Well, the time has come for me to announce the winner for my Mariuca Halloween Mug contest! Although I did not receive as many entries for this contest compared to my First and Second Contests, I did enjoy reading all your wonderful entries. Some of them really did spook me to the max and I actually had goose bumps reading your scary encounters!
Before I announce the lucky winner who’ll be enjoying this Mariuca Halloween Mug, which also happens to be my personal fave by the way, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to everyone who participated. Thank you so much for your effort and time in sharing your most spooky stories with me. This scaredy cat here actually read every single one and was pretty impressed with some of your experiences!
Frankly, I had a difficult time selecting my winner this time but after much thought and reading each entry again, I finally decided on a winner! So without further ado, here’s Phoebe to present the Mariuca Halloween Mug to … Nick Phillips from Anything Goes! Nick’s story on The Exorcism of Emily Rose was original, well written and it managed to spook me out of my wits; I couldn’t get the snake picture out of my head for days! So let’s give a huge round of applause to Nick for winning this adorable Mariuca Halloween Mug! Congratulations Nick and do keep those scary stories coming!
Thanks to everyone who commented on My 100th Post, especially to those who participated in my Halloween Mug contest by sharing their encounters with me. And remember, if you didn't win this time, there's always the next Mariuca Mug Contest to look forward to! :)
A big THANK YOU to:

YAY !! First commenter?
I have a feeling Nick will win too. He is defintely a good choice for such works.
Congrates Nick :)
Janice Ng
YAY!! Finally u are my first commenter after a long time, thanks! :)
Yeah, Nick definitely deserves to win this round and I'm glad he took part in my contest! :):):)
Hi Marzie,
Congrats and very well done to Nick...great competition too and a very worthy winner :)
One day I'll get around to being the first commenter hahahaha, I guess I will just have to sit here and refresh the page and as it refreshes someone else will beat me to it LOL
Have a wonderful day my friend, Hugs and love to you,
You know Marzie, when your MBL message said I'm needed at your blog ASAP, I went 'Oh, no, another tag?' LOL!
But can you imagine my surprise to read that I actually won the Halloween mug! I seriously had to rub my eyes a few times to make sure I read right.
But hey, thanx for picking me as your winner. The others had pretty excellent stories and this mug deserves to be shared with all those who took part too. Yeah right! It's mine, all mine! Keep your grubby paws of it ... LOL!
Just kidding folks. You all deserve to win too. Thanx once again for choosing me as the winner :) Ok, now let me go and call a few people to brag about my win :D
haha..phoebe face like dun wan give out the mug..funny n cute la..LOL
Congrats to Nick!
U have an interesting blog, I'll some here more often. But sadly it seems late for the contest!
Hello Colin! Oh I'm waiting for the day when you're my first commenter! ;)
Thanks for participating in my contest this time and don't forget to join the next one too ok? It'll be another super special Mariuca Mug, which you definitely would want to own LOL!
Happy that u like my winner choice yay! Hugs and love for u too Colin! :):):)
Nick, SURPRISE!!! Yay, the winner is here! Thanks for joining my contest. I was really happy you decided to join cause I wanted to see what other scary story you can come up for me this time. And looks like you did manage to spook me silly with your entry, so congrats to you my friend!
Oh and now u can get rid of that red Nescafe mug of yours and use this one instead! Pls send me your address via MBL or u can email me, enjoy your win and don't forget to gloat to GK ha ha ha ha ha....:):):)
Kim Fei! I had to persuade Phoebe to take this picture yesterday at 2 in the morning, no wonder she looks moody LOL!! :)
Emila, thanks for coming by to congratulate my winner! And for creating the mug for me too. :):):)
Hola Dora! Welcome to my blog! Oh don't worry, I'll be having another contest soon, so u can try your luck then! Have a good day. :):):)
Congrats to Nick!!!
Marz, your cat is really so cute!!
Thanks for coming by to congratulate my winner Karen! Here's a huge Phoebe hug for you! :):):)
Congrats Nick! I only read a few lines of his scary story... takut!:(
Phoebe is a great model... need to train her to smile a wee bit more:D
Congrats to Nick!! More contest, GP? The next contest should be Xmas time.??? :)
Hello Nessa! Try reading the story during the day, then it won't seem so scary! ;)
Phoebe was moody la, I woke her up from sleep to model for me at 2 in the morning, poor baby cat! :):):)
Hey Uncle Sam, thanks for coming by today! I guess you'll just have to wait and see what my next Mariuca Mug will be, don't forget to enter k? :):):)
I'm feeling totally disappointed!
i'm always a loser......
never got any thing.....
any ways.....all the very best for the winner.
Awwwww don't be disappointed Raghav, there's always my next contest for u to try your luck ok? Thanks for participating in this contest! :):):)
Yaayyy!! Nick won! I was rooting for him... You made a good choice Marzie! :D
Oh Dear!! I go on holiday for a day and this is the news I come back to! LOL
Marzie made a fine choice! Yeah sure! LOL I'm so jealous now cause I really liked that mug! Oh well will have to try again next time to get a Mariuca special! :)
Buddy, yeah go ahead and gloat and rub it in...I know you can't wait to do that! I know you...I'll never hear the end of this, right? :)
Congrats Nick!!! :)
tht's also fine.....
if u r not giving... why worry....i'm planning buy one in the evening....
Yay!! Glad ur pleased with my choice Syura. Nick's story impressed me the most, so he was my first choice la. Have a good weekend to you. :):):)
GK!!! Thanks so much for taking part in my contest, I really liked ur story too but unfortunately I could only pick one winner. But look out for my next contest k, I'm sure ul like what I have in store! ;)
Raghav! Have fun shopping for a new mug k! And be sure to join my next contest, I'm excited just planning it! Have a good weekend! :):):)
Thanks everyone for the warm congratulatory messages :D I'm delighted to win.
And Adrian my good buddy, yes, you're not going to hear the end of this one ... LOL!
And I'm looking forward to your next contest Marzie ... LOL!
aduh...2 am ..phoebe wan to sleep d ler..no wonder la..kaka..pity her..
YAY!! Congrats to Nick and his spooky story on exorcism. Exorcism is something that is super duper scary, that's for sure! Welcome to the group of Mariuca Mug winners, Nick. Hooray!! =)
And this contest is the most creative one from u GP. Asking the contestants to come up with a spooky story is so cool! =)
I'm delighted you won too Nick, and yes..even though you've won this mug you can still enter my next contest! :)
Kim Fei, it was very difficult to get Phoebe to stay put with the mug so I can snap her pic, she kept on running away, that's why la so moody and sleepy looking! ;)
Yay! My second contest winner is here, welcome NAFA! ;) Oooh, thanks peeps, I kinda liked putting the twist in this contest, made it more interesting for me and hopefully for my readers too! :):):)
Congratulations to Nick on winning this one of a kind mug!!! I knew my story wasn't scary but I wanted to share it with you anyway:)
Thanks Bobby! Your story was spooky in its own way la he he he ... and thanks for participating even though you were not yourself then. Hope all is much better now. :):):)
Darn! Lost again... hmm... can i have Phoebe though... she's getting cuter by the day....
Hey Nick...congrats ahh... you deserve it man... that story really story lahh...
Hey LJ, thanks for taking part, don't despair k... join my next contest, better luck next time! And I did get chills reading ur story too, thanks! :):):)
hi marzie, good pick! nick's story definitely had everyones' hair standing up! :)
Congratulations, Nick! :)
Jean Chia
Thanks Jean, hope ul enter my next contest! ;)
Pheebs looks so fluffy here.. gebu gila ... soo cute....!!!her nose is sooo small like Anja's lah!!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!