First, I received a beautiful gift box from Emila! I was already excited just looking at the box and couldn't wait to see what's inside! When I saw my own Marzie Mug nicely nestled inside the box, I was ecstatic! I love everything about it from the colours to the adorable drawing of Phoebe!

Emila also made me an Original Emila Tote. According to her, I'm the only one among her friends without one so she thought this would be the perfect occasion to present me with one. How thoughtful of her! I love the bag too Emila! Thank you so much dear! I'm so glad to have you as my friend and I'm honoured to receive all these awesome specially made Emila pressies from you! :)
When I got home from dinner, I stopped by to check my mail box and there was another surprise waiting for me! A lovely birthday card all the way from Singapore, from none other than one of my best blog buddies - Janice! What a lovely gesture and a wonderful surprise!
Janice even got her two adorable boys, Zac and Amos, to sign the card! How cute is that? Thanks so much Janice and guess what? Your card definitely made me smile!
Thanks to Zubli, Bobby, Santa, NAFA, Adrian, Nihal, Joe, Darlene, Jean, Nick, Barrett, Karen, Naz, Jacky, Nessa, Bobo, Ida, Jamilla, Jesse, Choy, Uncle Sam, Jay, Erisha, Reda, Shelby, Ed, Martin, Bokjae, Amber, Sharon, Bless, Tish, Trinity, Tecfre, Odysseus, Spaceman Spiff, MT, Leia & Yasmin as well who took the time and trouble to send their well wishes my way on this special day! You guys are the best and Mariuca loves YOU! :)

Wow the presents are awesome!!! U deserve all those coz u have been a terrific person to many of us.
From the NAFASG Team to Marzie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND WE LOVE YOU!!! =)
Marzie, really nice tote bag & mug from Dearie Emila lah. So now you don't have to fight for the tote bag if Emila holds another contest right? Wowow... really very sweet, still got phoebe there :):)
I LIKE THE BOX also, I've the habit of keeping all the pressie wrapper, ribbob & boxes since young leh....LOL !! :)
You notti gal, get me all worried thought the card was lost in the post so I cant hold it any more got to let you know... hehe ;p
Its just a little card from me, I hope you don't mind? I'm so HAPPY that it reached you just in time. How smoothly I have planned....YEAH !! :):)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
NAFA!! Hugs all around! Thank you NAFA. You guys are too cool for words, love ya lots!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Marzie, I will link my post to this one :)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
Janice! Hugs for u too! Thanks for the wonderful surprise. It really made my night to see this card from u in my mailbox! And B was there too with me when I received it, he was so happy for me too! And yeah, the card arrived right on time, ur so smart la woman!:)
I love the mug and the bag too, awesome huh?!! Thanks for the linkback dear! You're da best! ;)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Janice! I forgot to mention that I collect paper bags and boxes too, the really nice ones from cool stores and when ppl give me pressies! YAY! :):):)
Marzie, I actually collect a lot, but when I moved out from my mum's house, I could hardly bring them along with me so I threw most of them away. The box from Emila looked really durable that you could store your goodies too :):)
Oh yeah!! I know what u mean, I had to throw out a lot of my old collection too when we moved to our new home here. Sayang right?!!
Jan, I will link this post to urs too, as soon as I can enter ur site again! :)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Marzie, ok & be my first commentor to my wordless wednesday too :)
I was just typing this & I saw a commentor popping in. Be my 2nd one then....hehe ;p
Janiceng SEO Traffic
WoW, such lovely presents. You are a special girl :) Sorry I didn't get you anything, so I made up this short verse.
Huggsszzz on your birthday... :)
Happy Birthday Mariuca, was over at Janice's page , thought i would drop off a HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH!!
have a GREAT DAY!!
So sweet of Joe :):)
Darlene, nice to see you here to wish Marzie a HAPPY birthday !! :)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
Hi Jan! I will checkout ur Wordless Wed post, wonder what's it all about! I managed to link ur post to mine oredi! ;)
Hi Darlene! Thanks so much for dropping by! I WILL have a great day today thanks to all my friends and u too for sharing this day with me! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
hello marzie! that's so sweet of emila for the lovely pressies and janice for the birthday card! :)
im so sry for my short term memory loss. i planned to send u a card too but i guess i forgot! :P sorry dear!
Wishing all the happiness and good health for the two of you! Happy Birthday, Marzie! *HUGZ & KISSES*
JeanChia SEO Traffic
Joe!! Thank u so much, I'm very excited to see ur verse, I bet it'll be cool cause you know how much I love all ur poems and stuff!! HUGS for u too Joe! :):):)
Jan! Of course la, Joe is one of the sweetest guys around, so thoughtful of him right? He he he!! ;)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Jean! Am happy u finally made it here woman! We were wondering what happened to u when we were celebrating here just now!
Oh that's okay Jean! Your warm wishes are enough to make this day extra special for me! Thanks so much for stopping by. Love ya and HUGS for u too Jean! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hola dearie!! Glad you like them pressies! Happy birthday Marzie!
A year older a year wiser ... right? I hope you have a very happy birthday! I will be posting a little birthday message for you tommorrow along with the birthday tag! Take care my friend and be sure to enjoy YOUR day!
Hi Marzie ..Happy Bday.Here's a little something 4 u.Njoy yr day n take care.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Marzie. Beautiful gifts for a wonderful person. Hope the day is fantastic and you don't look any older Ho! Ho! Ho!
Santa ô¿ô
Emila! I LOVE them pressies! And I love you for making them for me! HUGS!!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Barrett!! Thanks so much for ur birthday wish! I love it when another Virgo wishes me, you're da best! HUGS for u too! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hey Marz ...
Check it out here:
Happy Birthday to you!
Hey Karen! Thanks for stopping by with ur lovely wish here! HUGS!! :)
Hi Naz, thanks for ur wish too. I got the music playlist, will check it out! :)
Ho ho ho Santa!!! I love u Santa for coming by here to share my special day! You're the greatest! Santa, thanks for making my birthday more magical with ur presence! HUGS!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Karen, something just for me?? Wow, am excited now, will drop by ur place for sure dear! Thanks so much! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Marzie, I got a special gift for you. Visit my latest psot today and you know what's it. Make sure you save it ah ....special dedication just for you!
Dear Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca. I now, ladies and gentlemen, serenading the ever popular Behday Shong! Now here goes...Totally happy birthday to youuuu,
You were born far away from the Zooooo, With a cat Phoebe and Ikano tooooo, Totally happy brithday to youuuuuu! (Tajamlah pulak muncung ku). Pardon Memmorsel, that's a tradition for me to shing the shong that way, I just have to, prefer to. Yes, I agree I practically gave almost all of my life to you, in conjunction with your birthday. The Butterfly badge and Ikan berenang-renang tu cost me US$ 20,000, now I am thinking to meet Emila, perchance she allows me to commission sell some of her most refine arts. Probably a Mariuca Mug with my avatar on it!!! Dear Marzie, for believing *Thou art to give, ten thou art shall receive*. Do you remember I meme you 178,000 reasons I prefer a fish rather than a cat, and you then with tongue, cheeks, and knife, persuaded me to rare a cat. Although I totally disagree, but the knife maa, really made my head nod in total disagreeing agreement. Now my 6 months old wish has come true. Theblogfairy Francesca Faerie, my true love, has place in my care, The Magical Golden Cat. Marzie, Thanks a Million. Please do translate this for Janice Ng, and other Mat Sallehs friends and family of ours, *Boleh berbisan lah kita ye!? Dapat cucu bagi kat Jesse the Cat kat Apriqa! If you are not laughing, during this your birthday, then please do not place any more comments at my blogs. Okay, Sayang...Happy Birthday. You makin berumur makin lawa!
How's you day going so far, honey? :)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
Sorry that I am so late in wishing you, Marzie...I have just been so busy this side, school concert last night and friends here till late...I apologize.I am also pretty notorious for forgetting birthdays...he he, even my own.I see you received a card from Janice and a new Mug from Emila..awesome, what true friends they are.I know its late but I still want to wish you happy birthday and may you enjoy many more happy years.Many *Hugz* from me .. :)
Hi Marzie! Nothing can touch a gift from Emila thats for sure, especially with a very sweet card from Janice! Are you eating a lot of cake today? Lets see, that makes you 25 today:):):):) I'm 26 LOL...I wish!
Have a great day:):):)
Hi Jamilla! Thanks so much for ur special gift, I will be right over to see what u have up ur sleeve dear! Happy u could join me and my friends here for this special day! Love and hugs for you! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Zubli darling!!! Thanks so much for coming by today to send ur well wishes my way! Your kindness and your sweet words shall not be forgotten dear Zubli. I will, as promised, have another speecial post to include ur gifts and others too! HUGS for u too Zubli and Phoebe cakap Special MEOW MEOW for her Uncle Zubli!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Yay Jesse the cat is here too!!! Thanks for your lovely bday wish here Jesse! You are the best and I'm so happy u made it here to share my special day with me and all of our lovely friends here! MEOW MEOW! :):):)
Janice, thanks for coming by again sweetie! I've been busy replying to all my birthday wishers since morning! Love ya woman! Thanks for the lovely card again! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Bobby, I'm so happy that u showed up today!!! We all miss you coming by and I hope you're feeling great today! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and wish me on this special day!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Marzie, I see my Ah Pek Zubli left a msg here... I definitely need some translation here. Apa ini Ah Pek saying huh? :)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
Jan! Oh yeah, ur apek has spoken! LOL! I will for sure translate his well wishes for u later, in private of coz! :):):)
Happy Birthday to you, Sweet Marzie.! Hope your Birthday gently breezes into your life all the choicest of things and all that your heart holds dear. Have A Fun- Filled Day. :)
Yay! Uncle Sam, you made it! Thanks for ur lovely wish here, HUGS for Uncle Sam!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Whheeeeew.. Thank goodness you are all still here.. I'm very sorry I got here very late. I just heard the news.. LOL
Well, Marzie... You have what it takes. You got the skills and talents, and you have the greatest attitude A woman could have. I will be not surprised if someday, somewhere in the naked time, you will be one of the very very successful persons in the world.
This woman is the very first person who became my friend at the blogging world. She help me a lot, and introduced me to a different dimension of blogging.
Thank you Marzie... I wish you all the very very good things in life. May your hearts desires b fulfiled.
Keep up the good deeds.
Thank you and take care! Have a nice party!
Happy Birthday, Marzie!!!! :)
Hi Jay, thanks so much for ur lovely comment and well wishes here!
I'm happy too, that we met and became friends. I'm glad to see that you've improved a lot in terms of your blog and your socializing skills. I have complete confidence that soon, you'll be receiving all the traffic you claim to be sorely missing right now! Thanks for being such a great friend Jay, loads of love and hugs for you too! :):):)
Hi Mika, happy that you came over to join da party too! Thanks a lot! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Happy birthday Marzie! Where's the cake?:D
Haha no problem, Marzie!
Hey the amount of comment here is getting more and more. Something gonna be fun up here.
Why not we boost up to the highest comment just for Marzie?
Hey come on! Birthday girl ah ....must do something different and unforgetable ah ....leave any msg here but pls be in positive way ...not kasar kasar or apatah ....this is a place to enjoy and share the joy okkk!!
I will check here regularly till the last min and sec of today, just for the lovely Marzie!
If you are reading and viewing here, please do leave a msg for Marzie the happy girl altho u donoo her. OK! Just for a bless. COOL!
No problem, Marzie! *hUGzz*
I saw the quantity of the comment here is getting more and more.....COOL! Many wishing for Marzie.
Why not we raise the comment to the highest point if possible just for tonight and for Marzie?
Have fun here. Any more wishing for her will be appreciated.
If you are reading here, pls do leave a msg for the bday girl today altho u dono her.
Write anything come out from ur heart and pls be in positive way.
We are here to enjoy and share the joy around ok. DON RUIN THE WHOLE THING! Be aware of it.
I will be here till the last min and sec tonight, before 12 midnight.
Everyone, pls join my gang!!!
Marzie, my best friend leave a wishing for you.
Adina: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Maurica! Many happy returns to you today!!
Happy Birthday to You!! :)
Happy Birthday... ;)
Hi Nessa! Thanks so much for dropping by my party woman! Cake? Diet mah, where got cake all? LOL! ;)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Jamilla!! You're so cool, I can see you're having fun here huh?! Good, that's how it's supposed to be! Thanks for all your comments here! Youe even got your best friend, Adina, to leave a msg! How sweet! Thanks so much Jamilla for making me feel extra special today, HUGS for u and Adina and all ur friends! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Shelby! Thanks for the wish! :):):)
Hi Ed, thanks for wishing me too, hope u guys had a great time here at Mariuca's birthday party!
Mariuca SEO Traffic
hi marzie! still not back yet frm your lovely dinner huh? I want my mud pie lar.. *slurp*.. :)
wow, look at the number of dedicated post you hv. amazing! :) you're a superb girl! :))
JeanChia SEO Traffic
Hi Jean! Thanks for coming by again! No mud pir but I got u brownies instead! :):):)
Thanks for such a lovely birthday to everyone here! :)
Wow u have sooooo many posts dedicated to u. And still counting coz we just included ours here. =D
NAFA Gang, three cheers for Marzie...
Hip hip... hooray
Hip hip... hooray
Hip hip... HOORAY!!!
Happy Birthday dear Marzie. NAFA LOVES U ALWAYS! =)
YAY! Another comment from the great NAFA TEAM!!! LOVE YA LA!!! :):):)
Thanks so much for everything guys! :)
Haha... ok, im joining in wt jamilla & NAFA! haha!
this is gonna be the best birthday ever for marzie! and we'll do it again next year! Haha!!
JeanChia SEO Traffic
Jean!! Ha ha ha, thanks!!! It'll be great to celebrate with u guys again next year! You guys are so much FUN!!!
thanks, marzie! oh i forgot to tahnk you for the little mention! :) Love ya lots & HUGZ to you.. Good night! :)
JeanChia SEO Traffic
Marzie.... 5 more mins & your birthday will be over !! Let ME HOLD ON TO THE TIME.... eeeeeee.... :)
Janiceng SEO Traffic
No worries Jean! Will do the proper mention post later ok! Thanks again! :):):)
Janice! ur still on time to make one last ocmment here! YAY!
Thanks again to everyone who made my bday celeb wonderful today! I love you guys! :):):)
WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Guess I'm the very late comment after Marzie birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Hehz Sorry guys for the late comments.
Although it's late, but still in the mood of celebrating for Marzie huh???
I never run out of the mood for celebration. And this is my first time to celebrate it in blogosphere.....COOL! Ur the No.1 Bday Girl BLogger, Marzie!
Thanks to Nafa, Jean and Janie for having fun here up to 12am!!!
Sometimes i really do some crazy stuff that people think its childish or wat. But i don care bout it. As long as I hav fun, who bothers!! Thats the purpose of my latest post "The Secret To Happiness"
And see! 60+ comments are here for the today and plus mine here dont know how much. COOL! AMAZING! Its double up from the time I posted here.
Hey everyone, forget about the time, if u still wanna give Marzie a wishing, pls go ahead. U r welcome to do. Ur wishing will never be rejected. Am I right, Marzie?
I feel happy that this give u alot of fun and happiness and sweet memories in your best-ever bday.
Will do the same thing or even more unique next year!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I'm sorry I'm late...hope you had a wonderful wonderful day!!!!!
Happy Birthday Marzie!!!!! I know I'm late, but I know I missed quite a party!
And all those nice pressies....
Jamilla! Ha ha ha, yeah la, u were the last one to participate in ur own game he he he!! But thanks so much for making my bday so much more FUN!! You're such a funny gal and I'm happy to have met u through NAFA!! Have a great day dear!
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Amber! Thanks for coming over to wish me! So nice to see ur pretty face here with a bday wish for me! HUGS! :):):)
Hey Sharon! Thanks for wishing me too! Oh yeah, u did miss quite a party, we had tons of fun! But glad u came by today dear! Oh I love my pressies too! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Mike, welcome to my blog!! Okay, I will drop by your blog and see what it's all about. Thanks so much for ur interest to interview me! Have a great day! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Happy birthday, Marzie!
Tish!! Thanks so much sweetie, HUGS for you! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
I'm so sorry I couldn't give you your present:(
I'll have it for u soon!
Hey Marzie, Spaceman Spiff brings you greetings from Planet, urrrmmm, let me see, aaahhh, planet ... hmmmm, Planet of the apes ... LOL!
Selamat Hari Jadi!
Hi Bobby! No worries, just concentrate on fixing ur site ok! :):):)
WOW!!! The cute spaceman spiff is here, I can't believe it! LOL!!!
Thanks Spiff, ur such a cute spaceman! Can speak Malay too he he he! :):):)
Hi Marzie, I hope i am not too late to wish you
sori. i worked till late last night. too tired to turn on the PC.
would have post this if i knew.
* * * * *
****Happy Birthday*
Hola MT!!! That's okay dear! Am happy to see u here too, no matter how late! Thanks so much MT! HUGS....
Nice gifts. Happy Birthday To You!
Hola Leia! Thanks for coming by to wish me! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Since everyone is having a great time sending you all those wonderful birthday wishes, I might as well do this one more time ... HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARZIE !!!
Talking about birthday cakes, not that it matters, but just to share with you, my favorite, is Black Forest *hint hint*
This seems like a short message but it's taking me ages to complete and the problem to that ..... that darn happening song by Princess keeps coming on, and I'm hypnotized to dance for the next 4 minutes (please do not ask me to upload a video of me doing this???)
Hope you had a blast of a time celebrating :)
Hola Marzie,
Wow, I'm really really late on this, Happy Belated Birthday Girl! I'm really sorry for being like an invisible person, but I must say this, you are definitely a great inspiration to all us bloggers.
Thank you for being that wonderful, caring, friendly, sweet and thoughtful friend.
Happy Belated Birthday, and hope all your wishes become a reality :)
Mariuca- Hey there, I posted the birthday meme today! Thanks for tagging me on that! It was fun! hope this finds you well!
Nihal!!! Ha ha ha ha, please send me a video of u dancing to Princess!!! We have the same taste in music I must say, that's why la we must go clubbing together-gether and feel out of place together-gether too! LOL!
Thanks so much for coming by to wish me again, you're da best Nihal and I saved u a piece of my b'day cake! ENJOY and Happy Merdeka!! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Yasmin! Yeah la, long time no see you woman!
Thanks for the lovely birthday wish and I do hope all my wishes will come true this birthday, which has been super special thanks to all my friends here! Love ya and keep in touch! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hi Barrett! Thanks for informing me and I'm glad to hear you had fun doing the b'day meme! It was really fun and easy to do right? Will drop by ur site to check it out! Have a great day Barrett! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
I have read quite a few happy b-day posts people have written for you and I just feel terrible I was unable to post one myself. I really care about you Marzie and I wanted to tell you. You are one of my best friends and I missed the boat - I had planned on that post for months. I wanted to just give you a little extra b-day love and I will always be your friend:):):):):)
Hi Bobby, thanks for dropping by again! It's okay about the b'day post, it's the thought that counts! We all understand that u had problems with your site at that time, but I appreciate you taking the time to come over and wish me on my special day too! Thanks Bobby, you're da best! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Hey cutie kitten :) ...Heartiest wishes once again . You got really lovely gifts. Wish I could send you one. Anyways .. keep up the good work. I will be a regular visitor to your blog :D
Kanak! It's great to see ur cute face here! He he...
I love my gifts and I love you for wishing me too! Have a great weekend dear! :):):)
Mariuca SEO Traffic
Nice post, its a really cool blog that you have here, keep up the good work, will be back.Here's my little site I'm gonna blog about
Hi Amber, thanks so much. Do drop by again yeah? :)
Wah so many pressies.. I like!!
Happy birthday again dearie!!
glad you like the pressies i made! happy birthday again!
Alamak GP I blum hantar your pressie lah.. I terforgot..nanti lepas raya eh! sorry ah!!
tak pe...marzie tak lari, lepas raya pun boleh, lj
heheh Emila.. kome yg tolong jawab eh..
takper.. GP.. i dah nak tidor ni.. nite nite dearie.. see you later today ya...have fun with your guest today!!
Is Baby issy coming??
hehe yelah lj, marzie dah tak larat nak jawap
selamat tidur, lj
Cantikla the tote bag. Buatkan I satu la, Kak Emila..hehe..I beli..boleh?? ;);)
Wohoott.. more customer for Emila!!
Hehe Emila busy kot, LJ! :):) Tapi I taknak design yg girlie sangat.
Oh ya I blm order dollies from Emila. Nak jugak la karang for CraftnSwap. :)
yay boleh debbie! nanti dah free sikit saya buzz debie, k!
dolly pun boleh!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!