After months of feeding myself excuses and being too caught up with work and everything else around me, I finally scheduled the whole of yesterday to visit the hair salon with my elder sister Anne, for a girls' day out of some beauty therapy! 8 hours later and RM500 poorer followed by some major rebonding, colouring, treatment and hair cut session, I emerged from the salon with a brand new look for 2008! I was dead beat when I arrived home and found myself fast asleep at ... 11.30 pm, which is so unlike yours truly, the night owl! As exhausted as I was, I'm very much pleased with the way my hair turned out and am now all set to embrace the New Year with a bang! What do you think?

Lovely... I just like straight glossy hair. A good one to welcome your New Year
All ready to countdown tomorrow ah? :):)
Oh me too Janice he he he... feel so relieved to finally "fix" my hair lolz.... happy New Year to u dearie! :):):)
Amboi GP.. you jeles with Isabella potong jambul you pun potong jambul jugak ek?? lolzz.. You look so pretty with the new look..I simply love the glossy straight look too so I used to go for rebonding as well but now lazy lah to spend so much time at the salon. I love Anne's curl too.. how many siblings you have btw?
Wohoooo New Year already!!! Happy New Year GP!
Hey there LJ! Oh I'm also very lazy to do my hair, that's why it took me months to finally get this done lol!
You know, I don't usually like curls, but I have to say that Anne's one yesterday was really nice! I have 3 sisters and 1 brother! I'm number 2. ;)
LOL..I'm to lazy as well!! I haven't had a haircut in over a year! I certainly talk about it enough, so for Christmas my hubbie got me a gift certificate to my fav salon so I could go and have it done! Cut and chunky highlights here I come!
RM500!! 8( Heart attack!!
But it looks really nice, I love the curls of your sis hair. Haven't seen your hair in curls before.
Happy New Year Marzie!
BTW, you've been tagged... oops! :D
500 bucks for a haircut??! That's like my whole month's salary.
I could have my haircut for 4 years with that amount of money. Gosh! You're rich! LOL
I totally agree.. Anne's curls was done very beautifully. Is that temporary or did she do some form of perming? Straight hair is always so easy to manage kan GP? Mine is naturally wavy, very unamanageable..lols.. Wah best eh big family. I like!
Hi Marzie,
My daughter spends hours sorting her hair out's very straight but she has to put the straighteners through it hahaha.
You've been's an easy one though :)
Happy New Year in advance :)
U look fantastic GP!! Rebonding always makes a girl look younger u know that? U definitely look younger and prettier!! =)
You layered it quite a lot huh. Refreshing new change. Great New Look! Happy New Year!
Hey DS! cute of ur hubby to get u that gift cert! You know, once u get the whole hair cut thingy out of the way, you'll actually feel heaps better and lighter too, like a burden is lifted off ur shoulders he he he... so hurry up and get yours done and perhaps u can post a pic of ur new look on ur blog too! :):):)
Nessa! Let me tell u that the RM500 was well spent! It's so hard to find a good hairdresser nowadays and I was 100% satisfied with the service and treatment I received! Oh and ul prob never see me in curls, always prefer straight hair! But yes, I like my sister's curls too, they turned out really well didn't they?
PS. A tag for me? Okies, will check it out, thanks dear! :):):)
He he cute la Spiff! The RM500 includes rebonding, colouring, treatment and hair cut la...of coz I won't spenf 500 on just a hair cut alone lol!!! ;)
LJ, sis had her curls done just for the day, so no it's not permanent. But really la, it does look good on her. She always could pull off the curly wurly look unlike me! Lega la now that I've done the rebonding, so much easier to manage and the whole head feels lighter too he he he...go and get urs done! ;)
Hey Colin! I totally understand ur daughter and her straighteners lol... She must have really nice straight hair, post a pic will ya!
Thanks for the tag, I'll come check it out. Happy New Year to u too! :):):)
Woo hoo!!! I look younger NAFA? Now that's what I like to hear he he he... looks like the 8 hours was well spent! :):):)
Marzie ... I luv the color, the shine, the style n especially the sweet smile :)
Happy New Year. Hope it brings you lots of Joy, Happiness, Health, Wealth & Love.
Thanks Karen! Actually my hair was already layered, but I enhanced it even more he he he...happy New Year to u too! :):):)
Hola Naz! Thanks, it was a gruelling 8 hours I had to endure to have my hair done, but well worth it I guess! ;)
Happy New Year to u too! :):):)
Hi there... I gave one Inspiring Great Blog Award 2007 in 1 Million Love Messages :)
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Hola Mauro! Yay, another award!! Thanks so much, will come by your blog! :):):)
Hi Marzie!!! I love the new look:) You look so are a total hottie...hehe:):):)
I was so hypnotized I forgot to tell you...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!haha:)
Wow, both of you look great! You'll be ready for the new year :)
Thanks Bobby, u're making me blush la lol.... Happy New Year to u too! HOpe this one will be the best ever for u! :):):)
Rolando! Long time no see! Thanks dear, Happy New Year to u! :):):) year with new look ke...then i think i also have to cut my hair with new hair style looks pretty with the straight hair..suit you the most..
Ha ha ha.. yeah lor Kim Fei, hurry up and get u new look before the new year! Thanks for coming by today! :):):)
This style "fits" you very well. Looking good Mariuca!!!
Woo hoo!! Thanks Eric, you just made me smile lol! :):):)
Hi Sayang,
U Look more Beautiful & More Feminine after u'r Visit to Salon ;)
Take Care.
Do Keep some time for U'r personal care & To Care of U'r Health.
Hope U will have a wonderful New Year.
Hugs & Kisses.
Hi Marzie! Good investment...for RM500 you now look like a million bucks! :):):) Great look for the new year!
BUT I can't imagine spending 8 hours in a hair salon no matter what!! LOL
Thank you Raghav! And u know what? I'm definitely gonna take ur advice, will allocate more time for pampering and health sessions for me this new year. :):):)
LOL!!! Thanks Adrian...yeah la.... 8 hours ok!!! Couldn eat, go to the loo or anything he he he... suffer I tell you, but I really needed to fix my hair, so had to sacrifice one whole day to get it done! And now that it's over, I can enjoy my new look for the next few months at least so yay!! :):):)
Hi GP, what a great start to New Year with brand new hair style. :)
Yay, thank u Uncle Sam, saja want to get a makeover for the new year lol!! ;)
I'm jealous! If only I had that kinda money to spend on my 'do! I really needa get it colored!
Syura he he he...must allocate some money for hair, correct or not? Hope u get to do urs soon, I know how it feels if ur hair is half coloured and half not lolz... ;)
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Thanks anonymous! ;)
cantiklah rambut anne! yours too!
eh nape tak update2 figures tu.. macam stagnant jer!!
Yay, thanks Emila, but I am in dire need of another hair makeover ni!!! Must do before Raya some more, oso means more ka-ching! ;)
LJ! Emila now 92, u 67 he he! Go LJ Go! ;)
wah this Emila woman can sure comment lah GP!!..heheh... she's really on a roll!! hehe
Dah tengok boldie belum?? kalau dah.. nanti after I makan.. we can biatch.. otherwise we wait 2mrw lah..
LJ, baru nak tgk today's ep ni, cause just finished DL! Ah tu la...unsangkarable this Emila can mengomen away he he!! ;)
Tulah.. very unsangkarable.. I pun have to start mengomen lah.. ini pun dah tertinggal ni..lolzz!! but good exercise gak.. motivation to read ALL your post... and I'm glad I did!!
Ok.. enjoy your boldie.. we talk soon.. azwaj pun ajak tengok sarah connor ni..hehe
hehe jangan disangka air yg tenang tak ada buaya!
but this one is not a buaya you know
las time nak mengomen banyak2 takut bila readers baca, nanti depa kata apalah emila ni, mengomen yg bukan2
Hi! can't help noticing the far above comment.
Ha ha Emila, sayang tu dulu peminat I konon, but dah merajuk it seems! ;)
First it was the niece that got the hair cut.. now the aunties..heheh..
Lama dah tak show off my hair in public..lolzz!!
I need a haircut too..but dunno nak buat rebonding ke tak? My bestie suggested some big curls at the lower part of the hair..hehe
You look great here, Marzie! I love straight hair too!
GP.. how wavy is your hair eh?
lolzz me too lj!
You pun wavy gak eh Emila.. me three...lolzz
you look great with this hairstyle! ;-)
Personally, I prefer straight hair too..
i think mine is straight la lj tapi kalau ikat jadik wavy!
kalau tokcang lagi wavy!
hi monica! you're here!
you're digging old post too, ay?
debbie i love big curls kat hujug rambut!
dolu dolu kalau cuci rambut mesti suruh the stylist blow curl kat hujung!
and my bangs normally tutup maka sikit gitu!
lol, kadang2 sampai tecucuk mata! adus!!
but now the bangs same length allover!
dah malas nak potong, takde sapa pun nak tengok!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!