Now I'm bored. Where's Chubbs?
Oh, he's asleep, that's no fun!
Let's see what B is up to?
Hey, who's that at the door?
Yay! Uncle Hans is here!
Please don't go yet Uncle Hans!
Oh well, it's high time for my cat nap anyway!

Now I'm bored. Where's Chubbs?
Oh, he's asleep, that's no fun!
Let's see what B is up to?
Hey, who's that at the door?
Yay! Uncle Hans is here!
Please don't go yet Uncle Hans!
Hahahaha he's so adorable...ada double chin pula tu! hahahaha
Going to be triple chin if he continues to be tamak haloba masa makan! :)
saya rasa seperti hendak menggigit
perut dia yang comel ya amat itu.
Mummy daliey gigit ye Baba?
Tapi saya lagi sayang Chubbsssss.
Sorry ye bias
Benji said "Come and bite me if you dare!" He he... Chubbs low profile it seems.
Hello benji baba! B loves ya :)
Ya Allah! Comelnya kucing anda itu, Marzianna!
Emila, Benji says "Thank you for saying I'm cute, wanna rub my tummy-tum?" :)
You're welcome Benji! Kuci..kuci...Benji...
heheh.. boleh bercerita dah Baba..lolz!! ooii semangat dia eh.. Mufasa also like to hold pple's foot.. dun know why..lolzz!!
Who is Uncle Hans??? lolzz!!
Baba mmg pandai berstory he he! Wah LJ try la to find Uncle Hans either here or at MPG he he!!! leave me a comment when u find him LOL!!! :):):)
Aiyo silly la me!!! Uncle Hans here oredi ha ha ha!!
Baba mmg bijak..lolzz.. Uncle Hans ada story ke kat your blog.. tak ingat lah..nanti i dig deeper eh..lolz!!
lol!!! yelah.. but still WHO IS UNCLE HANS?? lolzz!!
Hans Issac ke?? lolzz..
lj, laa tengok balik gambar2 tu...yg pakai grey shirt tu lah uncle hans!
takpelah marzie ye, i tolong jawab for you. uncle hans tu best buddy B.
Uncle hans oso Marzie's best buddy, selalu tolong hantar marzie jalan2.
He he, betul tu Emila! LJ, so now u got ur answer eh? Hans is also my confidante, can discuss whatever with him he he! :):):)
Ahh good for you GP... very impt to have a good confidante!! and now I know he brings good cuppacakes too...heheh
Thannk you Uncle Hans for taking good care of our GP!!
hi hans & bubba!
Ish, geramnya! Gambar2 yg sangat chomelsssss!!
gambar kat kaki tu chumel!
Cian pulak tengok si Benji kena jail...lolz
takpe dia rela tu
Benji kena paksa rela kot.. :P
haha paksa rela!
bwenji, i have a question for you dear...
kaki uncle hans wangi tak?
hahah.. emila.. you ni kelakar eh mufasa also suka shoes and legs tau...
haha i noticed dia cium kaki Azwaj kat blog you! haha!
hi boy!
hi hans!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!