since she can draw and all that. You can't DL it or anything but you can see all her awards displayed there. Easier to have a gallery like me or room (like Jean) for your awards! :):):)
hello GP! sorry for posting late...kinda busy busy busy....anyway, i have posted it already and i hope you don't mind that i have linked to some of your posts. again, thank you very much for all of these.
here's my post: http://www.pinaymommyonline.com/2008/07/genie-princess-landed-on-pmo.html
Ruby, thank you for coming by, it's never too late to drop by and collect your awards. I shall fly over to ur place right now, hang on!! ;)
you are such a generous person to give all the awards u received to all ur best buddies.
I cant count how many awards I have taken from your hands. Many thanks to you my friends.
Finally Jamy has the mood to go bloghopping and leave her footstep in her frend blog to say HELLO. She decided to change the way she express feeling in her blog by replacing "I" with Jamy or she. Its something like talking about Jamy's story and feeling. Try out a new way of writing skills.
Jamy is glad to share her feeling to you first before she blog her new post. Thanks Marzie dear!
mariuca seem like you have been swamped by the comments . good for you :)
Hi sweetie! I'm happy to see Jamy here today. How is work treating Jamy so far?
Also glad to see Jamy black to bloghopping, I've missed seeing Jamy's cute avatar here! Congrats on all the awards and happy weekend! :):):)
Ha ha!! OC, thank YOU for swamping me as well, have a good one! ;)
This is a nice blog you have , keep going
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Wow so many!
You did a great job!
Keep up the good work always :)
Maurica you are rocking!
Thank you Love! Hope to see u back here soon, and have a great night! :)
thank you again for including me marzie!
Of coz Emila, well deserved for all the awards! Enjoyzzz! :)
Congrats again to all recipients!
yay congrats to all! thanks marize, really appreciate it!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!