______________________copy below all the way down_______________
It’s easy and worth it. If you want to move up in Technorati there are 2 ways to get there: gaining massive amounts of links to you from other blogs, or getting the most favourites. One thing you can do is get lots of favourites who favourite you in return! Before you start you may want to grab this supercool autofave program from Eng Tech. All the people who have favourited you, this automatically favourites them in return. No more excuses for not returning the favour!
Automatic Technorati Fave program the coolest program ever! Finds fans that have favorited you and automatically favorites them!
Automatic Technorati Fave program the coolest program ever! Finds fans that have favorited you and automatically favorites them!
grab the program here [2.4MB].
(Reword the following paragraph a little. The Bobby link should be changed to link to who you got this from {me}. Move the 4 new faves (one is you) to old faves below Gary Lee. Add 3-4 new people to new faves. Each name linked to their blog, and Fave the site is the link on their technorati fave widget on their site. AND, name THE WHOLE POST DIFFERENT FROM MINE!)
The time has come for me to get up on the Technorati Fave Train. I was added to the Technorati Fave Train yesterday by Bobby. The Train was started at Gary Lee.
The time has come for me to get up on the Technorati Fave Train. I was added to the Technorati Fave Train yesterday by Bobby. The Train was started at Gary Lee.
Bobby has been doing his best to help me improve my blogs. He has been absolutely wonderful and extremely patient, especially with one not as tech-savvy as me. So, thank you for all your help and yes, I'd love to take this train ride with you! I will visit and fave all the blogs on this list if I have yet to do so, that's a promise!
So, do you want to ride the train?
***Start Copying Here***
Here are the rules:
1. Write a short introduction paragraph about what how you found the list and include a link to the blog that referred you to the list.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it to your blog. To avoid duplicate content and increase the amount of keywords your site can accessible for, go ahead and change the titles of the blog. Just don’t change the links of the blog.
3. Take “My New Faves” and move them into the “The Original Faves” list.
4. Add at least 3 Blogs that you’ve just added to your Technorati Favorites to the “My New Faves” section. Remember to also add the “Fave Me” link next to your new blogs (i.e. http://technorati.com/faves?add=http://www.yourdomain.com)
5. Add Everyone on this list to your Technorati Favorites List by clicking on “Fave the Site.” (Please FAVE EVERYONE on the List prior to posting the list or a Kitten will Die Alone in a Dark Alley Tonight). Those who want good karma will fave you back. If not, you will for sure get the benefits of faves from the bloggers who continue this list after you.
My New Faves
Nafa - Fave the Site
Mike - Fave the Site
Nihal - Fave the Site
Jesse - Fave the Site
SMan - Fave the Site
Zubli - Fave the Site
The Original Faves
Gary Lee - Fave the Site *
Amber - Fave the Site
Mariuca - Fave the Site
JeanChia - Fave the Site
Janice - Fave the Site
Bobby Revell - Fave the Site
Wonder Woman - Fave the Site
Steve Olson – Fave the Site
BlogoSquare – Fave the Site
Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site
Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site
Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site
Jon Lee - Fave the Site
SiteLogic - Fave the Site
Julies Journal - Fave the Site
Tea & Slippers - Fave the Site
Pencil Thin - Fave the Site
Garry Conn - Fave the Site
Stephen Fung - Fave the Site
eWritings - Fave the Site
Mommy’s Getaway - Fave the Site
GR8 Egypt - Fave the Site
Divya Uttam - Fave the Site
Sean Dinner - Fave the Site
O Salepito - Fave the Site
Kyle Beabo - Fave the Site
Six Degrees of Inspiration - Fave the Site
Randa Clay Design - Fave the Site
Failure is the key to success - Fave the Site
Amber - Fave the Site
Mariuca - Fave the Site
JeanChia - Fave the Site
Janice - Fave the Site
Bobby Revell - Fave the Site
Wonder Woman - Fave the Site
Steve Olson – Fave the Site
BlogoSquare – Fave the Site
Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site
Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
Scribble on the Wall - Fave the Site
Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site
Jon Lee - Fave the Site
SiteLogic - Fave the Site
Julies Journal - Fave the Site
Tea & Slippers - Fave the Site
Pencil Thin - Fave the Site
Garry Conn - Fave the Site
Stephen Fung - Fave the Site
eWritings - Fave the Site
Mommy’s Getaway - Fave the Site
GR8 Egypt - Fave the Site
Divya Uttam - Fave the Site
Sean Dinner - Fave the Site
O Salepito - Fave the Site
Kyle Beabo - Fave the Site
Six Degrees of Inspiration - Fave the Site
Randa Clay Design - Fave the Site
Failure is the key to success - Fave the Site
* - Train Engineer
** - Last Wagon
***End Copying Here***

I'm first, I think I ought to have a president suite, if not ... a private cabin..... LOL
U can share my cabin lor... air-conditioned and got special compartments for my kitties so u won't have to be scared of them! LOL :)
You brought Phoebe along !! Guess we will have lotsa fun :) :)
Oh trust me we will! With Phoebe, u, Jean, me and of course our bodyguard Bobby, we are in for one terrific train ride! :)
Hehe...I did this a couple months ago and honestly it didn't really work much at all :/
You want to know how to really get a ton of links on Technorati? Make a blogging award :D The Schmooze is EVERYWHERE. I've gotten nearly 200 backlinks from that (and they're still coming!) and am now in the Technorati Top 10k. The funny thing is I never once asked anyone to link back to me. They all just started doing it :-o
Aw shucks!! I didn't see that post on ur site last night! ;)
Mike, I should create an award too but I'm not as creative as u are to be creating Gummy and awards and stuff :( But I will look into that suggestion of course! Who knows, maybe I can get a certain graphic designer to create one for me to give out?! He he
Hey, congrats on the top 10k ranking, I knew you'd make it there sooner or later! :):)
Mike : Congrates on your 10K ranking. So that techo train doesn't help much huh...errrr.... marzie, can I alight to take a breather....(just kidding), it is lotsa fun here with Phoebe around... ;)
Marzie : You are not alone up at the 10K, you have mikey there..... LOL
Jan, and such wonderful company he makes in the 10k list! :)
Of course it's fun whenever Phoebe is around! And she's the only one you're not afraid of! I bet u will be afraid of Benji cause he's huge, almost like a little dog! LOL :)
Marzie : That's why u hardly hear me mentioning him..... LOL
Ha ha ha... poor Benji upset now! He's such a fluffy fat cat. Carrying him is lke carrying a big baby. And he's the only one of all 3 cats who knows how to give his Master a kiss! So cute :) :)
haha marzie, i have my ariel & brownie wt me wor.. will phoebe & my doggies fight ar?
aaahh.. it's so comfortable here.
jan, you're on the train without the ticket? faster go prepare your ticket lar, if bobby catch u on this train without it, habis lor!! (ask your maid if u dun understand) :)
Mike: Congrats for making to the top 10k! :)
Jean! Don worry, got separate compartments for the woof woofs and the kitties! :) Plus Ariel looks harmless! But don't let them get near Janice, she's a scaredy cat when it comes to dogs and cats, except for Phoebe! LOL :) :)
Jean, habis is 'finished' izit?
Bobby didn't check on me yet, so I guess I'll just sneak thru first.... hehehe ;p
Check your MBL message :)
I can see u sneaking in here Janice! What? U brought brownies with u? Ok then, come on in! Shhhhh.... ;)
Sandman! I'm just tryin my luck with u, it would be great to have such a dreamy guy on the train too ;)
Thanks Marzie:) I would already be in the top 10k had I not moved, I will be sometime next year:)
Hey there, I love your sites because of the music and great reads! Tehe! You have great taste! I am totally in on the techno fave train. I spent the day at the pool and got kinda sunburned so I am not taking the time to post tonight! I do promise I will post it tomorrow though! Take care and thanks for coming by Huma B~ and commenting!
@Marzie: If you want help with an award, I might be able to oblige :)
@Janice: Thank you :D I don't know if I ever would have landed in the top 10k without the Schmooze ;P
Bobby! HUGS.. We missed you, hope you're feeling much better today! I have no doubt that you'll be in the top 10k before the year is up! :)
Hola Barett! Nice 2c u again! :)
Thanks for ur comments, I enjoy my music here too he he...
Yay! Am happy that you'll be joining us on the train, we will save u a spot for sure! :) :)
Mike, seriously? Yay!! I'm going to start thinking of a cool award and hopefully u can design a really nice one for me, with your creative touch! Thank u Mike, you really are the coolest! HUGS :) :)
Yes, yes I know 8-) hehe
Marzie, we got some task to do.... still cant board the train yet. Come over to mine & see ME now...:)
Uh oh, I hope it's nothin to do with me bringin my meows on the train LOL ;)
I am really looking froward to this journey - especially since you are bringing the beautiful Phoebe along
I may add some new folks to train later who are suffering with like 3 fans and an authority of 7! If I do we can all add them in. I recommend to add new folks from other peoples trains to yours and ask them to do the same (a viral tactic). I'll do Jeans Linky love later.Oh yeah,
Hi Marzie:):):)
Amber! For being the sweetest passenger on board, you get to hug Phoebe all the way through! :D
Hi Bobby, me and the gals are finally here, looking forward to see who you gonna give some Linky Love to ;)
I have Fav you http://mydzi.blogspot.com/2007/06/increase-your-page-rank-riding.html
thanks in advance
Dzi!! Nice to see u here again ;)
Thanks, will check out your post and do the necessary :) :)
I looked and saw this only had 30 comments! You are slowing down? I just can't let this happen. Here...
yes, I give you comment love:) Here and more comment love - all day:):):)
Now you got 31 comments and I got more where that came from:)
Thank u Bobby for ur comment love, coming from u, it's like xtra xtra special ;) Gimme more!
Hi, I have added you to my Technorati Favorite.
Please fave me too.
Add me to your Fave - Guadagnare con Nuovibusiness
Thanks very much,
Hopefully we will get a higher Authority.
Guadagnare online Nuovibusiness
Hi Francesco, thanks for your comment. I will definitely fave u and visit your site too. All the best to you and have a great day! :)
Good Morning:):):) Here's more love for you:):):) I also am checking to if by leaving either of the url's below gives extra love benefits! Hi to everyone who faves Marzie coz she is my FAVOURITE:):):):):):)
Hi Bobby! I had such a hectic day today and your comment made me feel so much better. I love being your FAVOURITE! And let's see if this leaving your url here works LOL! :)
Ehem ehem!!! Sorry to interrupt!! But i tagged you, where's my link in here please?? :D
BTW how can i stumble you? There is no stumble button on your StumbleUpon page :-?
Best regards
Oopss i forgot, thi is the link to my Tech Train
Hi Forumer! You did? You have to forgive me cause I didn't realize that! :)
And speaking of Stumble, after I received ur message, then only I realized that my entire Stumble toolbar is missing! :( I think it disappeared after I had to reformat my PC recently, but I will try and retrieve it tonight!
And I will of course include u on my train... Move over Bobby!! I have a new passenger here LOL ;)
Where is your feedtrain post? I know a few people that have you added to theirs (I added you)! I have a private cabin for you and here's your ticket:)
Another personal invitation and another private cabin from u? Wow, u sure know how to woo them girls don't cha! :) :)
Peace and howdy??
Something wrong with my link there!!! Gotcha!!! :D
Oo lambat yerr, kalau nak marah gak boleh?? Nak marah selama seminggu boleh?
Looks like Bobby a bit jealous with me now huhu, sorry Mr Bobby, i dont; want to take yours hehe But i'll look forward that new cabin you offered. Another ticket for me??
Best regards
Forumer! You sampai hati ke nak marah I? He he he...
Yay, you are safe and sound now, don't worry...with this train we WILL be going places! You, me, Bobby and everyone else la :):)
Thanks for the links and the fave.
Hi Ian, thank YOU for stopping by as well :)
Mariuca: Salaam, Hati ambe dah sampai kat sini dah ni, so sampai la kan?? hehe
I don;t care, i want to angry at you either ....... :D
Ala Harry Potter ni, jgn la angry! LOL ... You're now one of us lovely train passengers so must show some love ok! :) :) :)
Thanks for the links and the fave Mariuca. Nice Blog.
Thanks Vikas! Glad u enjoyed my blog and u have a great day! :) :)
Thanks for adding me too :)
Hao, thanks for stopping by too, love your avatar! :):)
Thanks a lot for your link on your train ride :)
Hey Jacelyn, thanks for stopping by! No worries on the link, thanks for having mine on your train too. Have a great day! :)
i took this ride! yehha!
choo choo!
lj...kenapa tak komen kat sini? ;(
choo choo today.
the last time i choo choo here was on my birthday...
so, choo choo today.
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!