The Internet may be one of life’s greatest pleasures, but it is the blogosphere that makes it tick. The wealth of information you’ll find here is amazing to the point of overwhelming. You’ll never know what or who you’ll discover as you enter into the magical world of blogosphere. There is something for everyone; it’s just a matter of locating and connecting with sites that click with your blog or personal interests.
Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting site called Blogging For Fame. The author, Fame Fire, hails from India and generally writes about life, blogging and web technology. Of late though, he has taken an interest in blog reviews and is now offering free reviews to keen takers. Fame Fire responds to your request promptly and doesn't impose you with too many conditions. His site radiates warmth and affability while his sincere invitation to review your blog makes it irresistible to decline.
Despite not going completely in-depth with his reviews, Fame Fire maintains a fairly decent overview of your blog, focusing on its main aspects and strong points. He keeps his reviews short and sweet, with simple and straightforward posts. I had Mariuca reviewed here and his take on my blog made me smile! The thing is, sometimes I’m not overly concerned with a meticulous review on my blog. It's sufficient to simply have it acknowledged as having potential for success and recognition, however minute. The rest is an added bonus!
So if you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up to put an extra bounce in your step and leave you feeling good about yourself, drop by Blogging For Fame and see what the buzz is all about!
Recently, I stumbled upon an interesting site called Blogging For Fame. The author, Fame Fire, hails from India and generally writes about life, blogging and web technology. Of late though, he has taken an interest in blog reviews and is now offering free reviews to keen takers. Fame Fire responds to your request promptly and doesn't impose you with too many conditions. His site radiates warmth and affability while his sincere invitation to review your blog makes it irresistible to decline.
Despite not going completely in-depth with his reviews, Fame Fire maintains a fairly decent overview of your blog, focusing on its main aspects and strong points. He keeps his reviews short and sweet, with simple and straightforward posts. I had Mariuca reviewed here and his take on my blog made me smile! The thing is, sometimes I’m not overly concerned with a meticulous review on my blog. It's sufficient to simply have it acknowledged as having potential for success and recognition, however minute. The rest is an added bonus!
So if you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up to put an extra bounce in your step and leave you feeling good about yourself, drop by Blogging For Fame and see what the buzz is all about!

I agree, she is doing a pretty good job and seems to enjoy her work, I think more in depth reviews could help her grow. I might let her review my site. Very nice post Marzie:)
I just might try to get my site reviewed too but with my blog contents I dread to see the results! LOL.
Thanks Bobby. Yeah, a little more depth would definitely help polish his reviews but he deserves an A for effort! :)
Nick! You should give it a shot, bet FF would find your blog as funny and entertaining as I do :)
Congratulation! You are now more famous dek.
That was a very nice review :)
My friend Tish and I have been talking about doing a blog review site during the Blogathon this year. You may just find your site being reviewed there as well ;)
Zubli!! Happy to see you here :) Ye ke more famous? Macam biasa je. You lagi la famous! Anyway, thanks AGAIN for all the lovely things you've been writing about me on your site!
That's a great idea Mike! With your creativity & talent, I bet your new blog will be really cool and fun, go for it!
PS. Thanks for your lovely comment here too :) :)
I think we most likely will :) The idea is to review blogs that do something besides talk about making money all of the time. If you've read one money making blog you've read them all...hehe. I think (or at least I hope) people are interested in learning about blogs that are a bit more unique :)
I just hope we don't run out of steam during the Blogathon thing. You have to blog for 24 hours straight in support of a charity :-o
I'd be totally honoured to be reviewed by the great Mike and Tish!
Yeah, I know what you mean about those money making blogs. Some of them are really great but there's just too many out there repeating the same info ;)
Personally, I prefer those unique sites, maybe that's why I'm such a fan of yours :) :)
Dear Maricua,
Thanks for this post. I am obliged to have a post for me at your blog.
Hi FF, no worries and thanks for stopping by :)
Ooooh...this is nice!I'll check this out!
Hey, nice to see u again :) Yeah do give FF a visit for your free review!
GP!! I went to the site and it is now on SEDO parking.. so your review is nowhere in sight lah..
SEDO tu apa lj?
SEDO tu is a domain parking program that you can join if you have a domain that you don't use.
oh ok...
so SEDO stands for what?
I don't think I'll ever be famous in blogging world.
Have been trying to fit in since school time, but always fail to do so. :)
Colin calls me anti-social, which is totally accurate, I think.
Hehe..I think it's a disease I can't really cure.
But I think I am happy with who I am and where I'm at right now. :)
Debbie, it's okay, you have friends like us.
debbie, i know the feeling. masa kat sekolah, tak ramai pun budak-budak yang nak kawan dgn saya. kawan baik saya ada sorang je.
debbie, saya pun anti social. i hate going to where there are many people coz i'll just die from the humiliation of not knowing how to start a conversation. I will only go if friends are going.
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!