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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 812 Newer› Newest»good to have disclosure in our blogs. I have one too.
Alamak dah ada org rupanya.. ingat nak sembunyi kat sini...hehe
takper .. shh emila..lolz
GP I want to sneak up on the rest boleh kan?
eh if you do 3p.. you must have disclosure kan emila.. otherwise they would never approve your post..
I hate Donna.. she speaks like in stutter all the time.. macam org tak cukup nafas..
eh Marcus tak der citer pulak kan..
Owen tu ingat dia self-sacrificing lah tu.
eeee.. benci lah with the logan
GP.. if you see today epi lagi benci..
and how come E is not in the hospital visiting his son or is it no one told him?
Dok sibuk with his ex-wife..
cit podah.. rather do anything than see Eric hurt konon.. poor pammy
eh Pam good actress lah kan
heheh... bestlah sneaky macam ni.. lol.. slow slow
banyak nak kena comment ni..
eh i've not done your blog commenting yet lah...
takper kan Gp..nanti i buat gak.. tengah L ni..tengah mood mengomen lak
Astaga.. I got four post to write for 29th ni
woot dah 161 comments dah...
GP I just realised you have two advertlet ads.. is that done on purpose??
ke tersalah..??
eh sorry.. false alarm.. my browser gila..only one lah..heheh.. sori ah
ish ish ish.. why is LJ so sleepy...
Sometimes I wish coffee can keep me awake
but alas.. it does not :(
Emila.. any luck on resetting the widget back to O at the begining of the month??
hey.. here's an idea.. how you get the top tc in wordpress? Is it a plugin or something else.. maybe we can get the code and tweak it?
Tumpang lalu.. nak sneak sneak ni..lo...
and Debbs is at 341..
nevermind.. slow and steady.. as always LJ..
sometimes need to go LaJu..
sometimes need to go SLoju...heheh
Adui.. badan sakit semua
too much exposure to fan
and too much showering is also no good..
ikut rasa badan binasa.. this is a classic case of that
Eh GP.. nowadays you still comment using your name and url or not?
I don't think it's wise for me to do that here because it would split my comments into two kan?
when I actually need to consolidate all my comments to one account..
wah how come my figures tak refresh2 ni.. 263 from just now..
This is the status for now..
1. Grandy (409)
2. phatelara (341)
3. LadyJava (263)
4. rizal (183)
5. Emila Yusof (98)
6. bluecrystaldude (42)
7. Shinade (37)
8. Roxy's Best Of... (35)
9. Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (30)
10. bonoriau (22)
let's see how long before the figures change
Eh Grandy tu boleh tahan gak eh bercomment..
I have a lot to learn about talking to myself..lolz
Emila pun pandai.. cakap sorang sorang
Wah your twitter dah 53 lah.. cepat tu..
eh do you follow everyone that follow you??
I cuma follow my close friends jer
sebab tak larat tengok twitterfox update...
ish lama btul ah si yahoo pipes ni update.. I dah sleepy ni
I hate being normal
eh there is Mariucans, Emilians, Rizallian.. kalau my followers nak panggil apa eh?
LJillian?? sedap ke?
hmm... ish something wrong with the tc ke ni.. nanti i check eh..
Kelakarnye tgk LJ comment at this disclosure post ha ha!! Dearie...latest update!
1. Grandy (409)
2. phatelara (336)
3. LadyJava (290)
4. rizal (167)
5. Emila Yusof (98)
6. bluecrystaldude (42)
7. Shinade (37)
8. Roxy's Best Of... (35)
9. Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (30)
10. bonoriau (22)
Terpaksa GP.. kalau tidak tak leh naik number jgn marah eh.. strategy ni...lolz
LOL! No worries LJ, this is a perfect post to mengomen cause I doubt anybody subscribe to this post ha ha ha!! Ah silakan cakap sorang-sorang, so cute! :)
Tulah GP.. boleh gila ni.. cakap!!..
Eh where got sorang-sorang, kelakar la u! I'm here what! Just replying comments on my other posts. :)
hehehe..tapi dah ngantuk lah..
eh just to let you know.. PB this week tak der tau.. penat jer tunggu then I check epi guide.. tak ler this week.. next week baru ada
Ah u remind me pls when it comes out. B has been asking every day ha ha! DH ep 5 out oredi ah?
LJ, better zzzzz then, u kan normal ppl mode still! :)
yelah.. A pun asyik asking jer.. that's why I decided to check..
DH belum kluar lagi lah.. I got one fake file yesterday.. angers!
Oh nasib baik I didn DL the fake file, angers oso if get fake file kan? Ni tgh buat "breakfast" he he! :)
Ok dearie.. nitey nite.. sleepy already... talk to you later ya :)
Nite nite dearie, see ya later! HUGS! :)
hehe.. time to get crazy!!!
I've vacuumed
I've mopped the floors
the kitchen is spotless
A's not at home
now's what what is for me to shower
luckier we are not trick or treating..
otherwise.. aiyooo
now at least I got a chance to be top twoo..
but then again that means displacing Debbs..
oopss..sorry debbs
unless i can topple both of them.. hahahaha
GP! one question.. how come Ridge and Brooke's scene nowadays is always in their bedroom...
even when Steph came and visit him
or when taylor visit brooke
could it be ... they are running out of living room..lolz
ish tak tau malu lah si Katie tu.. like as if she belongs in Nick's house kan??
Now that Taylor is fighting for Ridge.. do you think it leaves it open for Brooke to be with Nick??
Don't you think it was so unreasonable of Rick to ask Brooke to leave Rick... so whiny lah this boy..
I've found another reason why I hate Rick
he looks like he's always sulking.. even when he's laughing..
it's so obvious to me when he's in the hospital.. muka dia macam sulking jer.. menyampah!!
ish lapaq lah pulak
hmm... nak makan apa eh
what's for dinner dearie?
i have to wait till A comes back with dinner...
he's out at a meeting..
Not sure what to eat now though
aiyoo.. i got two post to write now.. and here I am commenting here
trying to regain my throne.. ahaks!!
boleh ke ni??
100+ more post to write...
1. Grandy (418)
2. phatelara (321)
3. LadyJava (319)
4. rizal (144)
5. Emila Yusof (98)
6. bluecrystaldude (42)
7. Shinade (37)
8. Roxy's Best Of... (34)
9. Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (32)
10. bonoriau (22)
wow.. you have come a long way LJ
pat pat on LJ's back...lolz
not that I need more EC credit or ..
or Emila's dolly...
though that would be fantastic..
but because I want to be Top TC!!!
Like I have for the last 7mths!
I can't bear to not see my badge here..
though GP.. if I do make it...
I'm not saying I would
but I could..
Do you think you can....
link to LLP instead..heheh
lol.. kalau tak blh tak per...sob sob..hehe
aiks.. mmg gila TC list ni.. i pun naik blur.
hehe.. ada org comment senyap2 gak ke.. coz now...this is the standing
1. Grandy (418)
2. phatelara (333)
3. LadyJava (297)
4. rizal (151)
5. Emila Yusof (98)
6. bluecrystaldude (42)
7. Shinade (37)
8. Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (32)
9. Roxy's Best Of... (32)
10. bonoriau (22)
hah.. ni baru betul
# Grandy (418)
# LadyJava (346)
# phatelara (307)
# rizal (131)
# Emila Yusof (98)
# bluecrystaldude (42)
# Shinade (37)
# Roxy's Best Of... (34)
# Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (32)
# bonoriau (22)
hehe.. there's hope after all..
I can see light at the end of the tunnel
GP..nanti jgn kasi tau org i nyer strategy tau..hehe
hehe.. i guess only Emila would know I'm commenting here..
But she's too busy doing makeover..
rasa macam nak makeover my own blogs lah..hehe
hmm.. something to incorporate that now I do blog makeover as well...hmmm
takper.. nanti i fikirkan... for now...
everything is on hold.. until.....
I regain my throne!!!
hahha... evil laughter!!
Wah GP.. I just realised your PW is and 0.30 and 0.20 per day eh...
dah withdraw ke??
I pun dah lama tak tengok mine..
sat eh.. i go check mine..
yihaa.. ok gak.. dah 6.07
mesti you punya lagi banyak kan.. kat sini jer.. 0.50 daily.. kat MPG lagi.. wah one day can get 1 dollar.. ten days can withdraw.. wah kaya kaya kaya..hehe
hm.. i just thought of an idea..
maybe I should change my LJL EC to the LadyJava does Blog Make over instead..hehhe.. then advertise like mad!!
hmm....boleh tak eh.. nanti i check..heh
feel like making mug cake.. but how .. i need to comment here ..
at least sampai 400 kot!!
now it's neither here nor there..
lambat lah si widget ni refresh..
hah.. now already 362.. but still too close for comfort lah with Debbs and still so far from Grandy..
wah all the US pple sibuk with halloween eh.. bagus bagus!!
eh sapa agaknya menang blognet's award eh.. and first prize commenter eh...
I hope it's you dearie!
I just realised I wrote like 146 comments here all by myself..lolzz
make that 147!
GP!! Why don't you put a title on that sidebar for your "asklink" widget.. it looks strange that way..
plus.. centralised it lah dearie..
baru chun...but I think I want to remove mine already..
buat semak jer.. tak der org beli pun mine..hehe
so yeah.. it's gone as of 1st November!!! hahahaha.. evil laugh..hehehe
apa lagi i nak remove eh...
trying to minimise loading time lah!!
I wonder if the guys come to your blog and check on their status... after all they don't know I've been commenting..lolzz
mesti terperanjat beruk they all for sure..hehe
i think though I can only do this this month..
next month mesti lagi challenging..
and if they found my trick or this
mesti tak der chance lagi..hahahha
but this is to show my loyalty too dearie...
can't bear to not be here for another month..
I would be so heartbroken and devastated ..
eh eh macam org bercinta pulak..lolz
Now this is more I like it..
1. LadyJava (386)
2. Grandy (385)
3. phatelara (304)
4. rizal (127)
5. Emila Yusof (98)
6. bluecrystaldude (42)
7. Shinade (37)
8. Roxy's Best Of... (34)
9. Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious (32)
10. bonoriau (22)
Widget by Blogger Widge
Up there we I belong...
GP.. jangan kluar post baru tau...
until after midnight that is...
LOL.. LJ so sneaky!!!
I love it!!!
so cunning.. so sneaky.. but hey it's not cheating kan??
must be smart to remain at the top..
though there's still like 3 hours to go
cepatlah midnight!!!
GP can.. put LJL here and LLP over at MPG..
heheh.. counting my chicks already before hatch ni..tsk tsk tsk!
very contifent ni
get it contifent = confident!!
a word made up as well..lolzz
alah.. belum mangi ni.. jgnlah A balik dulu..lolzz
Mesti they all herain LJ suddenly boleh hop to the top!!
And LJ always say.. the turtle always wins!!!
for you dearie.. I stop all my online activities..lhehhehe
bertungkus lumus ni..
connection not so good.. but I will persevere..
eh how is B?? still frustrated ke?? cian dia..
thanks for the update dearie.. I may just pull this off!!
Stress ni.. knowing full well that the moment Grandy is online. the first thing she's gonna do is check her status..
I know that Debbis is contented as long as she is in top 3.. which she yiha!!!
last month pun macam ni... so stressful hoping Emila tak go online..
maklumlah malam raya and emak2 selalunya sibuk with raya preparation.. it's pple like us yg relax gilar..hehe
rupanya dia tertidor..lolzz
i tell you perut i kecut ni tau.. just like last month..
suspense gilar jerr
anytime anyone can come in and start commenting.. and there goes my lead
tadi i thought Roxy nak start commenting..
lucky only two comments then she left..
halloween mah.. got to get ready
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!