- I love $$ and wanna be a millionaire so I can travel around the world and buy all my favorite perfumes!
- I'm quite a good speller, won many Spelling Bees when I was studying overseas.
- I can't draw for nuts! My Art teacher once laughed at my poorly-drawn version of a Dinosaur, looked nothing like one it seems! This is why I admire Emila!
- My weakness is guys who wear glasses - weird u say?!
- I've never been to Penang. Hey, this should be on my New Year's resolution list!
DD, Helmy, Elina, Zeff and Hani - you're it!

What if the guy who wears glasses has B.O. and obese to the max???? he he...at least you did not confess about you panties like I did!
Marzie, lol, remember the cat you drew for me? Soooo cute!! You can draw what...
Elina, B.O. is a definite no-no, even if he's wearing gold-rim glasses!
Emila, sure or noooooot? Looked more like a cow to me! :)
Hahahaha (that's for penang!)....mmm interesting stuff...now shud i tag u one more time marzie for another 5?
Tu la, best sgt ke Penang ni? Cuba citer sikit!
marzie, penang ada condo yang 1 unit per floor facing the sea lagi...inzalnyaaaaaaa...except for the price tag la...heard it's around 2m...pergi makan kat gurney drive - laksa...sotong and tahu bakaq...rojak...pasembor..., go naik bukit bendera, makan durian kat balik pulau, naik beca keliling georgetown...mmm what else hah? oh ya, stay at e&o...but still la, it's the food for me...rest just checkout tourism penang website.
huh memang somebody kena tag her one more time coz I already know all the agenda except for Penang.
Can somebody tripple tag her?
DD, tag me again if u dare, he he. Anyway, that just shows how well you know me! :)
Helmy, the food is a must I hear. Thanks for the tips! They'll come in handy when I get there ... eventually.
You'll luv the food here. To name a few - *original* Nasi Kandar, Kapitan's Tandoori Nan, Mee goreng sotong(Bangkok Lane), Seafood @ Police Marine, Roti canai (Transfer Rd), Kari kepala ikan Restoran Nelayan (Batu Maung) & Mee Udang (Teluk Kumbar).
I love $$ too!! You are also Queen of Word Creator.. no.. make that KING!
I can't draw to save my life.. so I better not get an artistic kidnapper or something..lolzz.. my weakness for yummy men..
Let's go to Penang and serang Farah..lol!!
eh, SS to apa you ladies?
lj namapak tak avatar yg ni? i suka tukar2 avatar dulu.
hehe emila.. same like me.. oh yg ni pun sweet!!
hehe thanks lj!
Marzie! this is one of your earliest tag kan?
dd, helmy and elina dah tak aktif lagi dah!
I visited Zeff!!!
His latest post was October 3, 2008!!! Baru je tu!
Eh Naz pun I tak reply he he! Hola Naz and LJ!
Emila, I pun dah visit Zeff! Ha ha ha!! :)
Aah...i baru perasan naz!
hi naZ! nampak sedap makanan2 yg anda suggest itu, nanti kalau saya ke penang, saya akan pergi semua tempat yang anda mensi tu.
Emila, baru nak diet ni, now I'm craving for all these food yg Naz mensi itu! ;)
Now I teringin nak makan char kway teow, cendol, mi kolok srwk, laksa srwk...yummilicious!
cendol!! yumms!
marzie!!! zeffer got new blog at blogspot!
lol, i'm digging his post la! the guy sure is a techie geek!
and a darn good poet too!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!