In spirit of Halloween, I took this cute quiz to determine What's my Monster Name. Apparently it's Hungry Darkness and I look like this! Well, I do love coffee and this monster is kinda cute, don't you think so? It reminds me of Captain Caveman minus the extra set of eyes! How about you? Care to share your monster name and profile with me? Happy Halloween!
Your Monster Profile |
![]() Hungry Darkness You Feast On: Coffee You Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks You Especially Like to Torment: Your Evil Twin |

Marzie! Hehe so cute! So you hungry monster, let's go skating! And I am the Death Fiend, I especially like to torment boys who wear make-up! LOL!
Happy Halloween,
emila yusof
Hi Hungry Darkness! Wanna go rollerskating? Happy Halloween!!!!:):):)
Hungry Darkness
You Feast On: Coffee
why am i not surpised :)
ou Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks
Urrrr, roller rinks? So 80's la you :)
You Especially Like to Torment: Your Evil Twin
you mean there's 2 of you out there? LOL!
And here's mine :)
Twisted Giant
You Feast On: Tofu
You Lurk Around In: Movie Theaters
You Especially Like to Torment: Priests
sure sound like me alright ... hehehe
These are my generated results :
My monster name is Dictator & feast on bananas... OMG !!
Janice Ng
hey marzie..i found the test is quite cute and i already done it and post it in my blog..have a look at here
hehehe..the Coffee Princess...and your evil twin must be GP right..hehehehe
I did the test also lahh...check me out...heheh
Virgin Pumpkin:
Happy Halloween to you too!!
Check out my monster profile over my blog. I don't think it is very fitting of me, atleast I don't think I am that weird!
GP, you Monster Name sound scary. I am going to check out mine. hehe. :)
I tried it tooo...Such quizzes are so fun to take!
Emila! Ha ha ha ha...u like torturing boys wearing make up it seems, kelakarnya and jahatnya ha ha ha ha!! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Bobby! Hey I'm pretty good on my roller skates, so sure! Name the place and time LOL! :):):)
Genie Princess
Nick! Thanks for sharing. And yeah, don't u know that I'm still stuck in the 80s? LOL! Can't imagine monster Nick torturing priests! ;)
Genie Princess
Hola Dictator Janice! Thanks for taking the quiz, hope u had fun! Your monster sounds so harmless mah he he he.... :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Kim Fei, thanks for taking the quiz! I shall come by and check out ur monster tonight. Boo!!! :):):)
Genie Princess
LJ! I can't wait to see what's your monster profile! I'll come by later tonight, baru bangun la ni.. ooops!!! :):):)
Genie Princess
Zubli!!! Virgin Pumpkin? All I can say is ha ha ha ha ha...memang betul la hang ni virgin nampaknya! Good one! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hi Diamonds! Happy Halloween to u dear! I must check out your mosnter profile, can't wait to see how weird you are LOL! :):):)
Genie Princess
Uncle Sam, scary meh? Ha ha ha ha...BOO!!! Share la ur monster name with us, I bet it'll be something cute LOL! ;)
Genie Princess
Hey Karen, glad u found it fun! So which big scary monster are you? ;)
Genie Princess
Amboii.. baru bangun?? hehe..patutlerr bau asem..hehe:P
This is fun! Yours so cute:) Mine's evil...
I'm a Psychotic Strangler!
You Feast On: Beer
You Lurk Around In: Corn Fields
You Especially Like to Torment: Boys Who Wear Make-up
(The last part is simply hilarious!)
Hi Marzie!!!! My monster name is:
Wicked Giant
You Feast On: Fried Twinkies LOL!!!
So what are you up to Hungry Darkness?
LJ, you wouldn want to know what time I goot up today!! Even I was horrified he he he....
Ha ha ha Nessa! Your last one is like Emila's, you guys are evil LOL!
BOO Wicked Giant!! My latest post is what I'm up to! ;)
Genie Princess
hello hungry darkness! hehe.. that's so cute and your monster profile is so like you, feast on coffee! Haha!
I've tried also. See below:
Lethal Fiend.
You Feast On: Hot Dogs
You Lurk Around In: Nude Beaches
You Especially Like to Torment: Your Exes
Doesn't sound like me, right? *wink*
Jean Chia
Ha ha ha, helloooo Lethal Fiend! So u like to hang around at nude beaches huh? LOL!!! And ur poor exes! ;) Hope u enjoyed the quiz Jean. :):):)
Genie Princess
Now, am a different monster:
Cursed Ghoul
You Feast On: Bananas
You Lurk Around In: Wal-mart
You Especially Like to Torment: Groupies
Wah Emila.. really on roll lah.. I nak makan ni.. see you later..
Ha ha ha Emila! Thanks la for taking the test again, you're so cute! :)
LJ, Emila's connection must be on maximum gear tonight, her comments are coming in non-stop he he he!!! :D
Yelah..mine tersangkut2 ni... have not been dropping EC coz the widget wont load.. you having same problem GP??
Mine okay LJ, but Mininova pulak buat hal, tak kasi DL today's Boldie! :(
ooh.. there's always youtube when all else fail..hehhe..
lol ladies! today i am a new monster:
Evil Slimer
You Feast On: Snow Cones
You Lurk Around In: The Alamo
You Especially Like to Torment: Cops
alamak.. another new!!
oklah ladies.. i nak zzz... ngantuks lah..
happy mengomen Emila.. i'll check out the damage when i wake up..lolz!!
hehe nite2 lj!
whenever I reach this post.. i sleepy lah.. nite nite..lolzz!!
nite nite lj!
I tried it with my first name and I'm a Demon Destroyer. Debbie the Demon Destroyer! Yay!!
Demon Destroyer
You Feast On: Power Bars
You Lurk Around In: Las Vegas
You Especially Like to Torment: Hicks
What are hick anyway? Lol!!
Then I tried with my full name and I got this:
Psychotic Demon
You Feast On: Power Bars
You Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks
You Especially Like to Torment: Blondes
Ohh make that dumb blondes! :P:P
I like this one better!
marzie, going or not to elina's halloween party?
she said can wear jean and shirt one!
she's the hostess! called her last night! asked me to come jugak!
lol debbie, best tu lurking aournd las vegas! don't forget to try the slot machine!
Wah, best tu slot machine. But black jack and poker pun syok jugak! If only I have money to vene qualify to enter! Lol!!!
lol debbie!
marzie, happy halloween in advance! lagi 10 hari ni!
Apa yg I taip vene tu? OMG I can't even recall lol!!
tulah...i ingatkan ada word 'vene'...
takpelah debbie, i faham maksud you.
Ntah, intervene ada la tapi takda kaitan..
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!