I’m all smiles today because I’ve been awarded The Thinking Blogger Award by 2 talented Mariucans who have been my strongest supporters since day one - Bobby Revell and Mike. It’s such an honour to receive this award from both of you and it gives me absolute pleasure to pass on The Thinking Blogger Award to these 5 wonderful bloggers:
Emila deserves this award simply because she’s too modest to realise just how great she truly is. I admire her drive to constantly improve herself, searching for bigger better ways to succeed. From a modest beginning, she now has her own Emila’s Illustrated Blog and recently opened a Greeting Card Store, where she sells her designs on-line. Her unique arts and crafts are inspiring! There’s always a story behind them and this is what makes her blog extra special and cosy!
Nick Phillips is the author of Anything Goes. We’re both “stuck” in the same industry so we experience similar pains and joys in the mad world of advertising. I enjoy visiting Nick’s blog as I sometimes see “me” in his rambles on life, work, nasty neighbours and anything under the sun. I’m also very fond of his sense of humour; generally depicted in his posts, making them entertaining and pleasant to read.
My next award goes to Jean, the sweet author of A Great Pleasure, who's also turning out to be one of my good friends here. Jean’s blog is very well designed with an excellent layout. Everything is in place which makes viewing her blog delightful indeed. Jean’s genuine love for fine cuisine flows passionately in her posts, as she informs readers on great places to dine, interesting recipes along with a dash of life-related posts. Combined, Jean has all the right ingredients to cook up a delicious blog for us to feast upon!
Zubli Zainordin. Who is Zubli Zainordin? He doesn’t give away much and always keeps me guessing on his next move. Besides being an established author, public speaker, thinker, poet, and philosopher, he is also a very good friend. He might intimidate initially, with his endless list of achievements, but once you really get to know him, you'll be truly inspired by his enthusiasm and devotion - I know I was.
My final award goes to David Hodges, the talented author of Very Short Novels. I admire David's style of writing and his diligence in churning out interesting short stories every few days leaves me in awe. David is my source of inspiration to one day make it as a well-known author so for that, I pick him to receive this prestigious award!
Congratulations to all 5 bloggers! Here are the rules to participate in this award-giving ceremony, should you choose to accept it.
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative gold version if silver doesn’t fit your blog).

Cool. Congrats on the award :)
Thanks Nick! Looking forward to see your 5 picks for this award :)
Congrats, Marzie! Thank you for passing the award! I am so very honoured. I will display it on my site soon. So I have to find 5 bloggers to pass this award ya?
Emila! *HUGS* Yes, you now may pass out the award to 5 of your favourite blogs, that u think truly deserve it, have fun! :)
You may also share the award with Phoebe if you'd like :D
Congrats! Keep on thinking...
Mike! Phoebe is so HAPPY to be sharing the award with me. One special Phoebe hug coming your way!! *HUGZZZ*
Hi Nasir, thanks! Hope you had a nice time here :)
Awesome Marzie! You very much deserve 2 awards! Very cool:) You know you're my favourite, and you deserve the Blogging Sweetheart award also (ok so I made it up):):)
Thanks Bobby, for choosing me to receive this award, you've been absolutely wonderful :)
PS. I kinda like the sound of the Blogging Sweetheart award LOL!
Hi Marzie.
I'm so happy that you've been awarded this great recognition! If there was one person who should really deserve this, it definitely has to be you.
Bobby and Mike, you guy's definitely chose the right person.
Congrats, my friend!!
Hi Nihal! Thanks so much, you've been a great friend as well. Your comment made my night and thanks again for visiting! :)
Hi marzie! congrats!! u definitely deserved it! :)
congrats on your award,this award is something new to me,great!
Jean! Thanks so much, appreciate you stopping by and all your support too :)
Etienne, thanks for your comment! Happy to see you here :)
Hey! Congrats on the award! :)
*HUGS* Of course must give Homer a hug! :) Thanks for your support. Keep up the good work on your blog, it's looking nicer by the day!
Well done; enjoyed reading about the others here, too. Tc, Sol.
Hi Solomon, pleasure to have you visit my blog. Thanks for your comment and hope to see you again! :)
Congrats ya..! Keep up da best Marz....! ;)
Yellow Banana! Thanks for stopping by and adding more colour to my page :)
congrate my sis, keep on blogging ya...:)
Terima kasih Izali, don't forget to visit me again :)
Marzie : I scroll thru this old blog of yours to congrates you. Hope I am not too late.... :)
Janice! HUGS! Thank u dear, it's never too late to comment here and make me smile, thanks! :) :)
yay! your first award! congrats again!
Congrats to everyone!! and to you GP for your very first award!!
Yay! lj was here!
i forgot oredi what was my first award! nanti i check!
ok! i've checked, my first was monday artday award and this one is my 2nd and its from you, marzie! thank you so much!
I remember my first award too.. It was "I love your blog" by Mel.. anyone knows what happened to her??
haha entahler...rasa2nya ada came across her once in a while
tulah.. her blog pun lama tak update.. perhaps she got married kot and too busy to blog??
kalau got married takpelah...
entah entah tengah honeymoon
atau dah migrate kat tempat yang takde koneksi onlain.
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!